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Christianity [OT] The Word became flesh and dwelt among us


This is becoming more and more prevalent in my circles

2 Corinthians 6: 14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion has light with darkness?
15 What agreement has Christ with Belial? Or what part has he who believes with an unbeliever?
16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“I will live in them
and walk in them.
I will be their God,
and they shall be My people.”

17 Therefore,

“Come out from among them
and be separate,
says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
and I will receive you.”

18 “I will be a Father to you,
and you shall be My sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”
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New Resources:

Video: Ancient Texts # 7 - The Roman Imperial Cults
In this video, I talk about ancient ruler cults, especially the Roman imperial cults, and their relevance for the study of early Christianity.

Video: Reincarnation, Near Death Experiences and Heaven with Lee Strobel
What happens when you die? Is heaven real? What about reincarnation, NDE's, hell, and if the soul even exists? These are topics that Lee Strobel covers in his new book, "A Case for Heaven." I felt honored and humbled to be able to interview Lee about the book. I know this is a subject that many people, not just Christians, wonder about. You can expect the same journalistic approach that Lee takes in his numerous other books. This was a really fun conversation and hope you all are edified by it.

Video: How to Equip Your Kids to Think Critically About Their Beliefs, with Elizabeth Urbanowicz
Elizabeth Urbanowicz of Foundation Worldview joins me to talk about how to help our kids learn the critical thinking skills they will need to properly think through their worldview...even the very claims of Christianity itself.

Frontlines / Christians at Work : The Doctor
My best friend is the one Dr who has been in the practice longer than me who I’ve known all that time. I’m a Christian, he’s an atheist and so we give each other a bit of gip about that! Knowing patients in the long term is great too. I saw a lady this week with her new baby, and first saw her as a patient when she was two years old! Science and medicine is not my primary interest actually, people are though; and it’s in knowing and helping them that I get job satisfaction. I wouldn’t want to be a surgeon, doing complex interventions but never getting to know the patients!
Hume and Miracles Today
Worldview assumptions always play a part: if one holds inflexibly to atheism or deism, what others perceive as miracles must be explained differently, even if they include experiences such as instant healing of blindness or raisings from the dead (both noted in my book). But those insistent on appealing to an eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher’s argument against miracles may wish to begin looking elsewhere for their case.


New Resources:

Video: Religious Liberty in a Pluralistic Age: A Conversation with Ethicist Andrew T. Walker
In this edition of the popular podcast series "Thinking in Public," Albert Mohler speaks with Andrew T. Walker, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary about his latest book, "Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age." This important work surveys the ethical and theological foundations of religious freedom.

Video: The Case for Heaven: Lee Strobel Discusses His Latest Book
Is there good evidence Heaven is real? What is Heaven like? What about reincarnation? In this interview, I talk with former investigative journalist Lee Strobel about his latest book: THE CASE FOR HEAVEN.

Video: Human Trafficking The Sexy Cause and Why the Church Is Not Called to Rescue - Ioana Bauer
During this workshop, we will be discussing the particularities of human trafficking in Europe, along with some of its root causes. We will look at God’s heart for the people enslaved by this type of organised crime and how we, as people who have once been enslaved by sin, can be part of the solution in a way that is respectful of the human dignity of the ones we want to help. We are called to be messengers of the God who rescues. We will then explore examples of involvement in the areas of awareness, prevention, aftercare, and advocacy.
The following is a video from a rabbi on the conflict between what is taught in the Torah and science. He explains that the length of days for creation is not known, and his argument for this is sound. So in terms of age of universe there is no conflict potentially. But that the time of humans being present on earth according to the Torah is around 6000 years vs science view of modern humans being around for a few 100 thousand years.

I think the conflict of evolution vs creation can be solved if we also assumed what he mentions in another video, that God made his presence just known enough where it is open to debate, that he hid just enough of his presence in the world to make it open to interpretation and allow for choice in belief.

If some evidence suggests man has been on earth for less time, and other suggests man has been on earth for longer, that is the kind of thing that could make something open to debate and allow for choice. The argument he makes for short time presence is the artifacts of civilization being young suggest that man either was only recently here, or for tens of thousands of years nothing happened.

edit: While this is from a rabbi, not a Christian, I think the argument could apply to Christian belief as well. I like to see the arguments in favor and against a position, and the debunks and counter debunks, to see what seems more reasonable. As it is through debates that you can see the strength of positions, through the strength and weakness of arguments presented.
edit2: There's an image ad for his projudaism stuff at the end, so if you intend to share should see it and use a disclaimer.
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New Resources:

Video: Cultural Apologetics Engaging Values and Worldviews in Popular Culture - Anne Solfrid Brennhovd
Each day we encounter a pluralism of themes, stories and arguments in movies, television series, and other products of popular culture. Many of these messages influence how biblical truth is perceived, both outside and within the church, and thus with implications both for evangelism and discipleship. Therefore, we need to be equipped to engage such media messages with sensitivity and integrity, both as media narratives and at the underlying levels of values and worldviews. This cultural apologetic task includes the art of double listening, where “we are called to listen both to the Word of God, and to today’s world, in order to relate the one to the other” (John Stott). This session will include some illuminating case studies.

Video: Jonathan Pageau Interview | Monsters, Hidden Symbols, and Jordan Peterson in Church
On The Babylon Bee Interview Show, Kyle and Ethan talk to Jonathan Pageau about making Christian carvings, monsters, and the breakdown of identity in our culture. Jonathan carves Eastern Orthodox images and other traditional images. He has been appearing on many podcasts, including one on Jordan Peterson’s podcast. Jonathan has a knack for discovering the hidden meaning behind things. Kyle and Ethan delve in deep on why we need symbolism and how the Bee is making the world turn right side up again.

Video: Where is God?
We're living in a volatile time surrounded by the unpredictable. There's the COVID-19 pandemic. Hurricanes and other catastrophic natural disasters seem more frequent. Afghanistan is again controlled by the Taliban. Where is God in all this?

Parents, Here’s the Best Way to Hand Down Your Faith
A new study demonstrates the outsized importance of a simple act: parents talking with teenagers about religious matters at home during the week.

In today's podcast, I'll give several short answers to big questions like, does the Bible condone Human Sacrifice? What is the Universal Christ? What are 5 apologetics questions every Christian should learn to answer? Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other? What are the six pillars of deconstruction? I also open the podcast by giving my thoughts on the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast, and offer some positives and well as a couple of cautions.

In this video I explore the meaning of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. These famous passages can help us understand how Christ is not only the “top of the hierarchy”, so to speak, but He also fills it, and provides the means for others to participate in creation as microcosms of Himself. It’s also important to understand the surrounding context of the Beatitudes and how they fit into the bigger image of who Christ is.



The Ultimate Evidence: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The main objection to the resurrection is simple. Resurrections just don’t happen. But you need to stop there. We agree. Totally. That is the point. Resurrections don’t happen. If they did then the resurrection of Jesus would be no big deal. It would be a bit like me saying, Jesus is the Son of God because he recovered from illness. Getting better is common. Getting resurrected is not. In the normal course of events resurrections do not happen. But the Bible is claiming that this is not the normal course of events. It is the ultimate extraordinary event. So instead of dismissing it we need to ask, what happened and what proof is there, before then going on to consider the implications.

Audio: MARTYRS’ WIDOWS: “Until We Die, We Will Serve Christ”
Semse Aydin and her husband, Necati, were expecting a baby. Necati had been arrested for gospel work in Turkey, and now the couple had a decision to make. Would they continue advancing the gospel among their countrymen, in spite of the risk of more persecution? Or would they choose a safer path for their now-growing family? Together, Necati and Semse made the decision: they would continue boldly in their Christian work. The decision led them to Malatya, where Necati was murdered in 2007. This week we continue our conversation with Semse and Gracia Burnham. Both women are widows whose husbands were killed serving in front-line ministry work. Both have experienced God’s faithfulness in the years since, and both consider their suffering for Christ an honor. Listen as they discuss their husbands’ legacies and what their ministry looks like today.

Audio: Dr Michael Guillen: A Harvard physicist’s journey from atheism to Christianity
Dr. Michael Guillen spoke to me about his new book ‘Believing is Seeing’ which tells the story of his journey from atheism to Christianity via science, and why everyone needs to examine their own worldview.

Video: The Story of a Navy Seal who Became an Apologist
How did former Navy Seal Chad Williams become a Christian? And how does he uniquely approach defending the Christian faith? In this interview, we discuss his conversion to Christianity, Seal training, and how he defends the faith today.

Video: Andrew Peterson on the Freedom to Create
On today’s episode, Phil talks to prolific singer-songwriter and author Andrew Peterson. You may know Andrew from his award-winning fantasy series The Wingfeather Saga or many of his well-known songs, including the hit song “Is He Worthy?” He and Phil Tuttle discuss the songwriting process, what it actually means to be “called to ministry,” and finding the freedom to serve God with the gifts He’s given us.
The main objection to the resurrection is simple. Resurrections just don’t happen. But you need to stop there. We agree. Totally. That is the point. Resurrections don’t happen. If they did then the resurrection of Jesus would be no big deal. It would be a bit like me saying, Jesus is the Son of God because he recovered from illness. Getting better is common. Getting resurrected is not. In the normal course of events resurrections do not happen. But the Bible is claiming that this is not the normal course of events. It is the ultimate extraordinary event. So instead of dismissing it we need to ask, what happened and what proof is there, before then going on to consider the implications.
From my understanding, a resurrection which implies entropy reversal, is not impossible under the current laws of physics. It is only extremely unlikely to happen, but can still happen without violating natural law.

