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Christianity |OT| The official thread of hope, faith and infinite love.

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I am reading through Proverbs, where wisdom and understanding are said to be worth more than silver and gold. We as people, before we come to the Lord despise instruction.
Even instruction from the One who created us. I'm praying more people will come into the light. Also that Christian's, instead of just having head knowledge of the bible, have a change in their hearts as well.

Ty for sharing Eddie. I think one of the biggest problems is that people have not thought logically and rationally through the evidence (not proof) for God's existence. Here is a list of points that will explain where I am coming from.

1. The order and design of the cosmos points to an intelligent mind. Order and design do not come by chance. Order and design point to a designer.

2. The Universe is not eternal because of the Big Bang. Everything that has a beginning has a cause. The Universe has a beginning; therefore, the Universe has a cause. The best explanation is an uncaused cause: that’s God.

3. The amount of information packed in a single cell demands an intelligent mind. Every time we are confronted by densely packed information there has been an intelligent mind.

4. Charles Darwin pointed out that is something is irreducibly complex (like the cell); the whole idea of evolution by chance and fate falls apart.

5. Moral Absolutes: The slaughter of innocent children is never good but always wrong. If there is no God then everything is relative. The only way there can be moral absolutes is if there is a moral lawgiver. Moral Absolutes demand a moral lawgiver. If there are no moral absolutes then a person is a moral relativist, and there is no further point to make (since no one is right and no one is wrong since everything is subjective/relative).

6. Love: Our experience of love tells us that there is more to reality than simple matter and energy. There is an innate human ability to genuinely care.

7. Rational Minds: Our rational minds point to a rational God. Why? Because it is preposterous to believe that the rational comes from the non-rational. It is ludicrous to believe the rational comes from the irrational. Epistemological nihilism (that we can’t know anything) comes from this belief (that the mind is an accident). It’s far more rational to believe that our mind comes from a rational being than it is to believe that our mind comes from the irrational.

8. We as human beings have an innate drive for meaning in life. We are always attaching meaning to life. The only way that there can be meaning in life is if there is a God that created us for a purpose. No God means life is ultimately meaningless. The innate drive for meaning in life is an indicator God has left within each of us that we are created for a purpose and that is why we have that innate drive for meaning and purpose.

9. None of has seen life come from non-life. An Atheist believes that life comes from non-life. This is a huge leap of faith. Why? This is because all of my observation tells me plant life comes from plant life, animal life comes from animal life, human life comes from human life. We never get the animate from the inanimate. The Atheist is the only one that says that there is one exception to this: In the beginning, life comes from non life.


Finally finished the Book of Joshua. Here are all the studies:

Introductions to the book of Joshua
Joshua 1 - What does Joshua's name mean?, Why couldn't Moses take the Jews into the Promised Land?, What does it mean to be a servant?, How has God assured us victory?, How to be bold for God, What are the rules to success in life?, & What is the cure for fear and anxiety?
Joshua 2 - The Salvation of Rahab: Spies sent to the city of Jericho, Spies enter the prostitute Rahab’s house, Rahab lies to protect the spies, Is it right to lie in certain circumstances?, God saves Rahab, Rahab’s confession of faith, & Was lowering the scarlet cord a symbol for something?
Joshua 3 - Israel Camps at the Jordan River, The ark of God leads Israel, What does it mean to Sanctify Ourselves?, Where did Joshua's Wisdom come from?, God encourages Joshua, Joshua encourages Israel, What is the purpose of trials? (Part 1)
Joshua 3 - The parallels between Joshua and Jesus (Part 2) & Joshua 4 - Memorial Stones
Joshua 5 - The Typology of the Jordan River and the Passover, Why did Israel circumcise themselves at Gilgal?, Is God the only one who can heal our mental scars?, Why did God stop providing manna for Israel? & Joshua meets Jesus (the Commander of the army of the LORD)
Joshua 6 - The Fall of Jericho (Part 1)
Joshua 6 - Why are the people of the city killed after the walls come down?, The impact (past, present, & future) of Rehab responding in faith to God, & Joshua curses the man who would re-fortify Jericho (Part 2)
Joshua 7 - The Lessons to learn from Israel being defeated at the Battle of Ai (Part 1)
Joshua 7 - Battle of Ai: Why was Israel defeated?, Who sinned that caused Israel's defeat?, How sin affects a persons life, How our sins will always find us, and the dangers of covetousness (Part 2)
Joshua 8 - God gives Joshua and Israel victory over Ai
Joshua 9 - The Gibeonites Deceive Joshua and Israel (Part 1)
Joshua 9 - Joshua and Israel deal with the Gibeonites deception (Part 2) & Joshua 10 - The southern kings of Canaan assemble to take out Israel (Part 1)
Joshua 10 - God miraculously fights on behalf of Israel, Why did Joshua execute of the Canaanite kings?, & What were the key (s) for Joshua and Israel winning these battles? (Part 2)
Joshua 11 - Joshua and Israel Defeat the Northern Canaanite Armies
Joshua 12 - List of the Conquered Kings, Joshua 13 - The Remaining Land; Allotments East of the Jordan, & Joshua 14 - The Western Land to be Divided
Joshua 15, 16, 17 - The Inheritance of Judah, Ephraim and Western Manasseh & Joshua 18, 19 - Inheritance of the Remaining Tribes
Joshua 20 - The Cities of Refuge & Joshua 21 - Cities Appointed for the Levites
Joshua 22 - How gossip led to a misunderstanding that almost caused a division between the tribes of Israel
Joshua 23 - Joshua’s Farewell Address:, total obedience to the Word of God, don’t make peace with the enemy & God’s faithfulness works both ways
Joshua 24 - Are all prophecies prophetic?, Is our future determined or do we have freewill? Cautions against a lightly made commitments, & The deaths of Joshua and Eleazar

Here are the first two studies on the book of Judges:

Judges 1 - Introduction to the Book of Judges, Life after Joshua's death, Israel seeks God for help, Judah conquers Jerusalem and Hebron, Lessons we can learn from Aschsah's prayer & Why could Caleb do what Judah couldn't? (Part 1)
Judges 1 - Israel compromises because of a lack of faith in God's promises (Part 2) & Judges 2 - Who is the Angel of the Lord? (Part 1)


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Ty for sharing Eddie. I think one of the biggest problems is that people have not thought logically and rationally through the evidence (not proof) for God's existence. Here is a list of points that will explain where I am coming from.

I don't want by any means to derail this thread GA, and I do appreciate that you have put these points across to explain your point of view rather than claiming them as positive proof. But rather than having them just sit there unchallenged I thought it worthwhile to push back a bit - from my point of view, you understand.

Do be aware that I am questioning your logic (and in some cases maybe your sources), not your faith.

1. The order and design of the cosmos points to an intelligent mind. Order and design do not come by chance. Order and design point to a designer.

Not necessarily. What you're saying is that what we interpret as order and design needs a designer, and even that is doubtful. Consider crystalline structure for example. Pure chemistry (and atomic-level physics), beautifully ordered and "designed" but on the other hand a purely physical thing. No need, call, or evidence for a designer at all.

2. The Universe is not eternal because of the Big Bang. Everything that has a beginning has a cause. The Universe has a beginning; therefore, the Universe has a cause. The best explanation is an uncaused cause: that’s God.

It's an old argument, but not a good one. Causation is complicated enough anyway, but there's nothing to say that "everything that has a beginning has a cause" except for the human tendency to ascribe causes to things, which most of the time sort of works in that it makes us look closer at what happened, but that doesn't make it a rule, not a logical universal one that you can rely on anyhow.

