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CDPR CEO Thinks The Company's Reputation Might Never Recover From Disastrous Cyberpunk 2077 Launch

Will you trust CDPR for its next game launch?

  • I will buy their next game day one

    Votes: 108 33.8%
  • I will buy it, after they fix all launch issues

    Votes: 189 59.1%
  • I won't buy their games anymore, after the debacle of CP2077

    Votes: 23 7.2%

  • Total voters


Gold Member

The original Eurogamer article is very long but well documented the whole redemption arc.

Will you trust CDPR for its next game (Witcher 4) launch?


Gold Member
Same, I haven't fully played CP yet, only tried an hour or so from the trial, but TW3 is Top 3 best of all time for me.. so.

However, even TW3 at launch was an almost completely different game. I'd say just in general CDPR and launch don't mix that well.

I don't know about completely different. It had issues that have since been fixed, but it was nothing like CP2077 which was missing a ton of promised stuff and was also pretty much broken on last gen consoles (and not great on current gen either).

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Same, I haven't fully played CP yet, only tried an hour or so from the trial, but TW3 is Top 3 best of all time for me.. so.

However, even TW3 at launch was an almost completely different game. I'd say just in general CDPR and launch don't mix that well.
They got it like 80% of the way to the final vision, IMO.
It's a game worth revisiting, after beating it. I still need to go through the DLC. I started a new game on the highest difficulty, but, yet.. I am finding it much easier this time around. Hmmm. 🧐


It took some time but I got more than me $59.99 worth from CP2077. One of my favorite games of the past 10 years. Witcher 3 was great too. They always put out elite DLC. No politics in there games, just immersive single player worlds.

I’m willing to give them a mulligan on that bad launch and will buy there next game at full price (although probably will wait until the first major post-launch patch to dive in).
I know what they can do (TW3), and I trust that they don't want a CP2077 situation again.
Pretty much this. In 2020, CDPR thought financially it would be better to release Cyberpunk 2077 in a terrible state. Their stocks ended up tanking way worse than if they just delayed it an extra year, even though the sales were quite good at launch

It seems they are doing everything to right the ship. The Witcher 4 sounds like it won't come out until 2027, which will end up being 7+ years of development time. They ain't rushing shit. CDPR is trying to be the closest studio to Rockstar, imo.
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Played Cyberpunk day1 on PC and had not much issues (compared to the PS4 drama). And they fixed the game and delivered a great DLC last year. So yeah...i tend pretty much to day1. And its Witcher4 we are talking about. Witcher3 I consider till today as a legendary masterpiece of a game.


Gold Member
Bought it day one and enjoyed it despite a few hiccups, crashes and weirdness.

The last gen versions though (especially the base consoles) were a straight up mistake. They couldn’t keep up even after the patches.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
I didn't have "issues" with the PC version on launch. I purchased it on console but personally have not played through the entire game on console...just 4 - 6 hours or so recently.


Gold Member
I don't know about completely different. It had issues that have since been fixed, but it was nothing like CP2077 which was missing a ton of promised stuff and was also pretty much broken on last gen consoles (and not great on current gen either).
I mean, if you compare the game on version 1.00 on PS4 to what you find on disc in the PS5 version, it really is a completely different game. Controls, combat, quests, AI, visuals, inventory, stats, map, DLCs.. the entire thing.
Doesn't mean it was broken before, sure, most of it was still there, but as a whole the game wasn't even close to the greatness it achieved later on imo.

Not as egregius as an example as CP or NMS, but basically unprecedented compared to the norm still.

They got it like 80% of the way to the final vision, IMO.
It's a game worth revisiting, after beating it. I still need to go through the DLC. I started a new game on the highest difficulty, but, yet.. I am finding it much easier this time around. Hmmm. 🧐
I think I'll just wait for the full experience on a monster PC with full path tracing at 4K/60fps, when it'll be possible.


I'm pretty much always on the side of wait-and-see, with pretty much every developer or game release.

It could be technically sound, but the promised ambitions not reached, or visa versa. Stuff like that.
Never had a problem playing the game since day 1. It was amazing.