A quick google search found the following quote
"While the second law of thermodynamics predicts that the entropy of an isolated system should tend to increase until it reaches equilibrium, it became apparent after the discovery of statistical mechanics that the second law is only a statistical one, suggesting that there should always be some nonzero probability that the entropy of an isolated system might spontaneously decrease; the fluctuation theorem precisely quantifies this probability." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluctuation_theorem



Article/Video: John Lennox on the Resurrection
“It is crucial that a healthy skepticism be applied when interpreting potentially miraculous events, lest the integrity and rationality of the religious perspective be brought into question. The only thing that will kill the possibility of miracles more quickly than a committed materialism is the claiming of miracle status for everyday events for which natural explanations are readily at hand.” (Lennox)

Video: Sean McDowell - Addressing Deconstruction and Cancel Culture (9/19/21)
Sean McDowell is a sought-after international speaker on cultural, ethical, theological, and apologetics topics, and he retains a PhD in Apologetics and Worldview Studies from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has authored and co-authored over one dozen books and study guides, including So the Next Generation Will Know: Preparing Young Christians for a Challenging World and Chasing Love.

Video: Alisa Childers: "Progressive Christianity is Dangerous"
In this in-person interview, I sit down with Alisa Childers to discuss "Progressive Christianity." Is this new movement dangerous to Christianity?

Video: Here's Why Our Culture is Totally Confused about Gender, Sexuality, and Abortion
Our culture has bought into the worldview supporting secular morality. Somehow we have arrived at a cultural moment where people are shouting their abortions and changing their pronouns. But how did we get here? And why does our culture think this is rational? We will talk to Nancy Pearcey (author, Love Thy Body) about how to think about our physical bodies in a biblical way. Alisa Childers co-hosts with Krista.

Audio: Is Beauty A Guide to Truth? A Physicist and a Philosopher discuss some Big Questions
Beauty inspires humans to great feats of imagination and discovery. Can beauty also help us find truth about the world and ourselves? Might beauty contribute to the advance of science or reveal the presence of God? An Oxford physicist and a Virginia Tech philosopher explore the relationship between aesthetics, science, and human meaning.


New Resources:

Video: 3 Hours of the Argument from Contingency w/ Dr. Josh Rasmussen
In this video, I interview Dr. Josh Rasmussen on the argument from contingency (the best argument for the existence of God). We go in depth on both stages of the argument. Enjoy!

Video: Should people of faith support assisted dying? Rabbi Jonathan Romain vs Dr Mark Pickering
A new bill to allow assisted dying is being debated in the UK parliament. Should people of faith support those with terminal illness being able to end their own life? Rabbi Jonathan Romain of the Religious Alliance for Dignity in Dying says 'yes'. Dr. Mark Pickering of the Christian Medical Fellowship says 'no'.

Video: Questioning Evangelism for the 21st Century - Randy Newman
The gospel never changes but our audiences do—in seemingly limitless ways. How to proclaim good news, so people actually hear it, has always been a challenge for God’s people. For starters, evangelism needs to be more dialogical and conversational and less confrontational and presentational. This seminar flows out of decades of evangelistic ministry and extensive research about how people are actually coming to faith today.

Video: How Christians Can Respond to Spiritual Abuse and Hypocrisy in the Church, with Costi Hinn
Costi Hinn joins me for a candid discussion about his upbringing as the nephew of Benny Hinn, and his rejection of the prosperity gospel. He opens up about spiritual abuse, and the failings of the seeker sensitive mega church model.

Video: "1776 versus 1789 — A tale of two revolutions and America’s present crisis.": A CU Virtual Forum
Social critic and author Os Guinness wove together scripture, history, and a nuanced, thoughtful assessment of the crisis now facing our country. He began by detailing the history of revolutions and the lessons we can learn from that past. He tackled challenging questions from audience members on a huge range of topics about a world that so often seems to set on disobeying God. Os finished his commentary with a powerful call to all faithful Christians: "Let's make sure that we understand great Biblical truths like human dignity and justice and we are known to be the champions and defenders of the highest views of human justice and freedom that the current world knows."


New Resources:

Video: Tim Keller | Jesus Vindicated | Luke 24
"You were made to be ruled. If you don't acknowledge Jesus as King, you will serve/bow the knee to somebody. You won't admit that's what you're doing. Human nature will be served. If it doesn't get food it will gobble poison. You need a King. You will serve somebody. This is your King. Obey Him."

Audio: On the Podcast with Rebecca McLaughlin: Evidence for the Bible's account of Jesus' birth
Many people assume that the story of the baby in the manger at Bethlehem is just another made-up fantasy for kids. In this episode we talked to respected apologist Rebecca McLaughlin about the evidence that Jesus was a real person, explaining the reliability of the Bible’s accounts of his life and why believing in a virgin birth is not as ridiculous as it might sound.

Video: Making Faith Magnetic with Dan Strange
Solas Associate Kristi Mair interviews author Dan Strange about his latest book, Making Faith Magnetic. What are the hidden themes our culture can't stop talking about? And how do we connect them to Christ?

Video: Stephen Nichols: The Necessity of Faith
The Reformation principle of “sola fide,” or “faith alone,” stresses that faith is the only instrument by which we lay hold of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In this session, Dr. Stephen Nichols considers how faith is a gift from God, how Christ’s righteousness is imputed to us by faith, and how we are called to trust the Lord today.

Video: Burk Parsons: The Necessity of Scripture
“Sola Scriptura,” meaning “Scripture alone,” is the Reformation principle that the Word of God is our only infallible rule of faith and practice. In this session, Dr. Burk Parsons explains that the Bible is our supreme guide in matters of life and godliness, calling us to obey God’s Word in our day.

Video: Steven Lawson: The Necessity of Grace
The Reformation principle of “sola gratia,” or “grace alone,” affirms that only the favor and mercy of God will save His people from the condemnation their sin deserves. In this session, Dr. Steven Lawson describes the extent of God’s grace in drawing sinners to Himself, explaining why God’s grace is needed in our day.

Video: Questions & Answers with Lawson, Nichols, and Parsons
A questions and answers session with Drs. Steven Lawson, Stephen Nichols, and Burk Parsons.

Audio: Voice of the Martyrs Radio - Transformation through Grace and Truth
Joe Handley leads , a ministry to train and equip church leaders—including many working in countries where Christians face persecution for their faith. Listen as Joe shares the story of an imprisoned Christian in Myanmar who found a way to be a blessing, even from inside prison. Joe will also talk about training up leaders in hostile and restricted nations—and especially helping them learn to abide in and rely on Christ. Hear how Christians in Sri Lanka reached out to those opposing them, and the way it opened a door for the gospel in a formerly-closed village. And learn how the gospel is advancing in India, in spite of persecution.



Worship is the ultimate reason for our existence and the purpose of our salvation. In this session, Dr. Derek Thomas considers the goal of worship, how we were made for worship, what worship means in this life, and the glories of worship that we are promised in the new heavens and new earth.

The Reformation principle of “soli Deo gloria,” or “to God alone be the glory,” summarizes the purpose of salvation and the teaching of the entire Bible. In this session, Dr. Steven Lawson considers how all things ultimately serve the purpose of glorifying our Creator and how this doctrine affects our lives today.

The world is filled with people who expect heaven and will get hell. How do you know that? Because at the judgment you have a scene in which Jesus says this: “Many will say unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we do this and that?’ ‘Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity; I never knew you.’” People without Christ need to be afraid. They need to be afraid; they need to be terrified. They need to see death as the king of terrors. And they need to understand this: that it’s death and then the judgment. There’s no purgatory, there’s no waiting place, there’s no soul sleep. Conscious and everlasting, unrelieved, eternal punishment in a no-name environment without any relationships. The only way you can escape hell is simply stated in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not”—what?—“perish, but have eternal life.” And Christ went to hell and declared His triumph over the demons and Satan. It was Christ who took the power of death away from Satan. It is God who gives life, and it is God who kills, and it is God alone who judges.

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New Resources:

Audio: PEP Talk Podcast With Mike Licona
Today we are joined by historian and academic Mike Licona to discuss his specialist topic, the resurrection of Christ. Although we’d expect our secular society to dismiss such a miracle, Mike shows us that the supernatural is a real part ofmore people’s lives that we might expect.

Video: Erik Thoennes - Why are Biblical friendships important?
Jonny Ardavanis is the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University, a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps and hosts the podcast Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis. He is passionate about the Gospel and God’s Word and desires to see people understand and obey it.

Video: Genexis 2021: London: Professor Tom McLeish, Dr Sharon Dirckx, Dr Andy Bannister
Professor Tom McLeish explains how apparently random aspects to the universe can nevertheless give rise to predictable behaviour and ordered structures, and how this persuades him that there is some higher intelligent force behind what we observe in the universe. Dr Sharon Dirckx examines the difficult question of suffering and whether it is still possible to believe in a loving God, even in a universe that at times appears cruel. Where do the most persuasive answers lie? Is there hope of a way through the difficulties we face? Dr Andy Bannister looks at the concept of ‘Human Rights’ and argues that such values do not sit comfortably with an atheistic world view. Andy will explain the history of the concept and discuss whether such values can have any meaning or relevance unless underpinned by a higher philosophical moral framework.

