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Captain Avengers: Civil War starts shooting - Cast and synopsis confirmed

Now that Paul Rudd is confirmed, here's how I see the Ant-Man post credits going down:

Captain America and Black Widow are with the new Avengers recruits at the end of Age of Ultron. Just as Cap says "Avengers Assemble", Scott barges in and interrupts Cap, apologizing for being late.

Better :
Captain America at a Briefing with his new recruits. As he talks he gets annoyed by a fly. After a few tries he catches the fly and then Scott comes out of his hand and says "Never gets old".

haha both of these are good
There were elements of Avengers Disassembled in Age of Ultron, so if Thor's journey leads into that, it'll make sense. I just hope Marvel can find a good director to handle a big fantasy film if that's what they're doing.

I do wonder who they are going to tap for that directing job. I know Branagh has said he wouldn't mind coming back.
Yup, exactly what I'm thinking. All the pieces are in play to set that up.
It follows the rumblings that Chris Evans wants to direct a movie someday.
Following that storyline would give him the chance to exit the storyline for a while, and would also set it up as a true comic book story: killing a character and then finding some convoluted as ass way to bring him back :p
Not to mention
Doctor Faustus is the one who brainwashed Sharon Carter, and they've seeded elements of that brainwashing in both Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD.
I didn't realize that! I need to catch up on both of those shows! Awesome stuff!


I do wonder who they are going to tap for that directing job. I know Branagh has said he wouldn't mind coming back.

They should bring Branagh back because the original Thor's Asgardian fights were the most epic battles to ever grace the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Kind of an AoU spoiler for people who haven't seen the movie with the lack of

Heck, the Winter Soldier casting/name info is far more spoilery for those that haven't seen Cap 2. I'd assume everyone entering this thread is caught up.
Massive Civil War comic spoilers:

Carter kills Cap while brainwashed via Crossbones. Who was also just confirmed for this movie. After he dies, Bucky takes up the mantle. The casting so far means this movie could potentially follow that plot line, killing Cap and giving us "Bucky Cap."

Man, I would have thought they were going to save that until after Infinity War. The Bucky Cap thing
Now that Paul Rudd is confirmed, here's how I see the Ant-Man post credits going down:

Captain America and Black Widow are with the new Avengers recruits at the end of Age of Ultron. Just as Cap says "Avengers Assemble", Scott barges in and interrupts Cap, apologizing for being late.

He should be in the scene all along, and just enlarges
Man, I would have thought they were going to save that until after Infinity War. The Bucky Cap thing
I mean definitely no guarantee they do it, but they certainly have all the characters they need for it. And according to duckroll, the necessary
brainwashing plot has already been set into motion.
pretty neat and ballsy if they do it this early.


I really, really hope it's going to be good. I should tone my hype for this movie down as AoU was kind of a letdown (it was a good movie, but not as I had hoped).

I wonder if it'll be closer to 3 hours long? That'd be enough time to flesh everything out.
I mean definitely no guarantee they do it, but they certainly have all the characters they need for it. And according to duckroll, the necessary
brainwashing plot has already been set into motion.
pretty neat and ballsy if they do it this early.

I mean it makes sense. Maybe they find some way for the Gauntlet to bring Rogers back for the final fight? He has to be in it. He has to ;_;


Not to mention
Doctor Faustus is the one who brainwashed Sharon Carter, and they've seeded elements of that brainwashing in both Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD.

DAYUM......... "Compliance will be rewarded" never sounded more sinister..

Fuck you Zola you seemingly harmless mook...


I mean definitely no guarantee they do it, but they certainly have all the characters they need for it. And according to duckroll, the necessary
brainwashing plot has already been set into motion.
pretty neat and ballsy if they do it this early.

That's not really what I meant. I don't want to spoil what's in Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD, but there's stuff being set up which they can easily use.
Massive Civil War comic spoilers:

Carter kills Cap while brainwashed via Crossbones. Who was also just confirmed for this movie. After he dies, Bucky takes up the mantle. The casting so far means this movie could potentially follow that plot line, killing Cap and giving us "Bucky Cap."

Doubt they would actually kill him off though, not with the whole hammer foreshadowing in Avengers 2 and Thanos coming up. Though at the same time that goes along with what I dislike about the films, everyone is too safe.


Massive Civil War comic spoilers:

Carter kills Cap while brainwashed via Crossbones. Who was also just confirmed for this movie. After he dies, Bucky takes up the mantle. The casting so far means this movie could potentially follow that plot line, killing Cap and giving us "Bucky Cap."

I think I would cry. Both from sadness but also from fanboy joy that they would actually do it because it's a pretty awesome thing to do storywise.

But yeah I think it's super plausible that it will happen.


Well if you watched Thor 2 then definitely a big role in Thor 3.
Yeah, I remember now. I had generally forgotten most things about Thor 2. Now I'm just seeing that Hemsworth isn't in this too, so a Loki cameo would be even more unlikely (I haven't seen AoU yet so I don't know if it's related). I suspect with shit going down in Ragnarok, they're both pretty busy in other realms.


I REALLY hope they don't follow through with (Civil War spoiler)
killing Captain America. I feel that Cap should be there for when they eventually brawl with Thanos in the Infinity War movies.
There's a bunch of actual comics spoilers mixed in with goofy movie speculation, all of it hidden behind black bars. People are likely going to accidentally click on one thinking it's the other and someone's gonna get pissed.

