For several years they have been pro-active to eliminate corruption by government officials. Can't say I agree with the death penalty that some people caught got. Another thing about their system is that you cannot "buy" your way into it as is the case in the US. I'm not condoning it, but I understand it.
This is why I feel at this moment the system is fine.
There are still many issues to fix and take care of, and they need a system that just gets it done. After things are more stable (most importantly, the mindset of the citizens are updated... yes, I know how this sounds), then they can perhaps opening up the government system a bit more. The thing people don't seem to get is the cost of transitioning to 'almighty' democracy right now, all the instability and potential damage it will cost in the transition, in a country that is just starting to stabilize and grow again after the Cultural Revolution (which for all the damage it did, at least kept the country sovereign and together).