Video: Genexis 2021: London: Professor NT Wright, Tom Holland, Rev. Stephen Foster
Tom Holland looks at the influence of the teachings and life of Jesus on western thinking and history over the last 2000 years. Tom will explain how intrinsic Christian moral values and ideas are to our entire way of living regardless of whether we consider ourselves Christian or even religious. Stephen Foster discusses the concept of ‘evidence’ and will argue that it is possible to find objective facts that support the rationality of a theistic or Christian world view. Stephen will draw on his background as a criminal barrister and will advocate a balanced consideration of the available material before delivering a verdict on whether there is a God and if so whether it matters. Professor NT (Tom) Wright explores the historical evidence that supports the New Testament as evidence of events that took place 2000 years ago. Tom will argue that the gospel records represent reliable historical evidence of real events witnessed by real people and that arguments to the contrary are now so discredited as to be regarded as fanciful by any serious historian.

Video: Mere Evangelism webinar with Randy Newman
In his latest book, Randy Newman explores insights from C.S. Lewis on how we can share our faith with those around us. Discover practical tips and grace-filled wisdom to share good news and hope that our world so desperately needs.

Video: How to Reject the Gospel of Self-Improvement: A Conversation with Ruth Chou Simons
What is the "gospel" of self-improvement? How has it subtly crept into our lives, and how do we reject it? In this interview, I talk with author and entrepreneur Ruth Chou Simmons about her new book "When Strivings Cease."

Video: Marriage Equality and Chesterton's Fence
In many ways its been a conversation that has made few people happy. Many conversations focus on the Bible which is very Protestant of us, but that often results on many trying to interpret the Bible in context by getting behind the Bible historically. One question I never hear asked is why did stigma about same sex behavior develop in the first place? GK Chesterton used an analogy that if you find a fence and it isn't immediately obvious why the fence maker put the fence where he or she did, you might want to find that answer before you remove the fence. It might be helpful to ask "why did stigma about same sex sexuality develop in the first place?"

Video: Joe Boot - Facing Totalitarianism
Cultural Theologian/Philosopher Rev. Dr. Joe Boot joins Alan to discuss a biblical response to the rising threat of totalitarianism.

Video: Skip Heitzig Interviews Cissie Graham Lynch, Vince Torres, and Lenya Heitzig - Skip Heitzig

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The cohesion between the Old and New Testament is incredible, always displaying the fact that it was written by one author, the Holy Spirit.

Job 9
8 He alone spreads out the heavens,
And treads on the waves of the sea;
9 He made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades,
And the chambers of the south;
10 He does great things past finding out,
Yes, wonders without number.
11 If He goes by me, I do not see Him;
If He moves past, I do not perceive Him;

~1000 years later:

Mark 6
45 Immediately He[Jesus] made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while He sent the multitude away.
46 And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray.
47 Now when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea; and He was alone on the land.
48 Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by.
49 And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out;
50 for they all saw Him and were troubled. But immediately He talked with them and said to them, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

Matthew 1
23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
Colossians 1
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.



Video: Culture, Comedy and Christ || Breakfast With James Cary
Join us for this fascinating conversation with James Cary. He talks about what it's like to be a Christian in the world of comedy. James has written for people like Miranda Hart and Milton Jones. He has also written his own plays and many books including 'The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer'.

Jesus: Man, Myth, Prophet … or More?
"...well-known atheist, Richard Dawkins, writes: The only difference between [Dan Brown’s novel] The Da Vinci Code and the [New Testament] gospels is that the gospels are ancient fiction while The Da Vinci Code is modern fiction.[1] Dawkins goes on to compare the writing of the gospels to The Telephone Game, that children’s party game where a message is passed by whispering from one child to the next and gets utterly corrupted in the process. This, for some skeptics, is how ancient history was done and thus we can’t trust it. Of course, the problem with this is it would mean we can’t merely not trust the gospels, we can’t trust any ancient history—if we can’t know anything about Jesus, we can’t know anything about the Caesars, or Plato, or Alexander the Great, or anything before the Modern Age." (Dr. Andy Bannister)

“Biopolitics” Are Unavoidable
Modern men, armed with a bevy of technologies previously unknown, have taken Francis Bacon’s imperative to use technology to relieve suffering to ends Bacon could never have dreamed of. Michel Foucault first coined the word “biopower” to describe the way in which our bodies are surveilled and acted upon in the interest of “public health,” and recent political events surrounded COVID-19 vaccination have inspired some to invoke the specter of biopolitics. The fear of death and illness can become its own cult, sacrificing everything for the sake of health and inviting the state to force the same on others. One need only look back to the eugenics movement to see how much harm can be done in the name of “public health” and the common good.

Audio: IRAN: Martyr’s Daughter Says “They Couldn’t Stop My Father”
Rashin Soodmand was 13 years old when her father, Pastor Hossein Soodmand, was executed in Iran for the crime of apostasy. Rashin remembers that day as a strange mix of sadness and joy as she, her family and members of their church dealt with the loss of Pastor Soodmand while at the same time celebrating his life and the fact that he had stood boldly in the face of Christian persecution and threats. Rashin will tell how church leaders encouraged Pastor Hossein to leave Iran and go somewhere safer. He refused; he knew that for him to flee would discourage the hearts of his congregation. She’ll describe the man she knew—a man who genuinely loved people, both Christians and Muslims—and tell of the last time she saw her dad. To learn more about the current ministry activities of Rashin and her husband, Amir, visit the .

Video: God Is Creating Weakness In Your Life - Paul Washer
Your problem is never that you are too weak. As a matter of fact, what God does in our lives, from the moment we are born again and until we die, is He is constantly working to create weakness in us. The problem is not that you are weak; the problem is that we don't know how weak we are; because that weakness would drive us to prayer. Just as being truly incarnate drove our Savior to prayer.



Why Did Jesus Have To Die For Me?
On the Cross we see God doing visibly and cosmically what every human being must do to forgive someone, although on an infinitely greater scale. I would argue, of course, that human forgiveness works this way because we unavoidably reflect the image of our Creator. That is why we should not be surprised if we sense that the only way to triumph over evil is to go through the suffering of forgiveness, that this would be far more true of God, whose just passion to defeat evil and loving desire to forgive others are both infinitely greater than ours.

Video: The Giant of Overwhelming Odds - Judges 7:1-15 (10/2/21)
By now you have discovered that we who are Christians are surrounded! There seems to always be more who are against us than who are for us. We face the reality (and we feel it, too!) that we are living in enemy territory. That doesn’t give us permission to be adversarial or combative, for we’ll attract more flies with honey than with vinegar (see 2 Timothy 2:24-25). But Christians are either overcome by their unbelief or they are overcomers because of their faith. How do we navigate through life when the odds are stacked against us and circumstances seem overwhelming?

Video: Leaving the World to Reach the World
According to God’s Word, we have to leave the world to reach the world. We have to leave the world to reach the world. This is basic. Listen to the words of our Lord in John 8:23. He says to the Jewish leaders, “You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world.” You will never find in the entire ministry of our Lord in all of His interactions as recorded in the four Gospels any time where He accommodated the world in any way. Anytime where He occupied Himself with trying to set worldly disorder back into order, or worldly confusion back into sanity that you will not find a time when He wanted to deal with worldly economics or societal injustices or inequities. That belonged to the people who were the world. He said, “I am not of this world.”

Audio: Charles Taylor & Miroslav Volf / What's Wrong with Our Democracies?: Fear of Replacement, Post-Truth, and Entrenched Tribal Factions (Part 1)
Philosopher Charles Taylor joins Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz for a two-part conversation about what's gone wrong with our democracies and finding common moral understanding. They discuss Christian nationalism, authoritarian government, the future viability of Christian faith and practice, the chaos of the post-truth epistemic crisis that’s rampant in political dialogue today, the role of social media in that crisis, and Taylor's most recent thinking about the growth of common ethical understanding in a world that often fails to live up to those shared moral principles of respect, dignity, and care.

Video: Lecture - Peter Williams "Does the Bible Support Slavery?"
In history the Bible was appealed to in support of both the abolition of slavery and of keeping slaves. Today people often object to the Bible as a document supporting slavery. This lecture will examine the key Old Testament and New Testament texts said to support slavery and show how the Bible as a whole does not support slavery. To do this, we will look at the biblical words commonly associated with slavery and how their translation has changed over time. We will also look at the logic of the Old Testament world and the way ancient societies were structured quite differently from ours. Peter Williams is the Warden of Tyndale House in Cambridge and an affiliated lecturer at Cambridge University. This will be his third lecture at the Lanier Theological Library.

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New Resources:

Video: Is Christianity Sexist? Women's Ordination in the Bible
In this interview, I'm joined by Nick Quient, a PhD student in New Testament, to discuss the issue of the ordination of women in the Bible. Is Christianity sexist? Nick Quient is a PhD candidate in New Testament at Ridley College in Melbourne, AU. He also earned an MA in New Testament from Fuller Theological Seminary and a BA from Biola University. He has published in the Canadian-American Theological Review, Priscilla Papers, and the Evangelical Review of Theology and is the author of “The Perfection of Our Faithful Wills” (Wipf & Stock, 2019). He is an ordained Baptist pastor serving in Southern California.

Video: Parable of the Sower With Matt Fradd (from Pints With Aquinas)
Matt Fradd's a Catholic and I'm a Protestant and we sat down and processed through the Parable of the Sower from Matthew 13.

Video: The Giant of Religion - Acts 6-7 (10/10/21)
Religion might not seem like a giant to overcome unless you’re an atheist. But did you know the source of much persecution and oppression around the world is religious groups? The prophets, the apostles, the early church, and even Jesus Himself all had run-ins with religious leaders and formalized religious systems. Some of you come from a very religious background but now enjoy the freedom of a relationship with God through Jesus. How does one successfully stand up to religious pressure while impacting it with the gospel? Let’s see how Stephen did it.

