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Christophe Gans is making a New Silent Hill and Fatal Frame Movie


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member

Talk about zero to sixty in less than two weeks. We reported on a rumor a little while ago regarding the future of the Silent Hill franchise, namely that Konami has been working with new developers on two new games. Just after that, only five days ago, Konami made a statement that they were “considering ways to provide the next title.” Now Silent Hill is in the news yet again, but this time on the silver screen.

Christophe Gans, director of Brotherhood of the Wolf and the original 2006 Silent Hill movie, commented on his current projects during an interview with French film news site Allocine. Those projects? Well, you better read for yourself:

I have two horror film projects with Victor Hadida. I am working on the adaptation of the video game Project Zero (known as Fatal Frame in the United States, editor’s note ). The film will take place in Japan. I especially don’t want to uproot the game from its Japanese haunted house setting. And we’re also working on a new Silent Hill. The project will always be anchored in this atmosphere of a small American town, ravaged by Puritanism. I think it’s time to make a new one.
So uh, God damn, talk about two major announcements made about as casually as one would order fries with that. The Western adaption of Fatal Frame is something that’s been in the works for a while now, but nothing has really been talked about since around 2014 or so. There’s already a Japanese film, which is an original story that follows the game’s style and themes and garnered positive responses from critics (I personally haven’t seen it yet). The big one though (not to diminish Fatal Frame, just… that was something we already knew about) is the announcement of a new Silent Hill movie.

I really like Silent hill 2 movie the adaptation of SH3 of PS2 and Fatal Frame was a Movie Japanese. i hope dont fuck off Konami of This.
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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
This game is more scary than any movie


I'd be shocked if any movie studio would greenlight this after that second movie.
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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
Fatal Frame II Have beautiful Characters but i fall sleep ingame...

Resident evil 2 was more action horror game

Silent Hill... The only one that make me turn of my Console of the Psicological Horror.

Indeed .. Specially when you are heading to School , OMG the tension and the pure horror when you are inside and the thing is the resolution of the game at that time makes it even scarier

Naked Lunch

This is really cool news. Im a big fan of the first Silent Hill movie - its not perfect but its good. The director actually played the series extensively and talked about it in detail. The movie went to shit when they started introducing all those people in the church but the final "boss battle" kinda made up for it. Im still surprised they never released an extended cut of the first film, Gans said there is tons of footage on the cutting floor that could have been used.


YES!!! the first silent hill movie wasnt half bad and it was the right direction, the true silent hill movie remains jacobs ladder but it can be improved upon pretty easily he really should take it as inspiration!
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I think the SH movie was an amazing adaptation but i remember when i went to cinema for that one. The movie was def made for fans of the game but not well received by regular folks who just didn't get it. I remember when the faceless nurses showed up and im not shitting you, the whole cinema started laughing. They didn't know the lore so to them it just looked stupid.


First SH movie was really good. Second was hot garbage IMO

I’d be curious to see Fatal Frame film but would it just be a jumpscare fest?
The first was alright. One of the better video game movies, but still squandered potential.

I'll obviously see this in theaters, but my expectations are low.


Hopefully he will find a cute and young Japanese girl to cast fatal frame, not some middle age women like most Hollywood films now. That’s one of the trademark of fatal frame.


Gold Member
The movies already covered material from Silent Hill 1 and 3 so... Silent Hill: Restless Dreams?
That would be interesting although any gamers would already know the reveal.

I suspect Fatal Frame will switch the Japanese influences for Western ones, it would be something like the House on Haunted Hill/The Haunting/Hill House films.


The first SH movie was pretty much the best movie adaptation of a videogame there is. Which... says more about the quality of the rest, but anyways...

Revelations was absolutely atrocious, so at least having Gans back directing is a bit comforting.

Still, quite skeptical if he'll be able to handle Fatal Frame well.

Cutty Flam

Can't wait to see it in theaters. I was one of the small few I guess, who actually enjoyed Silent Hill (the movie), I can see why people would judge it harshly, but personally I thought it was really well made


Gold Member
I hope it doesn’t follow the lore of 1 and 3 and is an adaptation of Silent Hill 2 or 4, or is an original story!


