Is there any reason to keep and level up Melvina if I already have Vanessa?
I hear having Aludra or Cheery is core for it. Or you can mix in 1 parchelle or other self healing paladin and tank through the dps.
heres a video of it in action
Any recommendations for similar games? I need something else to play. I tried Tera Battle, Puzzle and Dragons, and Angry Birds Epic but got sick of all of them within a week or two. Chain Chronicle is the only game I've stuck with.
Yes. Melvina is one of the few healer who can cure poison.
For mage, there is a number of key mage:
-Velnar: atk boost per wave and atk boost per kill+ 2 mana AOE with daze. The mage nuker.
Note that there is a number of other mage which can still be used in a mage team and are by no mean, bad.
Ability 2 (Lv65): Per-kill 4% ATK boost (combined maximum from Ability 1+2 is +100%)
Velnar has one problem for F2P player
You need 2 Velnars.
Few more mages I like (well I do have them).
5* Aludra is good when you open her mana ability (level 45) which grants +2 mana at the start of battle so the 3 mata attack is no problem or you can use the mana to Cheery or to another mage.
5* Katya with 2 mana you can clear from all enemies (8 x column AoE "Deal moderate damage to all enemies at the vanguard") and unlike Yuni, Katyas attacks are non-elemental (no problems if there are Ice mobs).
But yeah, I would gladly take Cheery.
I'm coming up on my first 500 prysma soon. Is it really stupid to wait for v2 when all I have are 3*s, or should I pull to try and get my team better early?
1. About Gold Chest Drop
This feature is not available in Chain Chronicle Global yet, and was not included in any of the previous raid events. The earlier versions of Chain Chronicle Japan also did not include this feature. For details of what is available in raid, please refer to the Information displayed during raid events.
Featuring Demon Katarith
Grab the chance to obtain Demon Katarith (UR ☆☆☆☆☆from Demon Chests when defeating Onyx Drake.
Thanks for making my decision to not spend a single cent more on Chain Chronicle even easier, Gumi!Gumi, the company that made this game is lying.
Official announcement of Coropatillon raid.
In case they take that post down, here is screenshot:
Then why did people get Katarith from Gold chests?
Here is info about Demon Katarith raid
How hard can your screw things? Gumi fix your shit and apologize us.
Gumi, the company that made this game is lying.
Official announcement of Coropatillon raid.
In case they take that post down, here is screenshot:
Then why did people get Katarith from Gold chests?
Here is info about Demon Katarith raid
How hard can your screw things? Gumi fix your shit and apologize us.
The problem is that for the Coro event, not a single person has shown proof of having a gold chest drop. Not on any forums or social media. This adds further insult since this is the first demon that's actually any use, since Katarith is [more-or-less] only used for Fortune Rings via selling.I'm confused, if people actually did get Katarith during the last raid then what's the problem?
The problem is that for the Coro event, not a single person has shown proof of having a gold chest drop. Not on any forums or social media. This adds further insult since this is the first demon that's actually any use, since Katarith is [more-or-less] only used for Fortune Rings via selling.
However, it seems Gumi knew this, so they removed the gold chest drops for Coro [or, at least, lowered the rate to a ridiculously low level] so people wouldn't essentially get duplicates of an amazing "free" unit.
Nice job insulting the intelligence of your user base, Gumi...And now they are lying more. Saying that Gold chest never was thing in raids (not even in Katarith).
This thread in their official pages is good to read. But I dont know how long its there before they wipe the whole forum again.
Gumi, the company that made this game is lying.
SnowHarasho said:Hi Gumi,
Thanks for your response. I now understand the issue very well. As a sign of gratitude, let me give you a 1-☆ at googleplay.
Wow. I could have sworn the raid description for coro said specifically you could get the demon as a drop too. Guess they would have purged that.
what do i do with the 40 level kain? just roll him into someone else. he is pretty useless.
Isn't the 4* an all new arcana though? You'd have relevel it.Keep him. In the coveted v2, all the starter guys get 4* versions or something.
Is there any good way of farming unit enhancers other than burning all of my AP on the class dailies? I feel like the XP I'm getting from missions is not putting a dent in anything.
Isn't the 4* an all new arcana though? You'd have relevel it.
Is there any good way of farming unit enhancers other than burning all of my AP on the class dailies? I feel like the XP I'm getting from missions is not putting a dent in anything.
It's either the dailies, pulling with arcana coins (wouldn't necessarily recommend that), or hitting an event if the reward includes enhancers (like the old targeted knight quests)
Aparently Spark of Battle and Fruit of Research (both on the sage's tower map) are the best ways to level up characters - even if they are not soldiers/mages.
You can read further here, since the author does a bit of an in-depth analysis.