Audio: Episode 25 - James Bond and the Death of Culture
The latest James Bond movie, "No Time To Die" has deeply divided audiences given its controversial interpretation of the globe-trotting super spy. Fresh from the cinema, still smelling of popcorn, Andy, Aaron and Michael use the 25th episode of Pod of the Gaps to explore the deeper cultural issues raised by the 25th Bond movie: from toxic masculinity to gender confusion, from nihilism and the absence of hope to the rewriting of history. Join our three intrepid podcasters for the usual mix of culture, theology, banter in a podcast that will leave you shaken *and* stirred.

Audio: IRAN: Remembering Martyrs, Ministering Today
Rashin Soodmand was 13 years old when Iran’s government executed her father, Pastor Hossein Soodmand, and buried him in an unmarked grave in a part of the cemetery reserved for “the cursed.” But killing this faithful pastor didn’t erase his legacy or stop the growth of the church in Iran. Her father wasn’t the only martyr of the persecuted Iranian church that Rashin knew well. In this second part of our conversation, Rashin shares things she remembers about other martyrs she knew personally: Haik Hovsepian, who preached at her father’s funeral; Mehdi Dibaj, who encouraged her to attend Bible school; and Pastor Mohammad “Ravanbakhsh” Yusefi.

One thing I have asked of the Lord, and I will seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.

For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble. He will conceal me under the cover of His tent. He will lift me high upon a rock.

I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill.

Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor does he take up a reproach against his friend.

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.

Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our house with him."

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?
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New Resources:

Bonhoeffer on America
American theologians love Dietrich Bonhoeffer [DB]. I could correct that with some nuance: some do, some don’t, but books about him are mostly from Americans and the academic study of him occurs much more in the USA than in Germany. A well-known German theologian once told a friend of mine that “Germans don’t study Bonhoeffer. They study Barth.

Video: Bullies and Saints - interview with John Dickson
Andy Bannister speaks with author and historian John Dickson about his latest book, "Bullies and Saints"

Video: Communicating Truth in a Non-Truth Culture - Kristi Mair
In a time of post-truth, virtue-signaling and relativism, do people even care about truth? When it comes to engaging with our cultural moment, how can we persuasively communicate the truth of Jesus Christ? In this talk, we explore a few philosophical underpinnings before we consider how we can share Jesus in a non-truth culture, where slogans like ‘stay in your own lane’ and ‘you do you’ dominate discussions. How can we engage, expose, enter, and evangelize in seemingly disinterested and apathetic societies? We also spend time considering how we can share the liberating, life-giving joy of Christ when suspicion, power-plays, and corruption occupy the public imagination.

Video: Developing the Empathy of Christ - Ken Sande
Without empathy, it’s hard to have real relationship, do effective ministry, or share the gospel. The good news is that since each of us is made in the image of God, we have a natural capacity for developing and exercising God-like empathy. In this talk we examine and explore seven practical principles that enable Christian leaders to read other people, show genuine compassion, and minister in life-changing ways. These skills apply to all of life and can enrich your marriage, parenting, ministry, friendships and, most importantly, your witness for Christ.

Video: Carl Hargrove - How should spiritual leaders care for their own soul?
Jonny Ardavanis is the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University, a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps and hosts the podcast Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis. He is passionate about the Gospel and God’s Word and desires to see people understand and obey it.

Video: Wokism is about Transcending the Constraints of the Physical world

Video: Biblical Sexuality, CCM Artists, and Our Public Witness
In this livestream, Becket Cook will join me to share his story of being a gay man with a successful career as a set designer in Hollywood. By all appearances, he was living the dream. He was designing photo shoots for supermodels and hanging out with celebrities. But after experiencing the emptiness of that life, he surrendered to Jesus and trusted him for salvation. He will share what it has been like to trade that old life for a new life in Christ.
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New Resources:

Video: Paul Vander Klay - The state of the world
The impact of the Orthodox Church in America, Jordan Peterson, friendships, the 20th century, the state of the world are some of the topics that I will discuss in this interview with Paul Vander Klay who is the pastor of Living Stones Christian Reformed Church in Sacramento California.

Video: Owen Strachan vs Jermaine Marshall: Is the Church too woke or just broke?
Owen Strachan author of 'Christianity and Wokeness' argues the church is 'too woke' when it comes to social justice. Rev Jermaine Marshall author of 'Christianity Corrupted' says it's just broke' in its complicity with white supremacy. They debate Critical Race Theory, racism and the gospel.

Video: Eric Wendt and 136Apologetics - What is the gospel?
We're talking to Craig (@136Apologetics) and Eric Wendt today about the gospel, what it is and why and how to share the whole of it. We'll also cover other questions that have come up on the channel and just have a good old conversation. Join in and feel free to ask us questions!

The Failure of Evangelical Elites by Carl R. Trueman
“Christianity tells the world what it does not wish to hear. We should not expect to be embraced by those whose thoughts and deeds contradict the truths of our faith.”

Audio: REACHING MUSLIMS: “The Prize To Be Won”
How long was it from the time you heard Jesus died, until you knew that He rose again? What did you feel in that interim? Grief? Loss? Defeat? And what did it mean when you knew that He did rise again? “Brother Stephen” has worked with for many years sharing the gospel among Muslims, including nomadic peoples in the Middle East. He has told the story of Jesus to people who had never heard it before! Listen for the story of how one woman responded to Jesus’ death. Brother Stephen will share how God called him to missions, and advise those feeling a call to missionary service today. He challenges us to see Muslims not as an enemy to be defeated, but as a prize to be won for Christ. He’ll also share about Muslims making the decision to follow Christ and the price they often pay for that decision. How can Christians living in free nations reach out to Muslims they know or work with? How can we pray for gospel work among Muslims?


New Resources:

The idea that all the traditional holidays and festivals of the year are “pagan” in origin and were simply “stolen by the Church” is one that has permeated popular culture and is repeated without question in newspaper, magazine and online articles. It is perhaps not surprising that harried journalists and underpaid online content writers are uncritical about these claims, but it is more strange that prominent atheists are as well, given they are meant to be sceptics who check their facts and “question everything”. Unfortunately, many anti-theistic polemicists cannot resist a chance to get in a jab at any aspect of Christianity being “really pagan”, so every October we see supposed rationalists parroting pseudo history about the “pagan origins of Halloween”, with no sign of any fact-checking, let alone engagement with scholarship. In fact, the claim that Halloween is “pagan” is largely a nineteenth century myth.

The Minds of Black Folk
Given the universal reality of the imago Dei, it is the height of ethnic prejudice (“racism”) to infer that 11 percent of black male voters in Georgia failed in carrying out their tribalistic duty to the broader “black community” by doing not only what they had every legal right to do, but every spiritual right as well. Black Americans, like any other ethnic group, should be completely free to express the conviction of their individual conscience when entering the voting booth. Conversely, they also should be free from the ridicule and criticism of tribalist blacks who insist that they, as black people, should robotically subordinate their God-given individuality to that of some arbitrary and subjective collectivist mandate.

Video: Do Miracles Happen Today? Yes! The Latest Evidence.
What's the evidence miracles really happen TODAY? How reliable are the accounts? In this video, I talk with NT scholar Craig S. Keener about his latest book: Miracles Today. We explore the evidence and take live questions.

Video: Hope, Heartbreak, and Meaning | An Online Conversation with Kate Bowler
On Friday October 15th, we welcomed Duke professor and best-selling author Kate Bowler for an Online Conversation about her life, her book, and what she’s learned in her search for hope in the midst of a culture saturated with cheap optimism, toxic positivity, and performance-based merit. Kate offers a richer understanding of hope in the face of uncertainty, despair, and suffering as we begin to understand that life is a chronic condition, and there is no cure for being human.

Sermon: The Ultimate Giant Slayer - Hebrews 12:1-3 - Skip Heitzig (10/15/16)
"Jesus is our example as we run the race. There are going to be hardships along the way. God doesn't promise us an easy life. "In this world," Jesus said, "you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). After He described the characteristics of the Christian in the Sermon on the Mount, then He said, "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely" (Matthew 5:11). Who? The peacemakers, the merciful, the good people. Life isn't going to be easy, because you are an alien in this world. When you walk with Jesus Christ you are out of step with the world. The world doesn't like that. You are a threat to them; you cause them to feel guilty. They don't like feeling guilty. They like to go ahead and just be filthy and dirty without having to be concerned with the fact that I am dirty. They are offended because you don't like their filthy stories. It sort of cuts them when you say, "Oh, that is filthy," instead of laughing hilariously. They don't like that. Their response is that of striking out, of persecuting. "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you." Christ is our example and look what they did to Him." (Smith)


New Resources:

Video: The Attributes of God... and Why I Believe They Mean God Must Be a Trinity
For a while now I’ve been wanting to cover this topic about God’s attributes, and in my study of putting together this video, I discovered that this is also a *great* way to show the validity, perfection, and necessity of God being a Trinity, particularly in God’s love. I think a lot of unbelievers-and even believers- think they know who God is and how He functions. But so many things are completely misunderstood about God because they misunderstand who He is in His glory and completeness, mainly, they misunderstand the Attributes of the Christian God. Who is He? What makes Him so unique and set apart? All throughout Scripture He sets Himself apart from all other false gods and anything people could possibly imagine in creation. I think if the attributes of God were understood better then people would have a much better understanding of how God interacts with the world and why He does it in the manner in which He does and why it's so believable that God doesn't *need* anything from humanity... because He's completeness perfected!

