Anyone that uses their wipers at full speed during a sprinkle.
My god I am not the only one haha. I always wonder why someone has their wipers set to maximum flail whenever it is just sprinkling out.
Anyone that uses their wipers at full speed during a sprinkle.
My god I am not the only one haha. I always wonder why someone has their wipers set to maximum flail whenever it is just sprinkling out.
LOL they are indeed.
I could not disagree more with that statement however.
Also, pickup trucks tend to be assholes about tail gating and shit. I figure this is mostly just hillbilly behavior though.
Trucks with lift kits.
Always a redneck. Always an asshole.
Thanks for the generalization asshole.
Put a chrome ballsack on it so you break the stereotype forever.
Oh GOD....this. I like to drive 5 MPH above the speed limit in the fast lane and stay there when getting tailgated. It makes them crazy.
Don't do this.
You may get a laugh out of it but you are making yourself a hazard and ruining the flow of traffic for everyone else. It's not your responsibility to deal with other people's driving errors, just get out of their way. It's safer for you, them, and everyone around you.
I won't do it on a crowded road or during rush hour...I should have made that clear. As long as it inconveniences the douchebag only, I'll keep doing God's Work. There have been cases when I'm doing 70 because there's no one around, and someone will tailgate the shit out of me when they can go around without issue.
Fuck those guys.
I won't do it on a crowded road or during rush hour...I should have made that clear. As long as it inconveniences the douchebag only, I'll keep doing God's Work. There have been cases when I'm doing 70 because there's no one around, and someone will tailgate the shit out of me when they can go around without issue.
Fuck those guys.
If the right lane is clear enough where you can move over you are legally required to do so. It's also illegal to pass on the right so they can't just go by.
Long story short don't sit in the left lane like you own the place, it is for passing only.
Edit: Let me add this. I often come up on people sitting in the left lane. I'll close a little bit so they know I'm there and moving faster, then fall back and quickly flash my lights. I'll wait about 1.5 seconds behind them, then flash my lights again. If they don't move over then I'll pass on the right but I really don't like doing it. So stay out of the lane unless you need to be there.
Illegal to pass on the right?
If the right lane is clear enough where you can move over you are legally required to do so. It's also illegal to pass on the right so they can't just go by.
Long story short don't sit in the left lane like you own the place, it is for passing only.
So you're purposely breaking the law and inviting a possible road rage incident?
Edit: Let me add this. I often come up on people sitting in the left lane. I'll close a little bit so they know I'm there and moving faster, then fall back and quickly flash my lights. I'll wait about 1.5 seconds behind them, then flash my lights again. If they don't move over then I'll pass on the right but I really don't like doing it. So stay out of the lane unless you need to be there.
Illegal to pass on the right?
Trucks with lift kits.
Always a redneck. Always an asshole.
Anyone with a modified exhaust system. Your Honda Civic is not a F1. Stop trying to make it sound like one.
Also, people that ride Harley's. They always have yo revv them and they're beyond loud. It's impossible to have a conversation with somebody while they're next to you.
Yes. In the USA it is illegal to pass another car on their right, so if someone is sitting in the left lane going slower than you there is no legal way to pass them.
Yes. In the USA it is illegal to pass another car on their right, so if someone is sitting in the left lane going slower than you there is no legal way to pass them.
Funny timing on this thread, this was on Jalopnik today:
Put a chrome ballsack on it so you break the stereotype forever.
Folks with the nutsack are the worst. What they fail to realize is that they are literally compensating for something in the eyes of everyone else on the road.
If the right lane is clear enough where you can move over you are legally required to do so. It's also illegal to pass on the right so they can't just go by.
Long story short don't sit in the left lane like you own the place, it is for passing only.
Every single cyclist on the road is a cunt. Fuck cyclists. Arrogant wankers the whole lot of them.
Those nutsacks are the worst thing on the road.
So you're saying that someone going too fast can't be arsed to slow the fuck down? Letter of the law is letter of the law, I get it, but I'm sorry...if someone expects me to move just because they're going faster then I've got a surprise, because tailgating is rude and dangerous.
