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CFB Week 15: Championship Week - Cool as Nacho Cheese

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Reports are Nebraska is targeting fat face bielema.

Fat Face is in the group of coaches that we're targeting along with Jim Tressel, Nick Saban, and Jesus H. Christ. I hear good things about that last guy.

Realistically Dan Mullen has been getting a lot of chatter and is probably one of two SEC coaches that you should consider actual candidates for Nebraska. Burt is not the other option.
Why would Dan Mullen leave an up and coming 2nd tier SEC school for a downward trending 2nd tier B1G school? Aside from money of course.


Why would Dan Mullen leave an up and coming 2nd tier SEC school for a downward trending 2nd tier B1G school? Aside from money of course.

It's easier to win in the big 10.

Kinda like the Pac 10/12 was before Rich Rodriguez, Todd Graham, Mike Leach, and Jim Mora were hired.
Title IX hearing update:


Just really bolding the parts about who did or (mostly) did not testify and whatever justification might be made (spoiler alert: most everybody associated with Winston did not testify). The rest is the predictable back and forth from the attorneys.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston's student conduct code hearing ended Wednesday without the quarterback testifying to allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman nearly two years ago, sources close to the case confirmed to ESPN.com.

Winston, the reigning Heisman Trophy winner, made a statement, but didn't answer questions from retired Florida State Supreme Court Chief Justice Major Harding during the two-day hearing. Harding is considering whether Winston committed as many as four violations of FSU's student conduct code, including two related to sexual misconduct, for his actions during a sexual encounter with the woman in December 2012.

Harding gave the attorneys five days to file legal briefs, and John Clune, the woman's attorney, said he expects Harding to make a decision within two to three weeks.

Winston and the woman spent more than seven hours attending the hearing on the FSU campus on Wednesday. If found to be in violation of FSU's student conduct code, Winston might face punishment ranging from a written or verbal reprimand to suspension or expulsion from school. Winston and the woman can both appeal Harding's ruling.

FSU's policies and procedures didn't require Winston to answer any or all questions at the hearing. Winston also refused to talk to Tallahassee police detectives when they were investigating the case nearly two years ago, and he also declined to talk to investigators from the state attorney's office when they were considering the case late last year.

"We finished the hearing today," said David Cornwell, Winston's attorney. "We're pleased that it's over. We know now what the game plan was because the only thing that we got were more inconsistencies and more lies. This process was about making a record to do as I have always said, taking this matter to civil court.

"We will do our best to shut it down with our briefs, and have Justice Harding conclude that Jameis didn't do anything wrong. There certainly was no evidence in two days that suggested otherwise."

Clune said he expects Harding to find Winston responsible for sexually assaulting his client. The woman, a former FSU student, alleges that Winston sexually assaulted her in his off-campus apartment.

"We want him to be found responsible and want him to be expelled from school," Clune said. "I think knowing the facts of the case and what has been presented, I think there is a very, very good chance of that happening."

It is not a surprise that Winston chose not to testify or answer questions from Harding. Legal experts have previously said that by testifying Winston might have exposed himself to potential criminal charges or hurt his defense in a future civil suit filed by the accuser.

On Tuesday, two of Winston's Florida State teammates, Chris Casher and Ronald Darby, also chose not to testify on the advice of their attorneys. Casher and Darby, Winston's roommates who were at their apartment on the night of the alleged incident, previously provided police with sworn affidavits about what they saw on that night.

Clune questioned the credibility of Casher and Darby as witnesses.

"I think that's changed for a number of reasons," Clune said. "I think if Chris Casher and Ronald Darby were the sails behind this defense, that ship sank a long time ago. The number of inconsistent statements they've made even before this hearing has really changed the impact of any help they might be to Mr. Winston. I would say they're very unreliable witnesses. I wouldn't want them to be the basis for my defense if I were in trouble."

On Wednesday, FSU police officer Dinorah Harris, who initially responded to the woman's 911 call, and Jason Newlin, an investigator with the state attorney's office, were among the witnesses who testified. Clune said other witnesses testified via telephone on Wednesday.