It's a little odd that that you bring the Big Bang, which is after all a scientific theory, into the argument. When I was young this was still a controversial issue.

3. The amount of information packed in a single cell demands an intelligent mind. Every time we are confronted by densely packed information there has been an intelligent mind.

Densely packed is a relative thing. I get pretty astonished a lot of the time at what lizards and spiders can do, let alone dolphins. Ants even. Trouble is that, as they say apparently, size isn't everything. Maybe a Diplodocus would be astonished that something as small as me could think.

Besides, a cell is what it is. Somebody somewhere saying it contains such-and-such an amount of "information" is neither here nor there. It doesn't make any difference to the cell, it doesn't make any difference to me or to the world either. t makes a difference to that guy's research funding is what it most makes a difference to.

4. Charles Darwin pointed out that is something is irreducibly complex (like the cell); the whole idea of evolution by chance and fate falls apart.

I'd really really like you to to point out where Darwin said that. Closest I can get is when he was discussing the eye, and then went on to explain how it could nevertheless have evolved.

If he did say that (and it's possible, though unlikely, that he did), then it doesn't matter anyway. What one person said once, whether in truth or in error, is not good evidence for anything else.

5. Moral Absolutes: The slaughter of innocent children is never good but always wrong. If there is no God then everything is relative. The only way there can be moral absolutes is if there is a moral lawgiver. Moral Absolutes demand a moral lawgiver. If there are no moral absolutes then a person is a moral relativist, and there is no further point to make (since no one is right and no one is wrong since everything is subjective/relative).

Hugely complicated area. But consider for example the Incas where apparently the slaughter of (some) innocent children was considered good, consider the ancient Romans where the slaughter of (many) innocent children was considered good.

Like it or not, moral relativism exists. It is real. Morality varies from place to place and from time to time.

That is not the same as claiming that morality is therefore "subjective" and up for individual choice. It isn't. It is cultural and social. And it varies with the culture and the society and as they change.

So probably there are no moral absolutes, so the argument from moral absolutism isn't a good one.

6. Love: Our experience of love tells us that there is more to reality than simple matter and energy. There is an innate human ability to genuinely care.

I'm kind of minded to grant you this one! Well, sort of. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is more than matter and energy, just that it isn't simple. And that shouldn't really be a surprise anyway for any generation that has grown up failing to successfully program VHS recorders.

Yeah, it's complicated, but nothing in that says it isn't matter and energy and stuff all the same.

7. Rational Minds: Our rational minds point to a rational God. Why? Because it is preposterous to believe that the rational comes from the non-rational. It is ludicrous to believe the rational comes from the irrational. Epistemological nihilism (that we can’t know anything) comes from this belief (that the mind is an accident). It’s far more rational to believe that our mind comes from a rational being than it is to believe that our mind comes from the irrational.

All your preceding points have some rational element to them. This one doesn't. It has gone all ranty.

I'll grant that rationality is in need of some explanation (that's not to say that we'll ever find one, but it is sufficiently interesting to attract research grants). But to claim off the belt that rationality can ONLY come from rationality seems a huge step. A huger step. maybe, than claiming that it can come from slightly less rationality - in other words that it can evolve.

8. We as human beings have an innate drive for meaning in life. We are always attaching meaning to life. The only way that there can be meaning in life is if there is a God that created us for a purpose. No God means life is ultimately meaningless. The innate drive for meaning in life is an indicator God has left within each of us that we are created for a purpose and that is why we have that innate drive for meaning and purpose.

Just because we are looking for something doesn't mean we will find it, or even that it exists.

9. None of has seen life come from non-life. An Atheist believes that life comes from non-life. This is a huge leap of faith. Why? This is because all of my observation tells me plant life comes from plant life, animal life comes from animal life, human life comes from human life. We never get the animate from the inanimate. The Atheist is the only one that says that there is one exception to this: In the beginning, life comes from non life.

This is a big old complicated thing and is probably not for this thread. But sure, none of us have seen life come from non-life: but sure also, what we mean by life and non-life is a bit of a fuzzy thing. Is a virus alive? I don't know. It's nothing to do with the virus, but it is everything to do with how people get taught what "alive"means.

Could giraffes evolve from grass? probably not.

Could giraffes evolve from flu viruses? probably not.

Could giraffes evolve from something a bit less like giraffes? almost certainly yes.
How about this.
Numbers 23:19

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?

1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14 NIV
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

Not to mention everything God has said about man is true.


Hugely complicated area. But consider for example the Incas where apparently the slaughter of (some) innocent children was considered good, consider the ancient Romans where the slaughter of (many) innocent children was considered good.

Like it or not, moral relativism exists. It is real. Morality varies from place to place and from time to time.

That is not the same as claiming that morality is therefore "subjective" and up for individual choice. It isn't. It is cultural and social. And it varies with the culture and the society and as they change.

So probably there are no moral absolutes, so the argument from moral absolutism isn't a good one.

I see what you're saying here - but the existence of moral relativism within human society (i.e. different cultures in different time periods have a different understanding of what is 'moral' and what is 'immoral') doesn't mean that there is not an absolute morality.

It's like what it says in Judges about Israel:

In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

So people doing what is right in their own eyes doesn't imply there is no higher standard of right.

I get what what you're saying though, that human history doesn't show that there are a couple of moral absolutes (killing children for example) that all societies have followed for all time. I'm not sure that Christianity argues that though - the OT outlines how some of the tribes surrounded Israel sacrificed children to Molech.
Hey phisheep! I know your comments were directed towards Game Analyst but seeing as how he hasn't responded yet I wanted to take a swing at what you have written. As you stated, this is about the logic instead of the faith.
Not necessarily. What you're saying is that what we interpret as order and design needs a designer, and even that is doubtful. Consider crystalline structure for example. Pure chemistry (and atomic-level physics), beautifully ordered and "designed" but on the other hand a purely physical thing. No need, call, or evidence for a designer at all.
I have two questions that stem from this:
1. If it is a fallacy for a person to interpret order and design as needing a designer then what strengthens the argument for order and design resulted from chaos? Couldn't that argument just as easily be turned around because it hinges on interpretation?
2. Looking at specifically crystalline structure I agree that it appears highly ordered and designed. However, (this is kind of a rabbit hole) what's to say that the laws of physics and chemistry governing how the atoms arrange themselves is not penned by a designer?

It's an old argument, but not a good one. Causation is complicated enough anyway, but there's nothing to say that "everything that has a beginning has a cause" except for the human tendency to ascribe causes to things, which most of the time sort of works in that it makes us look closer at what happened, but that doesn't make it a rule, not a logical universal one that you can rely on anyhow.

It's a little odd that that you bring the Big Bang, which is after all a scientific theory, into the argument. When I was young this was still a controversial issue.

Do you mind expanding your view on causation a little more? Maybe through some examples or however you deem best? I believe I have a good grasp or understanding on what you're conveying yet I don't fully agree. I'd like to talk about it but I can't quite seem to put into words what's nagging me.

Densely packed is a relative thing. I get pretty astonished a lot of the time at what lizards and spiders can do, let alone dolphins. Ants even. Trouble is that, as they say apparently, size isn't everything. Maybe a Diplodocus would be astonished that something as small as me could think.

Besides, a cell is what it is. Somebody somewhere saying it contains such-and-such an amount of "information" is neither here nor there. It doesn't make any difference to the cell, it doesn't make any difference to me or to the world either. t makes a difference to that guy's research funding is what it most makes a difference to.

I think this point and your rebuttal are really just an extension of the first point. Order and design stemming from a designer or from _______ (insert your view here). It is relative and no less astonishing in any size, shape, form or package.