Video: God Saves Only Sinners
Christianity is not compatible with any other religion, and all other gospels are false and damning. If 50 percent of evangelicals think God accepts worship from Judaism and Islam, that will tell you whatever evangelicalism is, it doesn’t even know the truth of the gospel. And I say to you, dear friend, there’s no salvation in religion, there’s only salvation when you realize you’re not worth saving. And it’s all an act of mercy: when you come to the end of yourself and you beat on your own chest and say, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner, and save me,” when you cry out for grace, when you come with nothing in your hand.

Video: Critical Race Praxis | The Great Gaslight, Ep. 1 | James Lindsay & Michael O'Fallon
The term gaslighting derives from the 1938 play and 1944 film Gaslight, in which a husband manipulates his wife into thinking she has a mental illness by dimming their gas-fueled lamps and telling her she is hallucinating. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves. Gaslighting is normally manifested where the manipulator will boldly lie to their victims and never back down or change their stories, even when you provide proof of their deception. Gaslighters will also attempt to discredit their opponents by shaming, creating false accusations, or by claiming epistemological authority. Lately, Gaslighting has been used by those that support Critical Race Theory to discredit those that have objected to the use of CRT at public school board meetings, educational institutions, religious institutions, and in the corporate world.

Video: Responding to the Transgender Moment: How to Speak Truth into Culture
"Can a boy be 'trapped' in a girl's body? Can modern medicine 'reassign' sex? Is our sex 'assigned' to us in the first place? What is the most loving response to a person experiencing a conflicted sense of gender?" How has the scientific evidence surrounding sex and gender become politicized?

Video: Five Reasons Why God Exists
"Sceptics often (quite rightly) ask Christians: ""What's the evidence for your beliefs?"" In this five-minute Short Answers film, Andy Bannister shares five pieces of evidence that God exists — that's one per minute! If you (or a friend) are a sceptic and want an introduction to the mass of evidence for God's existence, this is the perfect video to begin with. Each argument that Andy covered briefly and at speed is unpacked at length elsewhere on the Solas website in our "A Beginner's Guide to Apologetics" series.

Video: Introduction to Biblical Discipleship - Jay Mosser
Sometimes people think about the Christian life in the same way they buy a car. What model do I like? What optional equipment best fits my lifestyle? Do I need a rugged vehicle or something that primarily looks good? The Bible calls every believer to grow in discipleship, a Holy Spirit-driven and non-optional process that is the subject of both warm encouragement and strong warnings in the book of Hebrews, our text for this talk.


Unconfirmed Member
Father Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, was beatified yesterday by Pope Francis. I just watched a thanksgiving mass at his parish in Connecticut, it was pretty cool.
so the guy responsible for Columbus Day gets beatified? That's sick on so many levels.


New Resources:

Audio: Champion sexual purity with our Pure
Our culture is immersed in sexual immorality and often blind to it. It can no longer see straight when it comes to God’s pattern for sexual expression. That’s one of the reasons why we put on our Championing Sexual Purity in a Pornographic Age conference, which challenged us not only to confront the issues we face but also to do something that makes a difference. In January 2020, we put on a two-day conference, with eight different sessions and two devotionals. You can listen to all of the talks in full below, complete with the slides and handouts.

Audio: Episode 27 - Do We Have a Death Problem?
How does the dominance of secularism affect how human beings understand death? With little hope beyond the grave, many Westerners often spend much of their lives merely trying to stay alive for as long as possible. Are there better ways to live life in light of death? In what ways might Christians speak into the social awkwardness around death with something beyond cliches and escapism?

Audio: CENTRAL ASIA: Pastor’s Murderer Becomes His “Spiritual Grandson”
Jonathan Ekman and Matthew Hanson recently visited persecuted Christians in Central Asia—Christians caught between a growing wave of radical Islam and governments with a communist-style distrust of all religion. Matthew and Jonathan will share stories from believers they met. Listen to hear “the rest of the story” of one of the chapters in (VOM Radio host Todd Nettleton’s book), including how God has built on the legacy of a martyred pastor in Tajikistan. They’ll also share the story of a woman who faced intense persecution from her own family, yet has seen God take her suffering and create something “beautiful.” Christians in Central Asia don’t have protection from their governments or from families. Yet the church is growing across the region as more and more people experience the spiritual family of followers of Jesus.

Video: Should Christians practise Yoga? Mike Shreve & Chris James
Two former high-level Yoga practitioners, Mike Shreve and Chris James, tell their stories of converting to Christianity and engage the question of whether Christians should practise Yoga.


New Resources:

A Religionless Society Will Still Have Gods
When you imagine a post-religious future of the mid to late 21st century, you should imagine a Chinese premier or American trillionaire suddenly appearing on your i-device. You are receiving an unsolicited live stream of their latest political announcement. There is much fanfare and mesmerizing visual effects, portraying the leader like Moses coming down the mountain with stone tablets or like Hercules being wafted up to heaven among the gods. Silicon Valley technologists are huddled around him or her like attending angels. A high priest declares portents that a new age is dawning. Promises are made to crack down on enemies of the state. There are joyous proclamations of subsidized cannabis and free 9G broadband. Boasts are made that ecological catastrophe has been averted by the sheer willpower of one person. Journalists interject with seemingly impromptu but actually scripted acclamations that they are witnessing the most significant event of their lives. All the while, the audience chants, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians” or something to similar effect.
The man who wants to wake us up to Woke Racism
“Woke Racism is the first time I feel free to make sarcastic little remarks because nobody is going to say [at 56] I’m disrespecting my elders,” McWhorter chortles. The book identifies, and then takes down, the spiteful, nonsensical and deeply harmful pieties of those whom McWhorter calls “the Elect”, a term he explains “implies a certain air of the past, à la The Da Vinci Code. This is apt… In 1500 [religious persecution] was about not being Christian. In 2020, it’s about not being sufficiently anti-racist.” These issues are as alive and well in Britain as in the US: this week, the Department of Education warned schools not to teach political concepts such as “white privilege” as fact – amazingly, many have been doing just that.
Video: Ex-Porn Star Becomes a Pastor: The Story of Joshua Broome
Joshua Broome spent five years in the porn industry and made over 1,000 adult films. He was the Male Performer of the Year (2012). And yet he left it all and began to follow Jesus. What is his story? In this video, I talk with Joshua Broome about his journey out of the porn industry and into ministry.

Video: Sanctification: The Believer’s Transformation, Part 1
The premise of sanctification is you are a new creature. The progress of sanctification is you’re in a growth mode; and as you grow, you can look at it as a child growing. You could look at it as someone getting deeper and deeper into the waters of salvation. You can look at it as, as you grow, the vestiges of the leaves of the past life that have clung to the branches are pushed off in the power of that new life. But no matter what your analogy or your illustration is, progress toward Christlikeness marks true believers. That progress is connected to two things. One, exposure to the deep truth of God; and, two, obedience, obedience.

Video: Faith & Science: Facing the Canon with John Lennox (Part 1)
Joining J.John is Professor John Lennox, an internationally renowned speaker on the interface of science, philosophy and religion. (part 1 of 2)
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New Resources

The Decline and Renewal of the American Church: Part 1 – The Decline of the Mainline
"Even as a relativistic, secular worldview had taken the place of the Christian/Enlightenment view, the older consensus on moral values was still maintained temporarily because of enormous common enemies—a Great Depression and two World Wars. These crises required self-sacrifice for one’s family and community merely to survive and necessarily muted the culture’s therapeutic and individualizing underpinnings. There was still great agreement across the political spectrum on what a good, moral life looked like. Love of country, sexual chastity, faithfulness, thrift and generosity, modesty and respect for authority, sacrificial loyalty to one’s family and relationships—nearly everyone believed in all of these even if there were plenty of deviations in actual behavior. But by the late 1960’s such survival challenges were just memories, and as people followed the culture’s direction to discover truth within themselves, they began to come to radically different conclusions about what was right and wrong. American society began to splinter and has been doing so ever since." (Tim Keller)

The Age Of Antichrist Is Here
The Age of Antichrist is not about Ozzy Osbourne and pale Goths. It’s about nebbishy Lin Jinyue, the head of Human Resources at major companies, and Silicon Valley. And it is here. They are going to use their power to establish a reign of virtue. There will be no room for non-compliant Christians in it (or non-complying anyone else). We were warned 2,000 years ago. We are warned once again by Paul Kingsnorth, whether he knows it or not.

Video: Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer (Full Documentary)
For a limited time, watch this documentary in its entirety to discover the events God used in Martin Luther’s life that led him to rediscover the gospel of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

Video: Max McLean: Playing CS Lewis in The Most Reluctant Convert
Max McLean, who has played the role of CS Lewis on stages across the world, talks to Justin Brierley about his new biopic 'The Most Reluctant Convert' and CS Lewis' famous journey from atheism to Christianity.

Video: Dr. Carl R. Truman: Obsession with Self-Identity, Sexuality, and Rewriting History
Drawing from his landmark book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism and the Road to Sexual Revolution, Dr. Carl Trueman shares how philosophies and worldviews developed over the past 300 years shape our current cultural confusion and conflict. What are we to do as Christians in a culture that is changing constantly and becoming more hostile to traditional Judeo-Christian values? A first step would be to get a better handle on how we got to this point in the first place.

