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Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 - |OT| - Dead and Loving It!


at last, for christ's sake
Seriously, am I the only one seeing this here? This looks ridiculous. Is it because of some weird perspective effect? Does it look like this to those playing the game as well? (pic is screenshots I took from TB's WTF Is video)


I heard Cerberus is one hell of a boss in LOS2

Regarding the scale of objects in the environments versus Gabriel, yeah, I've noticed some of that. It's definitely a bit odd, but nothing intrusive.


Damn, I took a screenshot of that statue but didn't even realize it was a homage! I thought it just looked cool


at last, for christ's sake
is it possible to have a list of all the known bosses so far? One of the things I liked the most about LOS was that it had every single classic monster and then some, I'd be a bit bummed if this one doesn't feature the same variety


I love Pokken!
Just finished the
boss fight, sogood.gif

Also, this game made me realize EDGE isn't trustworthy anymore, this game getting a lower score than Rambo is completely ridiculous.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I heard Cerberus is one hell of a boss in LOS2


HAHAHA!!! wow Mercury Steam really botched it with LOS2 huh? What was going on at their offices to get stuff as basic as character size in relation to surrounding objects so wrong? And the stealth sections? Yikes. I should have known after Mirrors of Fate turned out so poor, but for some reason I still thought LOS2 would be one of 2014's best, instead of the worst reviewed AAA game so far. The first trailer had me so hyped :(
Been playing this since the afternoon and I've been enjoying what I've played so far. Wish there where atleast some traditional Castlevania music, but I do like what I've been hearing through out the game. Just got done with the
boss fight and I gotta say loved it. For some reason it reminded me of when you fight Shaft in SoTN.


is it possible to have a list of all the known bosses so far? One of the things I liked the most about LOS was that it had every single classic monster and then some, I'd be a bit bummed if this one doesn't feature the same variety

I might miss some.

- Golden Paladin
- Stone golem
- Raisa Volkova (Electric Lizard-Thing)
- The Gorgon
- Satan's Daughter (Other demon thing quite hard)
- Carmilla
- Agreus
- Knight Puppet, Dragon Puppet, the Puppetmaster (Toymaker bossfight)
- Satan Commander (Demon thing # 3)
- Victor Belmont
- Giant Armor x3 (Second Acolyte)
- Inner Dracula (2 forms)
- Death
- Alucard

Am I missing anything?
I might miss some.

- Golden Paladin
- Raisa Volkova (Electric Lizard-Thing)
- The Gorgon
- Satan's Daughter (Other demon thing quite hard)
- Carmilla
- Agreus
- Knight Puppet, Dragon Puppet, the Puppetmaster (Toymaker bossfight)
- Victor Belmont
- Giant Armor x3 (Second Acolyte)
- Inner Dracula (2 forms)
- Death
- Alucard

Am I missing anything?

Stone Golem
big demon thing after the library
maybe some more?


Also, this game made me realize EDGE isn't trustworthy anymore, this game getting a lower score than Rambo is completely ridiculous.

People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

It's ridiculous. This game is definitely worth it for fans of the first game, even if it isn't flawless. It does a lot well.

Bought 3 games this month rated in the 60s on Metacritic, and loving all three of them.


People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

It's ridiculous. This game is definitely worth it for fans of the first game, even if it isn't flawless. It does a lot well.

Bought 3 games this month rated in the 60s on Metacritic, and loving all three of them.

I agree with this whole post.


Made a lot of progress (7 hours playtime on Steam), beat the
boss, having a fun time with it. The infamous stealth section wasn't too bad once you figure out
to use mist form to traverse the area easier and not be seen by Arghaeus or whatever.

Also, a *big spoiler* for a boss finish, but I had to take this screen, it was too good not to take: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=232280124



People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

It's ridiculous. This game is definitely worth it for fans of the first game, even if it isn't flawless. It does a lot well.

Bought 3 games this month rated in the 60s on Metacritic, and loving all three of them.

I haven't trusted a reviewer since Greg Kasavin left the scene. Are they true gaming fans like they were in the 90s or just journalists that play games? I don't mean any disrespect, that's just how most tend to come across.


People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

It's ridiculous. This game is definitely worth it for fans of the first game, even if it isn't flawless. It does a lot well.

Bought 3 games this month rated in the 60s on Metacritic, and loving all three of them.

Hearing comments like this makes me feel better. I'm hoping this will be another situation where reviews sort of deflate me, but then I play it and love it. I keep reminding myself that the first one got trashed some as well and it ended up being my GOTY in 2010. I'll see here in a day or two when it gets here.
Holy crap the guys who rated this a 4 need to get their heads examined. I was slow at the first of the stealth puzzles compared to some and the first couple of segments took me maybe 15 minutes. Outside of those (and really only the second segment was even more than slightly irritating) this has been brilliant so far.

None of the pacing issues of LOS1 yet, the combat is better and there are clearly a lot more moves available, the enemy variety is at least as good as the prior games, and it's fricking gorgeous even with some jaggies. Perhaps more impressively given the hardware it's on (playing the PS3 version), I haven't noticed a single bit of slowdown.

Does it just entirely lose the plot midway through or what? I'm not seeing how anyone could really think this merits less than a 6 and I'd peg it at an 8 right now.