I'd really really like you to to point out where Darwin said that. Closest I can get is when he was discussing the eye, and then went on to explain how it could nevertheless have evolved.

If he did say that (and it's possible, though unlikely, that he did), then it doesn't matter anyway. What one person said once, whether in truth or in error, is not good evidence for anything else.

First line of the second paragraph. The next sentence he goes on to say that he hasn't found anything that abides by this rule but that's neither here nor there since your last sentence is the crux of this point.

I may be an outlier but as a Christian I really don't have a problem with evolution. We've seen it demonstrated in various plants and animals. However, my problem is:
1. I can't believe that everything evolved from a single entity, cell, molecule, whatever. The only evolution we've seen so far is small scale evolution correct? Whether that's the case or not it's incredibly difficult for me to believe that objects as diverse as sand and Manatees had a similar origin.
2. God said "Let us make man in our image..." implying that humans have not evolved.


I'll leave my original response in but after thinking about this some more I think my stance on this issue is evolution on a small scale. Ergo, everything was created yet within the things created there has been some form of evolution (which we have seen). That means I probably didn't really contribute anything on this point. Sorry phisheep.

Hugely complicated area. But consider for example the Incas where apparently the slaughter of (some) innocent children was considered good, consider the ancient Romans where the slaughter of (many) innocent children was considered good.

Like it or not, moral relativism exists. It is real. Morality varies from place to place and from time to time.

That is not the same as claiming that morality is therefore "subjective" and up for individual choice. It isn't. It is cultural and social. And it varies with the culture and the society and as they change.

So probably there are no moral absolutes, so the argument from moral absolutism isn't a good one.

I think legend166 did a good job outlining my general thoughts on this matter. An argument I often heard growing up is "If there is no moral absolute then you have just created one and are therefore not a relativist." What are your thoughts on this?

I'm kind of minded to grant you this one! Well, sort of. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is more than matter and energy, just that it isn't simple. And that shouldn't really be a surprise anyway for any generation that has grown up failing to successfully program VHS recorders.

Yeah, it's complicated, but nothing in that says it isn't matter and energy and stuff all the same.

This one is kind of tricky because the definition of love isn't really nailed down anyways. Can you tell me what the definition is of love? In the bible we can search for passages like 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16 or Matthew 5:43-44 but these are just descriptors or symptoms of love.

I agree that it's a complicated issue but I really don't think we have all the pieces to dismiss it as simply matter or simply something else.

All your preceding points have some rational element to them. This one doesn't. It has gone all ranty.

I'll grant that rationality is in need of some explanation (that's not to say that we'll ever find one, but it is sufficiently interesting to attract research grants). But to claim off the belt that rationality can ONLY come from rationality seems a huge step. A huger step. maybe, than claiming that it can come from slightly less rationality - in other words that it can evolve.

Refer to the last point.

Just because we are looking for something doesn't mean we will find it, or even that it exists.

True. That's displayed in people looking for bigfoot ;)

Really, though, why is it that we as humans have the innate desire to find meaning or purpose is our lives? If we evolved this way then that's a crappy misstep in the process because animals don't ponder this question. They just eat, reproduce and contribute to the earth in their own way. If we had a purpose before we evolved to this point then we wouldn't ponder such things would we?

This is a big old complicated thing and is probably not for this thread. But sure, none of us have seen life come from non-life: but sure also, what we mean by life and non-life is a bit of a fuzzy thing. Is a virus alive? I don't know. It's nothing to do with the virus, but it is everything to do with how people get taught what "alive"means.

Could giraffes evolve from grass? probably not.

Could giraffes evolve from flu viruses? probably not.

Could giraffes evolve from something a bit less like giraffes? almost certainly yes.
I've had about ten different things written out for this point but I think ultimately I'm going to leave it alone. Not because I don't think it warrants discussion but rather because I think the discussion wanders in to that which I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Anyone know how Israel feels about Isaiah 29 and 30? I title those chapters the "slumber of Israel" in my notes. Jesus quoted Isaiah and told the Pharisees that with their lips they praise God but their heart is far from Him.
Isaiah has some strong words for Israel especially in those chapters.


There is a conference that starts today at 9am PST. Here is the info and streaming link


Join us this Saturday, October 12th, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm as we identify the movement of Spiritual Deception taken upon the church in these last days. Our speakers will be author Warren Smith and research analyst Ray Yungen. We are pleased to announce that Jose Luis and Arturo Gutierrez will be leading us into Worship.

Simple Truths Conference 2013 Schedule

9:00 am: Welcome by Pastor Xavier, Worship by the Gutierrez Brothers
9:30 am: Ray Yungen -"Mystical Revolution"
10:30 am: Break
10:45 am: Worship by the Gutierrez Brothers
10:50 am: Warren Smith - "Signs of the Times"
11:50 am: Lunch in the Gym
12:50 pm: Worship by the Gutierrez Brothers
1:00 pm: Ray Yungen - "Day of Contemplative Prayer"
2:00 pm: Warren Smith - "Standing Fast in the Last Days (What Scripture Says)"
3:00 pm: Pastor Xavier Closes

Live Webcast link


New Audio Bible Studies:

(Right Click/Save As)

Quarterly Ministry School Study

10/4/2013 - Solutions to Conflicts in Ministry/Service (John 3:22-30)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)
soundcloud link to all morning studies

9/22/2013 - Elements for Godless Living (Selected scriptures)
9/29/2013 - God Has One Plan (Galatians 1:1-10)
9/29/2013 - Jesus is Coming (1 John 2:28)
10/6/2013 - The Difference between Religion vs. Relationship (Galatians 1:11-24)
10/6/2013 - The Dangers of Compromising in Our Walk with God (Judges 2:1-23)
10/13/2013 - Preserving Our Liberty (Galatians 2:1-10)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)
Soundcloud link to all evening studies

9/22/2013 - Introduction to the Book of Judges
9/29/2013 - Jesus, Born of a Virgin (Matthew 1:18-25) - (Outreach Message)
10/6/2013 - Judges 1-2

Tuesday Evening Summer Series

9/24/2013 - How to Put Away Sinful Attitudes (Ephesians 4:31)
10/1/2013 - Ephesians 4:32

Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study
Soundcloud link to all women's studies

10/8/2013 - Intro: The Women of the New Testament (Selected Scriptures)

Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study
Soundcloud link to all Men's studies

10/8/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-5)

Wednesday Evening (Verse by Verse)
Soundcloud link to all Wednesday studies

9/18/2013 - Psalm 44-45
9/25/2013 - Psalm 46-47
10/2/2013 - Psalm 48-50
10/9/2013 - Psalm 51

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)
Soundcloud link to all Thursday studies

9/19/2013 - People Cannot Control their Tongues (James 3:7-8)
9/26/2013 - Choose Your Words Carefully (James 3:9-12)

Apologetic Sermons

9/22/2013 - What makes Jesus Christ unique? (John 14:6)
10/6/2013 - What Motivates You in Life? (Matthew 6)

Marriage Ministry Bible Studies
Soundcloud link to all marriage studies

9/28/2013 - Abraham & Sarah (Genesis 12)

2013 Pastor's Conference

The Error of Balaam (Numbers 22) #1
Weapons for a Spiritual War (2 Corinthians 10) #2
Seeking the Holy Spirit (Revelation 3) #3
Exercising the Gift of Prayer (Luke 11) #4
The Importance of Godly Speech (Selected Scriptures) #5
Why it's beneficial to let God search our hearts (Selected Scriptures) #6
King Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 32) #7
Taking the Lower Place (Luke 14) #8
"I find no fault in Him" (John 18:28-38) #9


