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Child Abuse Scandal in UK grows to implicate MPs, celebs - Update Posts #900/#1100

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Me too.

We may need to reach a critical mass of the public demanding it though as with the expenses scandal. This is going into an area some people just don't want to hear though, the scale and repercussions of it are huge. Irrespective of all the people who are either directly involved or complicit in allowing it to happen or those go unpunished. I can't even begin to imagine what is going on behind the scenes in some quarters.

Can see the Sunday papers maybe running with something now, especially the whole Jimmie McAlpine story as he's dead to bring some balance to this week's events. So far the more that comes out, the worse it has got. Depressing.

I would want the people to riot if need be. Get the pedo's out of the system at any cost.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Some more on the unpublished Jillings report, and failings of the Waterhouse inquiry:


Malcolm King, then chairman of Clwyd County Council, whose tenacity had helped to put the spotlight on abuse, did not hold back. "The evidence emerging is that children's homes were a gulag archipelago stretching across Britain – wonderful places for paedophiles but, for the children who suffered, places of unending nightmares," he told The Independent on Sunday.

It emerged that there were other unpublished reports, one of which showed that warnings about the possibility of a paedophile ring operating around children's homes in North Wales and the North-west had been given four years previously. There were 12 internal reports on alleged abuse in all. Only six made it to the social services committee and just two were reported in any detail. As a result, it was almost impossible to have an overview of what was happening in children's homes.

The Jillings report had been expected to provide an overview and answer some of these questions, but it had been suppressed. The Independent and The Independent on Sunday gained access to some of the recommendations, and eventually were given unrestricted access to one of the numbered copies.

Its contents were explosive: "It is the opinion of the panel that extensive and widespread abuse has occurred within Clwyd residential establishments for children and young people. Our findings show that time and again, the response to indications that children may have been abused has been too little and too late." It condemned professionals: "There has been a conflict of interest between safeguarding professional positions versus the safety of children and young people. The interests of children have almost invariably been sacrificed.

"It is clear that in a significant number of cases the lives of young people who have been through the care system in Clwyd have been severely disrupted and disturbed. "

The report, which called for a judicial inquiry, contained information which suggested council insurers might have feared that its contents could provoke a flood of compensation claims. "Every inquiry is a dress rehearsal for claimants and a further incentive to the bandwagon syndrome," they said in a letter to the council. The outcry over non-publication of Jillings and continuing revelations about what was actually in it, eventually led to the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal. This judicial inquiry, chaired by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, spent a year – and £20m – listening to more than 350 former residents, and other witnesses, trying to get at the truth.

Allegations of abuse were on a colossal scale. More than 700 complaints, relating to approximately 40 homes, were made, including 138 from former residents of Bryn Estyn. Although the inquiry made a series of recommendations, some issues remained unresolved. Were there – are there? – other people who should be investigated? Was a ring at work? Were prominent public figures involved?

The Waterhouse inquiry effectively barred the naming of anyone accused of abuse who had not been convicted, arguing that there was a "substantial risk that the course of justice... would be seriously impeded and prejudiced if there were to be general publication of the identity of the abusers and persons against whom allegations of abuse are made."

In fact, one or two politicians' names were mentioned at the tribunal, but they did not appear in the report, and, it being the pre-internet age, they remained anonymous. The report concluded: "No evidence has been presented to establish that there was a wide-ranging conspiracy involving prominent persons and others with the objective of sexual activity with children in care."

But for two or three decades, survivors of abuse have been adamant about who they thought was involved, and now some of those allegations have been resurfacing.

Jillings, too, had encountered talk of the involvement of public figures. His report said he was unable to tackle some issues because of the lack of a mandate, adding: "This includes the suggestion that public figures may have been involved in the abuse of young people in Clwyd."

None of these allegations has diminished over time. If there is a new inquiry, it needs to be structured in such a way that it can have a reasonable chance of finding conclusive answers for the survivors of child abuse that wrecked so many lives.

Q&A: Abuse in Welsh care homes

Q When did the abuse occur?

A Between 1974 and 1990. About 100 children, and possibly many more, were sexually abused in children's homes in Clwyd.

Q What was done about it?

A Seven men were eventually jailed for their role in the abuse, including John Allen, head of the Bryn Alyn home.

Q Shouldn't there have been an inquiry at the time?

