new Deed is a reward for the current JP event, gonna take some time for me to get her though
I'm not buying Deed either. I don't even have a Knight team. So its easy for me. I'm perfectly fine with being less efficient in the Demon Raids to come. I don't need their Arcana anyway.
Wish there were healer Demons though. Seems like they made one for everything but healers.
Demon can heal their slaves which maybe more cost effective than getting a new one.Healer demons? That sounds a bit unorthodox![]()
Also at 9 Territories there is Free Quest which has Partizan (4* Spear) as reward.
I think its guaranteed drop at Chapter 8.
Also at 9 Territories there is Free Quest which has Partizan (4* Spear) as reward.
Yep that's it. You're probably right about being a guaranteed drop. Do gold chests ever actually drop randomly?
Any recommendations for similar games? I need something else to play. I tried Tera Battle, Puzzle and Dragons, and Angry Birds Epic but got sick of all of them within a week or two. Chain Chronicle is the only game I've stuck with.
Any recommendations for similar games? I need something else to play. I tried Tera Battle, Puzzle and Dragons, and Angry Birds Epic but got sick of all of them within a week or two. Chain Chronicle is the only game I've stuck with.
Any recommendations for similar games? I need something else to play. I tried Tera Battle, Puzzle and Dragons, and Angry Birds Epic but got sick of all of them within a week or two. Chain Chronicle is the only game I've stuck with.
Square just released a game thats basically the same concept but with a bit more strategic depth called Heavenstrike Rivals.
I played through past the intro and deleted it to re-roll. Seems fun. Also there's Monster Strike, my other big Gatch Game addiction.
Brave frontier is another good one I've been playing. I may even enjoy it more than Chain Chronicle. The One piece thread is blowing up too. I haven't quite jumped in on that.
Any recommendations for similar games? I need something else to play. I tried Tera Battle, Puzzle and Dragons, and Angry Birds Epic but got sick of all of them within a week or two. Chain Chronicle is the only game I've stuck with.
Square just released a game thats basically the same concept but with a bit more strategic depth called Heavenstrike Rivals.
I played through past the intro and deleted it to re-roll. Seems fun. Also there's Monster Strike, my other big Gatch Game addiction.
Hmm.. I never heard of Heavenstrike Rivals. Going to check that out now. Any GAF community for it?
I just haven't brought myself to investing time in One piece yet. Maybe soon.
It's actually getting a little difficult to maintain all these timesink games lol
It literally just came out today. There's a thread on it but it has 4 replies :lol
It seems solidly made but it doesn't have months/years of JP content to draw from so we'll see how much support it gets.
Any recommendations for similar games? I need something else to play. I tried Tera Battle, Puzzle and Dragons, and Angry Birds Epic but got sick of all of them within a week or two. Chain Chronicle is the only game I've stuck with.
Besides One Piece and Brave Frontier, Dragon Ace/Poker is another one I've been enjoying a lot lately, but currently the only English version is the South East Asia release.
Dragon Ace/Poker is the best one.
Square just released a game thats basically the same concept but with a bit more strategic depth called Heavenstrike Rivals.
I played through past the intro and deleted it to re-roll. Seems fun. Also there's Monster Strike, my other big Gatch Game addiction.
Downloading now. Really don't need another addiction though. Here's hoping the gacha rates are better than CC as rerolling is a chore.
This is a long, slow download.
Yeah I'm cutting down on mobile games a bit. It's taking too much time, but Dragon Ace is no doubt the best one, and even making a SEA iTunes acount is worth the 5 minutes of trouble.
You won't ever have to spend anything and you can be competitive.
Hmm. Is it really like poker? Lol
I was on the Fortune Ring screen last night ready to purchase a Deed...but I decided not to.
The way I figure it, I'm not interested in building a Knight team and would rather save my rings [currently at 202] to fully LB Sulstan [and other upcoming units]. Deed would be nice for the next event, but honestly, that demon doesn't seem that great so I'm not sure it'll be worth the trouble to put work into units that I'll likely only use once.
I made it to Level 80 on the first demon event, and that was without Lindsey or the event weapon. I'm sure I'll be able to do the same for the next one, especially considering my units are a lot higher leveled than they were in the beginning. That will give me at least two of the demon event cards, so I can LB her once or sell the extra for rings.
