Epic N64 reviews
My hat is off to you sir. Excellent overview of the system. Brought back a lot of good memories.
Also, for anyone asking, get WaveRace. Fantastic game. And pick up the Cube sequal as well.
Epic N64 reviews
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron was Factor 5's first Nintendo-platform game since 1995's Super Turrican 2 on the SNES, and it's a great one. Also on PC, Rogue Squadron was a big hit when it released in late 1998, and it's easy to see why. First, the game has pretty good graphics which are even better with an Expansion Pak in. The game looks great. Second, the gameplay is great as well. Rogue Squadron is an arcadey flight combat game, and you fly vehicles throughout. Don't expect PC Star Wars sim controls here -- this is pure arcade handling as you fly around and blast the enemies. Expect challenge, but not complex controls, as always with Factor 5's flight action games. I like Star Wars sims a lot, even more than I do Rogue Squadron, but still, it's a good formula that worked well. The story's pretty simplistic too, basic Star Wars stuff that takes you through some of Luke Skywalker's missions with Rogue Squadron during the war against the Empire, but it's good enough to do; this kind of game doesn't need much plot. What plot there is fully voiced with high quality voice acting, as always with Factor 5's N64 games. Every mission in the game is well designed, challenging, and fun, with plenty of replay value as you go back and try to get better medals. You will only get a medal once you meet the requirements in every category, so while the main game isn't too long, trying to get all of the medals as high as you can, and unlocking the hidden levels that will result once you get bronze, silver, or gold medals on all the levels, is quite a steep challenge. Rogue Squadron does have better graphics on the PC than it does here on N64, and also is graphically exceeded by its quasi-sequel Battle for Naboo, but even so, it's still a pretty good game, and certainly highly recommended. One player, on-cart saving. Expansion Pak enhanced. This was one of the first wave of Expansion Pak enhanced titles to release in late 1998, along with NFL QB Club '99, Top Gear Overdrive, and Turok 2.
Yeah, it was cheap so I picked it up. It's funny though, I find it quite hard, while one of the gamefaqs reviews has the person saying how easy it is. So yeah, either they're wrong, or I'm bad at it. Maybe I just need to practice more, but at least once I did retry a mission and do better, and get a better score than the computer had my previous time... only for the computer to score even higher. Coincidence, or rigged computer AI? I don't know.Oh wow, you actually picked up Milo's Astro Lanes.
I remember not being particularly fond of Duck Dodgers during a rental period. Not that I should really recommend this because the game is terrible, but are you missing Earthworm Jim 3D? It is atrociously bad and obscenely hard, but it might help round out your collection if you're searching for just about anything.
Definitely rigged. I prefer playing it as a multiplayer game but the challenge shouldn't be insurmountable early on.Yeah, it was cheap so I picked it up. It's funny though, I find it quite hard, while one of the gamefaqs reviews has the person saying how easy it is. So yeah, either they're wrong, or I'm bad at it. Maybe I just need to practice more, but at least once I did retry a mission and do better, and get a better score than the computer had my previous time... only for the computer to score even higher. Coincidence, or rigged computer AI? I don't know.![]()
One of the worst games you've played? It's not that great, sure, but I've played worse bowling games for sure, or at least less fun ones. But yeah, I probably should edit in a mention of the unfair AI into that review... that is not good.It's not really worth seeking out for very much. It is maybe one of the worst games I've played, and it's not particularly funny either.
Definitely rigged. I prefer playing it as a multiplayer game but the challenge shouldn't be insurmountable early on.
I meant Earthworm Jim 3D was one of the worst games I've played. Or at least one of the most unpleasant. I kind of like Milo's Astro Lanes.One of the worst games you've played? It's not that great, sure, but I've played worse bowling games for sure, or at least less fun ones. But yeah, I probably should edit in a mention of the unfair AI into that review... that is not good.
Ah, okay. EWJ3D is that bad, really? I've heard the camera is horrible and the game somewhat generic, but not that much beyond that. I haven't played it, certainly.I meant Earthworm Jim 3D was one of the worst games I've played. Or at least one of the most unpleasant. I kind of like Milo's Astro Lanes.
A Black Falcon, I'm going to a retro games convention next week. Could you maybe suggest three or four N64 games to me that are worth picking up. I mainly care about multiplayer games and these are the N64 games I currently own. I'm not looking for rare games, just (preferably) multiplayer experiences that still hold up. Thanks in advance.
Well, Battletanx Global Assault, or the first Battletanx if you can't find it (or just get both, if they're cheap), for sure. Those are great multiplayer games; BTGA's one of my favorite multiplayer games on the system actually.
Beyond that, what about the Rush games, the first SF Rush and Rush 2049 particularly? You don't have any, and 2049 is of course my favorite racing game. Very good in multiplayer too thanks to the fantastic battle and stunt modes.
