It's nice that pristine still has time to visit these threads occasionally.
Almost done with Bayo 1 and loving it. Although my eyes almost roll out of my head during every cutscene.
Bayonetta was the game that proved to me that I care about story in modern games.Yeah, the plot is utter nonsense. But good god, these games are so much fun.
Again you people with your video games.
Or does Bayonetta play down in the Sun Belt.
Yeah, the plot is utter nonsense. But good god, these games are so much fun.
I can handle campy. Bayo's story is just painful though. The worst kind of anime-style fan service I can imagine. The comic relief characters aren't funny, Bayonetta exists solely to make double entendres and allow the camera to give her a pelvic exam... *sigh*Bayonetta was the game that proved to me that I care about story in modern games.
It's worth playing. The graphics are really nice, the enemy designs are actually fantastic, and the gameplay is really, really fun.I recall watching what was probably the opening cinematic of Bayonetta, thinking it was literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen, and never giving the game a second thought. And since exactly 19 people ever bought and played the game, it was probably for the best.
So what's the hot gaming console I should be shooting for this holiday?
Atari 2600. I recommend Pac-Man and Asteroids.
Yeah, the plot is utter nonsense. But good god, these games are so much fun.
Pshh I already gots a Pacman tape for my Regular Nintendo.
Going by sales, Sun Belt sounds about rightAgain you people with your video games.
Or does Bayonetta play down in the Sun Belt.
I buy all third party games on Atari as a show of support. It's also why I watch ACC games -- knowing that if I don't, nobody will.
The best part of the ACC noon game is that you can go get a big lunch, come home and turn it on, then promptly fall asleep. Eventually you'll stagger awake around 2:45 or so and can check the scores to see if there is something actually worth watching.
Real talk, this my fall Saturday for like two decades.
Go Dawgs.That spelling error is making my eye twitch.
Go Dawgs.
You is right!Your so wrong.
Allll abooooaaaard!
Alabama @ LSU by 6 LOCK OF THE WEEK
Atari 2600. I recommend Pac-Man and Asteroids.
Go Daws.
Thought this was for Iowa State at first...Go home Adidas, you're drunk.
Since Heisman Pundit sold out or something it looks like we only have the ESPN Heisman watch this year, which pegs Mariota as the current front runner:
The only rankings that matters got released literally seconds ago.CFB rankings are so big that no one posted them this week!