A There were several: 12 internal council reports; an inquiry for the Welsh Office, which concluded that a full judicial inquiry would not be in the public interest; the 300-page Jillings report, prepared for Clwyd council in 1996 but never published; and a £20m judicial inquiry under Sir Ronald Waterhouse QC, which reported in 2000.

Q What were the Waterhouse inquiry's conclusions?

A The inquiry's report, Lost In Care, concluded that widespread sexual abuse had taken place. However, it reached no conclusions about persistent allegations that prominent public figures had been among the abusers.

Q Why not?

A The difficulty of substantiating claims against named individuals was seen as making it harder for victims to get a hearing for their claims of abuse, so the Waterhouse inquiry granted anonymity to all such named alleged perpetrators.

Q Did the guilty go unpunished?

A We have no way of knowing. Now, as then, claims about "prominent perpetrators" mean little without corroborating evidence.

Islington seems to have followed the same template of not looking at the perpetrators.

And when corroborating evidence had been ordered to be destroyed as in the case of North Wales it's all very worrying.
It's disgusting and disgraceful is what it is.

At the very least people should face prosecution for ordering documents to be
destroyed and actually destroying them. There is no excuse for not prosecuting anyone if these allegations are true. This is not something that can be swept under the rug anymore. I'm beginning to think it'll be covered up and a few people thrown to an inquiry as a distraction until the others involved have died and can't be questioned.

Though my cynical side says that all we will get is lip service and a token gesture. I'm worried it's too big of a problem for there to be the momentum with following it through to the end.
Breaking on BBC:

Man sorry over sex abuse error


Steve Messham, who appeared on Newsnight, said: "I want to offer my sincere and humble apologies to him and his family."

"After seeing a picture in the past hour of the individual concerned, this not the person I identified by photograph presented to me by the police in the early 1990s, who told me the man in the photograph was Lord McAlpine.

So, this guy's asking us to believe that he never looked for information about his "Lord McAlpine" abuser at any point over the last 20 years?


The Amiga Brotherhood
So, this guy's asking us to believe that he never looked for information about his "Lord McAlpine" abuser at any point over the last 20 years?

It was Jimmie McAlpine, there's big chunks missing and stuff that still needs to come out.

The whole Lord McAlpine thing is a massive distraction from the fact his family and his family's homes were involved in all this. Except no one was charged and names kept out of the public record, now why is that?


It was Jimmie McAlpine, there's big chunks missing and stuff that still needs to come out.

The whole Lord McAlpine thing is a massive distraction from the fact his family and his family's homes were involved in all this. Except no one was charged and names kept out of the public record, now why is that?

So are these where these 'parties' were held
People who have psychotic breaks often become paranoid and accuse everyone of everything. Which Icke has done, throw enough shit and some will stick. Which I'm sure he's now furiously trying to add more to. Motivated most likely by money these days rather than a break from reality, he has quite a choir to preach to in the Internet age.

Let's stick to the real world, this subject and the accusations don't need to be dragged down by him.

I'm not one to defend ice, but your being a bit too dismissive of what he has been saying. he has every right to gloat, least in this one instance.


The Amiga Brotherhood
So are these where these 'parties' were held

It doesn't add up at all, least of all Lord McAlpine painting himself as whiter than white. He was far too close to it. All far too convenient and has changed the narrative completely against the victim.

When what we should be doing is getting it all out in the open to try and get to the truth.

I'm not one to defend ice, but your being a bit too dismissive of what he has been saying. he has every right to gloat, least in this one instance.

When they stage a live press-conference like V and he rips off their human mask to reveal their true lizard form he can gloat.


The Amiga Brotherhood
So are these where these 'parties' were held

Lord McAlpine's denial is centred round visits to the care homes concerned. So far though, from victims and local councillors we have reason to believe this isn't the whole story.

Abuse took place in:

- The care homes
- Nearby hotels where rooms would be rented
- Boys were taken to expensive London residences as a 'treat' regularly where they were then abused


- Boys were regularly taken to do work at 2 homes of the McAlpine family according to a local councillor
- Jimmie McAlpine was identified by one of the victims, he died before the Waterhouse inquiry
- Photographic evidence was destroyed
- All names were removed from the Waterhouse report
- The inquiry itself was halted on one occasion when a particular name came up

I'm not one for conspiracy theories but this all stinks.
When they stage a live press-conference like V and he rips off their human mask to reveal their true lizard form he can gloat.

