Ninja Scooter
Cheney busting out the OBGYN docs story! :lol :lol
Ninja Scooter said:Cheney busting out the OBGYN docs story! :lol :lol
alejob said:Is Cheneys daughter gay?
alejob said:Is Cheneys daughter gay?
alejob said:Is Cheneys daughter gay?
MetatronM said:Cheney isn't really even trying right now. Seems he really put everything into foreign affairs (a.k.a. Iraq).
Parallax Scroll said:Sorry if this has been posted already, but do you think there will be a torrent of this debate? I missed most of it.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Overall this is a stonger debate peroid. I think Edwards is staying in the game but, this won't be a runaway victory for either party. As it is right now.
Parallax Scroll said:Sorry if this has been posted already, but do you think there will be a torrent of this debate? I missed most of it.
Parallax Scroll said:Sorry if this has been posted already, but do you think there will be a torrent of this debate? I missed most of it.
Chesapeake Silt said:This moderator kind of sucks. These questions are bizarre. "How are you different from your opponent... without using their name!" WTF is that?
Makura said:Gwen is being snippy. I watch her on the NewsHour and she's never like this.
They can't say dick on TV or the FCC will flog them , so they are just keeping it fair an balancedMIMIC said:What the fuck is with that "can't say the head of your ticket's name" rule???
PotatoeMasher said:John Edwards can't open his mouth without saying John Kerry. He's a metrosexual robot--I think that's why Gwen asked them to not say the candidates name...
PotatoeMasher said:He's a metrosexual robot...
Agreed, his inability to answer the simple question "how are YOU different from CHENEY" was pathetic.maharg said:I agree with that actually. I find it highly disconcerting that Edwards can't answer a question without a 'we' or 'John Kerry says... and I agree...'. It makes him out to have no opinion of his own, while Cheney manages to come off as an individual.
I definitely don't like Edwards very much so far.