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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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No, I totally agree that the anger against white supremacy and Nazism is totally fucking justified.

I just think some of the "solutions" expressed in this thread are straight up terrifying.



Until you can come up with a solution to peacefully negotiate with fucking nazis, please shut up and stop condemning people who have no choice but to fight back against them.

This. And to add to that, read some fucking history books or articles and gain some perspective.
You can vent as much as you want. It won't change the fundamental truth that exterminating a group of people is not something we should do. I will oppose such ideas and thoughts even if it means that I would have to protect monsters. Our society is based on fair trials and not mass lynchings. Don't give them any opportunity to morally drag us down with them.

*Not* killing people based on crude and vaguely defined lists is one of the crucial things which differentiates us from them. Let's keep it that way. It's not easy, but it's the only way for us to keep at least some sense of humanity in the process. That being said, I sure hope that the perpetrator will be labeled a terrorist, because this is terrorism. And with that label, a harsh and true punishment will be possible. And *that* is the only way to deter Nazi gatherings like that. Put them on a terror list and arrest them. Or more than that. That's one of the few instances I can relate to capital punishment.

that's a whole lot of nothing just to say you agree with me
Nazis and other fascist groups only know and work under the tread and execution of violence. There is no reasoning or debate. They get an inch and take a mile.
Until you can come up with a solution to peacefully negotiate with fucking nazis, please shut up and stop condemning people who have no choice but to fight back against them.

Thing is, I don't think anyone in this thread was physically attacked by a Nazi today... yet we have all these people shouting burn them all.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Thing is, I don't think anyone in this thread was physically attacked by a Nazi today... yet we have all these people shouting burn them all.

Are you serious?

edit: oh, another alt. Well then.
Do you not understand the concept of empathy?

Why yes, I do.

For incidents like this, using violence for self-defense is appropriate. Calling for the mass extermination of people or throwing people in prison without a well-developed framework to do so is not appropriate.


Thing is, I don't think anyone in this thread was physically attacked by a Nazi today... yet we have all these people shouting burn them all.

Seriously enough. I agree that some of these posts are emotionally charged and taking things too far, but nobody on this forum is actually going to be harming a nazi. Relax. How about we focus instead on the people that were actually harmed.
Thing is, I don't think anyone in this thread was physically attacked by a Nazi today... yet we have all these people shouting burn them all.

Well, yeah. What do you want them to say? Let's discuss it out? Those discussions were held. The alt-right, conservatives, white supremacists, neo-nazis, and other deplorable human beings decided what they were doing was A-OK. The government now agrees what they're doing is A-OK. The police now agree what they're doing is A-OK. A nazi gets punched and that's the problem?


Thing is, I don't think anyone in this thread was physically attacked by a Nazi today... yet we have all these people shouting burn them all.

Might have to do with Nazis attempting and succeeding to kill protesters, repeatedly arming themselves and taking over areas to scare and bully minorities, and becoming increasingly more bold and aggressive in their tactics.

This isn't going to stop today. This isn't going to be the last incident. And you have to consider that at some point, this is going to happen on your doorstep.
cloudscale has an account made this year with 40 posts, 38-39 of them being in this thread

let's stop getting baited by the obvious burner account and move on
Yes. Let's avoid a war if possible.

Agreed. But when folks actively strive for your extermination you're a fool to let them. They can talk shit but when they dispatch violence which they always have they need to be put back in their hole.

I guess not promoting retaliatory violence in a civil society makes me heartless and indifferent to the sufferings of millions of minorities.

Please don't misrepresent my views. And allow me to clarify if you're misinterpreting me: I'm not calling for retaliatory violence. I'm not advocating going Dylan Roof sale but opposite side. I'm not calling for a race war. No minority in America could win that and I'm not dumb or suicidal.

What I'm saying is that maybe advocating for the enemy. IF confederate rebels that went to WAR with the US and Nazis which went to WAR with the world which the US is a part of shouldn't be tolerated. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to be a bigoted shithead. That's a good 40% of any nation. I'm saying straight up people that are advocating for genocide and repping a foreign army that LOST should be shat on from the highest level with every possible legal means required to put them back under the rocks like the roaches they are. Let me go to another nation and fly their enemies flag in public and see what they do to me.

I feel outrage. I feel victimized. I feel far more scared than I ever have in my entire life to be who I am in America. There are many who are in the same boat. But, I still don't agree with your judgment of me, and I don't understand why you feel this way, and I'm sorry you do feel this way.

Because a great any of your posts in this thread have been grade-D shit posts.

Sorry to break the echo chamber, I guess?

Like this. This is a shit post and why you're full of shit.


For white people.

Even when they commit terrorist acts.

I know you're angry, but vent that anger into political action. The US had a black president and there are a lot of black lawmakers and lots of ways to fight the right way for a good cause. Don't let them divide decent people into sub-groups fighting amongst themselves.

Justice is never attained easily. And you can be sure that even a lot of white conservatives will be on your side, because this shit is atrocious on so many levels. It is one of the few moments in which basically everyone can agree on something and start a strong movement.

Being a minority is never easy, but being in that situation, it is especially important not to lose the moral argument. Mass lynchings are not a solution, they never were. And yes, those double standards are unfair, but that should not drag you down. If you behave like "them", you become "them". You you want to be better than "them" - and stay that way.


cloudscale has an account made this year with 40 posts, 38-39 of them being in this thread

let's stop getting baited by the obvious burner account and move on

I wouldn't be sorprised if some of the people replying to his posts are doing it to keep the conversation going.


cloudscale has an account made this year with 40 posts, 38-39 of them being in this thread

let's stop getting baited by the obvious burner account and move on

I mean seriously... the guy is in this thread saying we need to chill out on the calls for the extermination of people in a thread about a fucking Nazi march in which white supremacists congregated with torches advocating the extermination of minorities and other things.

Dont.... feed.... the troll.
And really, I'm horrified by today's events, especially since I used to live in Charlottesville for school. It hits close to home. It could've been me or one of my friends who got run over. The shit today has been personally affecting. But, what I also find horrifying is some of the reactions in this thread.

Priorities lol..

Sorry to break the echo chamber, I guess?

You might wanna wait until you have 300 post before you go down this road, friend..


You can vent as much as you want. It won't change the fundamental truth that exterminating a group of people is not something we should do. I will oppose such ideas and thoughts even if it means that I would have to protect monsters. Our society is based on fair trials and not mass lynchings. Don't give them any opportunity to morally drag us down with them.

Can.... you.... honest to God... fucking.... NOT?


I completely agree. I'm an advocate for free speech, but not hate speech. I'd love for America to do what much of Europe does in regards to hate laws. But Americans have come to believe that if somebody can't say "kill all the jews" or "hang that n***er" then none of us are really free.

It's fucking crazy. I've never said any of those things in my life in a serous way and yet somehow, I feel free. Weird shit.

It'll only get worse until lawmakers start accepting that hate speech ≠ free speech.


I would like to see how the right would spin this type of thing if many more WW2 vets came out saying the same thing.

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