If he did it, let the truth come out.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Why would Dan Mullen leave an up and coming 2nd tier SEC school for a downward trending 2nd tier B1G school? Aside from money of course.

Mississippi St will never be 2nd tier... They had their flash in the pan and soon they will be back to irrelevance.

Nebraska will never be 2nd tier, either. We have 11 years of mostly irrelevance and we are still considered to be a top 20 program on name alone.

Put me in the camp that wants nothing to do with Bielema. There are about 15 candidates I would rather have. At this point, I would love if they just announced something, even if that someone has stuff going on until after the bowl game season is over.


As an aside:

Bo has a weird distinction of being the bowl-only HC of a football team, and NOT coaching the bowl of a team he led to getting to a bowl, and it being the same team both times.. which means even though he's been fired before the bowl, he actually has the same number of bowl appearances with Nebraska as HC as bowl qualifying seasons as HC.

Pointless stats post .jpg


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion

Seems like McElwain is still up in the air. CSU isn't backing down on the $7 million buyout.
So for UF, that's 6.5 million to buy out Muschamp, then likely $7 to take the CSU coach? Just to actually sign him?

I mean, you add in any signing bonus and you're talkin damn near $14 million just to get his signature lol.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
So for UF, that's 6.5 million to buy out Muschamp, then likely $7 to take the CSU coach? Just to actually sign him?

I mean, you add in any signing bonus and you're talkin damn near $14 million just to get his signature lol.


An article saying as much. 7.5 buyout, 8 mill for Muschamp and staff, and there's about 60 mill on upcoming Athletic facilities. They don't have the money.

Now, are they still on the hook to pay Muschamp if he becomes a DC somewhere?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Winston's 5 page written remarks in lieu of actually talking

"I did not rape or sexually assault [the accuser]," Winston said, according to the statement. "I did not create a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment in the short period of time that we were together. [The accuser] had the capacity to consent to having sex with me and she repeatedly did so by her conduct and her verbal expressions. I never used physical violence, threats, or other coercive means towards [the accuser]. Finally, I never endangered [the accuser's] health, safety, or well-being."

"In the late evening of December 6, 2012 or the early morning of December 7, 2012, Chris Casher, Ron Darby, and I arrived at Potbelly's. Many of my teammates were also at Potbelly's. At some point, I noticed an attractive girl dancing on the dance floor. A few teammates and I started dancing as well and I worked my way over to this girl and made small talk with her as we started dancing together. I asked her for her name and she asked me for mine. I told her my name. She said her name was [the accuser's name]. To the best of my recollection, [the accuser] and I danced together for approximately 10 minutes. When we finished dancing, we continued to talk and I asked [the accuser] for her telephone number. It was loud in Potbelly's, so, rather than yelling her telephone number at me, [the accuser] took my cellular phone and entered her telephone number into my phone."

"Chris, Ron and I were standing next to a taxicab when [the accuser] came outside and voluntarily walked over to us," Winston said. "I do not recall exactly what was said, but we made it clear that we were leaving and [the accuser] made it clear that she wanted to leave with us. Since Potbelly's was closing, there were a bunch of students outside of Potbelly's, around the outside bar, and there were a bunch of taxicabs parked at the curb in front of Potbelly's. [The accuser] voluntarily left with us."

"Almost immediately upon our arrival, [the accuser] and I went into my bedroom," Winston said. "We were standing facing each other, kissing and touching each other's bodies. I eventually asked [the accuser] if she would perform oral sex on me. She said that she would. The lights in my bedroom were on and [the accuser] willingly performed oral sex on me. While [the accuser] was performing oral sex, I was close enough to my dresser to reach over to it, open a drawer, and retrieve a condom."

"[The accuser] assisted me in putting on the condom," Winston said. "I stood on the floor with [the accuser] on the bed and we engaged in consensual sexual intercourse. After sometime in this position, we changed positions. I got on my bed on my back and [the accuser] got on top of me. [The accuser's] conduct and other verbal expressions left no doubt that our sex was consensual."

"Thereafter, either Ron or Chris pushed the door open as a prank. [The accuser] asked me if there was anyway we could have more privacy. I took her into my bathroom. While in the bathroom, we began to have consensual sex again and eventually concluded having sex. After we finished having sex, we stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes talking and she then indicated that she was ready to leave."

