If this doesn't get you a tag nothing will.
You are our crowning jewel. I don't wanna share you. ;_;Yeah, I know, isn't it horrible when you write posts about games on a gaming forum?
And I was writing posts about games long before I was about anime, too...
The platforming in Conker's Bad Fur Day is incredibly simplistic, even by collectathon standards.Conker's Bad Fur Day > All Rare platformer games. You're wrong ABF.
Secret Alcatraz Track
First, win the circuit trophy normally or by entering this code:
With the trophy won, enter ''One Race'' mode and do the following:
1)At the ''Select Car'' screen, hold Left C, press Z, release both, tap Left on the D-Pad, then press B three times to return to the main menu.
2)Choose ''Setup'', and at the setup screen, hold Up C, press Z release both, tap Up on the D-Pad, then press B to return to the main menu.
3)Choose ''One Race'', and at the ''Select Track'' screen, hold Left C, press Z, release both, and tap Right on the D-Pad, then press A to advance to the ''Car Select'' screen.
4)At the ''Select Car'' screen, hold Down C, press Z, release both, tap Down on the D-Pad, then press the L button, then press the R button. You will hear a signal to confirm the code. Now press B to go back to the ''Select Track'' screen, and you will find that the secret Track 7 is now unlocked.
Buck Bumble - Buck Bumble is a 3d flight combat game where you control a heavily armed bee. You fly around, killing enemies and doing missions. The graphics are okay at best, nothing special, and the gameplay's no competition for Factor 5's Star Wars games. It's a good game I guess, though not great. This game has lots of fog. Way too much of it really, given the only average graphics. The N64 can do a lot better than this. Even so, for anyone who likes flight combat games, Buck Bumble is probably worth a look -- there aren't too many games like this on the N64, and even if it could be a better, the game is okay and definitely will provide plenty of challenge. Indeed, this game isn't easy. It's also got multiplayer, something Factor 5 didn't attempt. Four players, controller pak to save (3 pages).
The platforming in Conker's Bad Fur Day is incredibly simplistic, even by collectathon standards.
Rush has a 7th track?
Mother of god, mind blown
Are they fucking serious?
I forgot about it, I didn't go back and play most of the games before writing up the reviews... that's one of the reasons why I say that it's a work in progress of sorts. That is nice work for an N64 game though, yeah. And it's certainly a better song than the poor DK Rap... I may like DK64, but yeah, that song... not so much.How do you bring up Buck Bumble and not mention the theme song? That theme and the hours I spent playing the soccer multiplayer mode are the two biggest things I remember about the game.
I've got about a dozen N64 games now and I think only 4 of them were actually purchased during the lifetime of the console. Nice to see Hybrid Heaven getting some notice though. I loved that game.
Rayman 2 is my second place 3d platformer (I got the game for PC instead of N64, and have gotten the Dreamcast version more recently, but still not the N64 version), but I'd consider Rocket for third, perhaps... it is a very good game.Opinionfacts:
I played San Francisco Rush as a platformer.
Rocket Robot on Wheels is the 2nd best 3d platformer after Mario 64.
It's quite arcadey, but it's hard to deny that it is about bowling at its core. The progression is fairly interesting and its kitschy aesthetic are endearing. It can be quite slow at times, but the lanes can get pretty over the top in terms of their structure and the powerups mostly keep things interesting.Sports games in general only sometimes interest me, but I have been considering getting Milo's Astro Lanes. It looks at least somewhat different, at least...
The implication I wanted to make is that collectathon platformers are less about momentum and more about exploration. CBFD has neither of those in huge spades, as it's more of a potpourri of different genres glued together by the comedy vignettes.You say this as if Banjo games platforming isn't complex, when in reality its some of the most complex there is.
And yeah Conker isn't a platformer, but more so a mixed bag of awesome.
If this doesn't get you a tag nothing will.
A Black Falcon
Walls and walls
and walls and
walls and walls...
and walls and
walls and walls
of text.
(Yesterday, 10:55 PM)
Starshot: Space Circus Fever - This is an N64 and PC only 3d platformer. The game is generally disliked, with mediocre to poor reviews, but while I would agree that the game clearly has some design and budget problems, Starshot is also a pretty original, unique game. You simply don't see things like Starshot anymore, unfortunately. Anyone who likes interesting, unique 5th gen 3d platformers like Rocket or Glover should definitely give Starshot a try. The game's definitely on the short side, but it's interesting enough while it lasts to make it worth a play. In Starshot, you play as a member of a futuristic space circus who has to, of course, save the day. You'll be given a series of missions, across several different planets (with each planet serving as a stage), as you attempt to save the circus and stop the people trying to put you out of business. You don't just run and jump in this game, missions are more varied than that. The graphics and sound here are average, but decent; they're good enough, but won't really impress either. At least the art design's somewhat interesting. Level designs in Starshot are pretty good. They're large and spread out, with plenty of floating platforms, tricky jumps, and areas to explore. Levels are big (for the time) and not entirely linear, so on occasion it can be a little hard figuring out where to go next, but it's not too bad; just explore around, and you'll figure it out. I think that Starshot's flaws, like the short length, minor bugs (a few times I had to restart levels because of bugs. Kind of annoying.), occasionally annoying platforming, and sometimes confusing objectives caused many people to write this game off, but I found myself liking this quite a bit. It's flawed, sure, but it's interesting and unique, and I like the character, gameplay, and level designs. Starshot's a better game than its mediocre reviews or forgotten reputation would suggest. One player, on-cart saving.