Look, I'm not disputing the ridiculousness of some of his claims, but he far from just pointing fingers.

I liken icke to one of those gullible people who believe everyone he talks to, long as its anti establishment. Yes it does make he sound rather paranoid, but it's not like he makes his stuff up out of thin air. His use of critical thinking is another issue, but the man deserves credit for at least speaking up, which seems like much more than a lot more respected people were prepared to do.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Look, I'm not disputing the ridiculousness of some of his claims, but he far from just pointing fingers.

I liken icke to one of those gullible people who believe everyone he talks to, long as its anti establishment. Yes it does make he sound rather paranoid, but it's not like he makes his stuff up out of thin air. His use of critical thinking is another issue, but the man deserves credit for at least speaking up, which seems like much more than a lot more respected people were prepared to do.

Lots of people have over the years, the problem is they weren't listened to or were silenced. Some had evidence, that was destroyed. Some still have a lot to say if a full public inquiry is ever ordered into everything. You had real whistle-blowers, bits were out there but you had to go looking for it in the first place and no attempt was made to get a comprehensive picture of everything that was going on. Whole reports denied publication to the public and victims and highly restricted in circulation. And even those inquiries were deliberately restricted by mandate.

Icke's grandstanding amongst all his other delusional nonsense won't help the cause. He's just this country's Alex Jones, profiting from conspiracy and throwing shit absolutely everywhere in the hope something eventually sticks.


good credit (by proxy)
How does a pedophile ring get started pre=internet and anonymitiy?

"Hey bloke, you like looking at little boys buttholes too?"


The Amiga Brotherhood
How does a pedophile ring get started pre=internet and anonymitiy?

"Hey bloke, you like looking at little boys buttholes too?"

If you're untouchable I guess you didn't have to worry about anonymity.

Which brings it all full-circle back to Savile.
While I agree with your last sentence, 13-16 year olds doesn't really mean pedophilia, they're not prepubescent.

Age of consent is about mental maturity.
Pedophilia is about biological maturity of the body.

Taking advantage of girls of that age bracket doesn't technically make him a pedophile.

not surprised a Patriot fan would believe this.

Do it for Myra.


I dunno how this passed over me as i'm from the UK (being a student I don't watch much TV or look at much news) but man this is horrific. I'm completely disgusted and saddened that someone like this managed to get so big and even more saddened that it only came out after he was dead.


I just thought of it. I remember looking up some David Icke videos a year ago or so out of interest and it was certainly a central theme of his. The way he described it going down, via the social services and children's homes, also seems to be the way it did go down. But like you say, maybe some of the shit he threw just stuck.

He's not the only person to suggest it. I don't think it is a view unique to Icke to be honest.

I remember watching a crime progamme late one night. It was about the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium. It basically outlined the case, as these shows usually do, and then went into detail about a possible cover up. I found the whole thing quite shocking really. Marc Dutroux basically kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused a number of girls, 4 of which he went on to murder. The way in which the case and subsequent trial was handled though was quite shocking.

There was widespread anger and frustration among Belgians due to police errors, the general slowness of the investigation and Dutroux's claims that he was part of a sex ring that included high ranking members of the police force and government. This anger culminated when the popular investigative judge in charge of investigating the claims was dismissed on the grounds of having participated in a fund-raising dinner for the girls' parents. The investigation itself was wound up. His dismissal and end of the investigation resulted in a massive protest march (the "White March") of 300,000 people on the capital, Brussels, in October 1996, two months after Dutroux's arrest, in which demands were made for reforms of Belgium's police and justice system.
On the witness stand, Jean-Marc Connerotte, the original judge of the case, broke down in tears when he described "the bullet-proof vehicles and armed guards needed to protect him against the shadowy figures determined to stop the full truth coming out. Never before in Belgium has an investigating judge at the service of the king been subjected to such pressure. We were told by police that [murder] contracts had been taken out against the magistrates." Connerotte testified that the investigation was seriously hampered by protection of suspects by people in the government. "Rarely has so much energy been spent opposing an inquiry," he said. He believed that the Mafia had taken control of the case.[6]

The wikipedia article also states: "Throughout the trial, Dutroux continued to insist that he was part of a Europe-wide pedophile ring with accomplices among police officers, businessmen, doctors, and even high-level Belgian politicians".