Video: The Closing of the Modern Mind | Tim Keller & Jonathan Haidt at NYU
Social psychologist and atheist public intellectual Jonathan Haidt and author and pastor Tim Keller are leading voices in their respective fields. On February 22, 2017, they sat down with Tamarie Macon at NYU for a discussion on religion, morality and pluralism.

Video: Grant Horner - How do we live in the world and not be worldly?
Jonny Ardavanis is the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University, a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps and hosts the podcast Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis. He is passionate about the Gospel and God’s Word and desires to see people understand and obey it ... In this episode Renaissance scholar, rock climber and Professor Grant Horner answers the question: “How do we live in the world and not be worldly?”

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New Resources:

Video: The Terrible Consequences of Atheism
Why does atheism have such terrible consequences? With the help of several famous atheist thinkers, Andy Bannister explores the implications of atheism for human value and dignity, freedom, and for meaning itself. If all the things that you care most about actually only make sense if Christianity is true, maybe it's time to give Jesus a closer look.

Video: Morality and Psychoanalysis by C.S. Lewis Doodle (BBC Talk 13, Mere Christianity, Bk 3, Chapter 4)
In this doodle, C.S. Lewis considers what the Christian idea of a good man is – the Christian specification for the human machine. Additionally, since Christian morality claims to be a technique for putting the human machine right, how is it related to another technique which seems to make a similar claim—namely, psychoanalysis.

Audio: Episode 28 - How Different Are Men and Women?
It is popular today to suggest that men and women are fundamentally the same. Yet while this view may be popular among sociologists it is being challenged by some biologists who suggest there are real differences that cannot be explained simply by societal factors. We consider the arguments for this, ask what those differences might be and ask why it matters.
New Resources:

Video: The Terrible Consequences of Atheism

Well I would say there is only preference and like he says the strong impose preference on the weak. I think this is even the case even if we include a God. God's notions of good and evil would concern all given he is the strongest. Good and evil may exist but I think their existence is independent of the existence of God. God may exist and there may still be no objective good and evil.

Also there are many religious individuals and christians who believe in determinism.
Video: Morality and Psychoanalysis by C.S. Lewis Doodle (BBC Talk 13, Mere Christianity, Bk 3, Chapter 4)

I think yeah people lacking in notions of good and evil are in a bit of a pickle. But if we assume evolution, there is a scientific explanation for our notions of good and evil, the basic moral drive is simply a set of rules that evolved to facilitate operation within a social species. But a Lion that kills another animal is not evil. Animals like male ducks I hear have horrific sex organs basically designed to painfully and brutally rape, yet they are not evil either.

In the end I do think there does seem to be objective good and evil, as the meaning of words seems to have an axis of good and evil, and even those who are evil tend to talk and present their actions as if they are doing good even if it is only to themselves. But I think objective good and evil will need to be rooted in some rational or logical manner, not merely based on beliefs.
Audio: Episode 28 - How Different Are Men and Women?

I agree with this there are real differences between men and women between the ears.

It is also true that without a belief in humans being equal because they were created by God, the differences pose a problem for a secular society.


New Resources:

Although the gospel is an offensive message, we ought not to be offensive as its messengers. I think that the media mogul Marshall McLuhan is right when he observes that the ‘medium’ matters as well as the ‘message’. The apostle Peter agrees. In his famous passage exhorting Christians to be prepared for gospel conversations he adds: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (v.15b-16).

Sikh ethics sees self-centredness as the source of human evil
"...by treating others as having the very same kind of ethical significance as we do. This means not only doing good deeds, but doing those deeds for the sake of others. A good deed done out of selfish motives has no moral value; if one does good deeds out of a desire for status or recognition, one acts out of haumai." (Moral philosopher Keshav Singh, 11/10/21)

Augustine Actually (and Clearly) Affirmed Sola Scriptura
Historical theologian and Protestant pastor Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary; author of books including Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future and Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation) has a unique YouTube channel, called Truth Unites, that every reader of this post should subscribe to. It’s a fascinating mixture of apologetics and theology, with an irenic focus ... Ortlund provides three clarifications or framing remarks: 1. The goal of this video is not prove that sola Scriptura is right. The goal is simply historical accuracy. What Augustine believed is interesting and relevant, but it’s not decisive for sola Scriptura. Someone who rejects sola Scriptura could simply say that Augustine was wrong. 2. I do not believe that I am taking these quotes out of context. If you have a concern about that, read these quotes in context for yourself. 3. We need to define sola Scriptura, because obviously we have to know what we are talking about in order to know be able to recognize it in Augustine or anywhere else.

What Collective Narcissism Does to Society
Collective narcissism is not simply tribalism. Humans are inherently tribal, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Having a healthy social identity can have an immensely positive impact on well-being. Collective narcissists, though, are often more focused on out-group prejudice than in-group loyalty. In its most extreme form, group narcissism can fuel political radicalism and potentially even violence. But in everyday settings, too, it can keep groups from listening to one another, and lead them to reduce people on the “other side” to one-dimensional characters. The best way to avoid that is by teaching people how to be proud of their group—without obsessing over recognition.

Video: Aaron Eime: Called to Israel
Bible Historian and Deacon of Christ Church, Jerusalem, Aaron Eime shares with Alan how the Lord led him and his wife from their native Australia to raise their family in Israel the past 22 years.

Video: Doubt, Scepticism, and Deconstruction with Justin Brierley
The wave of scepticism and deconstruction can be felt across the Western Church. To help make sense of this phenomenon we're chatting with Justin Brierley, host of the Unbelievable podcast.

Video: The New gods of Modern Storytelling | with Ben Hatke
I interview American cartoonist and children’s book illustrator Ben Hatke, about storytelling and graphic novels. We talk a lot about the evolution of stories, how we make them our own, how modern superhero comics compare with ancient mythology, whether the story of Christ stands apart and above other stories, with a monopoly on certain storytelling tropes
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New Resources:

Video: Is It Possible to Know God?
Is it possible to know God? Well, who...or what...is "God?" The Ultimate Reality of Hinduism or Buddhism is infinite ... but not personal. And the gods of the Greeks and Romans were personal ... but not infinite. But the Bible describes God as both infinite and personal! When we say God is infinite, we mean, for example, that God is eternal - he never began to exist and he'll never cease to exist. He transcends time and space, bringing time and space into being at the moment of creation. He is not physical or material; rather, he's an infinite, uncreated Mind with unlimited power. But while God is infinite, he's also personal. He has mind, emotions, will, and moral agency - all the qualities essential to personhood - and he has them to an infinite degree. For example, he is all-knowing - he knows all facts and truths. He's also morally perfect - so not only is he without any trace of evil, but He himself is the source and standard of moral goodness. What connection could there possibly be between this infinite, personal God ... and you?

Audio: Ask NT Wright Anything #91 Tom‘s problems with Platonism
Such a privilege to get to sit down with this guy (Wright not Plato!) to talk about the most important stuff jn life. This was one of those episodes with so much history, philosophy and theology packed in - worth 25 mins of your time

Video: How does God act in the world?
In what ways might God be thought of as acting in the world? This presentation looks at two main approaches, widely discussed in the literature, one focussing on the laws of nature, and the other on the distinction between primary and secondary causes.

Video: Is Wonder Woman... supposed to be Jesus?
The hit movie Wonder Woman has a lot to like about it: action, adventure, and Christological images. Fr. Patrick and Fr. Casey discuss how Wonder Woman is portrayed like Jesus, but how it's not a perfect portrayal.

Video: Correcting Carlin's Caricature of God
Dr. Craig responds to a video clip of comedian George Carlin.

Video: Is the Trinity compatible with the Koran? Abdulla Galadari & Joshua Sijuwade
The deity of Jesus is a doctrine that typically divides Muslims and Christians. However, Dr Abdulla Galadari, author of 'Quranic Hermeneutics' believes the Koran doesn't reject the Gospels' view of Jesus - it interprets them. He engages with Christian theologian of the Trinity, Dr Joshua Sijuwade as they discuss the commonalities and differences between the Koran and the Gospels.

Video: Nathan Bossoh - The History of Science and Christianity - Critical Witness
Today we're talking to Nathan about understanding the history of science and religion, more specifically Christianity.

Video: Do we have an immaterial soul? Richard Swinburne vs Luke Janssen
Prof Richard Swinburne is one of the most influential Christian philosophers in the world. In his new book ‘Are we Bodies or Souls?’ he sets out his argument for the existence of the soul.

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"Oxford Mathematician, John Lennox in discussion with Harvard Geneticist, George Church at The Veritas Forum: Living with Uncertainty in Science and Religion, Columbia University, 2021." (11/16/21)



"Does design in biology —especially the presence of what appears to be a carefully engineered biological programming language (DNA) in the heart of every living cell — offer yet another powerful piece of evidence for the existence of God? In this episode of SHORT ANSWERS, Andy Bannister dives into the world of biology to find out more." (11/17/21)

"Dr. Steve Miller believes that deathbed experiences provide stronger evidence for supernaturalism than the traditional arguments for God. While Near-death experiences have gotten much press lately, little discussion has paid to power of deathbed experiences. In this interview, I talk with Dr. Miller about his latest book.." (11/17/21)


New Resources:

Video: Reserved for Fire
Just prior to Christ’s return to set up His kingdom, we read in the book of Revelation that these are the things that are going to happen: A fourth of the entire population of the world will die; a little later, a third of the entire population of the world will die. The world will be hit, Revelation 6, with famine, pestilence, cosmic disasters. In chapter 8 of Revelation, vegetation will be burned up, sea life will be destroyed, waters will be contaminated. In chapter 9, deadly plagues. In chapter 16, terrible sores. Chapter 16, seas and rivers turn to blood, scorching heat, darkness, pain, drought—total devastation. And that’s going on in the seven-year period of Tribulation—at the end of which the Lord comes, hits the earth again, splits it open, sets up His reign for a thousand years. And at the end of the thousand years, He uncreates the entire universe; it goes out of existence. And I would say to you, we’re nearer to this than we’ve ever been, right? And I can’t see anything in this world going on today that doesn’t fit a perfect scenario for the things that are described in the book of Revelation, including the rise of Antichrist.

