By punishing the individuals you are making sure it never happens again. Criminal punishment is supposed to deter crime. If you make sure every single person who played a part in covering up this is punished criminally with harsh punishment or whatever, then future individuals if they find out someone is molesting someone will not sit back and let it happen because they know they will go to prison too. If they know all that is going to happen is their college is going to be punished or so on but nothing will happen to them individually then what deterrent is there to speak up.
If a relative of mine goes and rapes someone and I find out about it and I do not go to authorities. I should be punished as well. However, if that relative rapes someone and I have no knowledge of it nor does the rest of my family and hes caught and then my whole family is arrested and charged with rape how is that fair? How does that get justice for anyone? This is tantamount to punishing a whole community for the crimes of one person. It is shocking to me no one sees what a slippery slope to despotism that collective punishment is.
Being an opponent of collective punishment that hurts innocent individuals does not make a person a Sandusky apologist. Calling people Sandusky apologists or apologists of any other type is just the typical slander used by people who can't argue with someones reasoning so they resort to trying to link you to "oh you must support child rape." It's the same disgusting name calling we use in politics calling people Nazis and Socialists.
If killing football actually punished the ones at fault in the scandal at Penn State or in any scandal at any other university or if similar actions would work in any other matter of life then I would support it. I will not support actions that punish innocent people and you know what. Most victims of crime would tell you they would not support punishing innocent people but would want to see the actual criminals punished.
The actions that the NCAA took that mean a lot more and will cause much more change and help victims of abuse are the monetary fines. Those will actually help victims and prevent future victims.
I look at things pragmatically instead of viscerally and the whole thing was handled badly from the start because everyone approached it emotionally instead of figuring out better ways to actually punish the ones at fault. People who truly believe that taking away wins will be more effective in preventing this sort of crime from happening then the threat of prison time are seriously deluded.
Olbermann said:This is Joe Paterno's legacy. This is Penn State's legacy. Football was more important to them than saving children.
This get posted here?
This get posted here?
That first line makes me think the whole thing is a parody of the worst of the zealots.
The NCAA agreed to restore the 111 victories that had been removed from Paterno's record, giving him 409 again. Bowden is second on the list with 377, though he also has had 12 victories vacated.
"That's OK," the 85-year-old Bowden told The Associated Press in a phone interview Friday about no longer holding the record. "I'm glad for him. I was self-conscious about that anyway.
"Every time I would speak they would say, 'He's the winningest coach in I-A history.' I'd say, 'Yeah, after they took 100 away from Joe.'"
Bowden said that while he doesn't know all the details about what went on at Penn State with the Sandusky scandal, it seemed to him the NCAA punishment of Paterno was too harsh.
"I felt like that was pretty dadgum strict," Bowden said.
The NCAA stripped Bowden and Florida State of 12 victories from the 2006 and '07 seasons because of NCAA violations related to an academic cheating scandal.
"By the way, am I going to get my 12 back now?" Bowden said.
So expound upon this...Fucking Jay Paterno on Finebaum.
So expound upon this...
I didn't hear the whole interview, but when I turned it on, Jay Paterno was talking about how it was important for Paterno's name to be cleared, otherwise people in similar situations might not be willing to come forward in the future for fear of being punished. What a fucking cock. Yes, Jay. Your father was "punished" because he came forward. That's exactly why everyone is disgusted and disappointed in him. Because he came forward.
Finebaum was apologetic.Did Finebaum follow up with that? It seems like a painfully obvious thing to respond with.
So expound upon this...
I didn't hear the whole interview, but when I turned it on, Jay Paterno was talking about how it was important for Paterno's name to be cleared, otherwise people in similar situations might not be willing to come forward in the future for fear of being punished. What a fucking cock. Yes, Jay. Your father was "punished" because he came forward. That's exactly why everyone is disgusted and disappointed in him. Because he came forward.
Jay, your father did come "forward" and tell the head of campus police, the VP and the president. The issue we all have with your father is he is the BMOC, after he told these people he just sat on his ass and wiped his hands clean. Yes he followed the letter of the law but he did not follow the spirit of the law. This is like you going to your boss to tell him that there are people in the company doing illegal things and when your boss doesn't do anything you don't whistle blow on the issue to the feds. You may have done what was technically your responsibility to do but when your as powerful a man on campus as Paterno is, there are unwritten responsibilities that you have.
Prosecutors have already stated that they pretty much could not prosecute him because he did the minimum of what he was legally responsible for doing but they also said he could of done way more and did not follow the spirit of the law using the power he did have. Instead he pushed the responsibility to others. That is why everyone is so disgusted and disappointed in him, Jay.
Rolling over and playing dead doesn't work. See: Alabama and USC.
The NCAA can talk about how cooperation let the schools avoid stiffer penalties, but the fact of the matter is, cooperating just gives them the ammo to skull fuck you.
Edit: We got nailed for giving players too many books.
Also saw Kiffkins is the lead for the 49ers OC job
Ugh. Between that and the HC hire, 4-12 season incoming.
I'm getting my What a Terrible Season to be a 49er gif together.
NFL deadlin has passed, and not one tOSU player decalred early. Wow, this teams going to be loaded next year.
Also saw Kiffkins is the lead for the 49ers OC job
Tejas is moneyhatting Chris Warren away from us.
What a shame.
He just took his official visit with us this past weekend.Rockwall High RB.
6'3" 230lbs. Our RBs coach supposedly has an in-home with him tomorrow.
So Carrington (Oregon's suspended WR for the title game) didn't smoke pot but rather inhaled 2nd hand smoke according to his father.
Not sure I buy it but he had 15 reading and the NCAA limit is 5. NFL limit is 35 and an airplane pilot is 50. Kind of crazy if true.
Heh, NCAA limit is so low and he couldn't even pass that. Of course his dad would say that.
Being lower would be harder to pass.
Kiffen is the most charmed individual in the history of coaching. I swear
It's between him and Charlie Weis. Surprised the 49ers aren't going for him.
Charlie Weis just spent 3 seasons at Kansas.
Kiffin wins.
Plus he's still being considered for NFL OC jobs.Weis is being paid by two schools to not coach, while sitting at home doing nothing. That's winning, brother.
Plus he's still being considered for NFL OC jobs.