I can't remember now what that crime programme was called. I would be quite interested in watching it again.


The Amiga Brotherhood
sex parties

One article suggested prominent public figures and those in power were actively sought out and invited, as 'insurance'.

Savile basically admitted as much in his autobiography where he said nothing would come of him sleeping with an underage girl because he would take 'half the station down with him'.


venison crêpe
BBC director general George Entwistle announces his resignation, after Newsnight film wrongly implicated ex-senior Tory in child sex abuse at Welsh children's homes.


BBC director general George Entwistle announces his resignation, after Newsnight film wrongly implicated ex-senior Tory in child sex abuse at Welsh children's homes.

Less than two months into the job? Seems inevitable but incredibly bad timing. What are the Tories going to do with the bbc now?


The Amiga Brotherhood
You guys are using the old they must be schizophrenic stuff lol . I dont even like Icke tho.

Icke had a psychotic break, it was just called a nervous breakdown back then.

His appearance on Wogan and change overnight was infamous.
Entwhistle resigning is such total bullshit. Hands the BBC to the Tories on a platter, rather than staying and fighting for it.

I know it's a minor and inconsequential thing in the wider view of things, but I fear for the BBC.


Unconfirmed Member
Entwhistle resigning is such total bullshit. Hands the BBC to the Tories on a platter, rather than staying and fighting for it.

I know it's a minor and inconsequential thing in the wider view of things, but I fear for the BBC.

BBC is pretty awesome most of the time, I don't think it's a minor thing.


Just saw this...anybody want to do a tl;dr to bring me up to date?

Jimmy Saville, a popular music and TV personality dies a few months ago and is outed as a pedophile that a lot of people covered up for back in the 70s onwards.

Lots of stories come out about his abuse, and past investigations into the abuse that were not followed through to fruition, including one by BBC's Newsnight program who were told by higher ups to cease the investigation just before it's findings were to be published just before a few tribute programs that were due to air at Christmas last year.

So the integrity of investigative journalism, specifically by the BBC and Newsnight in particular and the behaviour of Newsnight management has been under intense public scrutiny.

And now, after Newsnight met with, and worked on a story with an abuse victim, accused a Conservatory party peer Lord McAlpine of being an abuser. The ID of this senior politician was found to be false, and now the head of the BBC has resigned over his inability to control the procedures of investigation by the Newsnight team.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Just saw this...anybody want to do a tl;dr to bring me up to date?

Quite a lot to sum up, but I'll try:

- ITV airs investigation revealing victims of abuse by Jimmy Savile, former DJ and television presenter at the BBC plus notable charity worker
- Police start investigation and hear from hundreds of victims over 40 years
- BBC revealed to have pulled an earlier investigation which made similar claims
- Videos of his BBC shows have Gary Glittler as a guest boasting of the girls they have
- A video shows Savile trying to molest one on air, she went to floor managers about it but they laughed it off
- Savile revealed to have abused patients through his charity work at Stoke Mandeville hospital, the youngest being 8
- Savile had been given keys to Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital with unrestricted access
- Savile boasted in his autobiography that he slept with an underage girl but nothing came of it because he would 'take down half the station with him'
- Savile held a 'Friday Club' with members of the police both serving and retired every week for 20 years
- Savile was basically 'untouchable'
- Freddie Starr arrested over similar allegations, others being investigated

The fact he was untouchable, and this all went on in plain sight for decades, reopened questions about the abuse in care homes which Savile visited regularly in North Wales.

- Between 1974 and 1990, up to 650 children from 40 children's homes such as Bryn Estyn were sexually, physically and emotionally abused
- Only 9 people were charged, 7 convicted, and no one outside the care homes
- Persistent allegations were that the homes were visited by prominent people in the public eye and politicians at unexplained times, and also to collect boys and abuse them in local hotels and residences in London
- Jillings in his inquiry regretted he did not have the mandate to investigate these allegations further
- Jillings was also concerned there was a widespread paedophile ring in North Wales and the North West, of which there had been warnings 4 years earlier, and went to the Chief Constable about it
- The Jillings report was instead however ordered not to be published as not being in the public interest, having been warned by insurers of the cost of compensation to all the victims
- Parts of the unpublished Jillings report were leaked by a whistleblower which led to the Waterhouse inquiry
- The Waterhouse inquiry forbid any naming or investigation of those not already convicted
- Up to 60 names were removed from one victim's statement alone
- 16 victims of the abuse are now dead, 3 from suicide

This also happened in Islington where each of the 24 care homes was found to be abusing children.