Me and a coworker were the same. Saw small bugs here and there but nothing crazy. What's funny is the one time I took my PC upstairs to my bedroom that's only 1080p and changed the settings to 1080p. My game crashed like 4 times in 2 hours. Once I went back downstairs to my 4k TV it never happened again.

I might wait on their next game just because their DLC is so good it's better to wait and pickup the whole package. It's very hard for me to go back to a game and play the DLC.
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One of the green rats
Ehh that was way overblown. I played and loved the game at launch. I guess it was because it was less elder scrolls and more choose your own adventure?


Gold Member
Fortunately for them their games are events, like Bethesda and Rockstar, so good or bad people will be flocking to them day 1. I'm not even a CDPR fan but I'll be there day 1 if they market it right.


Nah bros you will always be the goat for witcher 3.

Witcher 1 barely ran on pcs when it came out but still became a hit because the game was damn good. It had 10 min loading times. It took many years of patches to make it run well.

Cyberpunk wasn't so bad at launch like witcher 1 lol.


Gold Member
just make your chicks hot CDPR and you have nothing to worry about.

All has been forgiven already with CP77 launch. If No Man's Sky can recover from a disastrous launch. Anything can.

Apart from Concord.


I played on PC so I never had most the complaints with CyberPunk at launch. Short of a few physics bug and single gig that said I didn't loot a box yet, but I did (this got fixed in a hotfix a week later) I had a great first experience. My 2nd experience was in 1.5 patch. I played a 3rd time with 2.0 and into Phantom Liberty. It was even better.

Then Witcher 3 I absolutely loved.

So I know what they're capable of and I know the dedication they'll put in to make a game better if it fails to deliver. They're one of the only companies I feel safe pre-ordering a game from.


I played it at launch,only one mission glitch where the characters froze and I had to restart the mission other than that I found less bugs than on other renowned games, I guess the issue was for PS4 Xbox one peasants.
I didn't play CP2077 at launch but the missus did and she had no dramas with it. She did play on PS5 though. I've since played it with the PS5 version and honestly it's a great game. I'd happily buy their next game day one just like I will with the next Hello Games game.


Cyber Punk was a publishers inability to listen to their dev team screaming YOU OVER PROMISED when it came to last gen, the PS4 and One were not made for that game.

CDPR in my opinion did right by improving the game every opportunity to the vision they originally had, and almost everyone agrees CP2077 is amazing now lol I still want to play it but alas backlog and limited budget...someday
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However after Witcher 3 I have no doubts the game will be well written and fun (just please fix the combat guys)
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I purchased CP2077 day 1 and I had a great experience on TV (1070 at that time). I did a 100% playthrough this summer on a 4070 and it was even greater!
The main problems came from consoles. They honestly should've cancelled those versions since the requirements were equivalent to that of the Pro/1X


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
They overhyped the game prior to launch. Several delays. Underdelivered. Required 1-2 years worth of patches and fixes to make the game stable for all platforms. It was playable mostly on PC. Consoles forget it.

Game is great and the visuals are stunning at times. But the launch was abysmal.

If they learn from their mistake and launch the game with very few bugs then consumer trust will be reacquired.

I'll reserve judgment for Witcher 4. I like most of Witcher 3 but found the plot pretty boring(Your princess is in another castle) and had pacing issues.

Sailing around Skellige was a treat and Witcher Contract sidequests were amazing.
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aka IMurRIVAL69
I played like 100 hours of Cyberpunk at launch on PC and it was fine. Then I played the shit out of it again when the DLC dropped. They should’ve just delayed the console versions. Most of their fans are PC gamers anyway.



Neo Member
I didn't buy Cyberpunk until the expansion and it was a on a computer put together earlier in 2023. I didn't experience any of the issues others had. I also never had problems with the Witcher 3 until I tried it on consoles and camera control felt so much worse than with keyboard/mouse. I didn't mind combat like others disliked the Witcher 3 until I tried with a gamepad. I'm excited for the next Witcher game. I like fantasy and steampunk settings more than sci-f and cyberpunk. I didn't play the Witcher 3 until after Blood and Wine came out. Didn't play the first 2 witcher games until the enhanced editions came out. Probably be the same for their next game
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