Better let an asshole be an asshole, right? Already said I wouldn't do it during rush hour, but if someone is speeding like a wild man and expects me to move? Dose of reality, then. Tailgating is rude, asshole. Have some of your own medicine.
Which makes you a reasonable driver and not rude about it. My beef is with people that speed outside of reason, in this case.
I believe that only applies when leaving the roadway/moving to the shoulder. For example on two lane roads.
So you're saying that someone going too fast can't be arsed to slow the fuck down? Letter of the law is letter of the law, I get it, but I'm sorry...if someone expects me to move just because they're going faster then I've got a surprise, because tailgating is rude and dangerous.
Obviously that's illegal, but on four lane roads/highways it is illegal to use a lane to the right to pass and you can only do it if the person in the left lane is making a left turn.
Hmm. Seems to me the cops would be ticketing endlessly if that's the case. Do you have a link to this law anywhere?
So you're saying that someone going too fast can't be arsed to slow the fuck down? Letter of the law is letter of the law, I get it, but I'm sorry...if someone expects me to move just because they're going faster then I've got a surprise, because tailgating is rude and dangerous.
Better let an asshole be an asshole, right? Already said I wouldn't do it during rush hour, but if someone is speeding like a wild man and expects me to move? Dose of reality, then. Tailgating is rude, asshole. Have some of your own medicine.
Which makes you a reasonable driver and not rude about it. My beef is with people that speed outside of reason, in this case.
Why can't you just move over if you see them approaching you quickly? Whenever I'm in the left lane and I see someone is coming up on me pretty quick, I switch over to the right, let them pass and then just go back over.
I won't do it on a crowded road or during rush hour...I should have made that clear. As long as it inconveniences the douchebag only, I'll keep doing God's Work. There have been cases when I'm doing 70 because there's no one around, and someone will tailgate the shit out of me when they can go around without issue.
Fuck those guys.
Perfectly said, including the part about non-business trucks. The ones driven by businesses are almost always behaved.Any non-business pickup truck. I give them a pass as they're generally being driven for work purposes, hauling lumber, tools, etc, and their drivers generally aren't too bad.
People who drive trucks for pleasure in the city, though...jesus. Not only do they barely seem aware of how much space their vehicle takes up on the road, they drive more aggressively than SUV drivers and tailgate like motherfuckers. God help you if you're a pedestrian near one of those.
Bonus points if they're jacked up and have oversize offroad tires that will likely never see actual dirt. Those ones are guaranteed to have an asshat behind the wheel.
So you're saying that someone going too fast can't be arsed to slow the fuck down? Letter of the law is letter of the law, I get it, but I'm sorry...if someone expects me to move just because they're going faster then I've got a surprise, because tailgating is rude and dangerous.
Better let an asshole be an asshole, right? Already said I wouldn't do it during rush hour, but if someone is speeding like a wild man and expects me to move? Dose of reality, then. Tailgating is rude, asshole. Have some of your own medicine.
Which makes you a reasonable driver and not rude about it. My beef is with people that speed outside of reason, in this case.
Anyone that uses their wipers at full speed during a sprinkle.
Like usage of turn signals, it's a law that's never enforced but should be. Just google "Legal to pass on the right in X state?" since I think some states it's not a law.
Edit: Passing on the right is illegal because it's more dangerous; people aren't expecting faster moving traffic on the right and generally spend less time checking to the right before changing lanes.
Double Edit: I did your work for you. Here's the law in Texas:
(a) An operator may pass
to the right of another vehicle only if conditions permit safely
passing to the right and:
(1) the vehicle being passed is making or about to make
a left turn; and
(2) the operator is:
(A) on a highway having unobstructed pavement not
occupied by parked vehicles and sufficient width for two or more
lines of moving vehicles in each direction; or
(B) on a one-way street or on a roadway having
traffic restricted to one direction of movement and the roadway is
free from obstructions and wide enough for two or more lines of
moving vehicles.