10/12/2013 - Mystical Revolution (Spiritual Deception Conference) #1
10/12/2013 - Signs of the Times (Spiritual Deception Conference) #2
10/12/2013 - Day of Contemplative Prayer (Spiritual Deception Conference) #3
10/12/2013 - Standing Fast in the Last Days (Spiritual Deception Conference) #4

New Blog Bible Studies

Judges 1 - Introduction to the Book of Judges, Life after Joshua's death, Israel seeks God for help, Judah conquers Jerusalem and Hebron, Lessons we can learn from Aschsah's prayer & Why could Caleb do what Judah couldn't? (Part 1)
Judges 1 - Israel compromises because of a lack of faith in God's promises (Part 2) & Judges 2 - Who is the Angel of the Lord? (Part 1)
Judges 2 - What is the difference between sorrow and true repentance?, Why did Israel fall into idolatry?, & What happens to our own relationship with God if we choose idolatry? (Part 2)
Judges 2 - God’s wrath upon Israel's sin of idolatry, A short summary of the book of Judges, What is the key to not sin?, Was it God's fault that Israel kept on sinning?, & Are we products of our environments? (Part 3)
Judges 3 - Intermarriage with unbelievers led Israel into Apostasy, Why was God angry with Israel?, Israel serves the king of Mesopotamia for eight years, & God sends Othniel (the first judge) to deliver Israel from slavery (Part 1)
Judges 3 - The second (Ehud) and third (Shamgar) judges, Israel sins and is sold into servitude again to the King of Moab, Ehud takes out the king of Moab and the story of Shamgar(Part 2)
Judges 4 - Deborah and Barak: Israel repeats the cycle of sin, & God sends the third Judge Deborah (Part 1)
Judges 4 - The amazing story of how Sisera and his army were defeated (Part 2)
Judges 5 - The Song of Deborah: The joy and blessing in being a willing instrument of God, What is life like when we live in bondage?, Why we need to share what God has done in our lives, What does it mean to be cursed?, & What is the purpose of the these type of songs?
Judges 6 - How does God guide us?, Why did God want the Baal alter removed?, Why was Gideon scared?, Why did people want to kill Gideon?, God empowers Gideon for warfare, & God assures Gideon’s doubts despite Gideon's lack of faith or keeping of his word (Part 3)
Judges 7 - The Battle Against Midian: "God does things His way, and His ways are often not our ways."
Judges 8 - Pursuing After Midian (Part 1)
If you guys are online right now, there is a stream on “The Death of Truth and the Decline of Culture”.

On Thursday, October 17th at 7:00 pm, nationally syndicated radio show host Dennis Prager (www.dennisprager.com) and world-renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias (www.rzim.org) will appear on stage together at Perimeter Church in Johns Creek, GA.

The evening will be hosted by comedian, actor and best-selling author Jeff Foxworthy.

click here
Click here and check out this music artist writing on Holiness.

see October 8 2012 post

The way he explained it was right on target. I think it should open some eyes as to who God is.

"Holiness! Many people in America have their own definition of what this word means, but today I will speak to you on what holiness is and what holiness is not. Holiness is more than just being morally good it is the very essence of being set apart. Goodness is a part of that holiness. God is good but his goodness stems from his holiness. R.C Sproul’s definition of God’s holiness is being distinct, set apart and in a class of his own. The hebrew word for holiness is kodesh which is the state of being sacred or set apart or unique. There are many people in This country today who claim to be christians and followers of Christ but if you asked them what holiness is, not many of them would be able to give you a biblical answer.With that being said I would like to share with you what holiness is not."
Is everyone okay? So quiet in here...
Here is a treat for you guys from the book of Ezekiel.
Someone on another board posted this picture his friend did. Check it out:
(WARNING: Do not worship lol)

link here




New Audio Bible Studies:

(Right Click/Save As)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

9/22/2013 - Elements for Godless Living (Selected scriptures)
9/29/2013 - God Has One Plan (Galatians 1:1-10)
9/29/2013 - Jesus is Coming (1 John 2:28)
10/6/2013 - The Difference between Religion vs. Relationship (Galatians 1:11-24)
10/6/2013 - The Dangers of Compromising in Our Walk with God (Judges 2:1-23)
10/13/2013 - Preserving Our Liberty (Galatians 2:1-10)
10/13/2013 - Deborah, the Faith Warrior (Judges 4:1-24)
10/20/2013 - Paul Contends for the Faith Against the Apostle Peter (Galatians 2:11-21)
10/20/2013 - Wrestling with God (Psalm 130)
10/27/2013 - The Christian Life (Hebrews 13:1-16)
11/3/2013 - God uses Gideon to change the lives of others (Judges 6)
11/3/2013 - Having Begun in the Spirit (Galatians 3:1-5)
11/10/2013 - God's Promise to Abraham and all Mankind (Galatians 3:6-14)
11/10/2013 - Light Out of Darkness (2 Corinthians 4:1-7)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)

9/22/2013 - Introduction to the Book of Judges
9/29/2013 - Jesus, Born of a Virgin (Matthew 1:18-25)
10/6/2013 - Judges 1-2
10/13/2013 - Judges 3-4
10/20/2013 - How to Live Life with the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)
11-3-2013 - Judges 5-6
11/10/2013 - Where is the Promise of His Coming? (2 Peter 3:4)

Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study

10/8/2013 - Intro: The Women of the New Testament (Selected Scriptures)
10/15/2013 - Mary: Blessed Among Women (Luke 1:26-55)
10/22/2013 - Mary Part 2: Fully Surrendered to God (Luke 2)
10/29/2013 - Elizabeth: A Woman Who Served as She Waited (Luke 1:5-66)
11/5/2013 - Anna: God's Dedicated Witness (Luke 2:36-38)
11/12/2013 - Woman at the Well (John 4:1-54)

Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study

10/8/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-5)
10/15/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:6-9)
10/22/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:10-12)
10/29/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:13-16)
11/5/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:17-20)
11/12/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:21-26)

Wednesday Evening (Verse by Verse)

9/18/2013 - Psalm 44-45
9/25/2013 - Psalm 46-47
10/2/2013 - Psalm 48-50
10/9/2013 - Psalm 51
10/16/2013 - Psalm 52-55
10/23/2013 - Psalm 56-58
10/30/2013 - Psalm 59-61
11/6/2013 - Psalm 62-65
11/13/2013 - Psalm 66-68

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

9/19/2013 - People Cannot Control their Tongues (James 3:7-8)
9/26/2013 - Choose Your Words Carefully (James 3:9-12)
10/10/2013 - God's Wisdom or Satan's? (James 3:13-18)
10/17/2013 - Stairway to Heaven (Genesis 28)
10/25/2013 - Aquila & Priscilla (Selected Scriptures)


10/13/2013 - Ravi Zacharias: The Young in Home and Family Life
10/13/2013 - John Lennox: Is Christianity Reasonable? (Part 1)
10/13/2013 - John Lennox: Is Christianity Reasonable? (Part 2)
10/20/2013 - Amy Orr-Ewing: The Lamb of God
10/20/2013 - Nathan Betts: Confidence In Uncertain Times (Luke 5)
11/10/2013 - John Lennox: In The Beginning, God... (Genesis 1:1)

Random Studies & Sermons

Should Christians Drink Alcohol? (Ephesians 5:18)
9/15/2013 - Are You an Encourager? (Selected Scriptures)
9/22/2013 - What makes Jesus Christ unique? (John 14:6)
10/6/2013 - What Motivates You in Life? (Matthew 6)
10/20/2013 - Dealing with the Mysteries of Faith (Mark 14)
10/27/2013 - Accessing God's Extraordinary Power in Our Ordinary Lives (1 Peter 1:3-9)
11/3/2013 - How to deal with people that say they are better than us (Selected scriptures)
11/10/2013 - How to handle changes in our lives (Selected Scriptures)

