new fortune ring character looks nice
her abilities kinda suck though lol
also got my tower reward
my first ssr cleric
dunno if I'll be able to limit break her at all though
having terrible luck getting fever times :/
wow. Frau in ring store already? I thought it was next month for some reason. Damn. I only have around 200 rings.![]()
...you had to go and get my hopes up.
She's not actually available until tomorrow, but they've updated the graphic a day early (because LOLGumi).
I finally acquired 70 fortune rings. Are any of these current characters must haves or should I save my FRs? Reading a few posts above, should I get Frau tomorrow?
Ring Exchange characters are basically four-and-a-half star arcana. Their base stats aren't as good as tavern-pulled URs.
The real advantage of ring exchange characters is that you can buy they have a 100% effective drop rate; if you have the rings, you don't need any luck to MLB the character. While a MLB'd tavern character will still have higher stats....most players won't see that without sinking $$$ into the game. MLB ring characters are some of the best options for a free player.
Frau is a bit of a special case, though. She does get better stats at higher levels, but her biggest selling point is that one of her abilities is supposed to slow down the mana reels in-between rounds, making it easier for you to select the mana you want. (Only slot # 1 can lock in; my understanding is that slots 2&3 are still effectively random. I can't confirm that....since she's not available til tomorrow.) Her ability triggers from the sub party, so getting 1 copy will be a valid strategy for some players.
I would recommend selling off 3* arcana and really try to LB Frau as far as you can in the next 2 months...but whether you'd rather sit on your FR until you can MLB a ring character is a personal call.
Just saved up 40k honor points and did a 10 pull in honor recruit...
5* Lephret
5* Sasha
4* Celeya
4* Enchancer (archer)
Rest 3* arcana
It's definitely better to do 10 pulls rather then individual ones![]()
That's pretty interesting, at least for CC. I'm assuming that the success of Chain Chronicle is mostly due to the Japanese version, when I look at the google play store it's pretty low in the "most selling" category compared to other apps, I think everyone here has also noticed at one point that the global playerbase isn't that big, look at the Selene event.
Write up.
Just saved up 40k honor points and did a 10 pull in honor recruit...
5* Lephret
5* Sasha
4* Celeya
4* Enchancer (archer)
Rest 3* arcana
It's definitely better to do 10 pulls rather then individual ones![]()
So is Frau still considered a must-have in global? I have a crapload of silver enhancers in my giftbox waiting to be cashed into fortune rings. I blew most of what I collected MLBing Lindsey. =x
Well so far I have Frau to LB1, need a lot more rings. Probably time to go through my inbox and see what I have to sell. Though we should have another demon raid before she departs no?
What is your guys' arcana limit? I'm debating whether I should spend the prysma to expand mine as I'm a bit of a hoarder.
What is your guys' arcana limit? I'm debating whether I should spend the prysma to expand mine as I'm a bit of a hoarder.
How does the AP buddy system work, exactly? I should probably actually use it if it's helpful, lol.
So I'm not 100% sure on how it works but from what I noticed it works like this:
Every day you can send one AP to all your friends (you can also press the "send all" button to make it easier)
For every point of AP you send you'll get one AP in return from the game itself. As long as your friend list is full you'll basically get like 50 free AP every day for free.
You can claim the AP your friends send you, this basically means that every day you can get up to 100 AP if you have a maxed friend list.
Your AP can go over your AP max, meaning that you can have something like 100/50 AP, your AP won't regenerate though.
Anyway, this system rewards you for having active friends.
man why can't they be reversed, I want the princess as the demonUpcoming demon raid event character and the demon herself in JPCC:
man why can't they be reversed, I want the princess as the demon
So after getting the 8M points I'll have to grind the hunt missions. I seriously want that princess.
By the way, what happened with the oni lady? That one with the cooking knife and the yandere-ish look?
Ps. Is it known why there is a rod as a 15M reward? I mean, what is the difference between that one and the one with the same image but lower point requirement?
I'm guessing the yandere oni lady will probably a future something? I think we assumed it was the next FC character but that was proven wrong so dunno, maybe the total war event?
I think the 15m rod is the same as the 1m or something rod, lol
Just giving you a second chance to get a 15 attack rod I guess
Any one manage to get the last chest drop from the "Desert Exploration - Expert" quest?
I'm 0 for 9 tries so far and I feel like I'm just wasting my AP... I bet the reward isn't even worth it![]()
That artbook is looking good! Although I'm a bit tired of Velnar at this point, seeing the kemonos take the stage is very welcome.
No princess here, the gacha even decided to add insult to injury by giving me a Rowendia. I did get 2 copies of the hammer soldier and the SSR from the FR gacha, so it's something.
the artbook is pretty nice
a lot more full page art than the first one
haha, you can still be helpful by putting up treelinca again~
EDIT: lol, the demon's 2nd ability basically gives her an auto-revive+full heal
so op
guess I'll put some effort into this demon raid
Looks like I'm gonna just miss out on the coliseum top 50 tonight, had to waste too many battles defending during the day. Still, pretty happy to have climbed back up so fast after missing the last several hours a couple days in a row.
Wow. A new global exclusive raid event.
I thought as much, well it's out there I guess.
Wait, you can get to top 50? What's your secret?
I check in every once in a while during the day. If someone knocks me down, I fight the highest opponent on my old list to both gain ranks and cancel out the defeat I took. If it's been several hours and no one has attacked, I refresh the list to try to have valid opponents when I am hit.
Then at the end of the day you need to have at least one battle left. When the clock hits 14:50 or so left, attack someone and pause the battle. Unpause with a little time left before the end and get your rewards. It's actually impossible to hit the top 50 anymore without using the pause trick, because when someone is currently being attacked they can't be attacked by anyone else (it gives you the "your opponent's rank has changed" message). This means that when you get to the very end, all the top 50 has someone attacking them with a paused game. So if there's, say, 2 minutes to go and you try to challenge anyone there, you won't be able to fight anyone.