Hmm... for another one, what about Turok: Rage Wars, Turok 3, and/or Armorines? Those three Acclaim FPSes all are pretty fun games. See my reviews, but Rage Wars is the Quake 3 styled game (arena combat only) and has the best multiplayer of the series, Turok 3's a great single player game with okay multiplayer, and Armorines is a simpler, somewhat underrated shooter with a 2-player co-op campaign as well as the usual 4-player mode. Turok 3's probably the most expensive of these three, but I don't think it costs THAT much...
Also, Goemon's Great Adventure. It's one of the best 2.5d platformers ever, in my opinion, and is entirely playable in 2 player co-op. (There's a secret, hidden 4 player mode too, but you can only access it via code after beating the game.) This one might cost slightly more than these others, but it's worth it, in my opinion at least...
BattleTanx: Global Assault - The sequel to the above game, and better than it in every way. The story is better, there are a lot more tanks to control, the campaign is longer (though still short and easy), there are more maps, there is a much greater variety of level designs, there are more multiplayer modes and mission types in single player, there are more control options, and more. I really loved this game, it's one of the best multiplayer games on the N64, and yes, I know that's saying a lot. My only complaint is that I wish there was a sequel, because this game ends with a cliffhanger that was never resolved. Bah! 3DO did make some more vehicluar action games after this, the two WDL games from 2000-2001 (both PS1 and PS2 exclusives, quite sadly), but they are entirely separate story-wise and do not continue this plot. Still though, BTGA is fantastic. It would have been nice to see actual height differences in the levels -- there are tunnels you can go down, and little hills, but no real rolling terrain -- but really, this game's very good and extremely fun to play. Of the multiplayer modes, the two player co-op campaign is really cool, and for versus play BattleLord mode (it's Capture the Flag, essentially) steals the show. That mode's so great I rarely even touch the others. You can play against any mixture of four human and computer players, can play 2v2 with one human and one computer on each team, and more. There was a later Playstation version of the game, but it's got new, worse prerendered FMV CG story scenes, entirely redesigned, smaller and less interesting (but more numerous, though it doesn't make up for the problems) levels (completely different level maps), and more. It's nowhere near as good as the N64 version and is two player only. N64 BTGA has a two player co-op campaign, and four player versus modes. Play the better BTGA game, this N64 version. Controller Pak to save (1 page).
Bomberman 64 - Bomberman 64 is the first Bomberman game of four on the N64, and it is to this day still the only full, Mario 64-inspired open 3d world Bomberman 3d platformer. All Bomberman 3d platformers after it followed much more linear designs, and the Gamecube ones don't even have 3d multiplayer, just the usual 2d grid stuff. Bomberman 64 was different. The game is very, very difficult, too difficult I would say, but it's a very good game. I do need to say though, the graphics are mediocre at best. Don't expect a lot from this game. It's just good enough to get by, but nothing above that. It's clearly first gen work. My other main complaint is that there is an entire sixth world in the main game that you can only access by getting ALL of the golden tickets (this game's equivalent to Mario 64's stars). ARGH! Some of those tickets are very hard to get... I've never seen world six. It's pretty annoying, I've heard it's cool.Even so though, I like the game a lot. The levels are fun to explore and well designed, and there's a lot to do in the game. This game is pretty good. The bossfights are a challenge too, but often fun. The multiplayer is great, too. The maps are actually 3d, and instead of cross explosions like classic Bomberman, are circular like in the single player game. This is the only 3d Bomberman game where normal bombs explode in circular blasts in multiplayer mode; The 2nd Attack also has 3d arenas, but cross bombs (super bombs excepted, those have round blasts), and the two GC/PS2 games have, as I said, the classic 2d style of gameplay only for their multiplayer, though their single players are (poor, subpar) linear-path 3d platformers. Thus in both single and multi player, Bomberman 64 is an original game unlike anything else in the series. 3d platformer and Bomberman fans who haven't played it should try it. Four players. On-cart saving, though if you want to save a custom multiplayer character (a unique look for your multiplayer character, made up of parts you unlock in the main game), you'll need to save that character to a memory card, so you can bring it to a friends' and use it there, I assume. Each of those character files are one page.
Mario Kart 64 - Mario Kart 64 is, in my opinion, still the game that all other kart racing games should be compared to. A substantial improvement over the SNES Mario Kart game, Mario Kart 64 is an exceptional masterpiece of game design. The tracks are all fantastic, the graphics are good enough, and the fun, particularly in multiplayer, is about as good as it gets. About the only flaw here is that the single player game won't take all that long to finish. Even so, it is a lot of fun while it lasts. Only the DS and Wii Mario Kart games rival this title's greatness, within the series. Four player multiplayer, on-cart saving. Ghost saves are controller pak only, 121 pages per ghost.