New Blog Bible Studies

Judges 8 - Israel chooses Idolatry once again (Part 2) & Judges 9 - Abimelech’s rise to power by breaking multiple commandments (Part 1)

Judges 9 - What is the parable of the trees?, Abimelech rules over Israel for three years, Why would God send an evil spirit?, & The men of Shechem decide to choose a new leader and party with pagan gods (Part 2)

Judges 9 - "The peril of ambition, the principle of sowing and reaping" (Part 3)

Judges 10 - Two Minor Judges and More Oppression

Judges 11 - The story of Jephthah and the Ammonites (Part 1)

Judges 11 - God fills Jephthah with His Spirit, Did Jephthah make a vow with human sacrifice in mind?, The dangers of making foolish vows & Did Jephthah kill his daughter? (Part 2)

Judges 12 - Jephthah and the Ephraimites; Three Minor Judges

Judges 13 - The Birth of Samson (the first addict) (Part 1)

Judges 13 - The Birth of Samson (the first addict) (Part 2) & Judges 14 - Samson’s First Failed Marriage (Part 1)

Judges 14 - The Many Lessons to Learn From Samson’s First Failed Marriage (Part 2)

Judges 15 - Samson Against the Philistines

Judges 16 - Will God use a man living in sin?, Delilah agrees to betray Samson, Samson lies to Delilah multiple times about the source of his strength, & Samson's consequence for choosing sin over God

Judges 17 - The moral corruptness of Israel, Micah’s Idolatry sponsored by his mother, Micah’s own version of Judaism, & What happens when people follow their own instinct (Part 1)

Judges 17 - Micah hires a Levite to form his own religion based on Idolatry (Part 2)

Judges 18 - How Our Own Sins Can Influence Others To Be Wicked And Rebellious Against God

Judges 19 - Israel's absence of a political monarch, The first cohabiting relationship, How to deal with adultery, & Is it a sin to not be hospitable? (Part 1)
So that Noah movie is coming out to butcher the Bible.
I guess these verses(especially bolded) refer to this generation as well?
Luke 17
25But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. 26And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

A lot of people want this movie to come out despite it's not-so biblical views.
I hope Christians don't fall for this trap of a movie.
Anyway, I love how everything the Lord says is the truth. He cannot lie and has seen what all men would do. Yet people cannot see that. The blind are used to the darkness.
I feel sorry for them. I know where they are at because I was there a few years ago. I didn't hate God, but I didn't believe for various reasons.

Read the rest of the that chapter to see the context and also because it's important for everyone.


New Audio Bible Studies:

(Right Click/Save As)

Thanksgiving 2013

11/27/2013 - How to Have A Heart of Thanksgiving (Psalm 100)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

11/17/2013 - Gideon, A Broken Vessel (Judges 7:1-25)
11/17/2013 - Gods Promises Are Not Earned (Galatians 3:15-29)
11/24/2013 - Gideon compromises in many areas of his life as Israel's judge (Judges 8:22-35)
11/24/2013 - Sons and not Slaves (Galatians 4:1-7)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)

11-17-2013 - Judges 7-8
11/24/2013 - Judges 9-10

Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study

11/19/2013 - The Widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-17)

Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study

11/19/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:27-30)
11/26/2013 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:31-32)

Wednesday Evening (Verse by Verse)

11/20/2013 - Psalm 69-72

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

11/14/2013 - Living in the Flesh (James 4:1-3)
11/21/2013 - Friend of God or the World? (James 4:4-6)


11/17/2013 - Dr. Andy Bannister: Will the Real God Please Stand Up?
11/24/2013 - Dr. Nabeel Qureshi: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus (Matthew 7:7)

Random Studies & Sermons

11/17/2013 - How to deal with Depression and Anxiety (Selected Scriptures)
11/24/2013 - How do we build Harmony in our Relationships? (Selected Scriptures)

The Ten Commandment Series

God Is To Be First (Exodus 20:1-3) #1
God Is To Be Worshipped in Spirit (Exodus 20:4-6) #2
God Is To Be Honored (Exodus 20:7) #3
God Is To be Obeyed for the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11) #4
The Scriptural View of Parents (Exodus 20:12) #5
The Sacredness of Life (Exodus 20:13) #6
The Sanctity of Marriage (Exodus 20:14) #7
The Social Right of Ownership (Exodus 20:15) #8
The Simple Truth of Integrity (Exodus 20:16) #9
The Safeguard Against Envy (Exodus 20:17) #10

Marriage Ministry Retreat 2013

Fortify Marriage Through Living the Risen Life in Christ (Colossians 3:1-4)
Fortify Marriage Through Slaying the Flesh, Pt. 1 (Colossians 3:5-7)
Fortify Marriage Through Slaying the Flesh, Pt. 2 (Colossians 3:8-11)
Fortify Marriage Through Spiritual Living (Colossians 3:12-17)
Fortify Marriage Through Submission & Headship (Colossians 3:18-19)

New Blog Bible Studies

Judges 19 - What happens when God's people Embrace Moral Relativism (Part 2) & Judges 20 - Israel’s War with Benjamin and Gibeah because of of the concubines body cut into pieces (Part 1)

Judges 20 - What happens when we are living in sin and ask God for help? & The power of Repentance (Part 2)

Judges 21 - A Summary to the book of Judges

So that Noah movie is coming out to butcher the Bible.

How does the Noah movie butcher the scriptures?


New Audio Bible Studies:

(Right Click/Save As)

Christmas 2013

12/22/2013 - Is Jesus the Messiah? (Matthew 1:18-23)
12/22/2013 - Wise People Seek Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

12/1/2013 - Jephthah, Zeal Without Knowledge (Judges 11:1-40)
12/1/2013 - Reflections of a Pastor (Galatians 4:8-20)
12/8/2013 - Sound Last Days Instructions (Jude 20-25, Revelation 2-3)
12/8/2013 - Comparing Bondage (by Works) or Freedom (by Grace) (Galatians 4:21-31)
12/15/2013 - Standing Firm in Grace (Galatians 5:1-12)
12/15/2013 - God Knows (John 4:16-24)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)

12/1/2013 - Judges 11-12
12/15/2013 - Put on Jesus (Romans 13:11-14)

Wednesday Evening (Verse by Verse)

11/27/2013 - Communion (Matthew 27:26 - 28:1-10,16-20)
12/4/2013 - Psalm 73
12/11/2013 - Psalm 74-77
12/18/2013 - Psalm 78

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

12/12/2013 - Only Repentance Will Do! (James 4:7-10)
12/19/2013 - Rise Up and Walk (Acts 3:1-11)


12/1/2013 - Simon Edwards: The Gospel & Apologetics

Random Studies & Sermons

12/1/2013 - Joy to the World (John 2)
12/8/2013 - Loving people despite our circumstances (Selected Scriptures)

New Blog Bible Studies

Finished the book of Ruth:

Ruth 1 - Introduction to the book of Ruth, What was going on in Israel in the day when Judges ruled?, Why would God allow His people to starve?, Multiple tragedies in city of Moab, & Why did Naomi petition her daughters-in-law to go back to Moab? (Part 1)

Ruth 1 - Naomi's counsel to Ruth, Why did Ruth decide to stay with Naomi and believe in Yahweh?, The things we say and believe when we only know part of God's plan (Part 2) & Ruth 2 - Who is the kinsman "Boaz"? (Part 1)

