I have a few open spots on friends list. Name is VexGAF, in case you already have me. My ID is 173,753,082. I'll auto-accept anyone with GAF in the name. If you don't have GAF in your name, just let me know what your name is.
I've gotten 4 3*s from 4 tickets and 0 rares from my demon coins and chests so far. This raid has been bad news for me ever since Gumi announced it wouldn't be a spear raid.
Has anyone gotten the wand from the demon coin pulls? I've gotten 2 Liberations now. I'm kinda worried they forgot to update their dc recruit drop table.
Damn, 7 pulls and only 3*'s each time.
Got the Temperance Wand from the level 30 raid reward and it's still got the Japanese text on it. I have no idea who to give the wand to either. My most powerful mages with hard hitting skills use swords and spears and all my wand users heal or give some support skill. The only offensive wand users I have are Minimo and Ursula. Ursula might be ideal since she has a one mana multi hit skill, but she's only level 12. Minimo is also pretty under leveled.
I have now defeated 51 demons and made all the possible DC pulls after 51 Demons for main, no wands (no Liberations either) no demons. Iam hoping for atleast one wand more (ideal would be to get 4 more atleast). Cursed rng.
SRs here as well, though I managed to snatch a second yona. DCs are being more forgiving, no demon but some SRs.
Finding it that the chest drops are less rare now. After 30 demon raids I'd usually have 4 blue chests, this time it's only 1 demon chest and 1 blue chest. Still can't complain considering my first drop but I'll see how lucky I am with demon coins when I hit 20,000 coins.
Got the Temperance Wand from the level 30 raid reward and it's still got the Japanese text on it. I have no idea who to give the wand to either. My most powerful mages with hard hitting skills use swords and spears and all my wand users heal or give some support skill. The only offensive wand users I have are Minimo and Ursula. Ursula might be ideal since she has a one mana multi hit skill, but she's only level 12. Minimo is also pretty under leveled.
does it not work with healing wand users? Or do you mean that is their primary? Was thinking to give it to my Elemia but don't want to lose her healing special
3* Are rares not SR. So do you have now 2 Temperance wands (one from 30 level demon reward and another from demon coins pull)?
Other considerations are that Minimo has a single target 17% per wave heal, and Ursula has a 10% party wide per wave heal.
I'd probably just give it to Minimo, since it'll be easier to hit with her special. Ursula has a melee special, which can be quite awkward for a mage.
does it not work with healing wand users? Or do you mean that is their primary? Was thinking to give it to my Elemia but don't want to lose her healing special
Finding it that the chest drops are less rare now. After 30 demon raids I'd usually have 4 blue chests, this time it's only 1 demon chest and 1 blue chest. Still can't complain considering my first drop but I'll see how lucky I am with demon coins when I hit 20,000 coins.
No, the wand just gives you a massive damage boost. That damage multiplier applies to your mana skills too. So the wand would be wasted on a healing mage. I'd rather it go to a unit who with a damaging skill.
Ok, so Gumi didnt fix 1HP bug:
Oh dear. Didn't they say no new raids before that's fixed?
Part of me believes they haven't done anything to the raids as such, lol.
Hey. Here is the screen capture. As you can see 1HP bug lives and is well. Tell SEGA creetings and please fix this bug. And yes, dont tell me to close & restart application. You surely do know that it wont help anything in this issue. y. RixGAF
So its kinda fixed (you lose 1 soul).