"Other than asking Chris to leave the room, [the accuser] did not say or do anything to express or indicate that she was upset about anything that occurred before, during, or after consensual sexual activities," Winston said. "From the time I met [the accuser] at Potbelly's to the time that I dropped her off at her dormitory, [the accuser] was fully aware of her surroundings and in control of all of her faculties.

"She was responsive and communicative. She had a pleasant personality and was fun to be with. During our consensual sexual interactions, [the accuser] engaged in sexual talk and took other actions that made it clear that the sex was consensual and that she was enjoying having sex with me. If [the accuser] did not want to have oral sex or intercourse with me, she was fully capable of expressing it to me, the taxicab drivers, the numerous students outside of Potbelly's, Chris, and/or Ron. Had she done so, I would have stopped immediately."

"Rape is a vicious crime," he said. "The only thing as vicious as rape is falsely accusing someone of rape. [The accuser] and her lawyers have falsely accused me, threatened to sue me, demanded $7,000,000 from me, engaged in a destructive media campaign against me, and manipulated this process to the point that my rights have and will continue to be severely compromised. [The accuser's] and her lawyers' public campaign to vilify me guarantees that her false allegations will follow me for the rest of my life."

At that point, Winston notified Harding and FSU officials that he wouldn't answer any of their questions.

"At some point they will be held accountable, so I have determined that it is in my best interests to exercise my right pursuant to Rule 6C2R-3.004 (6)(d)of the Florida State University Student Code of Conduct and answer questions when experienced lawyers and other experts can assist me in confronting [the accuser's] false accusation and when [the accuser] is subject to the penalty of perjury and other claims for [the accuser] falsely accusing me of rape," Winston said.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!

An article saying as much. 7.5 buyout, 8 mill for Muschamp and staff, and there's about 60 mill on upcoming Athletic facilities. They don't have the money.

Now, are they still on the hook to pay Muschamp if he becomes a DC somewhere?
Depends upon the contract, but most include a clause to reduce required buyout by amount of compensation they earn from another job.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
sounds like she and various other people testified, so we might have to wait for transcripts.
So a Chik Fil A is opening in my neighborhood. There are people camped out to get in.

There are 5 other Chik Fil As within 15 miles of where I live, 3 within 10 (although 2 of those 3 are "in line" locations on the campuses of USC and UCLA).


Super Sleuth
So a Chik Fil A is opening in my neighborhood. There are people camped out to get in.

There are 5 other Chik Fil As within 15 miles of where I live, 3 within 10 (although 2 of those 3 are "in line" locations on the campuses of USC and UCLA).


They gonna be out of chicken. Or just no chicken.
Any chance we will get her testimony?

Has it ever been told publically the nature of the alleged rape? It wasn't drugs right? And she wasn't super drunk? So it would be some sort of forcible rape situation?

Publically? Highly doubtful from the student conduct hearing. FERPA and everything.
So a Chik Fil A is opening in my neighborhood. There are people camped out to get in.

There are 5 other Chik Fil As within 15 miles of where I live, 3 within 10 (although 2 of those 3 are "in line" locations on the campuses of USC and UCLA).

I was living in LA when the one off Highland and Hollywood blvd. opened. There was a massive buzz surrounding the opening which was surprising given this was right around the time CFA was under fire for funding "Gay Hate" organizations and LA is a very liberal area.. But I would drive by every day to my internship and that place stayed packed all the time, and there was no indoor lobby.


So a Chik Fil A is opening in my neighborhood. There are people camped out to get in.

There are 5 other Chik Fil As within 15 miles of where I live, 3 within 10 (although 2 of those 3 are "in line" locations on the campuses of USC and UCLA).

First 100 people to go to a new Chic Fil A get free chic fil a sandwiches every week for a year (52 free sandwiches)


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Apparently UF officials were told before flying out that CSU would lower the buyout somewhat. Source was a Gainesville Sun article. If true, that's dick.
What incentive does CSU have for doing this? Why would they do this? Do they just enjoy lighting money on fire? If Florida wants him, they should pay for him.