Video: Is toxic masculinity a problem in the church? Kyle Thompson & Martin Saunders
Kyle Thompson of men's ministry Undaunted Life says we need to champion biblical masculinity in a church that is too feminised. Martin Saunders, author of 'The Man You Were Made To be' says we need to leave behind gender stereotypes and help young Christian men make sense of masculinity in today's world.

Video: Dr. Iain Provan: The Importance of Biblical Narrative
Regent College professor and biblical scholar Iain Provan joins Alan to discuss the importance of biblical narrative.

Video: Critical Theory in Theology: Understanding an Influential Academic Movement - Adam Szabados
For decades, Critical Theory has been influencing Western thinking. Despite the failed Marxist experiments of the 20th century, there is a growing movement in the Western church that uncritically accepts the premises and implications of Cultural Marxism and incorporates them into Christian theology. This session aims to explore the roots and leaves of Critical Theory and evaluate its influence.

Video: She was saved out of the occult: Ask her anything!
One of my most popular podcast episodes tells the story of Jac Marino being saved out of the occult. Many of you have written in with questions for Jac, so she is going to join me to answer your questions live! If you are a concerned Christian parent wanting advice on how to protect your kids from the New Age and Occult, or simply want to know more about Jac's story, mark your calendar and don't miss this live Q&A...

Video: The Holy Grail: The Key to Understanding the West | pt.1 | with Richard Rohlin
This is our first Universal History episode on the legend of the Holy Grail. Richard Rohlin and I take a deep dive into the origin of the Holy Grail, how relics convey power and how the Grail forms an integral part of the story of the West. To build this thread Richard explores 3 sources: the Celtic tradition and particularly their understanding of relics (pt.1), what we'll call the Iberian Virgin and her Holy Grail (pt.2), and finally the cloth that contains the face and body of Christ (pt.3).



"Cultural intelligence requires that we understand the changing world around us and engage these changes in ways that edify the church and winsomely seek after the lost. In Cultural Intelligence, Darrell L. Bock builds a theology of cultural engagement and equips readers to relate well to their culture with an eye on the example set by Paul in the New Testament. Bock's timely book highlights the need to center our beliefs and practices around God’s Word while interacting effectively with a contour that is increasingly detached from the biblical truth." (Nov 18, 2021)

In this episode Ben, Luke, and Aaron are joined by the one and only John Lennox, professor of mathematics at Oxford University, for a discussion on apologetics and engaging the secular world with the gospel of Jesus.

In this episode, the regulars are joined by John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University. They discuss his newest book, '2084: Artificial Intelligence and The Future Of Humanity.' Will we be replaced by machines? Is Chad already a robot? All of this and more on Provoke & Inspire.

Today we're talking to comedian and podcast host Bridget Phetasy about her life and how her views have changed over time. Bridget was more or less a typical liberal Democrat for much of her early adult life, before being unintentionally dragged into the culture wars. She talks about leaving the Left, how she navigates having heterodox views in an increasingly polarized world, and how her faith in a higher power has been strengthened after her amazing story of beating addiction, meeting her husband, and getting pregnant.

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"Jordan Peterson, Bishop Barron, John Vervaeke, and Jonathan Pageau have a round table to explore ideas and theories of Meaning. All three guests have been on the podcast before, and all share Jordan’s passion for the universal truths of human experience. This deep discussion explores the roots of Meaning and religious significance." (11/22/21)

The word disciple is common in Christian circles, and though the meanings of words change over time, we have the job description straight from Jesus’ mouth. Many of us willingly call ourselves disciples, but have we really delved into what Jesus meant by it? When He invited those in His circle to follow Him, He outlined what it would take. He wanted them to count the cost. And He wanted them to know the reward. (11/22/21)




John Lennox (Oxford) and Pascal Wallisch (NYU) discuss their work, research, and beliefs in “Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix?”. Forum hosted by The Veritas Forum at New York University (11/10/2021).

I finally had the opportunity to talk with him in the wake of the recent "Four Horsemen of Meaning" discussion on Jordan Peterson's channel (linked below). We discuss the current opening up in culture and return to topics like meaning and the more mystical and participative aspects of Christianity. The problems of atheism, iconoclasm, social justice, ethics, the critical-historical approach to religion, addiction, and finally the church fathers that have inspired us. (11/24/21)
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:06 - The Four Horsemen of Meaning discussion
00:03:10 - The cleansing capacity of atheists
00:06:20 - Postmodernism opened doors about narrative
00:09:04 - The critical historical approach VS Worldbuilding
00:11:19 - Outbreaks of iconoclasm / Architecture
00:20:17 - Do Orthodox people understand this more?
00:21:29 - Returning to the cosmic liturgy
00:22:50 - The liturgy war: worship VS ethics
00:26:14 - Without worship we're open to corruption
00:27:13 - The master theme of the Bible
00:29:45 - The church VS the culture
00:31:05 - Addiction is also liturgical
00:34:07 - What do we worship?
00:38:08 - There is hope for a change in culture
00:42:04 - Back to bad church architecture
00:45:17 - Social justice without the mystical
00:49:59 - The author of Revelation & psychedelics
00:51:08 - Who's your go-to Eastern father?
00:56:52 - Bishop Barron talking about Jordan Peterson
00:59:04 - Outro



John Lennox (Oxford) discusses the interaction between religion and STEM in "Do Science & God Mix?". Forum moderated by Micah Green (Texas A&M) and hosted by The Veritas Forum at Texas A&M (11/19/2021).

During the year of the Covid:19 Great Reset, most people in our nation either were unaware or completely forgot that 2020 was the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Pilgrims landing in Plymouth. How could we miss this important anniversary? One of the reasons that we missed this incredibly important milestone event was that we were completely embroiled in defending our nation from the ideological and critical historical attack created by the fallacious 1619 Project. We are also about to let the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving that was enjoyed by the surviving Mayflower Pilgrims and the Native Americans that took place in November of 1621. On today’s special Thanksgiving episode, Michael O’Fallon traces back the history of the 400th anniversary of the Thanksgiving celebration in Plymouth.


New Resources:

There have been many stories of Christian musicians deconstructing or deconverting in recent years. Justin is joined by Catholic singer/songwriter Audrey Assad who revealed earlier this year she is no longer a practising Christian. Fr. Chris Foley of the band Luxury explains his own journey and why he has remained in the faith, becoming a priest in the Orthodox Church, along with two other band members.

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New Resources:

The Incarnation of Meaning in a De-Incarnated World
The period of Advent has a two-fold reason for being: it commemorates the historical event of the Incarnation of Christ, and it is also a period of waiting for His return. The Catechism defines the Incarnation as “. . . the mystery of the wonderful union of the divine and human natures in one person of the Word.”2 This then also involves the Trinity, the relationship between the three persons of God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and their relationship to us. Of course, there has been tremendous debate regarding this seemingly mathematical impossibility — 100% human and 100% divine leaves a good 100% more to swallow than seems possible! St. Athanasius the Great of Alexandria (c. 296 – 373), in On the Incarnation, written before the year 319, cogently defended this view against the tide of Arianism and served to support the Council of Nicaea that declared Christ as both fully divine and fully human.

Video: Episode 1 | Mary's Voice in Advent | Amy Orr-Ewing
Imagine being a young woman in a forgotten corner of an occupied country in the most powerful empire the world has ever known? Imagine being a woman at a time when a woman’s voice meant nothing? And then think about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Throughout this advent season I’ve felt inspired to reflect on Mary’s perspective of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus the son of God. Today in this first episode, we give thanks for the promises of God, his faithfulness to complete what He starts and the greatest of gifts, that is God’s Son coming to earth.

Video: Lessons from Good and Evil in Church History
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Dr. John Dickson talk about the good and evil in church history, focusing on how the bullies and saints of yesteryear still have valuable lessons for us today.

Video: Critical Race Theory: Clarity from Neil Shenvi
What is Critical Race Theory? Is it an area of genuine concern, or has there been overreaction by many conservatives? Is it a worldview or just a tool? In this interview, I talk with Neil Shenvi about these questions and more. He brings an insightful, balanced, and biblical perspective to CRT.

Video: Are There Two Different Gods in the Old and New Testaments?
There is a common assumption that the Old Testament God is one of judgment and rules and yet, in the New Testament, God appears to be all about love and grace. So does the Bible present two contradictory pictures of God? In this episode of Short Answers, Gareth Black invites us to consider on what basis we might make this assumption and whether a closer look at the biblical text itself might challenge this assumption of inconsistency.

Video: When Work Becomes an Idol - Psalm 127:1-2 - Skip Heitzig
America is founded on hard work; we even dedicate a day (Labor Day) to celebrate workers. The American Dream suggests that wealth and success follow hard work, and Scripture commends work that’s well done (see Colossians 3:23-24). But something good can become bad if taken too far. Work is good; overwork is not. Being a worker is good, while being a workaholic is bad. Work can become an idol, interrupting the priority of God in our life. Psalm 127 is a poem of contrasting priorities—a life of vanity versus a life of value—and in it we find several warnings from its author, Solomon.

