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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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We're not getting run down en masse by Nazis.

Read a fucking history book and count the dead. How many people have been murdered in the United States because a white person was indoctrinated into an ideology that taught them they were superior to others.

You can play the semantics with "But I'm only specifically talking about nazis" if you want but cut the shit because that's the issue.

Your post translates to "I ain't got no skin in the game. Don't see a problem here!"


How do you know officials won't abuse their newfound authorities and simply imprison people they don't like when given the power to imprison anyone who's a "Nazi"?

The authorities already have the power to imprison and murder people without cause, which they use to oppress people of color today.

This is not a new authority. It's something they already do to us.





What a god damn coward

A disgrace of an administration.


I still don't get how she's a Republican. I understand that there are a lot of various left and right issues, but she can't be as blind as to not see that this is the party she's affiliated with. It's a party that's been building to this moment for quite some time and the had of the party right now just gave all these people the thumbs up with his speech.
She's a Cuban immigrant, and that plays a very large part in it. She voted for Clinton though.
The authorities already have the power to imprison and murder people without cause, which they use to oppress people of color today.

This is not a new authority. It's something they already do to us.

Like I said dude probably never gave a single thought to that in their entire life...
The thing is: once you start such a list, this list must become bigger and bigger, logically. It's just so easy to add a person and a label. So it's very important not to start such a process, no matter how much anger there is.

I would put Nazis and Communists on that list, for example. And that would cover way too many people who don't deserve much sympathy, but we have to be stronger than that.

There's no slippery slope with me. The only people I would actually be ok with being killed are people who are identifying as nazis. If you don't agree with me that's fine, but if that's the case then you should stop replying to me because no amount of discourse is going to change my stance on that. Put me on ignore if it helps.


Like seriously, how could one even develop a system to identify Nazis? This is beginning to sound strangely like an endeavor something a villainous regime in a third world country would take on. An endeavor that would also be very prone to abuse to authorize the imprisonment or killing of political dissidents, leakers, journalists, intellectuals, minorities, etc.

if you're worried about a fascist police state in america, i hate to tell you that it's always been a part of our history: Fascism has Already Come to America
Read a fucking history book and count the dead. How many people have been murdered in the United States because a white person was indoctrinated into an ideology that taught them they were superior to others.

You can play the semantics with "But I'm only specifically talking about nazis" if you want but cut the shit because that's the issue.

Your post translates to "I ain't got no skin in the game. Don't see a problem here!"

Okay, I'll read a fucking history book, my man.

There's a problem, we have all identified, and I see no solutions but "hur hur call anyone who disagrees with me a Nazi and an idiot," and "hur hur exterminate da Nazis," and "hur hur we should go outside and punch all Nazis because they're obviously identifiable at your local Walmart!"

The authorities already have the power to imprison and murder people without cause, which they use to oppress people of color today.

This is not a new authority. It's something they already do to us.

Yes, but we're talking about how to scope free speech laws such that they can help exterminate prejudicial and violence-inciting ideologies. That's a difficult problem to solve, and we'll only compound the problem you're identifying here if we give corrupt authorities greater latitude to imprison.
Okay, I'll read a fucking history book, my man.

There's a problem, we have all identified, and I see no solutions but "hur hur call anyone who disagrees with me a Nazi and an idiot," and "hur hur exterminate da Nazis," and "hur hur we should go outside and punch all Nazis because they're obviously identifiable at your local Walmart!"

Yes, but we're talking about how to scope free speech laws such that they can help exterminate prejudicial and violence-inciting ideologies. That's a difficult problem to solve, and we'll only compound the problem you're identifying here if we give corrupt authorities greater latitude to imprison.

Then why dont you suggest some actual fucking solutions instead of sitting on your fucking ass and whining about how people who actually care to fight aren't "DOING IT RIGHT WAAAAH"?


It's sad that it's regular citizens being interviewed that have to state clearly that this was a domestic terrorist attack by homegrown nazis.
Then why dont you suggest some actual fucking solutions instead of sitting on your fucking ass and whining about how people who actually care to fight aren't "DOING IT RIGHT WAAAAH"?

Because I don't have a solution, and I feel strongly that fucking killing people and imprisoning people without a strong system en masse is not the right solution.
Nazis are back. Only one man for the job.


Man, this game is so timely. Nazi fucks.

I remember when people said The Winter Soldier chickened out by having its villains be Nazis whose ideology had survived to the present day, rather than tackle seemingly more contemporary political actors.

Turned out to be real fucking prescient.


There's no slippery slope with me. The only people I would actually be ok with being killed are people who are identifying as nazis. If you don't agree with me that's fine, but if that's the case then you should stop replying to me because no amount of discourse is going to change my stance on that. Put me on ignore if it helps.

