Thanks. I now got a 3th Johan. But he looks like a douche, I don't really want to use him.. haha.
wow lvl70 coro wrecked my shit haha
Nimpha deserves some credit because her skill does 40k damage to the Demon, haha.. wow.
Just beat level 50 Coro, not sure how much farther my guys can go since my highest is level 44. At least I got 1 copy of the demon and I also got Juliana from a few pulls yesterday.
Just beat level 50 Coro, not sure how much farther my guys can go since my highest is level 44. At least I got 1 copy of the demon and I also got Juliana from a few pulls yesterday.
Well I'm a little frustrated with the game. At least in Brave frontier you can evolve characters and make them better. I'm now literally stuck with a sub par party and nothing to do to improve them.
Can't LB Lindsey. She's stuck at 60. Can't LB coro, she's stuck at 65. I have no other 5* characters.
It's going to be a long wait until Sulstan and even then, I only have ~200 rings. I'll be able to LB2 him maybe.
I wish I had LB4 Lindsey, LB4 coro, Julianna (RIP 2 tickets and 1000 prysma), a Nimpha would be very nice.
Even some interesting mage characters or something. But it's impossible to pull these. There's literally no way of diversifying your party without throwing money at the game. I wouldn't mind doing that if I actually thought it would do something. But when you're yanking nothing but 3* trash from the gatcha there's no way I'd spend a dime.
1000 prysma is the equivalent of what, $60? With literally no improvement to my game. Terrible.
I got a 41 Yoshino with Liberation who can be of some help if you need.
Friend ID: 170,792,979
FYI, This was always my biggest complain about this game - no unit evolving, and I also kind of suspected that eventually I'd fall to the "trap" you described - no reliable way to improve my party.
It seems like the only reliable way to get a fully LB'd 5* character is to buy them with fortune rings. I've played this game for free for about a month, and thanks to this demon raid, I'm sitting at about 120 rings. The next month? Hopefully 240, but not likely. Eventually though, enough to buy 5 copies of a good fortune ring character and fully LB him/her. Before that? Well, it's just a waiting game lol. I'm not spending a single ring on anything else before Sulstan most likely.
To be fair though, they are different games and BF has been out for a way longer time. CC doesn't also have the unit spectrum BF has. In CC you pretty much need a single good character and build your party around it. In BF you need multiple good characters to compose a balanced party for whatever task you're attempting. It still hasn't really dawned to me why would I want a knight party in here for example? Are they better than warriors - probably not? Maybe someone can expand on this
Overall, I've had quite a lot of fun with CC. The raids are pretty great for example. You can definitely get by with a "sub-par" team and some crazy high level friends.
Like I said earlier, just try to enjoy what the game deals to you and hopefully we'll get v2 soon enough. That's my plan anyway!
It still hasn't really dawned to me why would I want a knight party in here for example? Are they better than warriors - probably not? Maybe someone can expand on this![]()
Does anyone know if theres a way to reroll friendslist without burning AP? this has been a pretty big crutch for me at higher levels.
Just reached 100, might do a slow grind to 104 tops but more willing to help out other players at this point with raid invites. I have a pretty strong team with 3 lib swords and 59 karen as leader. Shes good for keeping Coro knocked down.
125063357 AndGAF
reply with name if interested.
I could sure use the help. VexGAF.
Currently struggling my way up the 80's.
Saved up another 50 prysma to be a masochist. Pulled and.......
A second Alvert. Lol? I guess its another 10 rings.
What I've been doing is getting some 1 mana active skill soldier to tank. In most cases, I use lindsey and spam her skill while having her up against coro as a tank. Funny thing is I think I do more damage this way as opposed to giving 3 mana to Nimpha and seeing everybody else drop like flies soon after because Nimpha used up her invincibility frames too quickly. 1 mana buys time while doing decent damage.
So I open my daily login chest and I receive holy forger. I'm already at the 20th chest and I'm like seriously, stupid chest can't give me the prysma that is in that other chest? I look in my storage box and see that the holy forger is x 10 and there are two sets of them. I think,big deal, I have twenty of them. Then I notice something in the corner and realize that those cards have three stars. Nice, I can probably sell them and net me some rings. Not as good as a premium ticket, but not bad at all.
So I open my daily login chest and I receive holy forger. I'm already at the 20th chest and I'm like seriously, stupid chest can't give me the prysma that is in that other chest? I look in my storage box and see that the holy forger is x 10 and there are two sets of them. I think,big deal, I have twenty of them. Then I notice something in the corner and realize that those cards have three stars. Nice, I can probably sell them and net me some rings. Not as good as a premium ticket, but not bad at all.
Just reached 100, might do a slow grind to 104 tops but more willing to help out other players at this point with raid invites. I have a pretty strong team with 3 lib swords and 59 karen as leader. Shes good for keeping Coro knocked down.
125063357 AndGAF
reply with name if interested.
btw as with most gatcha games, im pretty sure the item is preselected before you even pick it.
Why not go for 120, I cant find anyone to helpFinished my level 100 target last night so if anyone wants help feel free to add me I've got 2 free slots, let me know who you are beforehand
Name: Aki-at
Friend ID: 164568728
Wow, some help I was. >_<
If you need help, I got 1 slot free, 134,991,242
thanks, sent you an invite. up to lvl73 now but it's taking me multiple souls now especially if i don't have enough mana by wave 4. on a brighter note i got a second liberation![]()
Why not go for 120, I cant find anyone to help![]()
Ah crap I just cleared my list, what is your ID?
Did Coro seriously bug at 1hp left? I tried again and she was back to full health.
By the way, thank for helping, Andy.
Nasty bug that, if two people attack and defeat the demon at the same time then you'll be left with a glitch that says 1HP left.
It's taking me 3, sometimes 4 souls, just to clear a level now. My luck is horrible in this game, during the fights I end up with 6 healer mana and only one soldier making my Lindsey pretty useless :/
When the stars align and I manage to get a healthy amount of soldier mana it'd only take me 2 souls to get past Coro mind you.