- The abuse spanned the 1970's and 80's, it is still unclear the number of victims and no one was charged
- It wasn't revealed until 1992 when a social worker blew the whistle after the police and council refused to take any action
- Although there were then as many as 13 inquiries, proving the abuse took place, none of them looked at the perpetrators
- The original whistleblower said when the story broke 'everyone just left the council'
- Some are still running councils elsewhere
- Perpetrators escaped conviction and went on to abuse elsewhere, some had links to those at other care homes
- One was arrested in Thailand in 2006 for abusing as many as 300 children

The head of Islington council at the time, Margaret Hodge, was later appointed Minister For Children in Tony Blair's government.

Lord McAlpine was named by one of the victims in North Wales, leading to a statement denying it from Lord McAlpine and the resignation of the BBC's Director General. This followed a warning from Cameron on ITV about a witch hunt. However there is more to the story.

- Boys were regularly taken to do work at 2 homes of the McAlpine family according to a local councillor
- Jimmie McAlpine was identified by one of the victims in North Wales, he died before the Waterhouse inquiry
- Photographic evidence handed into police by one of the victims was ordered to be destroyed
- All names were removed from the Waterhouse report
- The inquiry itself was halted on one occasion when a particular name came up

Sir Peter Morrison, Parliamentary Private Secretary to Margaret Thatcher, was identified on Channel 4 news by eye witness as one of the abusers and names that was not revealed at the time nor charged. He described what went on at the care homes in North Wales:


The Goverment has currently set up at least 9 separate inquiries investigating the BBC, police, social services, and the previous inquiries. Demands are being made by the opposition and those involved with exposing the previous cases of abuse for a single overarching public inquiry into all the allegations and confirmed cases of child abuse.

No attempt at all has been made at any point to try and get a complete picture of the child abuse that was happening throughout the country, because of the limited mandates of each inquiry, nor identify and investigate all the perpetrators of it and bring them to justice.

The unpublished Jillings report said victims were sacrificed to protect those in professional positions at every stage.


Obsidian fan


The Amiga Brotherhood
Uncle Rupert's revenge. After a brief interlude the "BBC is doomed" narrative is back stronger than ever. What moron ever thought that this was about child abuse?

It's all a complete distraction from what everyone should be trying to get the truth about.

I hope one of the Sunday papers runs with the Jimmie McAlpine story, the way it's been painted you'd think Lord McAlpine was a million miles away from all this and he really isn't.


Pisses me off reading this. So much. It's just that, I'm not even surprised it happens and happened. The police force, government, organisations, there's so much corruption everywhere. It's all fucked up. The worst thing to come out of this will be if they don't follow through and something substantial isn't done to bring justice. But again, I won't be surprised if nothing happens. Man, it's frustrating.
Uncle Rupert's revenge. After a brief interlude the "BBC is doomed" narrative is back stronger than ever. What moron ever thought that this was about child abuse?

There will certainly be a view that this resignation will be the continuation of a bad time for the Beeb. There is a business vendetta that's been playing out for years between Murdoch and the BBC. Murdoch will use this situation to degrade the BBC even more and hype his own pay-to-view business which has always seen the BBC as a threat to be destroyed. Free news via license vs Murdoch's pay-for-all empire.

With this the public view of the abuse investigations will fall to the sidelines again, though i hope not.


He needed to go because he simply didn't learn from the Jimmy Saville Newsnight affair (which is still ongoing). He seemed to be completely unaware of what Newsnight were up to, even though they were (shoddily) covering the biggest news story in the country, after majorly fucking up the preceding story. That's incompetence to the nth degree. At least he has decided to go and won't drag things out.

It was obvious he was going to go since this morning. He gave an interview to John Humphrys on Radio 4 who basically embarrassed him, and then he refused to give any interviews to other broadcasters.

