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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter


House Oversight Committee member sends letter requesting info on any tapes that the WH may have:


This just shows that the press, public, comedians and so on need to keep the heat on Trump. He and the White House are now in a full blown meltdown over this.


srsly, why aren't there daily protest of 100k and more people and on the news stations and in the news papers trying to get that joke of a president out of office

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I know its hilarious because Nixon but is it actually not standard practice to record all conversations in the Oval Office now? That just seems like a thing that would be...useful
It's threatening a witness. Highly illegal.

I can't wait until Trump's downfall concludes. It will be so fucking satisfying.

I will only be satisfied if one of two things happens:

1) Trump ends up in Prison

2) Trump runs away to Russia

Either scenario would be the perfect way to demoralize his dumb base.

I know its hilarious because Nixon but is it actually not standard practice to record all conversations in the Oval Office now? That just seems like a thing that would be...useful

I wouldn't think so because that poses too much of a risk that classified documents leak due to details being verbally recorded.


It's certainly not chess but he's not stumbling into it either. He has learned, or maybe knows instinctively, that the only way for him to sustain all of his bullshit, policy disasters, and reek of corruption, is to keep generating headlines stretching the limits of acceptability, even (especially) if it comes at the cost of the institutions. He's incredibly dangerous, and so are the republicans excusing him.

It is the enabling of the GOP that makes this dangerous.
If this was rejected by both parties, his support would erode
It doesn't seem possible that this permanent crisis state can last for four full years.

And yet, the Republicans have demonstrated time and again that there is nothing Trump can do that will lose him their support.
I can't imagine how it could even make it to Fall.

People who say Trump will definitely be in office and running in 2020 don't get that he can't stop fucking the chicken even harder the worse things get. I'm pretty sure by next month he'll have the chicken mounted on a Sawzall.
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