If I was committed to a Knight team, Deed would be an instant purchase. If we had V2 and I was rolling in rings, she would also be an instant purchase. However, since we're not [and it's difficult when we'll ever get V2], I need to save whatever rings I can for units that I know for certain will get a lot of use for me.
Yeah, in V2 you can do a 3* recruit for 2000 Arcana Coins. Granted they don't always give you characters cards, but you're guaranteed at least 1 Fortune Ring out of every recruitment. I'm sitting at something like...250k Arcana Coins now, and I hope to have at least 400k when they incorporate V2, possibly even more.I don't really know what's improved for version 2, but I take it that it's better to wait?
I don't really know what's improved for version 2, but I take it that it's better to wait?
Yeah, in V2 you can do a 3* recruit for 2000 Arcana Coins. Granted they don't always give you characters cards, but you're guaranteed at least 1 Fortune Ring out of every recruitment. I'm sitting at something like...250k Arcana Coins now, and I hope to have at least 400k when they incorporate V2, possibly even more.
- Increases 5* droprates from 1.5% to 7%.
- Guaranteed 3* from a 10 pull from arcana coins.
- More consistent events that give out rings (more than players know what to do with)
- Maybe also prysma? not sure on this one
- Weapons are equippable instead of binded
- You can chain abilities together of multiple cards, so its good to keep your 4* characters to link with other characters.
- The above lets you break 10k damage limit.
That being said, as good as v2 is... The more you farm and rank up your units now, the better you can reap the benefits of V2 when it arrives.
Thank you for this information. I guess I may as well just farm now for more arcana and coins while slowly progressing through the quests.
- Increases 5* droprates from 1.5% to 7%.
- Guaranteed 3* from a 10 pull from arcana coins.
- More consistent events that give out rings (more than players know what to do with)
- Maybe also prysma? not sure on this one
- Weapons are equippable instead of binded
- You can chain abilities together of multiple cards, so its good to keep your 4* characters to link with other characters.
- The above lets you break 10k damage limit.
That being said, as good as v2 is... The more you farm and rank up your units now, the better you can reap the benefits of V2 when it arrives.
Wow, that is one heck on an improvement.
Any ETA on arrival? I will just keep on stocking arcana coins and prysma while trying to make do with quests.
Also to note of V2, I believe knights were given a buff too. So they'll be less like second class warriors.
You were right ms wrong.I'm a gamblin man.
Also to note of V2, I believe knights were given a buff too. So they'll be less like second class warriors.
- Increases 5* droprates from 1.5% to 7%.
- Guaranteed 3* from a 10 pull from arcana coins.
- More consistent events that give out rings (more than players know what to do with)
- Maybe also prysma? not sure on this one
- Weapons are equippable instead of binded
- You can chain abilities together of multiple cards, so its good to keep your 4* characters to link with other characters.
- The above lets you break 10k damage limit.
That being said, as good as v2 is... The more you farm and rank up your units now, the better you can reap the benefits of V2 when it arrives.
this isn't true btwV2
- Guaranteed 3* from a 10 pull from arcana coins.
It kind of is.this isn't true btw
Is there a guaranteed way for your characters to limit break?
T-This sounds amazing.
Now I'm even more conflicted about giving Lindsey my Grief Sword, my team doesn't even need her to have it, we just roll through almost everything in auto.
Can't wait, definitely going to make the game a whole lot more accessible with my rotten luck.
made it to the tavern in nine territories and use my prysma for a pull. while not expecting chiyome, i figured i'd be happy with a decent fighter. who do i end up with? witch doctor airi, literally the only non-fighter unit you can recruit
made it to the tavern in nine territories and use my prysma for a pull. while not expecting chiyome, i figured i'd be happy with a decent fighter. who do i end up with? witch doctor airi, literally the only non-fighter unit you can recruit
Do all wizard teams work well? I have a katya and building one would be fun.
I hear having Aludra or Cheery is core for it. Or you can mix in 1 parchelle or other self healing paladin and tank through the dps.
heres a video of it in action