Level 100 AG has 1492000 HP. Iam now at 96 done, which had 1057264 HP.
Holy fuck![]()
That is complete garbage. No other demon had that much. They're basically adjusting for Selene.
Level 100 AG has 1492000 HP. Iam now at 96 done, which had 1057264 HP.
Holy fuck![]()
That is complete garbage. No other demon had that much. They're basically adjusting for Selene.
How is it even possible to get to wave 200 with spikes like this?
How is it even possible to get to wave 200 with spikes like this?
The Coro raid is actually easier than this one despite my team was like lv 30 and 40. Who would have thought having a 10000 attack arcana means nothing. Feel sorry for those who miss Selene.
lv86 now, no demon nor weapon to be seen yet. Needs 3 souls despite Selene hitting for 75K + 95K + 95K. About 400K damage done per soul.
That is complete garbage. No other demon had that much. They're basically adjusting for Selene.
Scumi at its finest. I mean remember how optimistic we were before this event? Gumi got us good.
Ugh, I hate the difficulty and gigantic HP spike in this raid
Me: "Yay, I finally have a warrior who doesn't suck."
Gumi: "Fuck you, 2x HP jump in the next raid"
Damn Yari. 80k damage for special move.
I keep harping on about it but everybody needs to join the church of sub party buffers. Level that Phoena!
Isn't her quest a royal pain in the rear? I have a defensive sub party buffer, but that's it. Phoena sits in my inbox.
Oh most definitely a royal pain. Stock up on revival fruits or just blow the 60 odd prysma needed for the best buff available. 15% damage buff and 10% defensive buff for the whole team makes such a difference, especially when the damage skyrockets during raids like this.
Throw that Trystan and Lilith on the bench and get her up!
I've been holding off on Phoena because I have Juliana, and it's going to be a long time until I can fit two 5* subs. It'll be pretty sweet when it happens, though.
I want Juliana so bad :/
Really makes me wonder how they're going to handle the Club-based DR, where newer players will be punished for not having Coro...if they continue with this kind of HP bump. (And given the scant number of club-wielders, makes me happy to have Lephret and Coro.)
How much more can Gumi piss off their customers before they start to leave? I'm starting to get sick of this...
Coro at lvl.100 had 462000 hp (source)
This demon apparently has 1492000 HP.... Gumi has added 1 million health points since then. Their greed is incredible.
Fuck I'm pissed off nowShouldn't have spent any nickles on this.
This is exactly why, despite still playing the game, I refuse to give one more cent to Gumi. I decided to stop early on, after I saw how they responded to Coropatiron and insisting that everything was "working as intended", despite it obviously not being the case. Even insisting that WE were wrong, when we have Japanese data to prove we were right. Of course we got a "free" Coropatiron later on, but we really needed to work for it. The way Gumi is handling this raid, as well as other aspects of the game, definitely isn't helping things.How much more can Gumi piss off their customers before they start to leave? I'm starting to get sick of this...
Coro at lvl.100 had 462000 hp (source)
This demon apparently has 1492000 HP.... Gumi has added 1 million health points since then. Their greed is incredible.
Fuck I'm pissed off nowShouldn't have spent any nickles on this.
This is exactly why, despite still playing the game, I refuse to give one more cent to Gumi. I decided to stop early on, after I saw how they responded to Coropatiron and insisting that everything was "working as intended", despite it obviously not being the case. Even insisting that WE were wrong, when we have Japanese data to prove we were right. Of course we got a "free" Coropatiron later on, but we really needed to work for it. The way Gumi is handling this raid, as well as other aspects of the game, definitely isn't helping things.
Speaking of V2, the Japanese version received the update just after the Selene event ended. I have a feeling that we'll be waiting a long time for V2 in the Global version, that's if we get it at all. But don't worry! We have the [basically useless] Blacksmith feature, as well as the upcoming Colosseum, which will probably be nothing but chum for the IAP players!
I'm on Level 87, with not a single gold chest drop nor a demon drop from the gatcha [every coin used]. I wish I could say I'm surprised but, considering past events, I'm really not. :/
Nicky worth keeping? Doesn't really look like it.
Nicky has a permanent spot in my leveling party.
Beat lv90 with 3 souls, no demon in sight.
I actually have gotten 2 Demons from the Demon Coins so far. So 4 in total right now, sorry for taking the luck guys.
Made it to level 100 and it took 5 souls so I'm gonna call it quits there and just start helping people.
Somehow Iam predicting that AG has alot more HP than Coropatillon or Armilus had.
Here are HP pics of Coro & Armi
Coro level 89 & 118
Armilus level 77 & 102
AG over 1m at 100?
No words. :/I wrote this 05-27-2015, 11:58 AM...
Oh why I was right. Damn you Gumi.
I don't get you guys :\
I was up to using 4 souls by the mid 70's in the Armilus raid (GixGaf getting me to 80- never forget). Now I'm sitting pretty at 83-84 still only using 2 souls per demon.
It's not like Gumi is doing anything unfair or underhanded. The difficulty of the game/raids is basically growing linearly over time with the increase in team strength.
They basically already gave everyone who cared an LB3 Selene plus raid weapon for her for free. How much more do you want?
Considering Gumi didn't keep the HP level equivalent(s) of the Japanese raid [and increased them quite a bit in the Global release], it kind of feels as though they're intentionally making things more difficult than they should be, so people will forced to spend Prysma [and thus, money].I don't get you guys :\
Obviously there is gonna be consequences due to the power creep of all the players having better teams than 1-3 months ago. 1.5mil is 4 souls for me (disregarding the extra damage from the stronger minions- but I'm averaging 430-450k a soul currently). And that's just for level 100, depending on the HP decrease from 100 to 101, it might be feasible to get back to 3 souls. I was up to using 4 souls by the mid 70's in the Armilus raid (GixGaf getting me to 80- never forget). Now I'm sitting pretty at 83-84 still only using 2 souls per demon.
It's not like Gumi is doing anything unfair or underhanded. The difficulty of the game/raids is basically growing linearly over time with the increase in team strength.
They basically already gave everyone who cared an LB3 Selene plus raid weapon for her for free. How much more do you want?
- Julianagate
- Corogate
- Meigate