So for UF, that's 6.5 million to buy out Muschamp, then likely $7 to take the CSU coach? Just to actually sign him?

I mean, you add in any signing bonus and you're talkin damn near $14 million just to get his signature lol.

CSU will get a home and home in exchange for lowering the buyout. Inevitable at this point.

Related note: Florida hasn't played OOC out of state since 1991. I know they play FSU every year but still.


Throwing out the usual joke suggestions like Harbaugh, Gruden, Dungy, Chip Kelly etc who else could Florida have even tried to get that would be considered a great hire? At least with McElwaine you're getting a guy who has had success with lesser resources, instead of someone who is getting by on an inflated reputation as a coordinator like a Charlie Weiss/Lane Kiffin/Steve Sarkisian.

For me, I'd try to pull someone like Hugh Freeze or Mullen that is familiar with coaching in the SEC. None of the people you mentioned would ever come to Florida, but there are other options I'd have probably gone with before McElwaine, but he seems like a coach with a reasonable percentage of working out well for them. Not a home run hire, but a promising one.

UAB president to the players: "You've got a few years at UAB. I've got 42."


Was the video posted yet of the players reacting to him? I can find it if not. Was pretty intense.


I got grudge sucked!
UAB president to the players: "You've got a few years at UAB. I've got 42."


UNC Charlotte needs to take notice on how this went down because when they become a threat to Chapel Hill (and unlike UAB, Charlotte WILL become a threat to Chapel Hill) the UNC BOT is going to try their best to fuck them over. Better hope Jerry Richardson leaves them a big wad o cash.


UAB got done in by those old business hands

University of Nebraska Omaha became Division 1 and it killed their football and wrestling programs in the move, which was obviously done to please UNL.

Know what made it even shittier?

Their wrestling team had just won the national championship.


The sitting national champs got disbanded because "they wouldn't make enough money"


You could hire anybody from this board and still be able to recruit the state of Florida to Gainesville.

So, I wonder if I could be Florida's next coach*

*By coach I mean make things worse than they are now. Winless season anyone?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
What ever happened to the good ol' fashioned Bob Stoops to Florida rumors?
What incentive does CSU have for doing this? Why would they do this? Do they just enjoy lighting money on fire? If Florida wants him, they should pay for him.

They had no incentive, which is why it's dick to pull the bait and switch. Again, if they really did that.

McElwain confirmed just now. Hooray I guess!



Chris Low ‏@ClowESPN
The buyout issues have been resolved, and Florida is expected to announce Jim McElwain as its coach later today.


Unconfirmed Member
GAF Pick'em Week 15 Games
(THU) UCF @ East Carolina by 10
(FRI) Bowling Green vs N Illinois by 10
(FRI) Arizona vs Oregon by 14
Louisiana Tech vs Marshall by 14
Houston @ Cincinnati by 7
Iowa State @ TCU by 30
Oklahoma State @ Oklahoma by 14
Alabama vs Missouri by 21
Kansas State @ Baylor by 7
Florida State vs Georgia Tech by 4
Wisconsin vs Ohio State by 4
Fresno State @ Boise State by 21


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I fully expect that once Saban's done, Alabama will make some sort of effort to entice McElwain to flip jobs.

At least, that's what I'd like to see happen.

Unless the Florida curse continues, and you ruin his reputation.


In McElwain's 4 years at Bama, they averaged 33 ppg which would be tied for 42nd in scoring offense in 2014. Is that good enough for you Gatas?


In McElwain's 4 years at Bama, they averaged 33 ppg which would be tied for 42nd in scoring offense in 2014. Is that good enough for you Gatas?

Nothing ever will be, that's just how it goes down here. People don't seem to understand that we had our biggest offensive wins when our defense and special teams were getting turnovers and run-backs under Meyer.

Didn't Alabama use a ground and pound offense under McElwain? Not sure what his gameplan was at Colorado sate.

At this point, I'm more worried about our defense falling off the map. We have the recruits, for now. I heard rumors that we'd keep our current DC, so that will be interesting to see if he had an impact or if it was all Muschamp.


