Completed this last night. I had actually started this up last year when it was fresh, but for whatever reason, I guess I was on crank or some shit, I didn't like it so I passed on it. I can't even comprehend why now, Jesus. But! A couple months ago I had the suspicion that I didn't give this game a fair shot or something, and hey, I was right. Catherine's an awesome game, all in all.
Really, I don't have much else to add, everyone else has picked this thing apart and all, but whatever. Catherine's a fantastic ride, super rewarding feeling after completing stages and whatnot. Solving puzzles hasn't been this rewarding for me since, well, ever. Complete triumph solving these things on my own; always a smile on my face after I reached the end, a total
I did it! feeling that so many games lack for me these days. The story itself took so many fascinating twists and turns, I couldn't help but get sucked in, too. Again - wtf was I thinking last year?
I can't even say I had any real major complaints, either. Just an exciting ride, through and through. Really wish I had nutted up and did this thing. So yeah, nothing really new to add here to this thread, but maybe, just maybe, for those who abandoned this early on like I did, they'll read this and decide to give it another chance too. Catherine's worth it. I assure you! So gratifying. One of 2011's finest.
(Full C all the way, by the way~)