Think I already know the answer, but worth selling off my bounty of 3* filler to collect enough Fortune Rings for Deed (as a free player)?
I managed to pull a (LB0) Juliana from the 2 free tickets I received for completing (LB0) Alvert's (my reset-until-I-got-someone-usable starter) chain quest. While I do have a spear user knight to go with them (LB1 Kai), There's a perfectly good spear using knight still available this week.
I'm up to 31 fortune rings from running the daily (plus Alvert's CQ); even if I hold onto the few good 3*s I received from Demon Coins this past week - LB1 Melvina, LB1 Nicky (for XP boost in my sub party), and LB0 Iris (for the cheap bastard party I run Gold dailies with) - can still get over 70 rings by selling off everyone else: (Rhynel x3, Maurice x3, Thomas x3, Bilgitto x2, Faceless, Robby, Ryubia & Killie).
That still leaves my Coros (3) untouched, should I find myself in need of FRs more than I need a LB2 Soldier. And a few 3* weapons....which I'm not sure whether to ring our or not (2x Myollnir, 1x Gladius).
(Also, is there anyone in that sales list I should hold onto, just in case I want to try something other than a Knight party?)
The only concern I have is that I still only have 48 cost to build a team...meaning it might be saints & scrubs for quite awhile until I can level enough to build a full squad.
Juliana, Deed, Alvert, Melvina (Kai / Nicky, Phoena in sub-party) is at least a squad I could build towards....if I could ever afford it.