UNC Charlotte needs to take notice on how this went down because when they become a threat to Chapel Hill (and unlike UAB, Charlotte WILL become a threat to Chapel Hill) the UNC BOT is going to try their best to fuck them over. Better hope Jerry Richardson leaves them a big wad o cash.
I don't know, seems like UNCC has a much higher hill to climb than UAB


GAF Pick'em Week 15 Games
(THU) UCF @ East Carolina by 4
(FRI) Bowling Green vs N Illinois by 3
(FRI) Arizona vs Oregon by 1 (pls)
Louisiana Tech vs Marshall by 10
Houston @ Cincinnati by 7
Iowa State @ TCU by 66 (lock of the week)
Oklahoma State @ Oklahoma by 7
Alabama vs Missouri by 6 (pls)
Kansas State @ Baylor by 10 (pls)
Florida State vs Georgia Tech by 4 (pls)
Wisconsin vs Ohio State by 4
Fresno State @ Boise State by 10


Nothing ever will be, that's just how it goes down here. People don't seem to understand that we had our biggest offensive wins when our defense and special teams were getting turnovers and run-backs under Meyer.

Didn't Alabama use a ground and pound offense under McElwain? Not sure what his gameplan was at Colorado sate.

They averaged 326.3 yards of passing offense this year (7th in country), 266.4 last year (30th in country), and 210.2 in 2012 (85th in country). In rushing offense, this year 171.58 (59th in country), 2013 205.14 yards (27th in country), and in 2012 128.83 yards (97th in country).


(THU) UCF @ East Carolina by 4
(FRI) Bowling Green vs N Illinois by 4
(FRI) Arizona vs Oregon by 14
Louisiana Tech vs Marshall by 4
Houston @ Cincinnati by 4
Iowa State @ TCU by 24
Oklahoma State @ Oklahoma by 18
Alabama vs Missouri by 17
Kansas State @ Baylor by 10
Florida State vs Georgia Tech by 4
Wisconsin vs Ohio State by 4
Fresno State @ Boise State by 10


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
In McElwain's 4 years at Bama, they averaged 33 ppg which would be tied for 42nd in scoring offense in 2014. Is that good enough for you Gatas?

Well, those 4 years, Alabama was 35th, 21st, 18th and 20th in Scoring offense. Offense did ok with teams in it's comparative time. High Octane offenses of the 1980's might only be average in today's game.

Also, Alabama's defense at the same time gave up 11.9 ppg, about a 21 points difference. Which, when used against this year's teams and their scoring differences between Offense and Defense, would be around #6 or #7

  1. Marshall 26
  2. Baylor 25.9
  3. TCU 24.2
  4. Michigan State 23.2
  5. Oregon 22.6
  6. Ohio State 21.2
  7. Wisconsin 20.7
  8. Georgia 20.4
  9. Alabama 19.8
  10. Mississippi State 17.8


Well, those 4 years, Alabama was 35th, 21st, 18th and 20th in Scoring offense. Offense did ok with teams in it's comparative time. High Octane offenses of the 1980's might only be average in today's game.

Also, Alabama's defense at the same time gave up 11.9 ppg, about a 21 points difference. Which, when used against this year's teams and their scoring differences between Offense and Defense, would be around #6 or #7

  1. Marshall 26
  2. Baylor 25.9
  3. TCU 24.2
  4. Michigan State 23.2
  5. Oregon 22.6
  6. Ohio State 21.2
  7. Wisconsin 20.7
  8. Georgia 20.4
  9. Alabama 19.8
  10. Mississippi State 17.8

Noted. Offenses have definitely improved in the past few years and defenses have struggled to adapt.

Also, that list gives me a sad. :(


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Noted. Offenses have definitely improved in the past few years and defenses have struggled to adapt.

Also, that list gives me a sad. :(

Giving up that garbage time TD against Auburn is the difference between flipping spaces between Georgia and Alabama (would be 20.45 ppg difference)

BTW, Florida State is 19th at 12.6 ppg difference, with Colorado State at #23 with 12.5 ppg.

McElwain's buyout details ended up being: $5 million in cash, $2 Million for CSU to play at Florida in the near future.
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