There are actually a good 160-odd US-released N64 games I don't own. Lots and lots of sports games make up the bulk of that, but there are some other things I don't have; I have a lot of N64 racing games for example, but not all of them. The N64 game I want most, of those I don't have, is Stunt Race 64... it's a rental-only futuristic racing game. I love futuristic racing games of course, and this one's from Boss Games too, in their last N64 title.You don't own Daikatana?!?! Or the Rampage games??? You're slipping, ABF.
Those are the only US-released N64 games I can think of off the top of my head that aren't in your list.
Looks like it might be fun enough to be worth a purchase, for not too much.It's quite arcadey, but it's hard to deny that it is about bowling at its core. The progression is fairly interesting and its kitschy aesthetic are endearing. It can be quite slow at times, but the lanes can get pretty over the top in terms of their structure and the powerups mostly keep things interesting.
Impressive... and with import shipping fees too, that must have cost a good bit.When I read the thread title I knew there was gonna be a post along the lines of:
"OH I didn't even know there were 145 games AT ALL on the N64 lol!" its guaranteed with an impressive super OP like this haha.
I have 226 N64 games myself lol, and no I'm not gonna review them.Most of them are PAL/NTSC. Only have 5 or 6 JPN games.
Obviously living in a PAL country the bulk of them started as that but towards the end of the generation I got access to a credit card and importing NTSC games from America then oh boy all bets were off lol. At least even back then I had decided to only want boxed copies, it would be even more of a pain to replace them all now.
There was even a Aus/NZ exclusive copy of Beetle Adventure Racing released here with different cars called HSV Adventure Racing which I thought was pretty cool..... the region exclusive part not the car part, the original was the only one I played to be honest.
Loved the N64 as a system during its lifetime and then turned it into a love of collecting after. My 64DD is one of my most prized possessions! But its the fond gaming memories of the time that really get me giddy when I think about the system. Its the last system where my whole immediate family was still all under one roof, combine that with school friends and you get truly wonderful single player AND glorious multiplayer memories. <3
I actually started a Playstation list with reviews a year and a half ago (this one I started about a year ago, abandoned for quite some time, and then returned to last month, updated, and completed), but it'd need a lot of work, both to updated it with everything I've gotten in the least year and a half, and to play more of them... but the N64's my favorite, not the Playstation, so it'd be a somewhat different list. I mean, the Playstation has a lot of good games, certainly, but I like the N64 more.I have to congratulate you on the effort you put into this thread. Never owned N64 as i went with PS instead. (A gift )
But i will read it anyway.
I don't think I own any golf games for any consoles, unless you count minigolf (because that I do enjoy), and even there I only have a couple... I've never actually played a Mario Golf game, but I find golf games so uninteresting most of the time that I've never cared to try...Boomarked for future reading.
No Mario Golf?
Yeah, Konami's abandonment of the series has been pretty painful. Not releasing most of the Goemon games outside of Japan was bad enough, but then they killed the series entirely... so sad.Dear god, I miss the HELL out of the Goemon series. The Japanese flavor the N64 games had was irresistible. I hope more games come out in the West.
Wait, you didnt get Superman 64? WTF?!
That game has more fog then any in your list, it's a classic.
I remember playing the demo of the PC version back when it came out, and thinking it was decent fun despite getting reviews just as bad as the N64 version got, but I've never played the full PC version... I might want to look for it, though, if it really is better. I mean, the game's fun on N64 thanks to its unique, often fun, design, but it'd be nice without some of those bugs, particularly the ones that can make it impossible to finish a level...Agreed. Not the best platformer of all time, but its got a whole lot of charm and is pretty fun.
I'd also would like to point out to those interested in this game, that the PC version is far less buggy than the N64 cart (which in addition to bugs is known to crash on occasion). I dont want to say there are no bugs, but I dont recall anything that impeded my playthough of it on the PC.
The sound and music are also more impressive on the PC
EDIT- noticed in your Tonic Trouble review you said the game was about a robot trying to fix his ship. Having replayed it earlier today, I can safely say its about an alien janitor trying to collect parts for a catapult so he can fight an evil viking warlord =P
That's take quite a while to do, though... I like writing the text for these things, but finding pictures is a pain. And with so many games, that'd take a long time. It'd make the posts MUCH longer, too... I can understand why people would want to see some screenshots, though. It is something I've considered (at least, adding screenshots for some games, if not all), but I haven't done it so far, obviously.Nice OP but you should add 2-3 pics to each game.
My goal here is to say my opinions about the games, not always to agree with the consensus. And yeah, DK64 really is my favorite of Rare's 3d platformers. All four of them are pretty good games, but DK64's the best, in my opinion.Cannot believe DK64 is better than both Banjos.
Banjo-Tooie is 3D platformer perfection.
Yeah, there's one I'll need to get sometime.Also Winback!
If you know everything on that list, then yeah, you were following the N64 fairly hardcore... I know that no N64 games are considered super rare, but I do have two of the rental-only titles, which are rarer than most other games for the system, at least. (Clayfighter Sculptor's Cut and Indy are the two I have)It just amazes me reading over your list how I know like, EVERY game on it lol.
I imagine if you posted a similar list for PSX I just wouldn't have the same feelings (good or bad) for as many of them. I did have a Saturn and PSX as well but the N64 was without a doubt my MAIN system.
Whether it was just personal experience playing my collection or just reading magazines or later the Internet at the time, it seems I followed N64 releases a lot more hardcore than the others.
Because Perfect Dark is a better game.How are you celebrating the N64 without owning Goldeneye?
Indeed, I can picture all of them.Conrad Link said:It just amazes me reading over your list how I know like, EVERY game on it lol.
I'm glad you like DK64. Sometimes I feel like the only one who does.
Further, you're filling in so many little curiosity gaps with this thread.
I'm somehow REALLY curious of Big Mountain now.
This except I'm not amused.It just amazes me reading over your list how I know like, EVERY game on it lol.