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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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A Republican rep from Colorado



No, I totally agree that the anger against white supremacy and Nazism is totally fucking justified.

I just think some of the "solutions" expressed in this thread are straight up terrifying.

White supremecy and Nazism is more straight up terrifying. Stop chastising people who are speaking out of anger and talk about the actual fucking issue.
This conversation would be easier if you just admit you don't give a shit about the millions of minorities that have been butchered by white supremacy and it's ideology over the centuries and are using a discussion on free speech to sidestep that.

Like I said, go read some history.

I'm sorry you've judged me in such a harsh way. I have faith that there's a graceful and non-violent way to exterminate Nazi and Nazi-like ideologies.

You know why...

Please expand. I grew up a minority in this country from a poor family with immigrant parents. I'd love to hear what you meant to say here!

White supremecy and Nazism is more straight up terrifying. Stop chastising people who are speaking out of anger and talk about the actual fucking issue.

I think they're all terrifying, and I say that as someone with dark skin.


Been following this all day, but man...fucking despicable scum, from these nazis fucks all the way to the white house.

I'm really hoping for a domino effect from here on out since it's now out in the open but i somehow doubt it


No, I totally agree that the anger against white supremacy and Nazism is totally fucking justified.

I just think some of the "solutions" expressed in this thread are straight up terrifying.

To me there is nothing terrifying a solution that involves dead Nazis. It's been tested.


Can we please stop talking about killing all the nazis? You're just giving posters like cloudscale the opportunity to be on the defensive in this thread when there should be nothing to defend here.

Strawman. When there are calls for the destruction of Nazism what is being advocated is the same policies that many European countries (who know all too well the dangers of this death cult) have adopted to root out this cancerous ideology. If someone marches down the street waving a Swastika? Arrest them immediately and give them a lengthy jail sentence. Someone preachig hate speech online or TV? Jail them. It works.

Oh, but that wouldn't work in America, must protect muh freeeeedum.


"MaKeS uS pReTtY NAzi tOo"


Sad, but true. You are a killer if you pull the trigger. And there's no difference between a Nazi doing it for their reasons or us doing it for ours. Both sides see themselves as heroes while being the villain and someone had to die for that.

Murder really is a red line. I would also not want Antifa or whoever to run cars into people whom they decided to kill. The first response to atrocities is not the best one in this case. Instead, pressure lawmakers to put in strong responses in place so that people like that are being punished lawfully and cannot proudly wave the fucking Nazi flag around anymore. (And extend it to the Soviet flag as well, or people wearing Che Guevara T-Shirts, kthxbye.)
A Republican rep from Colorado


Looked up this guy's wiki article. Has some of the usual issues - climate change uncertainty for one - but he was involved with the Senate version of the AHCA, was critical of the travel ban (at least its execution), and while opposed to same sex marriage conceded to the Supreme Court on the matter. So, not a complete shithead.
Sad, but true. You are a killer if you pull the trigger. And there's no difference between a Nazi doing it for their reasons or us doing it for ours. Both sides see themselves as heroes while being the villain and someone had to die for that.

Murder really is a red line. I would also not want Antifa or whoever to run cars into people whom they decided to kill. The first response to atrocities is not the best one in this case. Pressure lawmakers to put in strong responses in place so that people like that are being punished lawfully and cannot proudly wave the fucking Nazi flag around anymore. (And extend it to the Soviet flag as well, or people wearing Che Guevara T-Shirts, kthxbye.)
"bOtH siDEs"



If you're gonna be an American right wing extremist, why be a "Nazi"? I mean, they got soundly beaten, they fought your country and possibly your relatives, and judging from what we know about the American right, having the word "socialist" right there in the name should be a turn off...


Just now catching up on all the news. Did they officially shut down the rally after the terrorist attack? Or is the nazi rally still going on


Strawman. When there are calls for the destruction of Nazism what is being advocated is the same policies that many European countries (who know all too well the dangers of this death cult) have adopted to root out this cancerous ideology. If someone marches down the street waving a Swastika? Arrest them immediately and give them a lengthy jail sentence. Someone preachig hate speech online or TV? Jail them. It works.

Oh, but that wouldn't work in America, must protect muh freeeeedum.

I completely agree. I'm an advocate for free speech, but not hate speech. I'd love for America to do what much of Europe does in regards to hate laws. But Americans have come to believe that if somebody can't say "kill all the jews" or "hang that n***er" then none of us are really free.

It's fucking crazy. I've never said any of those things in my life in a serous way and yet somehow, I feel free. Weird shit.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'm cool with the extermination of the ideology. Might be hard to implement.
Starting with the overt condemnation of their ideology and disallowing events like this is a good start.

Okay, we're onto something here. We need better defined hate speech laws. Nobody can disagree with that. I don't know anything about these laws, but this sounds like a good start.
You should look them up then. As they're quite good.

Dog, can you post something without using "not all Nazis"? Some people are more dangerous than others = not all Nazis = #notallnazis = bad? Does the hashtag invalidate my argument to you or something?
You're saying the actions of the few don't represent the many when it comes to white supremacy/nazism. Who're ALREADY on the extreme end of ideology considering there's no logic behind those two movements.
I don't think it unreasonable to outlaw nazis in the entire fucking world tbh.
Germany does it and is a functioning state.
I honestly am baffled that after we have a counter protestor killed in a terrorist attack we are debating if we should use violence.
White supremecy and Nazism is more straight up terrifying. Stop chastising people who are speaking out of anger and talk about the actual fucking issue.