I just wonder why it is "just" nazis. You could add pedophiles, mass-murderers, terrorists, people causing world crises... but you seem to have a fixation on a special brand of bad while excluding others from that same treatment. I would still advocate putting communists into the list, because their history of mass-murder is also maddening. If you took care of boths brands of evil, you would have a better world to live in.

But: I am still on the slippery slope side, as much as it hurts me. Because realistically, such a list or such a label will be misused. This is what happened in Turkey - everyone can be labeled a "terrorist" for no reason at all. And Russia's government just labels everyone and everything next to them a "fascist" while being a white nationalist and imperialist government themselves.

Finally: never use the same methods you don't want "them" (whatever group of people) to use. Mass-murdering Nazis makes us pretty Nazi, too.


I still don't get how she's a Republican. I understand that there are a lot of various left and right issues, but she can't be as blind as to not see that this is the party she's affiliated with. It's a party that's been building to this moment for quite some time and the had of the party right now just gave all these people the thumbs up with his speech.

I know nothing of her bio, but I suspect she got caught up in the McCain hero worship around the same time as some on the left did (circa 2000) and just never escaped that orbit. It's a shame because there isn't a single media personality on the left that will straight up scream fuck off nazis with that kind of conviction.


We're not getting run down en masse by Nazis. One fucking idiot who is more of an idiot than his fellow fucking idiots doesn't warrant calling for the extermination of people.

Like seriously, how could one even develop a system to identify Nazis? This is beginning to sound strangely like an endeavor something a villainous regime in a third world country would take on. An endeavor that would also be very prone to abuse to authorize the imprisonment or killing of political dissidents, leakers, journalists, intellectuals, minorities, etc.

I wouldn't want to live in a country where the government is policing thought crimes. I wouldn't want to live in a country where guerillas are doxxing and murdering people. There are too many ways for that to go horribly wrong.

Are you letting a popular hash tag cloud your judgment?

Lmao ok dude, now tell us how you would actually do that if you were an influential leader with lots of power.

Oh fucking hell! There's no point in trying to explain this to you if you're this clueless.
Stop using alt-right to describe this guys. They are Nazis. NAZIS.

Nazis are back. Only one man for the job.


Man, this game is so timely. Nazi fucks.
Wolfenstein II is like "Oscar bait" to the current political climate. I bet it wins GOTY based on the political statement the game's gonna make (it doesn't hurt if the game's as great or better than The New Order)
No, I strongly disagree with your views, and I'll voice my concerns.

Because I don't have a solution, and I feel strongly that fucking killing people and imprisoning people without a strong system en masse is not the right solution.

Why then do you have to monitor other peoples outrage about it? People hate Nazis, many understandably want them dead because their rhetoric is absolutely dangerous. That has been the case since their very beginning.

They may not advocate for capital punishment, but the anger against them is justified.


I never thought I'd see the day when the President of the United States would sympathize with terrorists and nazis.

It's unfantomable and unparallelled.


Then do us all a favor and shut the fuck up

"Agree with my impossible to implement solution or shut up"

Why then do you have to monitor other peoples outrage about it? People hate Nazis, many understandably want them dead because their rhetoric is absolutely dangerous. That has been the case since their very beginning.

They may not advocate for capital punishment, but the anger against them is justified.

Hating them and being angry against them is more than justified. But calling me a nazi defender for not supporting their "methods" is quite frankly insulting.
Okay, I'll read a fucking history book, my man.

There's a problem, we have all identified, and I see no solutions but "hur hur call anyone who disagrees with me a Nazi and an idiot," and "hur hur exterminate da Nazis," and "hur hur we should go outside and punch all Nazis because they're obviously identifiable at your local Walmart!"

Yes, but we're talking about how to scope free speech laws such that they can help exterminate prejudicial and violence-inciting ideologies. That's a difficult problem to solve, and we'll only compound the problem you're identifying here if we give corrupt authorities greater latitude to imprison.

This conversation would be easier if you just admit you don't give a shit about the millions of minorities that have been butchered by white supremacy and it's ideology over the centuries and are using a discussion on free speech to sidestep that.

Like I said, go read some history.

Why then do you have to monitor other peoples outrage about it?

You know why...


Neo nazi groups why do they exist again? All they stand for is for violence. How is it possible for them tp be in riot gear and armed and given the ok to protest?


Only just caught up with all this. Holy shit. The police inaction was an absolute disgrace and they allowed the violence to happen. Contrast to their behavior against BLM protests.
Why then do you have to monitor other peoples outrage about it? People hate Nazis, many understandably want them dead because their rhetoric is absolutely dangerous. That has been the case since their very beginning.

They may not advocate for capital punishment, but the anger against them is justified.

No, I totally agree that the anger against white supremacy and Nazism is totally fucking justified.

I just think some of the "solutions" expressed in this thread are straight up terrifying.
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