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Cheap new Xbox DVD cases just about snapped my game disc!


I got Star Wars Battlefront the other day, and noticed that the game's DVD case had a different tab holder from the norm. Instead of the nice, easy-release push tabs you usually find, there was a rectagular button with a "1" on its face.

This tab had absolutely no give when you apply pressure, and the only option is to wrench the disc off... I felt like I was going to crack the thing in half. In fact, there were some tiny cracks and scratches on the center plastic ring of the game disc afterwards.


I'm not putting that game back into that contraption.

Do any other games use these cheap-o tabs? Is it some cost-cutting decision by LucasArts, in which they save 1/100 of a cent on each case? Burnout 3 came out just two weeks before Battlefront, and it has a good old regular push tab case.

Thumbs-down to no good, disc-marring cheapskate tabs.


Gold Member
My SW: Battlefront has a normal case.

It probably depends on where the disc was pressed, not the company trying to save money.


Lots of Xbox games have that tab. ESPN, at least a lot of them that came through our store, had it. There are others, too, but I'm too tired to recall them all at this time.


I had one of those for Shenmue 2 except it obviously had a 2 on the spindle and I saw it as understandable yet annoying since it came with a DVD movie. I do however prefer the way PS2 (and GC in Europe) use a flap sort of thing attached to the spine of the case when there is more than one disc.

Apart from that I did have a wierd case for splinter cell where it was like a CD case spindle bit with loads of little pointy bits converging to a point instead of the 2 tab bits which I thought was odd at the time.

Be aware im from the UK if that means anything and while on topic of cases, the US Gamecube cases are infuriating.


The only good thing about US GameCube cases is that they actually do have some release if you push VERY HARD down on the tab. Try it on the carpet or a surface with a little give, the disc will pop out a bit.

Not true of this Xbox case I'm talking about though...


Seth C said:
I'd say your first mistake was buying Battlefront.
I got a good trade-in deal on it, but I'm having fun. I don't play many PC games, so the Battlefield 1942 gameplay is pretty fresh to me...

Seth C

Teddman said:
I got a good trade-in deal on it, but I'm having fun. I don't play many PC games, so the Battlefield 1942 gameplay is pretty fresh to me...

I guess I just don't like the Battlefield 1942 gameplay then.
Don't mind Seth, he's just trolling.

I own Battlefront and find it a ton of fun (as do many others on this board) when played correctly, not running around solo like a maniac.

You get a room of people and actually use teamwork and you can have yourself a hellacious firefight and a back and forth struggle. It all depends on the people you are playing against and with.

Look me up I usually host a game everyday, my tag is Outcast2003. I'm always either the Empire or the robots (always evil).

I do note of one omission, a ranking system would have been nice.

Seth C

jecclr2003 said:
Don't mind Seth, he's just trolling.

First off, hi newb. Where do you get off claiming I'm trolling? :)

Second, I just don't like the game that much. It's pretty simple. I thought the game was okay. It may be fun if you have two full teams, but personally I like my games to be fun when I'm NOT on Live as well. The AI in the game is absolutely awful. Bah, why am I even getting in to this?


ChrisReid said:
Yeah, a good number of the games have this new tab. I prefer it to the older ones..
Why? What was wrong with the good old tabs that actually let go of the discs when you push them down? These new ones cause more wear & tear on the disc's center ring.


I hate that tab to. I figured out the easy way to get the disc off though. Just push down the middle just a little and turn the disc back and forth with a little pulling pressure, pops right off with no chance of damaging the disc. I still prefer the other ones though.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The Sega Saturn cases were the biggest offenders IMO.
Reminds me of the time when Saturn games were pressed so tight in their cases that the discs would sometimes actually break. And mind you, this was when the games were starting to get really rare near the end of it's lifespan.


I swear I have at least 3-4 different case types for xbox. Why couldn't they just do something like ps2 and keep them all fairly uniform. I really like the ps2 cases. They hold the game well, and it's easy to get the game out. Some of my xbox cases have released the game while in the box if it's moved around.


There are some GC games I have the same problem with. MG:TS for one. Everytime it seems like I have to pry the damn thing off the case.
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