DECK'ARD, do you have any links to back up your claims? I'm not trying to catch you out, I'm genuinely interested. As I said previously, it's difficult to separate fact and fiction, which is why a full public inquiry needs to be held, but it does appear that Jimmy McApline is heavily implicated. Since you can't libel the dead, the papers should have nothing to fear about going after Jimmy McAlpine and then going on from there, but the Sunday's tomorrow at least will all be covering Entwistle.

And I don't think anybody should be drawing parallels and deflecting to News corp, the BBC have fucked this up, damaged their reputation, they need to take it on the chin and then move on. Of course the News Int Sun is going to be out for blood, that's what they do.


The Amiga Brotherhood
He needed to go because he simply didn't learn from the Jimmy Saville Newsnight affair (which is still ongoing). He seemed to be completely unaware of what Newsnight were up to, even though they were (shoddily) covering the biggest news story in the country, after majorly fucking up the preceding story. That's incompetence to the nth degree. At least he has decided to go and won't drag things out.

It was obvious he was going to go since this morning. He gave an interview to John Humphrys on Radio 4 who basically embarrassed him, and then he refused to give any interviews to other broadcasters.

DECK'ARD, do you have any links to back up your claims? I'm not trying to catch you out, I'm genuinely interested. As I said previously, it's difficult to separate fact and fiction, which is why a full public inquiry needs to be held, but it does appear that Jimmy McApline is heavily implicated. Since you can't libel the dead, the papers should have nothing to fear about going after Jimmy McAlpine and then going on from there, but the Sunday's tomorrow at least will all be covering Entwistle.

And I don't think anybody should be drawing parallels and deflecting to News corp, the BBC have fucked this up, damaged their reputation, they need to take it on the chin and then move on. Of course the News Int Sun is going to be out for blood, that's what they do.

I've posted all the links to articles on the previous pages, and avoided blogs and anything that doesn't come from a proper source. A lot of the stuff is coming from whistleblowers at the time, and people involved in the council or the previous inquires. There's one from the Daily Fail which I didn't post because it's the Dail Fail, but it has one of the victims and he names Jimmie McAlpine, a councillor is on record as well talking about boys being regularly bussed to 2 of the McAlpine family's homes to do work. He said 'they were worked very hard'.

Everyone is saying the same thing, that a full overarching public inquiry needs to be held, but the Government is stalling.

Pressure has clearly come down on any inquiry conducted into anything so far. Pressure that resulted in photographic evidence being ordered to be destroyed, reports not published, alleged perpetrators kept anonymous, and mandates of inquiries restricted which hampered investigations into those responsible.

I highly doubt that pressure for decades has suddenly gone away.


What the hell is going on over there with scandals in the UK?

=/ The paper scandal was bad enough, but this one is pretty awful...
I hate watching this. The BBC has done a lot wrong in this entire situation, but the vendettas this is being trotted out to satisfy all turn my stomach. Not only is it shit from my perspective - I love the BBC, and certainly don't want a News Corp controlled TV industry - but it's terrible for the victims that this has rapidly ceased to be about Saville and other abusers and more about how it was/is being reported.


I've posted all the articles on the previous pages, and avoided blogs and anything that doesn't come from a proper source. A lot of the stuff is coming from whistleblowers at the time, and people involved in the council or the previous inquires. There's one from the Daily Fail which I didn't post because it's the Dail Fail, but it has one of the victims and he names Jimmie McAlpine, a councillor is on record as well talking about boys being regularly bussed to 2 of the McAlpine family's homes to do work. He said 'they were worked very hard'.

Everyone is saying the same thing, that a full overarching public enquiry needs to be held, but the Government is stalling.

Pressure has clearly come down on any inquiry conducted into anything so far, pressure that resulted in photographic evidence being ordered to be destroyed, reports not published, alleged perpetrators kept anonymous, and mandates of inquiries restricted which hampered investigations into those responsible.

I highly doubt that pressure for decades has suddenly gone away.

The PM has announced an inquiry into the Waterhouse Inquiry (I know...), but that doesn't go far enough imo. What sort of inquiry would you like to see?

I think that given the recent Rochdale case, which shows that these sort of things still happen, two separate inquiries need to be held, one into how to protect vulnerable children in care homes, and another into historic allegations of child abuse of children in care.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The PM has announced an inquiry into the Waterhouse Inquiry (I know...), but that doesn't go far enough imo. What sort of inquiry would you like to see?