Ruth 2 - Did Israel have welfare laws or social assistance programs?, Did Ruth just happen to find Boaz’s field?, The heart and character of Boaz, Lessons to learn from Ruth and Boaz, Ruth shows her faith through her works & What is the Law of Redemption and the Levirate Marriage? (Part 2)

Ruth 3 - Were Boaz and Ruth dating?, What does it mean that Boaz was the family goel (kinsman-redeemer)?, What is the threshing floor? & Naomi instructs Ruth as to how to petition Boaz to exercise his responsibilities as her goel (Part 1)

Ruth 3 - Why did Boaz sleep at the threshing floor?, Ruth's request to Boaz for marriage, Was Ruth propositioning Boaz?, Boaz’s response (the proper to have a relationship), & Ruth's potential problem having a closer kinsman than Boaz (Part 2)

Ruth 4 - Boaz meets the nearer kinsman at the city gates, Boaz asks the nearer kinsman to redeem the land of Naomi (and Elimelech), Boaz informs the nearer kinsman of his duty that he would have to marry Ruth, & Why did the nearer kinsman declines his right of redemption towards the property and marrying Ruth? (Part 1)

Ruth 4 - The custom in Israel of the sandal in transactions, The parallels between Jesus and Boaz (Ruth and church), What is the purpose of a marriage ceremony?, The story of Perez and how it relates to the genealogy of Jesus, How God takes the bad and turns it into good, Jesus in the book of Ruth, & Types in the Book of Ruth (Part 2)

Started the book of Ecclesiastes:

Ecclesiastes 1 - The Vanity Of Life: Searching for the meaning of life without God (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 1 - The Vanity Of Life: Searching for the meaning of life without God (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 2 - Solomon searches for the meaning of life as a hedonist: In parties, laughter, fun, alcohol, food, work, accomplishments, & hobbies (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 2 - Solomon's conclusions about life without God: Death is the great equalizer, Life sucks, Accomplishments mean nothing because of Death, How to live in a world without meaning or purpose, (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 3 - Solomon describes the beauty and monotony of life, Solomon sees a glimmer of hope in seeing God as the master of time, Solomon reveals why all humanity (from the beginning of time) believes that God exists, & The Origin and Meaning of Time (Part 1)


New Audio Bible Studies:

(Right Click/Save As)

New Years 2014 Messages

12/29/2013 - Jesus, the Heart Specialist (John 14:1-6)
12/29/2013 - 2014: What Time Is It? (Selected Scriptures)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

12/29/2013 - Abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-8)

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

12/26/2013 - John the Baptist (Selected Scripture)

Random Studies & Sermons

12/22/2013 - Do Angels Exist? (Selected Scriptures)

New Blog Bible Studies

“The key to understanding the Book of Ecclesiastes is the term ‘under the sun.’ What that literally means is you lock God out of a closed system, and you are left with only this world of time plus chance plus matter.” (Zacharias)

Ecclesiastes 3 - Solomon shows that life is not meaningless and monotonous if God is added to our lives (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 3 - Why is life so unfair?, Solomon describes the foundation for the philosophy of Behavioral Psychology, Does mankind have any advantages or differences over animals?, & Is there peace under the sun if life is meaningless? (Part 3)

Ecclesiastes 4 - Solomon discusses the problem of injustice, Why does success often gain envy and the desire to covet our neighbors things?, Solomon analyzes the reason people are lazy and do not want to work, Solomon analyzes the balanced person, & Solomon concludes, "What good is your success if you can't pass it on?" (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 4 - Solomon explains why accomplishments are in vain without companionship, Solomon discusses the vanity of fame and its short life (Part 2) & Ecclesiastes 5 - Speaking before thinking to God and others, What does God think about the breaking of our promises?, The seriousness of breaking promises and its solution. (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 5 - Solomon observes the enduring fact of oppression and injustice due to corrupt politicians, Solomon observes that despite corrupt politicians government is still needed, Solomon observes that wealth can never satisfy, Solomon observes that expenses go up as a person makes more money, Solomon observes that sleep disappears as a person becomes richer, & Solomon discuses the uncertainty of wealth (Part 2)


Please pray for Kathy and her family:

Please pray for Kathy a woman who is in her 50's. She had surgery on a brain tumor and it did not go as planned. They had to remove part of her brain to get to the tumor and they could not get all of the tumor. The family is in complete denial and suffering greatly. Things do not look good.

Please pray for salvation for Kathy and her family. also pray for comfort, strength and endurance.

Thank you and God bless.
So that Noah movie is coming out to butcher the Bible.
I guess these verses(especially bolded) refer to this generation as well?
Luke 17
25But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. 26And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

A lot of people want this movie to come out despite it's not-so biblical views.
I hope Christians don't fall for this trap of a movie.
Anyway, I love how everything the Lord says is the truth. He cannot lie and has seen what all men would do. Yet people cannot see that. The blind are used to the darkness.
I feel sorry for them. I know where they are at because I was there a few years ago. I didn't hate God, but I didn't believe for various reasons.

Read the rest of the that chapter to see the context and also because it's important for everyone.
Ugh, Hollywood trying to create drama by rewriting historical events are bad enough, but when it's the Bible it is a million times worse.


New Audio Bible Studies:

(Right Click/Save As)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

1/5/2014 - The Spirit Led Life (Galatians 5:13-18)
1/5/2014 - The Prophetic Announcement and Birth of Samson (Judges 13:1-25)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)

1/5/2014 - Judges 13-14

Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study

1/7/2014 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:33)

Wednesday Evening (Verse By Verse)

1/8/2014 - Psalm 79-81

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

1/9/2014 - Watch Your Mouth (James 4:11-12)


7/12/2013 - John Lennox: Being a Winsome Apologist
1/5/2014 - Dr. Nabeel Qureshi: Living with a purpose (Part 1)
1/5/2014 - Dr. Nabeel Qureshi: Living with a purpose (Part 2)
1/6/2014 - Dr. Nabeel Qureshi: Living with a purpose (Part 3)

Apologetic Sermons

12/29/2013 - What is Truth? (1 Thessalonians 1)
1/5/2014 - Commitment to God (Genesis 22)

New Blog Bible Studies

Ecclesiastes 6 - Can Wealth Satisfy?

Ecclesiastes 7 - Looking at life through better and worse through Solomon's proverbs (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 7 - Looking at life through better and worse through Solomon's proverbs (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 7 - Can seeking wisdom bring meaning to a meaningless life?, Why did Solomon believe women were the measure of weakness in a man? & Solomon's understanding of original sin (Part 3) & Ecclesiastes 8 - Wisdom in obeying and honoring our leaders and government (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 8 - Keeping God's commands gives us wisdom for everyday living, Serving Jesus and others regardless of how we are treated, The vanity of giving honor to the wicked upon death, Why is God patient with sinners and does not judge them immediately? & What is the Fear of the Lord? (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 8 - Why do bad people have it good and good people have it bad? & Solomon sees that hedonism is the best solution to deal with the vanity of life (Part 3) & Introduction to Ecclesiastes 9


New Audio Bible Studies can be streamed by clicking on any of the links below. Downloads are also available for all studies on the soundcloud page for each study.

