All sub bonuses apply in gauntlet, as in all 5 characters not on the field?
Only the ones you have in your subparty I'm afraid. The other 4 characters not in the party aren't counted.
All sub bonuses apply in gauntlet, as in all 5 characters not on the field?
I would tell you if it's real life, but Amazon hasn't sent out their update yet, so the game is unplayable for me.
It might not work though, keep me updated. If you can't redeem the code you could retry later, who knows if it works again by then, it's really wierd.
The feel of V2.Code worked, thanks Kenji!
Also, the new icon nearly made me spit my drink, so blue it seemed like v2 at first, until I noticed it featured Hero v1. Sigh...
Is it me, or they actually upgraded the Heroe's avatar?
His artwork didn't change if that's what you're talking about.
TBK I saw Gumi actually come through for you and gave you a new wand?
Hey Aki, no, Gumi just addressed me as Cap'n and sent me on my way with a "nothing we can do" message. I scrounged some prysma and got super lucky with a last grasp pull late last night.
Think I'm gonna quit Chain Chronicles after this demon event, especially when I don't bother with arena and peeps I was relying on to primarily do demon events in friended me =(. What do I have to do to ensure I've saved my progress etc? Just link my Facebook?
Will be on One Piece TC only lol
Think the game has defeated me with its RNG pulls lol, last 2 pulls I did was the same exact silver rank character Inuichiyo(?) and I accepted I won't get good people without paying for pulls lolIf you don't delete the app you should be fine regardless, but I believe linking to your Facebook should allow you to recover it later if necessary. I haven't linked mine so I can't say for sure.
At the very least I think I should still be on your friend list, but I'm also not dropping prysma on raid event characters so I'm only moderately useful.
Think the game has defeated me with its RNG pulls lol, last 2 pulls I did was the same exact silver rank character Inuichiyo(?) and I accepted I won't get good people without paying for pulls lol
/should have started JPCC *whistles*
Think the game has defeated me with its RNG pulls lol, last 2 pulls I did was the same exact silver rank character Inuichiyo(?) and I accepted I won't get good people without paying for pulls lol
Come on, don't be like that haha
Actually, setting a nice MLB character as lead will help a lot in this regard (LB3-MLB Selene/MLB Trystan come to mind), they don't even need to be tavern characters.
Also, whales flock together - in mobage at least. You either get to know them through a forum or know them through whaling yourself. As a whale, there's little to no benefit in befriending a non-IAP (AC, maybe), but most people will befriend you regardless.
I keep a couple of low-ranked friends, in fact, since they are a good AC source - unless they have some ridiculous character as lead, Hero, for example. I know you have pulled at least one better 3*, are you pulling my leg?
I'm f2p though, Musica, Trystan and Selene are my only remarkable units.
Think the game has defeated me with its RNG pulls lol, last 2 pulls I did was the same exact silver rank character Inuichiyo(?) and I accepted I won't get good people without paying for pulls lol
I'm seeing people get up in the 150s range in this raid. It's insane. Without my own Brewery though, it's just not going to happen for me. I'm aiming for 80 since I got two bonus copies of Sapras from gold chests but that's it.
2 Brewery makes a lot of difference. I'm at 150 now with only 2 souls needed.
I'll help you get over 100 if you want, for the free Premium Ticket.
Think I'm gonna quit Chain Chronicles after this demon event, especially when I don't bother with arena and peeps I was relying on to primarily do demon events in friended me =(. What do I have to do to ensure I've saved my progress etc? Just link my Facebook?
Will be on One Piece TC only lol
Hey Aki, no, Gumi just addressed me as Cap'n and sent me on my way with a "nothing we can do" message. I scrounged some prysma and got super lucky with a last grasp pull late last night.
I'm seeing people get up in the 150s range in this raid. It's insane. Without my own Brewery though, it's just not going to happen for me. I'm aiming for 80 since I got two bonus copies of Sapras from gold chests but that's it.
Are you on my friend list? What's your in game name? I'm garath.
I'm still doing the 50s in one soul but I'm just not playing it as much as I would normally. Once it gets to the 2-3 soul range I'm in trouble. I'm way behind the curve.
Are you on my friend list? What's your in game name? I'm garath.
I'm still doing the 50s in one soul but I'm just not playing it as much as I would normally. Once it gets to the 2-3 soul range I'm in trouble. I'm way behind the curve.
There's some guy on my friend list that randomly friended me back during the Coro raid. Whenever a hot new character comes out he has them to 80 within a day or two. Right now he has a lv 80 Brewery. I have no idea why he hasn't unfriended me yet.
I think i might be joining, you I am at 94 still no gold chest and the game requires far too much dedication. Not only that but it seems if you do not have the RNG character, you are not going to progress far, I got lucky this time and got boobery, but next time I wont be.Think I'm gonna quit Chain Chronicles after this demon event, especially when I don't bother with arena and peeps I was relying on to primarily do demon events in friended me =(. What do I have to do to ensure I've saved my progress etc? Just link my Facebook?
Will be on One Piece TC only lol
So... this referral feature... does it only work with new accounts or can we all add each other and profit?
I think i might be joining, you I am at 94 still no gold chest and the game requires far too much dedication. Not only that but it seems if you do not have the RNG character, you are not going to progress far, I got lucky this time and got boobery, but next time I wont be.
I like this game because of it's charm. All the stories and stuff are fun, I don't even care about the rest.
Not that the story is a masterpiece or something but if you compare it to other mobile games this is miles above the rest, even if it's a generic Jrpg story.
Which refferal feature? is it new?
What happened, AvaGAF?
Sorry AzuGAF, but my mage team team ran out of time on wave 5/6.... so I can't help you past lvl. 100. Usually I can at least reach the boss at these high levels and get a few hits in... but I'm just not liking this raid at all.
Edit: Still got 500 Demon Coins for participating lol