I think that given the recent Rochdale case, which shows that these sort of things still happen, two separate inquiries need to be held, one into how to protect vulnerable children in care homes, and another into historic allegations of child abuse of children in care.

You need an overarching full public inquiry, otherwise each inquiry is limited in its mandate and can't get a complete picture of the failings which allowed this to happen for decades in similar manners involving similar victims. All the inquiries thus far have had this limitation.

A complete picture is what Jillings said was needed at the time, there had been warnings 4 years earlier that this was extensive. The request wasn't only denied but even publishing the report was declared not in the public interest.

Things are corrupt here from the top down, you don't get things like this happening for so long and involving so many people and victims without there being an extensive suppression of the truth to protect individuals and institutions. There have been barely a handful of prosecutions. What is needed now is complete transparency and no limits on mandates to finally bring it all to light, get justice for the victims, identify and bring those responsible to justice whoever they are, and try and stop such a thing ever happening again.

I can't think of a worse series of events than all this, involving failures of just about every institution that should be there to protect people.

It's disgusting.


The PM has announced an inquiry into the Waterhouse Inquiry (I know...), but that doesn't go far enough imo. What sort of inquiry would you like to see?

I think that given the recent Rochdale case, which shows that these sort of things still happen, two separate inquiries need to be held, one into how to protect vulnerable children in care homes, and another into historic allegations of child abuse of children in care.

That's not really how it works.

A public inquiry will usually give a report at the end, usually about how to correct whatever the inquiry was covering to begin with. There's no need for two inquiries; by making the public inquiry into the later, the final report will give solutions for the former.


With the way this story has been turned into a "let's bash the BBC" controversy, you can already see the firewalls going up to protect the dirty paedo cunts, who will all probably die without facing justice.

It's really terrifying to think how deep this probably goes.


The Amiga Brotherhood
This summarises the ridiculous way the Government is handling this so far quite well, it's a mess:


Which inquiries have been set up?

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper mentioned five inquiries in the Commons today. As far as we can tell, there are in fact at least nine of them.

1) The north Wales abuse inquiry. This is being conducted by North Wales police chief Mark Polin and Keith Bristow, the director general of the National Crime Agency. It will look at historic claims from the period and any fresh claims made by people who are only now prepared to come forward. Staff from the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) will also help, as will representatives of the Child Protection Centre.

2) The inquiry into the Waterhouse inquiry. This is being led by Mrs Justice Julia Wendy Macur.

3) Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary is looking into all police forces which received allegations related to Savile. They'll look into whether they were examined properly and identify broader lessons.

4) The director of public prosecutions will be taking a similar approach to the decision by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) not to prosecute Savile in 2009.

5) The actual criminal investigation into the Savile claims is being conducted by Scotland Yard under the codename Operation Yewtree.

6) A BBC inquiry into its handling of past sexual harassment claims

7) A BBC inquiry into the culture and practices of the corporation which allowed Savile to get away with child abuse

8) A BBC inquiry into why a Newsnight investigation into Savile was dropped last year.

9) An NHS investigation into Savile's appointment to Broadmoor's 'taskforce' and his activities at Broadmoor, Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary.

There are also ongoing inquiries into child protection in Rotherham and Rochdale and an upcoming report by the children's commissioner on child exploitation. In short, this is quickly turning into another damaging blow to our institutions. The focus had stayed on the BBC until recently but Watson's intervention moved the spotlight to the political class. Now the NHS, the BBC, Westminster, social workers and the police are all implicated in the failure to protect children.

What happens next?

The government is happy with the current arrangements but Labour is concerned all these inquiries will overlap or that some will hold evidence useful to others without knowing it. The opposition wants an overarching abuse inquiry bringing all the strands together.

Ministers have not ruled that out, but the government is currently holding off. That's probably a mistake. Labour's concern about overlap seems valid and if any further revelations come to light, it will be all-but inevitable.

For the time being, the two frontbenches are being mostly civilised in their treatment of this sensitive issue. The same cannot be said for Watson, who took on a far more aggressive tone in the Commons. "A narrowed-down investigation is the building block of a cover up," he said. "To limit to north Wales and Savile is a dereliction of duty. It means some of the most despicable paedophiles will be protected by the establishment that covered for them for 30 years."

If more horror stories emerge, the public might share Watson's anger.
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