I meant getting actual enhancer arcana. I know about Fruits of Research, and I'm currently doing Defense Drill for xp, which is an even better rate. It still sucks, though.
WUT? I don't understand >.<
Coro had a chance to drop?
WUT? I don't understand >.<
Coro had a chance to drop?
WUT? I don't understand >.<
Coro had a chance to drop?
Thanks all for the tips a few pages back. I went ahead and leveled Nicky to 11 and stuck her in my subs. I couldn't do the same for Phillip because cost is a bitch.
Anyways I'm plodding through the main quest and just reached chapter 4. I'm just about reaching a point where I can't simply auto battle X2 and drink my coffee anymore. As always RNG is killing me. I'm doing all my pulls in the second tavern in the hopes of getting at the very least a decent 4* knight. On the bright side, I've actually been having luck getting rings on the dailies. Sitting on 49 now and if I sell Phillip I might just be able to grab Deed before she's gone.
I'm still using this crappy 4 colour team though.
How gimped would I be if I swap my mage for Deed and then eventually my soldier for another Knight?
All I hear is "Lindsey this" or "Sulstan that" but my line of thinking is that I already LB'd Maurice once and stuck the Liberation sword on him at the very start because I didn't know better, so should I just build around him? Most of my friends are soldiers but I do have 2 Julianna's in there.
I'm really looking forward to the next raid. The reason I got hooked in the first place was starting the game when there was 6 hours left in it.
I just had some discussion yesterday and it seems like you will need that Grief Sword on Lindsey before v2![]()
Honestly i would drop Minimo and use Dusty if you want to go the fighter route (his limit break outscales most 3*'s and some 4* and free gold is extra nice) or get Audette if you want to go knight route. Audette you can get a guaranteed drop from one of the quetss, i forget.
I'm early in the game - just got to the second tavern.mimhave 150 pryzm(?) and 10,000 arcana coins. Looking for some general tips. Should I be buying lots of cards with my coins and using the less good ones to boost my characters? Should I be spending 50 pryzm to get one rare character? Don't want to spend the currency on wrong things
Also, are the stars on the characters bascially how much potential they have? So although I like michidia, she is only 1 star so I should ditch her for better archers?
While your team will work, you will have issues doing certain content.
I mean you could build around that team, but it is ALWAYS better to have a few 5 star soldiers/knight/mage in your party because it makes things easier.
you should avoid having more than 2 different mana groups in your party because it usually hurts you more than it helps you but if you don't have a choice there is nothing you can do about it.
People talk about Sulstan and lindsey because they always significantly improve any group they are in. Finally, unless you don't have something better Liberation sword isn't anything special outside of the one-time coro raid.
Thanks, I assume you mean issues with raids? Is that down to the timed nature of the raids and soldiers being quicker? Or are knights in general just worse off?
That's nice to hear about the liberation sword anyway, I don't have anything better but at least it means I'm not losing anything amazing if I get rid of old Maurice. He's kind of the crux of my party at the moment with his "late" stats finally kicking in.
Also I shit you not, in between this and my last post, I just pulled another Minimo and a Madena with my last 100 prysma... I'm going to be stuck with these shams forever.
I guess I don't have the patience and fortitude you guys have to wait it out and horde rings/prysma for better arcana to come around. I kinda just want a 5* of any sort right now to build around so that's why I'm going for Deed. These are the reasons I'm going to end up begging for raid help here and getting stuck later in the main quest!
Oh and thanks for the Dusty advice guys. Would he be considered better than Madena even though she could be LB'd to 50 now? It would definitely help mitigate the cost issues that will come up soon when I get a 5* (It will happen!!).
Oh and thanks for the Dusty advice guys. Would he be considered better than Madena even though she could be LB'd to 50 now? It would definitely help mitigate the cost issues that will come up soon when I get a 5* (It will happen!!).
Thanks, I assume you mean issues with raids? Is that down to the timed nature of the raids and soldiers being quicker? Or are knights in general just worse off?
That's nice to hear about the liberation sword anyway, I don't have anything better but at least it means I'm not losing anything amazing if I get rid of old Maurice. He's kind of the crux of my party at the moment with his "late" stats finally kicking in.
Also I shit you not, in between this and my last post, I just pulled another Minimo and a Madena with my last 100 prysma... I'm going to be stuck with these shams forever.
I guess I don't have the patience and fortitude you guys have to wait it out and horde rings/prysma for better arcana to come around. I kinda just want a 5* of any sort right now to build around so that's why I'm going for Deed. These are the reasons I'm going to end up begging for raid help here and getting stuck later in the main quest!
Oh and thanks for the Dusty advice guys. Would he be considered better than Madena even though she could be LB'd to 50 now? It would definitely help mitigate the cost issues that will come up soon when I get a 5* (It will happen!!).