Spoilering speculation is one of the weirder habits I've seen here. It's speculation. It's the opposite of a spoiler. It's based entirely on the fact that you don't know what's happening.
Oh, so the fuck-up that causes registration will be in this film along with the fallout?

I was expecting more of a "Hey, remember all the shit that went down in the last film". But it looks like we'll see the team make a shitshow of something for the film's opening.

I think it will have to do with one (or some) of the new Avengers teammates. Avengers 2 already set the stage. One of the amateurs will mess something up real bad causing public outlash.

Steve being their mentor will stick up for them. Tony will decide that Cap is fucking it up and side with the government. Ross is the g-man involved in enforcing the new rules.
By the end of the movie the two sides will reunite again to defeat the common enemy just like they always do.

Hoping that Spider-man is an active player in this and they're just keeping it secret. It might be a neat idea to put him at the center of it all, even. Maybe he's one of the new avengers at the start. Maybe he is wrongfully blamed for the event that causes the outlash, beginning his rivalry with Jameson and his general bad public opinion.
There were elements of Avengers Disassembled in Age of Ultron, so if Thor's journey leads into that, it'll make sense. I just hope Marvel can find a good director to handle a big fantasy film if that's what they're doing.

Not to mention
Doctor Faustus is the one who brainwashed Sharon Carter, and they've seeded elements of that brainwashing in both Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD.

Wait, so was it
Crossbones or Faustus that brainwashed her?


Cast looks incredible, the Russo brothers have earned tons of good will, happy I don't have to wait years to see Black Panther/Wakanda, but... I really hope this is a Captain America film. He's been the biggest surprise favourite for me out of the entire MCU - a character I thought sounded so dumb at first. His solo action scenes are always incredible, so hopefully this film opens with the New Avengers' botched mission, they're jailed/detained for most of the film and Cap becomes the focus.

More vehicular destruction too please
(Cap vs jet in WS and Cap throwing bike in AoU were the best scenes in both films)

Despite all the other characters and talk about "Avengers 2.5," everyone involved with this has said it's still primarily a Cap story at heart.
They should bring Branagh back because the original Thor's Asgardian fights were the most epic battles to ever grace the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Branagh was ace. I liked Thor a ton.

Now that Paul Rudd is confirmed, here's how I see the Ant-Man post credits going down:

Captain America and Black Widow are with the new Avengers recruits at the end of Age of Ultron. Just as Cap says "Avengers Assemble", Scott barges in and interrupts Cap, apologizing for being late.

Yes please. All of this.


This should've just been called (Marvel's) Civil War.

Also, after having read the entirety of Civil War, I don't see how this will come close. Superheroes and supervillains simply aren't widespread enough. I'd much rather Civil War featured all the Netflix heroes and villains and was split over 2-3 movies rather than Avengers 3 Pt I and II.
I mean it makes sense. Maybe they find some way for the Gauntlet to bring Rogers back for the final fight? He has to be in it. He has to ;_;
I mean, and here's where we get convoluted: but in the comics
Rogers "dies" but he doesn't really "die" but instead the gun causes him to to phase in and out of space and time. Then he comes back and is taken over by the Red Skull. However, they could just outright murder him in cold blood and bring him back with the soul gem of Dr. Strange.

I'm totally fanboy theorizing here though so who the hell knows! ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Doubt they would actually kill him off though, not with the whole hammer foreshadowing in Avengers 2 and Thanos coming up. Though at the same time that goes along with what I dislike about the films, everyone is too safe.
I mean to be fair, everyone is safe in comic books since they all get resurrected or retconned back to life :p


political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team.
Only in Comic book land would this ever be considered a bad thing.
This should've just been called (Marvel's) Civil War.

Also, after having read the entirety of Civil War, I don't see how this will come close. Superheroes and supervillains simply aren't widespread enough. I'd much rather Civil War featured all the Netflix heroes and villains and was split over 2-3 movies rather than Avengers 3 Pt I and II.

It is not the same civil war from the comics and it is going to continue the winter soldier arc from the last movie, so its cap 3.

A lot of the movie will be about the Avengers but its probably not going to feature a lot of big Avengers-type action.


I REALLY hope they don't follow through with (Civil War spoiler)
killing Captain America. I feel that Cap should be there for when they eventually brawl with Thanos in the Infinity War movies.

I don't think it'll matter. However they contrive it he'll be back. Either way Infinity War part 2 will be the last movie for the actor.
Speculation on the incident:

Cap finds Bucky. Brings New Avengers to try and take him down. Tony shows up and fucking ruling -everything-. Cap socks ol' Stark in the jaw.

Or they fight over pudding, idunno
Fucking General Ross is back with Antman, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Black Panther.

Nice to see that the Avengers are pretty much in it,
at least the new team.

If Spiderman features in this, I will honestly piss myself with excitement,
I mean, and here's where we get convoluted: but in the comics
Rogers "dies" but he doesn't really "die" but instead the gun causes him to to phase in and out of space and time. Then he comes back and is taken over by the Red Skull. However, they could just outright murder him in cold blood and bring him back with the soul gem of Dr. Strange.

I'm totally fanboy theorizing here though so who the hell knows! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

There's no way they do the whole time-shifting thing in the movies. I know Marvel really respects the comics here, but this is probably one instance where it's better to leave that detail out
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