Random Sermon

1/12/2014 - Amir Tsarfati: Jesus in the Old Testament (Selected Scriptures)

Marriage Bible Study

1/25/2014 - Communication Principles (Various Proverbs)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

1/12/2014 - Samson, The Self-Willed Man (Judges 14:1-4)
1/12/2014 - Let's be Clear (Galatians 5:19-21)
1/19/2014 - What happens when we live a Godly life? (Daniel 6)
1/19/2014 - Samson, Who Chose to Sin (Judges 16:1-31)
1/26/2014 - What is the Fruit of the Spirit? (Galatians 1:22-26)
1/26/2014 - Immorality Equates a Dangerous Society (Judges 19:1-28)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)

1/12/2014 - Judges 15-16
1/19/2014 - Judges 17-18

Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study

1/14/2014 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:38-42)
1/21/2014 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:43-48)

Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study

1/14/2014 - Herodias: The Woman with a Hardened Heart (Mark 6:14-29)
1/21/2014 - Salome: A Woman Who Desired Greatness for Her Sons (Matthew 20:17-28)

Wednesday Evening (Verse By Verse)

1/15/2014 - An encouragement to know God and what He has done for us (2 Peter 1:1-11)

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

1/16/2014 - Why is Self-Sufficiency a Sin? (James 4:13-17)
1/23/2014 - Living in the Last Days (1 Peter 4:7-19)


7/12/2013 - John Lennox: Being a Winsome Apologist
1/12/2014 - Ravi Zacharias: Who is God?
1/12/2014 - Ravi Zacharias: The Uniqueness of Christ (John 18)
1/19/2014 - Dr. Andy Bannister: Islam vs Christianity
1/19/2014 - Nathan Betts: Is There Hope? What the resurrection means today!

RZIM Apologetics Conference 2014

1/24/2014 - Nathan Betts: Finding Purpose & Meaning in Life (# 1)
1/24/2014 - Nathan Betts: Finding Purpose & Meaning in life Q&A (#2)
1/25/2014 - Andy Bannister: Shaping Your Worldview (#3)
1/25/2014 - Nathan Betts: Truth - The Bible (#4)
1/25/2014 - Andy Bannister: Why Jesus? (#5)
1/25/2014 - Andy Bannister: Final Session Q&A (#6)
1/26/2014 - Andy Bannister: Truth - Who is the Real God? (#7)
1/26/2014 - Andy Bannister: Does Religion Poison Everything? (#8)

RZIM Apologetic Sermons

1/12/2014 - The Book of Revelation (Selected Scriptures)
1/19/2014 - How to handle Conflict in our Lives? (Selected Scriptures)

New Blog Bible Studies

Ecclesiastes 9 - How can we know God loves us?, What one thing does all humanity share?, What does it mean if there is no life after death?, Is the doctrine of annihilation Biblical?, & What is the solution to living life if this life is all that there is? (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 9 - If this life is all there is, then why doesn't this life make more sense? (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 10 - Folly and Wisdom: Solomon speaks about foolish people (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 10 - Folly and Wisdom: Solomon speaks about foolish people (Part 2) & Ecclesiastes 11 - Towards True Wisdom (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 11 - Solomon discusses the limitations of knowledge, Solomon discusses working hard despite the uncertainty of the future, & Solomon discusses the glory and joy that youth can bring (Part 2)

Ecclesiastes 12 - The value of remembering God and eternity in youth, Solomon gives us a poetic description of advancing age, The importance of Heaven in our lives, Remembering God before we die and meet Him, & Solomon gives a final analysis on searching for the meaning in life without God (Part 1)

Ecclesiastes 12 - Solomon discusses the methods of to teaching God's Word correctly, Solomon warns of sticking only to God's Word if we want true wisdom, Solomon's conclusion about life after finishing his search for the meaning to life without God & What does it mean to fear God? (Part 2)

Matthew 1 - Introduction to the Book of Matthew, Who wrote the Gospel of Matthew?, Why is the Gospel of Matthew the first of the four Gospels?, To what audience was the Gospel of Matthew written to? & How was Jesus related to King David and Abraham? (Part 1)

Matthew 1:2-16 - Jesus' Genealogy through Joseph, Why does Jesus' Genealogy have Women in it? & Was Joseph the Father of Jesus? (Part 2)

Matthew 1:17-19 - Why is Matthew's Genealogy missing some people?, The story of Jesus through the eyes of Joseph, What were the three steps to being married in Judaism?, The moral character of Joseph revealed by seeking a quiet divorce from Mary, (Part 3)

Matthew 1:20-23 - Why did an angel speak to Joseph in a dream, addressed Joseph as the Son of David, told Joseph that Mary is pregnant, and told Joseph his son's name and his son's mission statement?, Is the Bible inspired by God?, The fulfillment of prophecy: Jesus was born of a virgin, & Why was Jesus called Immanuel? (Part 4)

Matthew 1:24-25 - Joseph marries Mary after the angelic announcement and names his son Jesus, Was Mary always a virgin? (Part 5) & Introduction to Matthew Chapter 2

Please feel free to ask me any questions if they come up. ^_^


Really glad I found this thread! My sister was looking for some christian music, and I found some interesting suggestions in this thread. Trying to find gospel songs I like is really hard :(
Really glad I found this thread! My sister was looking for some christian music, and I found some interesting suggestions in this thread. Trying to find gospel songs I like is really hard :(

A great place for Christian music is noisetrade.com. It has a GREAT search feature too.


New Audio Bible Studies can be streamed by clicking on any of the links below. Downloads are also available for all studies on my soundcloud site for each study.

Random Apologetic Sermons

1/26/2014 - Gratitude (Selected Scriptures)
2/2/2014 - Dealing with Anger (Selected Scriptures)

Sunday Morning (Expostional Sermon)

2/2/2014 - Bearing Each Others Burdens (Galatians 6:1-6)
2/2/2014 - The Godly, in an Ungodly Society (Judges 17-21, Ruth 1-4)
2/9/2014 - Sowing & Reaping (Galatians 6:7-10)
2/9/2014 - Are You Helping to Promote Deception? (2 John 10-11)

Sunday Evening (Through the Bible, Verse by Verse)

1/26/2014 - Judges 19-21

Tuesday Evening Men's Bible Study

1/28/2014 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:1-4)
2/4/2014 - The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:5-8)
2/11/2014 - The Sermon on the Mount: Talking to God (Matthew 6:9-13)

Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study

1/28/2014 - Mary Magdalene - From Darkness to Light (Various Scriptures)
2/4/2014 - Martha: A Woman Who Learned That Attitude is Everything (Selected Scriptures)
2/11/2014 - Mary of Bethany (Various Scriptures)

Wednesday Evening (Verse By Verse)

1/29/2014 - Psalm 82-83
2/5/2014 - Numbers 15
2/12/2014 - Psalm 84

Thursday Evening Bible Study (In-Depth)

1/30/2014 - Woe to You Selfish Rich: A rebuke of the ungodly rich (James 5:1-3)
2/13/2014 - A Stern Judgement for Rich People (James 5:4-6)

RZIM Apologetic Sermons

2/2/2014 - Michelle Tepper: Why I Believe
2/4/2014 - Andy Bannister: Will the Real God Please Stand Up?

