Lindsey is decent, her special ability is a little underwhelming and her stats arent exactly stellar. I certainly wouldnt say Deed is great, she's worse than Lindsey. She does less damage per mana, she has lower movement and attack speed and lacks warriors innate crits. The random stun is nice and her base ATK is higher than Lindsey. She's good if you're running a Knight team, otherwise I'd say she's easily skippable. Sulstan is good but we're not getting him till what, May or June?
What makes Lindsey so powerful isn't her stats [although they're definitely decent, having an Attack of 7,620 and HP 7,620 when fully Limit-Broken], it's her Special ability. It only costs one mana to use and is a nine-hit animation wherein she's invincible during the duration. Because of this, she can effectively tank certain bosses, especially with her second ability which heals her for 1% every three seconds. Not only that, but her nine-hit Special increases in damage when you equip her with more powerful weapons. These hits cannot crit, but they can still do a lot of damage and, as I've said, she's invulnerable during them. Since it only costs one mana to use, it's not difficult to spam. With her first ability she's also extremely fast, making it easy to kite enemies.
In regards to Diido/Deed, you're right in saying that she's only good if you're running a Knight team [since you don't want to mix too many different types on a single team, as it would complicate the mana situation. As a unit though, she's great and is a staple in many Knight builds. Her stun is rather high [10%] on her normal attacks and her movement speed increases when battle begins, allowing her to move easily between enemies.
Keep in mind that Knights right now are indicative of the current meta since they received a buff in version 2 which we haven't received yet in the EN release. She'll definitely be more useful later on, so grabbing her now and leveling her/getting her ready might be a good idea, especially considering you'll likely be running multiple teams later on [Mages, Soldiers, Knights, etc.].
Sulstan should be the next Fortune Ring character we receive, so assuming we get one around the same time we got Deed, we're looking at maybe a mid-March release.
One thing about the event. Won't we, lower level players, hit a barrier quickly, at which we won't be able to compete anymore? Atleast that's what I am expecting.
You will, but you can always ask your Friends for help. You'll lose out the chest drop for that boss, but you'll still go up in level which will enable you to receive better prizes.
Just downloaded this game. How long does it take before you hit the paywall? And in terms of IAP, how bad is this game compared to, say, PAD or Brave Frontier?
The game is actually pretty easily clearable just by recruiting the free 3* units in the game [from what I've read]. There's also the Fortune Ring characters where, as I've said earlier, are great, and are obtained with little effort by collecting Fortune Rings from daily events as well as login rewards and other areas.
I currently have only enough fortune rings 70 for one toon, is lindsey the very best I can get? Or is there someone better.
Lindsey is great at LB0 since you can greatly increase the power of her Special by equipping her with better weapons. Only being one mana to use, you can easily spam it too. Also, if you're facing an especially powerful enemy, you can run up to attack and then, just as the boss goes to attack, back out again. Lindsey is so fast that you'll avoid the attack, and you can repeat the process over and over to "kite" the boss. It takes some finesse, but it's doable.