Video: Did Jesus Claim to be Divine? Forgiveness, Authority, and Healing of the Paralytic
Did Jesus claim to be divine? In this excerpt from William Jessup University's Christian apologetics class, adjunct professor Mikel Del Rosario helps students think through the kind of authority Jesus claimed to possess by focusing on his words and deeds in Mark 2:1-12. See how Jesus claimed to possess divine authority in the healing of the paralytic in a way that is virtually unparalleled by Greco Roman miracle workers, Jewish priests, and prophets in the ancient world.

Video: The Mystery of Christian Unity, Part 1
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During Advent traditionally Christians prepare our hearts for the coming of the King. Today I’m looking at Luke’s Gospel, which draws heavily on Mary’s point of view when the angel Gabriel comes with the announcement of the coming Son of God, Jesus. What did Mary make of this event, and what can we learn of her inspiring faith through her response?


New Resources:

Video: William Lane Craig vs James White - Calvinism vs Molinism on the Problem of Evil
Calvinism and Molinism are two very different ways of understanding God's sovereignty. But which one best addresses the problem of evil? James White argues that Calvinism - God foreordaining all human behaviour both good and evil - is the more Biblical and coherent view. William (Bill) Lane Craig argues that Molinism - a view which reconciles human freedom and divine sovereignty - is Biblically consistent without making God the author of evil.

Video: Episode 3 | Mary's Voice in Advent | Amy Orr-Ewing
In the Bible, women’s perspectives really matter, and Luke’s Gospel contains for us two crucial women around the incarnation of God as Jesus Christ. In today’s Advent Reflection, we’ll look at the two women who had front-row seats to what happened, and how their incredible faith and experience of God, as well as their theological wisdom, is something that we can deeply learn from for ourselves even today.

Video: Owen Strachan - Worldview and the Christian life
In this episode author and Professor Owen Strachan discusses worldview and the Christian life.

Video: GOOD NEWS! We're 20 Months Closer to Death | Ep 530
We're going to take today to reorient ourselves and make sure our priorities are straight. So many of us have felt like life has been on "pause" since the pandemic began, thinking that once this is all over, we will just snap back to the way things were in 2019. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. The virus, and governments' heavy-handed responses, are here to stay. As Christians, we need to remember how we're called to spend our time on this earth and live according to God's Word, whether or not things are "normal."

Video: Do Muslims Have The Correct Version of Jesus? Dr. @Bart D. Ehrman
Do Muslims Have The Correct Version of Jesus? Dr. @Bart D. Ehrman explains where Muslims get their ideas about Jesus. Did they get Jesus right or are they getting their ideas from earlier Christian literature/traditions?

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Audio: NEPAL: Choose To Be Joyful
“Pastor Chitria” has been arrested multiple times for his ministry work in Nepal. He says such treatment is an honor and a privilege! Pastor Chitria talks about preparing believers to stand strong in the face of Christian persecution. He says new Christians preparing for baptism must answer seven questions, including whether they are willing to lose their family, friends and even their freedom to stand for Christ. Hindus believe there are more than 330 million gods—yet radical Hindus in Nepal see Jesus as a great threat to their life and culture. Pastor Chitria shares one unique challenge Nepali Christians face when one of their fellow believers dies, and how it is used to pressure new believers to renounce their faith in Christ.

The Wonder of The Incarnation
The idea of incarnation is fundamental to the Christian faith, and something most Christians spend time pondering especially around this time of year. It perhaps has a particular significance for all of us as we come to the end of a difficult 2020. The word literally means, ‘in the flesh’ and in the Christian faith describes how the creator of the universe, and the creator of each person, took on human likeness and came to earth in human form. For many people, the idea that God could or would become human seems utterly bizarre. Leaving aside the philosophical considerations, to many, the very notion seems ridiculous. If there is a God, why would that God think that it is a good idea to come and live on earth as a human for a thirty or so years. It seems an irrelevant act, a strange use of time, and perhaps so ‘out of character’ with what we imagine a creator God would be like. But in a year where we have had to endure painful physical separation of loved ones, I know that for me, the idea of someone coming to visit me, ‘in the flesh’ has a new poignance.

Video: Episode 4 | Mary's Voice in Advent | Amy Orr-Ewing
The Early Church called Mary, Theotokos meaning ‘the mother of God’ in today’s Advent Reflection, let’s take a moment to reflect on where this name, Theotokos is drawn from and what it means that God has come into history, what it means that Jesus came as a human being… it means that God in human flesh, had a mother. And we have an opportunity to listen to that mother’s voice. Imagine what she must have felt!

Video: Episode 5 | Mary's Voice in Advent | Amy Orr-Ewing
It’s really important to me this Advent to think about Mary’s voice. We live in a time when in our wider culture we’re thinking about the voices of women, we’re thinking about the voices of the marginalized and what they have to say. And the Bible isn't a sort of victor's history, and it's not a patriarchal whitewash of History. We have recorded for us the very words Mary spoke that we can listen to, learn from and grow from today.

Video: LGBTQ Relationships and the Bible: A Progressive and Evangelical Dialogue
What does the Bible really say about same-sex unions? Where has the church gone wrong in its response to this pressing conversation? This video is a discussion between me and progressive Christian pastor Colby Martin, author of Unclobber. We discuss the topic together and then take live questions.

Video: Stand Up or Sit Down | Leadership Insight with John Lennox
What's the quickest way to lose your influence? It's to lose your voice. In this Leadership Insight, Dr. John Lennox speaks about how leaders can overcome fear and find the boldness to speak up in every area of leadership. John Lennox often speaks to thousands at conferences around the world and his YouTube clips have been watched millions of times. He has engaged in numerous public debates. He has lectured globally on mathematics, the philosophy of science, and the intellectual defense of Christianity. John Lennox has written several books on the interface between science, philosophy, and theology. He is a Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University (emeritus).

Video: Differing Worlds of the Christian Faith and Mathematics for a Religious Life with John Lennox
Can differing viewpoints and philosophies on life be brought together to bring a deeper understanding of the world? Rather than keeping schools of thought separate from each other, true understanding relies on asking questions of differing beliefs. Press play to learn: 1. Why answering religious questions with math and science makes sense 2. What scripture can offer about the future 3. How differing religions can lead to similar philosophies

Video: The Mystery of Christian Unity, Part 2 (John MacArthur)

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Gold Member
From my understanding, a resurrection which implies entropy reversal, is not impossible under the current laws of physics. It is only extremely unlikely to happen, but can still happen without violating natural law.

A quick google search found the following quote


One thing I have asked of the Lord, and I will seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.

For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble. He will conceal me under the cover of His tent. He will lift me high upon a rock.

I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill.

Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor does he take up a reproach against his friend.

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.

Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our house with him."

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?

so the guy responsible for Columbus Day gets beatified? That's sick on so many levels.

Well I would say there is only preference and like he says the strong impose preference on the weak. I think this is even the case even if we include a God. God's notions of good and evil would concern all given he is the strongest. Good and evil may exist but I think their existence is independent of the existence of God. God may exist and there may still be no objective good and evil.

Also there are many religious individuals and christians who believe in determinism.

I think yeah people lacking in notions of good and evil are in a bit of a pickle. But if we assume evolution, there is a scientific explanation for our notions of good and evil, the basic moral drive is simply a set of rules that evolved to facilitate operation within a social species. But a Lion that kills another animal is not evil. Animals like male ducks I hear have horrific sex organs basically designed to painfully and brutally rape, yet they are not evil either.

In the end I do think there does seem to be objective good and evil, as the meaning of words seems to have an axis of good and evil, and even those who are evil tend to talk and present their actions as if they are doing good even if it is only to themselves. But I think objective good and evil will need to be rooted in some rational or logical manner, not merely based on beliefs.

I agree with this there are real differences between men and women between the ears.

It is also true that without a belief in humans being equal because they were created by God, the differences pose a problem for a secular society.
Nice to see some actual discussion here. I check in every now and again. Hope to see more. An occasional post about what other people think on a particular subject regarding Christianity is nice, but personally, I'd rather read (and perhaps engage in) thoughtful discussion of it.


Unconfirmed Member
Nice to see some actual discussion here. I check in every now and again. Hope to see more. An occasional post about what other people think on a particular subject regarding Christianity is nice, but personally, I'd rather read (and perhaps engage in) thoughtful discussion of it.
I'm not religious and I'm not into Christianity for several reasons. That being said, I like the person of Jesus very much and see him as very selfless and caring. He helped the poor and oppressed, healed the sick and even with so many people against him you couldn't hold him back. What's not to like?
On the other hand the God in the Old Testament is vastly different from Jesus in the New Testament.
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Gold Member
I'm not religious and I'm not into Christianity for several reasons. That being said, I like the person of Jesus very much and see him as very selfless and caring. He helped the poor and oppressed, healed the sick and even with so many people against him you couldn't hold him back. What's not to like?
On the other hand the God in the Old Testament is vastly different from Jesus in the New Testament.
It is hard to reconcile. I believe the teachings of the Bible -- it's my personal guide book through this life -- but yeah, there are things I just can't quite, well, like I said, reconcile. On the other hand, many of those things written about in the Old Testament make sense to me in terms of the possible lessons they're trying to pass on. And of course, Jesus and his sacrifice seem to have been the final connective tissue to close the gap between the Old and New. The scriptures were also recorded/interpreted/written by imperfect human beings. So, perhaps our understand of Jehovah just isn't clear, and the Bible seems to suggest that it never will be.
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