5 hours in,,, pretty meh so far. Stealth sections sucks, Castle sections are much better but I think they could make it more varied, too much of the same inside it, dunno how to explain. City of Damned is pretty good, hopefully there are more varied areas later, since the city enviroments are pretty boring.

The stealth sucks, that's about it, there's no defending to this bullshit, makes 0 sense and is actually worse than the puzzles in the first game. WHY!?

The bosses so far are the best part of this game. The bosses and the combat.

The hard difficult on this is actually pretty easy. Didn't had many problems with anyone so far.

I can't see me giving more than 6 for this game so far.


How do I quit the game? I am done playing and there seems to be no quit option...I want to make sure my progress is saved. Lost a bunch in mirror of fate since I did not save...don't want it to happen here.
People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

It's ridiculous. This game is definitely worth it for fans of the first game, even if it isn't flawless. It does a lot well.

Bought 3 games this month rated in the 60s on Metacritic, and loving all three of them.

I appreciate that other people see things in a light more akin to how I view gaming and the community surrounding it. *clap*


Just got to the
City of the Damned.
Not understanding how this game is garnering 4s and 5s at all. Also not understanding the complaints about the game starting off slow. I've been having a marvelous time with it.


This game certainly don't start slow at all. The pacing is pretty great, compared to the first, which was boring as hell.
Just beat the

Don't see what the down-hype is about this game. The interconnected world is awesome, the combat is really smooth, aerial combat is actually a thing now, the castle design is incredible, and the boss fights are great. Even the platforming, which was always a slow point in LoS has been sped up to be pretty easily blazed through.

Honestly though? This game almost feels more GoW to me than LoS, but maybe that's just the City of the Damned. It reminds me a lot of Dante's Inferno setting-wise.

Not a bad thing. I'm totally enjoying myself, but I just thought that was peculiar.

So far, 7/10 for the City parts, 8/10 for the Castle parts, so if the story pacing would just pick up, this would be an easy 9/10 overall.


Just finished the
train sequence...which was fun and all but not sure it's at all what I wanted from a game like this..

(Mild spoiler for like 5 hours in)


Also, a *big spoiler* for a boss finish, but I had to take this screen, it was too good not to take: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=232280124

That section of the game was far more sexual than the controversial 'rape' scene. I laughed pretty hard, although I wish
she had a more prominent role. Or they just explained her/fleshed her out a bit more. But not that kind of fleshed out.

Toy Maker
. Great design, bit of an easy battle. Combat is so damn satisfying.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I am so glad you can dodge in mid air. That LoS1 DLC boss would be so much easier just with that.


That section of the game was far more sexual than the controversial 'rape' scene. I laughed pretty hard, although I wish
she had a more prominent role. Or they just explained her/fleshed her out a bit more. But not that kind of fleshed out.

Toy Maker
. Great design, bit of an easy battle. Combat is so damn satisfying.

Though what annoyed me about Carmilla's section was "oh I'm hiding behind the bookcase good she can't see me WAIT WHY IS THE BOOKCASE LOWERING."

Bit of a surprise annoyance there.
I don't know if it's already been mentioned, but some of the main characters' in-game facial texture work is just amazing, even on lower resolutions. None of it's pre-rendered either, so having most of the cutscenes rendered in real time means that it'll look as good as your machine can push it.

This one of Zobek (very, very early on in the game, not a spoiler) in particular really caught my attention:-
Seriously, am I the only one seeing this here? This looks ridiculous. Is it because of some weird perspective effect? Does it look like this to those playing the game as well? (pic is screenshots I took from TB's WTF Is video)



Will post proof later

A bug? How far into the game do you start to notice the off scaling?
I really hope this is a bug because this seems so damn ridiculous.


I'm taking so many screen shots. If MercuryStream does anything right, it's art and style, this game is just oozing with it.
People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

No, middle tier doesn't mean a game that strives to be a AAA title and doesn't quite succeed.

Middle tier are games with some of the hallmarks of AAA games on a smaller scale, but more robust than indie games with tiny teams from the perspective of content and or technology. LoS2's graphics and voice acting alone elevate it above a middle tier game.... not to mention its budget.

I understand your point, and in general I agree with it (most of my favorite games fall into the middle tier), but I don't think your argument applies to LoS2 at all.


Enjoying the fuck out of this game. The combat feels very nice, way better than LoS1.

Doing the launcher move, air canceling that, and repeating is so satisfying and overpowered.


Have to turn in simply so I'm not a zombie at work tomorrow.

After the
fight it just feels like I've been in the city for forever and it's not as interesting :<

And I already talked about the silly
People bitch about AAA blockbusters and the disappearance of middle tier games.

Then games like this and Lightning Returns come along, which have fantastic elements, but aren't 100% flawless. And everyone says to not even buy it or play it.

It's ridiculous. This game is definitely worth it for fans of the first game, even if it isn't flawless. It does a lot well.

Bought 3 games this month rated in the 60s on Metacritic, and loving all three of them.

This so much. Both games are a lot of fun.

I still don't understand it either. What were they thinking? Otherwise the game is good.

They're out of place like the boss fights in DX:HR. Otherwise I'm enjoying the game. I mean, stealth vampirism makes sense in the VtM: Bloodlines Nosferatu playthrough kind of way, but maybe not so much in this. I can kind of see why it was put it in though.

Fairly solid otherwise though. Runs fine on my old quad core with a 5770 at 1080p (upgrading soon). Definitely glad I have an xbox windows controller for this though.
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