RZIM Apologetic University Youtube lectures

Dartmouth University: Christianity in the Public Square for the Public Good (Ravi Zacharias)
Dartmouth University: Tolerance Under Fire (Ravi Zacharias)
Nabeel Qureshi at Georgia Tech
Johns Hopkins University Open Forum with Ravi Zacharias on "The Question of Suffering and the Goodness of God."
Ravi Zacharias at Yale University - Part 1
Ravi Zacharias at Yale University - Part 2
Ravi Zacharias at Brigham Young University
Ravi at the University of Pennsylvania Open Forum

New Blog Bible Studies

Matthew 2:1-12 - Jesus is born, Background on King Herod, Historical facts about the wise men (magi) that came looking for Jesus, Why did the wise men come looking for Jesus to worship Him?, Why was King Herod troubled by the news brought that a new king was born?, The difference between a heart relationship and head relationship with God, Herod pretends to be religious so that can kill Jesus and remain king, The wise men are guided by supernatural star to find Jesus, The wise men meet Jesus not as a baby but as a young child, Why did the wise men give Jesus gifts and what did the gifts signify?, Many lessons that we can learn from the wise men worshipping Jesus, The obedience of the wise men, & Magi Traditions (Part 1)

Matthew 2:13-23 - Why was Joseph told to go to Egypt with Mary and Jesus?, Joseph leaves to Egypt with Mary and Jesus and fulfills Old Testament prophecy, Herod orders the massacre of all the male children in Bethlehem, Herod's evil causes the fulfillment of another prophecy from the Old Testament, God calls Joseph and his family to return to Israel, Why was Joseph afraid that the evil son of Herod (Archelaus) was ruling?, God protects Joseph by telling him to go to a region where he and his family would be safe, Joseph and family settle in the city of Nazareth, What prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus being called a Nazarene? & What did it mean that Jesus was called a Nazarene? (Part 2)

Matthew 3:1-6 - Who is John the Baptist and what happened to Jesus' childhood years?, John the Baptist's message was about a call to true repentance, What did John mean by the statement the kingdom of heaven is at hand?, The identity of John the Baptist foretold by the Prophet Isaiah, The similarities between John the Baptist and Elijah, Why was John's ministry so successful?, What is the purpose of baptism? & The first time people in Israel confessed their own sins.individually (Part 1)

Matthew 3:7-12 - John's confrontation with the Pharisees and Sadducees, John calls out the Pharisees and Sadducees to stop their hypocrisy and to truly repent, Is a person's family faith enough to save them?, What is the difference between John's baptism and Christian baptism? & How the Christian church needs God's judgment (Part 2)

Matthew 3:13-17 - Why did Jesus come to John to be baptized?, Jesus allows Himself to be baptized by John to identify himself with sinful mankind, What is the meaning and purpose of baptism?, The Divine witness to Jesus' status as the Son of God, Why did the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus?, God the Father is pleased with Jesus & Is the Trinity Biblical? (Part 3)

Matthew 4:1-4 - Why was Jesus led to a place to be tempted (tested)?, Was Jesus' temptation (testing) different than our own?, Jesus fasts for forty days, How we all will face temptations, Does Satan question Jesus' deity?, Satan's first temptation: An attempt to make Jesus doubt God's provision for His life, Jesus responds to Satan verbally & Why does Jesus responds to Satan with God's Word? (Part 1)

Matthew 4:5-10 - Satan's second temptation: an appeal to the pride of life (an attack on the Father's protection over Jesus), Satan misquotes scripture by taking it out of context to try and make Jesus sin, Jesus responds to Satan's attacks by quoting scripture in its proper context, Satan's third temptation: an appeal to the lust of the eyes (an attack on the Father's promise to Jesus), Is Satan the god of this world? & Jesus teaches us how to resist Satan and not give into temptation (Part 2)

Matthew 4:11-22 - How did Jesus win His battle with the devil?, Why did the angels wait before coming to help Jesus?, Why did Jesus first go to the region of Galilee?, Background on the region of Galilee, Why was Jesus' home base in Capernaum?, Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy by bringing light to the darkened region of Galilee, What was Jesus' main occupation?, A general description of the message of Jesus, Is there a difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God?, Why does Jesus call Peter, Andrew, James & John to be his disciples while each of them is at work? & What does it mean to follow Jesus? (Part 3)

Matthew 4:23-25 - What were synagogues like in Jesus' day?, What is the difference between teaching and preaching?, The first mention of demon-possession in the New Testament (Part 4) & Matthew 5:1-2 - Introduction to Chapter 5, Jesus prepares to teach His disciples, How did teachers teach in Jesus' culture?, Who did Jesus intend to teach through His Sermon on the Mount?, Jesus begins to teach His disciples how God expects each of us to live, A Summary of the Beatitudes: the character of kingdom citizens (Part 1)

Matthew 5:3-4 - What does the word blessed mean?, Being poor in spirit always results from having a true encounter with God, Can access to heaven be earned by anything we do?, Morning should always be the reaction of a believer due to the sins they have committed (poverty of spirit) against God, & God promises to comfort us when we mourn over our true spiritual condition (Part 2)


Really glad I found this thread! My sister was looking for some christian music, and I found some interesting suggestions in this thread. Trying to find gospel songs I like is really hard :(
Try out

Rend collective experiment
All sons and daughters
Hillsong united

My fav songs from each:
Hillsong united:
I love this song

All sons and daughters:

Rend collective experiment
So, the guys from Emery (A great hard rock/emocore band) used to write for a blog called un-learning, and that evolved int BadChristian which deals with blogs, eBooks, music label, and campaigns. They did a really great post now, so I thought to share:


Everyone should check their stuff.
I like the concept that they are presenting and the overall message they're preaching, but they are trying way too hard to be edgy, for lack of a better term. Thanks for sharing.

I like that song that goes "I could use a little more Jesus, and a little less of me." I think that should be our message.


I like that song that goes "I could use a little more Jesus, and a little less of me." I think that should be our message.

I agree with what you said and reminds me of what John the baptist said. He said, "He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30). These seven words capture the essence of true ministry for God and His kingdom.


Today's blog discusses Jesus' promise of why people all over the world (like here on GAF) despise Christians and hate Jesus. I encourage everyone to read through it. It was a great study for me in that it reminded me that being attacked and slandered is one of Jesus promises to all who live for God, and that all of the Old Testament prophets dealt with the same thing.

Matthew 5:8-12 - What does it mean to be pure in heart?, Why do the pure in heart see God?, What does it mean to be a peacemaker?, Why are peacemakers going to be called sons of God?, Jesus' promise to the world's reception of God's children: persecution and slander & Why should we rejoice and be glad when we are persecuted and slandered? (Part 4)
a. The character traits described in the Beatitudes are not valued by our modern culture. We don't recognize or give awards to the "Most Pure in Heart" or "Most Poor in Spirit." Though our culture doesn't think much of these character traits, they do describe the character of the citizens of God's kingdom.

b. Smith: If you are this kind of a righteous person, you'll be persecuted for being that kind of person. People will take advantage of you, people will run all over you and people will resent you, because you will make them uncomfortable when you are around them because you are doing the right thing and they're wanting to do the wrong thing. Thus they will begin to project against you their feelings of guilt.

This is so true. Great blog!


Hi Christ-GAF, i have a religious question that is more suited to muslims but i cannot find their thread...i assume it exists can someone link me up?

Hi Christiany GAF, I'm trying to attempt to read through the Bible in entirety.

How would one spread out how much can be read out a day to day basis in the evening?

I'm curious to hear how others approached the Good Book.
I didn't follow a reading schedule. Instead I read it whenever I felt like reading it. This way you don't feel guilty when you fail to keep up with the pace. It's not a competition and you have plenty of time.
I think it's best to start out with the New Testament. If you start with the Old Testament you might quit because you don't see yet...Once you finish the New Testament, try to see if you can find Jesus in the Old Testament.

Also, a tip...if you read the Bible and your heart is not in it, you'll get nothing from it. It's a spiritual book that requires multiple readings to understand. The understanding comes from the Holy Spirit, once you've excepted Jesus.
Here is a parable for you: (try to find out what this means by understanding with your heart) :)

The Parable of the Sower

Matthew 13
1The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. 2And great multitudes were gathered together unto Him, so that He went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.

3And He spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; 4And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: 5Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: 6And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. 7And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: 8But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. 9Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
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