And really, I'm horrified by today's events, especially since I used to live in Charlottesville for school. It hits close to home. It could've been me or one of my friends who got run over. The shit today has been personally affecting. But, what I also find horrifying is some of the reactions in this thread.
I'm sorry you've judged me in such a harsh way. I have faith that there's a graceful and non-violent way to exterminate Nazi and Nazi-like ideologies.

The country would have to want to do so for starters. But that would require admitting it's a problem at the highest levels. Which it's not willing to do.

Sorry not sorry. They didn't get put in their hole though holding hands and prayers. There were wars. And people sacrificed and died.

Average nazi: "I just think you're genetically inferior and should be legally put to death! Omg violence :("

Please expand. I grew up a minority in this country from a poor family with immigrant parents. I'd love to hear what you meant to say here!

I already said it point blank: You are completely indifferent to the suffering of minority victims of white supremacy. Point blank. Anything else you'd like me to clarify I'd be happy to do so fellow minority ally!


If you're gonna be an American right wing extremist, why be a "Nazi"? I mean, they got soundly beaten, they fought your country and possibly your relatives, and judging from what we know about the American right, having the word "socialist" right there in the name should be a turn off...

I love how the socialist in the name causes all those "nazis are really left wing" debates, but then someone does a "unite the right" rally and oops, there are those supposedly left wing nazis.
I never thought I'd see the day when the President of the United States would sympathize with terrorists and nazis.

It's unfantomable and unparallelled.

I'm so unsurprised it isn't funny.

I wish I'd been as thoroughly fooled about how great a country America is as some of y'all. Sounds like a pleasant illusion.


If you're gonna be an American right wing extremist, why be a "Nazi"? I mean, they got soundly beaten, they fought your country and possibly your relatives, and judging from what we know about the American right, having the word "socialist" right there in the name should be a turn off...

Please understand that these morons lost the civil war more than 100 years ago. They are fundamentally losers in every sense. So identifying with another type of losing feels natural and appealing to them.


"bOtH siDEs"


You can vent as much as you want. It won't change the fundamental truth that exterminating a group of people is not something we should do. I will oppose such ideas and thoughts even if it means that I would have to protect monsters. Our society is based on fair trials and not mass lynchings. Don't give them any opportunity to morally drag us down with them.

*Not* killing people based on crude and vaguely defined lists is one of the crucial things which differentiates us from them. Let's keep it that way. It's not easy, but it's the only way for us to keep at least some sense of humanity in the process. That being said, I sure hope that the perpetrator will be labeled a terrorist, because this is terrorism. And with that label, a harsh and true punishment will be possible. And *that* is the only way to deter Nazi gatherings like that. Put them on a terror list and arrest them. Or more than that. That's one of the few instances I can relate to capital punishment.
The country would have to want to do so for starters. But that would require admitting it's a problem at the highest levels. Which it's not willing to do.


Sorry not sorry. They didn't get put in their hole though holding hands and prayers. There were wars. And people sacrificed and died.

Yes. Let's avoid a war if possible.

Average nazi: "I just think you're genetically inferior and should be legally put to death! Omg violence :("

I already said it point blank: You are completely indifferent to the suffering of minority victims of white supremacy. Point blank. Anything else you'd like me to clarify I'd be happy to do so fellow minority ally!

I guess not promoting retaliatory violence in a civil society makes me heartless and indifferent to the sufferings of millions of minorities.

I feel outrage. I feel victimized. I feel far more scared than I ever have in my entire life to be who I am in America. There are many who are in the same boat. But, I still don't agree with your judgment of me, and I don't understand why you feel this way, and I'm sorry you do feel this way.

Fox Mulder

I'm sorry you've judged me in such a harsh way. I have faith that there's a graceful and non-violent way to exterminate Nazi and Nazi-like ideologies.

Nazi ideology wasn't beaten down with being nice or meeting in the middle. These pieces of shit need to be beaten down again after being emboldend by human garbage like Trump.


Until you can come up with a solution to peacefully negotiate with fucking nazis, please shut up and stop condemning people who have no choice but to fight back against them.


I guess not promoting retaliatory violence in a civil society makes me heartless and indifferent to the sufferings of millions of minorities.

It's not retaliatory. It's defensive. This country and the people within it (specifically minorities) are less safe when these assholes feel free to spew their bullshit and engage in acts of hate-inspired violence
right, cause the previous administration was like this as well?

John Dingell like a boss

There have only been two administrations in the history of the United States?

These people have always existed in America, and in greater numbers than many like to admit. All I'm saying. This is depressing, but it's nothing new to me except that it's only a bit more out in the open (and honestly, not by all that much).
That being said, I sure hope that the perpetrator will be labeled a terrorist, because this is terrorism. And with that label, a harsh and true punishment will be possible. And *that* is the only way to deter Nazi gatherings like that. Put them on a terror list and arrest them. Or more than that. That's one of the few instances I can relate to capital punishment.

All right now wouldn't that DOESNT happen?
What if he doesn't get labeled a terrorist and goes totally free, or gets a very light sentence?

Then what, you perfect saint you?


That poster is talking about America's history in general. Nazi Germany learned many of its tactics by studying us.


There have only been two administrations in the history of the United States?

These people have always existed in America, and in greater numbers than many like to admit. All I'm saying. This is depressing, but it's nothing new to me except that it's only a bit more out in the open (and honestly, not by all that much).

This administration is in heavy petting with neo-nazi's. I take your point, considering civil rights war wages on today.
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