Yeah, she hits really hard. :/Don't think I will reach 100 this time. It has gotten way too difficult past 70. I need 3 orbs to kill now.
Don't think I will reach 100 this time. It has gotten way too difficult past 70. I need 3 orbs to kill now.
from 70 to 71 she gets 100k more hp, and there is a mid boss in the 2nd round.
This is the way to make impossible to reach level 100 Gumi, congratulations.
Coropatillion raid was easy, thanks to so many Liberation swords around.Well, to be fair, last raid was easy because Liberation had a really good drop rate and there were plenty of sword users for knight, warrior and even mage teams.
This raid, it seems like the Temp wand drops a lot less and you are restricted to only mages who can equip it. The only mage I have at a decent level is Fiona, LB0 and lv40.
With that said, I'm just about to hit stage 70 and probably just gonna take it to 80-83 and stop there. I imagine most stages after 70 will take me the whole 3 souls.
So far I've gotten from 76 drops: Maurice, Johan, Gladius, Enhancer 3* x 2 Mage Enhancer x 2, Armilus x 2
Pyrsma Pulls: Nelva, Minimo x 3, Xien, Toto and Fi-Fi
Demon coin pulls (About 15 of them): Melvina x 2, Maurice, Sheda and Weapon 3* x 2
My flowchart after level 70 is
Is VexGaf avaliable as a friend Y/N if yes pick him, if not, search for the strongest mage
If I lose, I had to send an aid request to VexGaf an hope that he could clean my quest
Any value to keeping Armilus? She seems ok. Definitely better than Katarith was. We going to have need for archers or an archer team in the future?
I'm going to assume there will be Raids with Archer weapons doing more damage to the Raid monsters so I'm holding on to her and Katarith.
Who's VexGAF? I don't think I have him as a friend. I have like 2 friends that have a high level mage with the wand![]()
Got another wand! with friend, up to 4 wands now. Dps hasn't increased much, but having an extra one certainly helps clean the trash mobs that try to sneak by the sides. Doing maybe 300k if I don't screw up.
That'd be my account. if you're looking to add, I still have 2 spots left. 173,753,082.
Got another wand! with friend, up to 4 wands now. Dps hasn't increased much, but having an extra one certainly helps clean the trash mobs that try to sneak by the sides. Doing maybe 300k if I don't screw up.
That'd be my account. if you're looking to add, I still have 2 spots left. 173,753,082.
I actually have 3 wands but no one to use them with. I have a level 40 lizorette that is my only wand user right now. Rest of the team is damage sponges I guess. Just finished 61 or 62. Not really climbing too fast.
On an unrelated note, is anyone "missing demons" as of recently? As in, finishing a quest and Arminus not popping up?
You could get Pulna and Palna if you don't have anyone else. Some people seem to be leveling them up for the event, although I can't say I have tried it myself. They have either their skill damage or their attack damage increased when they are together on the field (can't recall which exactly) and this should stack with the wand damage increase.
On an unrelated note, is anyone "missing demons" as of recently? As in, finishing a quest and Arminus not popping up?
The demon doesn't have a 100% chance to spawn after a quest. It's a high chance, but not guaranteed.
The demon doesn't have a 100% chance to spawn after a quest. It's a high chance, but not guaranteed.
Is it a prize for a certain number of wins?
Ah... I thought it was 100%, I just missed it thrice in a row.
The jump from 70-71 is *killer* That miniboss messes everything upGonna have to start using all 3 souls at once for a chance to beat the raid anymore.
By the way, did the wand's drop rate increase?
well that didn't fucking work
might be a wrap for me unless i can do some serious power leveling in the next day or two
Nope, havent seen any to drop![]()
Do you have any slots open on you FL? I can help you reach 80 if you haven't already (I'm not confident I can do much more, 85+ and I'm using 3 souls and barely managing). Do forgive me if I miss a demon, I am somewhat busy this week, but would like to help.
Also, don't use 3 souls at once, using them 1 by 1 you can use up to 4.
Id: 178,147,683.
but she hits like a truck and my healer couldn't heal through it fast enough at all, it was a disaster.
If you're using an all warrior team you should consider replacing your healer with another soldier. The mana you get from units dying is pretty usefull and allows you to deal more damage in a shorter time
Thanks man, much appreciated. Friend request sent. My thought process for using all 3 souls at once was that I wouldn't have to waste the 50-60 seconds going through the first 3 waves each time, and have more time to focus the demon in the last wave, but she hits like a truck and my healer couldn't heal through it fast enough at all, it was a disaster.
If anyone else wants to donate to charity my ID is 147,074,251
Remember how I said the effect of previous battle is brought forward to the entire gauntlet stages?
That's some crazy luck in there! Congrats sir!
I've only managed to pull a single copy of Melvina and a bunch of rings so far, but that's already made this raid for me![]()
Aki, I like your mage. she's pretty handy in this event.
That'd be my account. if you're looking to add, I still have 2 spots left. 173,753,082.