Modern? Yeah, I don't think there's anything really like it. There is WDL Thunder Tanks and WDL WarJetz (plane game, not tanks) for PS2 and they are very similar gameplay-wise, but I don't know of much beyond that...Great post. N64 was the last time I was really hardcore into games, my most played system ever. I liked some of the underrated gems you touched on, you echo my sentiments on a lot of them:
Totally agree, remember playing the fuck out of this game at the time, was a pretty fucking awesome multiplayer game. I don't know if the concept has returned in any modern form, but I would love to play an updated version of this.
I at least found it pretty hard, though I'm sure that's something that will differ from person to person. It would be cool to play that hidden world sometime though, but having to get every single golden ticket? I don't think that's happening.Loved this game, the multiplayer was friggin awesome. I don't think I had a difficult time beating though, my memory is fuzzy though.
Yeah, for me it's either MK64 or MKWii for sure, for best in the series. It's hard to choose between those two though...Totally agree, Mario Kart 64 was fucking awesome, best game of the Mario Kart series IMO.
Yeah, I must admit that these threads were somewhat inspired by his work. I've done game-specific threads, or reviews, for a long time, but that site's what gave me the idea to do shorter reviews for everything on a system. I do have some differences from that site though of course, including that I'll make reviews longer if I have more to say, that so far I haven't attached scores to reviews, and that I don't have screenshots of course. Oh, and it's my opinions; I've found that sometimes I agree with the videogamecritic reviews, but other times I strongly disagree... I'm sure my reviews come across like that to people who disagree with me, but I always try to mention the good things about a game too, even if I dislike it. I don't think he always does that.I like mini reviews like this, I wish I could find more sites that do stuff like this. The only one I know of is videogamecritic.net which has a nice old school design with a bunch of short reviews of old and new games.
I only had about 24 games during the system's actual life (I got the system in '99, so that'd be the 2+ years from then to the end of '01), and only bought two games in the three years after that too. The rest are all games I picked up since I started collecting classic games in '05.You've played pretty much all the games I've had, and a whole lot more.
I've always really disliked wrestling. Never had more than the tiniest of interest.I was really into the WCW/nWo Revenge and sequels AKI wrestling series though, my most played games ever, and the games are awesome. Then again, if you weren't into wrestling at the time, I can understand the apathy.
There are about 300 US releases, so I have around half of the US library.Saw the thread title and immediately knew who made the thread!
This is pretty cool, ABF. I'm not sure I even knew there were 145+ games for the N64, and I loved the console.
How do you not have Goldeneye?
I'd put Wave Race 64 right up there with Excitebike 64 and Mario Kart 64; it's not quite as good as either of those other all-time classics, but it's very close, and is a fantastic, fantastic game. Might be the best water racing game ever made. But yeah, I don't like 1080 on N64 quite as much. It's a good game, but just isn't my thing... what it does best isn't what I find the most fun in snowboarding games. It's more about tricks and stuff, and races are only 1-on-1 ever... That's why I find Big Mountain 2000 more fun; it may be "worse", but it's a good racing game first and foremost. Great fun stuff.what an exceptional effort, i enjoyed that a lot!
a few interesting views in there.. excitebike and mario kart seem to get better reviews than wave race and 1080. i'd agree but many would rate wave race above that edition of mario kart.
also you praise donkey kong 64 a lot, which is nice to see. i think it is disliked because the donkey kong franchise has been so successful as 2D platformers, which is fair enough. not sure how i would compare the rare platformers on the N64, all four are great in their own ways.
It's an uncommon game. I'd like to get it sometime, but I'm unlikely to find it for cheap... and I'd probably have to get it on ebay too, because I haven't seen a copy of the game since it released. I managed to find relatively cheap copies of a few uncommon N64 games, including Clayfighter: Sculptor's Cut, Worms Armageddon, and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (and, some years ago, Ogre Battle 64), but not that one.local thrift shop has Bomber Man 64: The Second Attack for 50 bucks....is it worth it?
I was a big fan of the first one and I've never even seen this game in the wild, even when it first came out, but damn 50 bucks?
And yeah, I really loved DK64. I think most people liked their first Rare 3d platformer, but the formula got old after a few games. That probably hurt DK64, for people who had played B-K first... but yeah, DK64 is fantastic.
And yeah, I really loved DK64. I think most people liked their first Rare 3d platformer, but the formula got old after a few games. That probably hurt DK64, for people who had played B-K first... but yeah, DK64 is fantastic.
Yeah, it really is. It's too bad more people don't recognize that. My favorite Rare N64 games are DK64 and Blast Corps, for sure, probably followed by JFG and then PD and the Banjo games.DK64 is one of the best game on N64... It was huuuuge!
Yeah, there is. The game does have "Neon Genesis Evangelion" as its title, too, not "Shinseiki Evangelion" as some of the games use. The title's in all-caps on the cartridge, but I used normal type size here...Only read through a few so far, but damn nice work here OP.
Edit: Had NO idea that their was an evangelian game for N64.