Hmmm not sure. Do the raids ever happen on a wasteland for Oguma? His 10% percent chance to inflict daze on a critical seems like low odds but I have one on my friendslist who actually procs it fairly frequently. His ATK also seems higher than the average 4*.
I have no experience with Vorg.
Is it worth doing the dailies for enhancers even if you'll be using them on a different class?
Using enhancers on a different class still gives 90% xp compared to the correct class. If you don't care about the fortune rings from dailies I believe "The Spark of Battle" free quest in Flame Sprite Colony has a better xp per AP ratio.
I haven't played this game long enough to know what the scheduled server maintenance is like. The details in the news post for the one happening ~22 hours from now says I should log out of the app before it happens, is that necessary? Or do they mean just don't have the app open so you won't lose progress? I also thought I read something about linking your Facebook account so I don't lose my progress somehow? Not necessarily for server maint. but just in general. This seems super unnecessary for a game that won't let you do anything unless you're connected to the cloud. Would love a little insight from someone.
Using enhancers on a different class still gives 90% xp compared to the correct class. If you don't care about the fortune rings from dailies I believe "The Spark of Battle" free quest in Flame Sprite Colony has a better xp per AP ratio.
I think SoB give better overall xp (for whole team) and best xp for a single Soldier. Other classes get better xp for a single character with there dailies.
Trying to do the math of this tells me there is no way SoB give as much single character xp as the rookie daily.
SoB 8ap 450xp (472 with volunteer sword)
1 first chest is 100% drop rate 2* Marga (1035 xp to soldier, 2185 xp if lv2)
2 chest is 45 % drop for arcana (worth no xp unless you pull which could we will leave out)
3 chest is 20% drop rate 2* Yoko? (1035 xp to soldier, 2185 if lv2)
4 chest is 15% drop rate 1* enhance (2960 xp to soldier)
if RNG is consistent we should be able to mulitply the xp gain by their drop rate
1035 x 1.= 1035
1035 x .2 = 207
2960 x .15 = 444
plus 450 from the normal run
450+1035+207+444= 2136/8=267
daily xp is
150 for basic run
2096 x 1. = 2096
2096 x .45 = 1332
10780 x .15 = 1617
150+2096+1332+1617=5195/10 = 519xp/ap for a single character
am i totally wrong with the math on this?
I think your math is right, but I went over it pretty quick. I'm also assuming your drop rates are correct. In that case you're absolutely correct that the beginner daily wins out in terms of single character xp (no idea about intermediate and I'm sure you'd have to use the 3* enhancer rather than sell). I believe Spark of Battle only has the edge when you're leveling a full party + subs and you're enhancing warriors/ the current daily is also off class.
I'm curious how things stack up once we start taking Nimpha/Volunteer Sword/Nicky into account, but I think that's a headache for another time.
adding nimpha changed the drop rates by 30%
daily changes to
First chest is 100%|100%
Second chest is 45%|58.5%
Third chest is 20%|26%
Fourth chest is 15%|19.5%
i fucked up though the free quest have a different empircal drop than the dailies.
I found and added +nimpa rates. Which demolish any benefits of volunteer sword.I'd seen the drop rate analysis on the dailies with/without Nimpha, but couldn't find the data on The Spark of Battle, just the supposed xp/ap ratio people had posted so I figured you had a source on the drop rates. Don't sweat it though.
Regarding Nimpha and friends I was thinking more along the lines of: For people who have access to Nimpha, the Volunteer Sword, Nicky, and perhaps any other buffs how does this affect the xp/ap ratio for different daily/free quests. But now that I think about it, the xp gains from Nimpha's enhanced drop rate probably dwarf those of Nicky/Volunteer Sword assuming you don't actually care about leveling Nicky/whoever has the Volunteer Sword.
I'd look into this more if I actually knew where to find good data regarding drop rates.
am i totally wrong with the math on this?
I didn't really check the math, but the last chest in SoB is a near 100% drop rate. The last chest also has the 1* enhancer.
I'm using Preliminary Contest for leveling up. I don't have yet a maxed team, so I prefer to level up the fulll party and rank up faster. Also, I have Ibuki with the Volunteer's sword (+15% exp) as my leader, and Nicky in the sub. That makes +25%, +35% if I use a Nicky friend.
Preliminary Contest is then 750 exp (810 with Nicky friend) for 8 AP, plus 600 exp for rank. Also, fourth chest is a 2 star soldier.
I only do dailies for rings. They are frustrating enough, I don't want to run them for levels too.
Btw is it just me or is the dailies slowly creeping up on what time they should end/start. I remember about 2 months ago they started at 2:00pm PST, around 3-3:30 this month, and last i checked today 430pm the new one isnt up yet.
So, my phone updated to 5.0.
Most Japanese games don't support android 5.0 runtime.
At first i was like WTF was that outfit, this game makes me sad sometimes. The all enemey slow dance maybe useful though so i am leaving her around for a bit.
Most Japanese games don't support android 5.0 runtime.
Hoh yeah, I dont do pulls from Holy city. 2 mana and I think its 10 seconds long (not sure about this). If you have room, keep her, there might be the time when she is useful.
So who should get the volunteer's staff.... I guess Pheona?
I am wondering if Sega will add more offensive healer.... then we can run a full cleric team just for giggle. of Darkness Licht
There actually are some pretty fun mono-cleric comps in JPCC. Still, he is a collab character, so don't hold your breath (although this one might have a higher chance of getting in, since he is still in the holy capital, even after the event ended).
I really wish they did, tbh.
I'm more hyped about the maou collab, though.
One of my friends joked that I'd go full P2W just to get Demon Queen into my party.
Huh, NA is really getting the Maou collab?
Getting proper trolled by the 2nd chest in the 20AP daily now. I'm pretty used to it being rather consistent for me, but for two days in a row, that thing has had like a 20% drop rate
Got no problem getting the last chest 3 times in a row just now, though!
I spent 120APs just trying to get that rotten 4th chest!
Sitting on a 140 rings, does anyone know when we're going to get Sulstan?
I spent 120APs just trying to get that rotten 4th chest!
Sitting on a 140 rings, does anyone know when we're going to get Sulstan?
Hopefully soon. Realistically May according to the JP release schedule.
I have 316 if I sell my 2 Alverts, Millagan and Katarith. I'm nearly ready for him. But then still need more to LB my Lindsey when she comes around again.![]()
Hehe, I have exactly 140 rings as well. What coincidence.
Sulstan might be a few months away still. Hopefully there'll be at least two demon raids before that or when he's available.
So I broke and rolled on this gatcha event and got Fan-Fan who doesn't seem like a bad grab actually considering the theoretical spear based event coming up.
Youre kinda hurry if you want to use spear user in raid. If Gumi goes with JPCC, we should get Spear raid on next monday = under 3 days. And remember, when raid is on, there is better rate for great success, also daily rewards should be doubled.
That'd be nice, still not giving another cent to Gumi though. Considering I only have enough for like...two pulls, if we do get the collaboration I won't get anything good from it.Huh, NA is really getting the Maou collab?