Gans is well-versed in video games and Japanese culture. His Crying Freeman adaptation was surprisingly solid, especially at a time when manga to live-action adaptations were very very rare, if not nonexistent.

"Silent Hill" was ok. Some parts were unnecessary padding, the CG didn't age well, and Pyramid Head being in here made no sense, but the cinematography was GORGEOUS ! He kept the feeling of the original game intact and even kept some of its camera angles ! Having some parts of the Yamaoka soundtrack in it was also a nice touch.

Haven't watched the SH3 movie, and I'm not sure if I would if the ratings are anything to go by.

If he does a SH2 adaptation, I would shit my pants. That's gonna be one hell of a task to do. He would be better off going for an original script or something.

Anyway, keeping an eye on it. I'm glad I see more and more signs of a SH resurgence popping up lately.


Gans has a great eye and interesting camera usage. He isnt the best director but he is quite interesting.

I liked silent hill 1 he did a good job on it. I just wish the cg effects were a bit better, and some scenes weren't so dark. It was still a solid video game movie though. I hope they base it off sh2 because if it's done right it could be a really good horror movie and a drama.
I don't like any live-action video game movie. I would much rather play the games instead of watching a new movie adaptation. Unless it's a CG movie like Resident Evil Degeneration that adds to the game's universe, but if it's some live-action adaptation or reimagining, what's the point? A lot of the time these movies never enter full production anyway.
I don't like any live-action video game movie. I would much rather play the games instead of watching a new movie adaptation. Unless it's a CG movie like Resident Evil Degeneration that adds to the game's universe, but if it's some live-action adaptation or reimagining, what's the point? A lot of the time these movies never enter full production anyway.

Do you feel the same way about The Witcher on Netflix? Though, I guess that’s different because it’s based on books, originally.

Most VG-movie adaptations have felt like crappy, soulless cash grabs, imo, but I do hope that we get quality video game films down the road.

I would definitely watch a Metal Gear Solid movie, for example
Do you feel the same way about The Witcher on Netflix? Though, I guess that’s different because it’s based on books, originally.

Most VG-movie adaptations have felt like crappy, soulless cash grabs, imo, but I do hope that we get quality video game films down the road.

I would definitely watch a Metal Gear Solid movie, for example
I haven't seen The Witcher but I also didn't get far into the first game and the second game is in my backlog so I can't really say. I do think adapting them into a TV show makes more sense than with a 2-hour movie though.


I remember when i first heard about the first SH movie i was extremelly cautious but when i watched the first trailer it made me think that "hey maybe this time they might get it right".

Then i went to the movie theater and for the first half an hour or something i was ecstatic! I was convinced that that would be the first movie based on a game that will do the source material justice.

But then the movie became a cheesy,cheap hollywood turd that took zero influence of the games and (at the end) it turned into something that resembled more the later Hellraiser films than actual Silent Hill.

And finally,at the last couple of minutes it became Silent Hill again as if the director suddenly remembered "oh wait,this is suppossed to be Silent Hill!"

I think that was the last time i watched a movie adaptation of a game.
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The ending of the much maligned Silent Hill: Revelations potentially sets up 2, Origins, and Downpour as the next game(s) to be adapted. Personally I feel that Gans could do a good job with any of them.


Glad to hear people enjoyed the first silent Hill movie. I thought it was just me.

It's let down by bad dialogue and a confusing ending even for silent Hill.

It's a beautiful movie though they nailed the production.

Revelations was one of the few movies I walked out of the cinema after 20 minutes. It.. was bad. Possibly the worst film I've ever seen and I didn't even finish it.
Revelations was one of the few movies I walked out of the cinema after 20 minutes. It.. was bad. Possibly the worst film I've ever seen and I didn't even finish it.

If Silent Hill: Revrlations is the worst film you've ever seen, then you've lived a very sheltered life. Almost every video game-based movie is worse, save the original SH. I can only assume you've never suffered through any of the atrocious Residdnt Evil films. Or worse, the ouevre of Uwe Boll. Any of those make Revelations look like Best Picture material
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I lkke the first movie.

Even when the second was based of SH3 I went to a cinema. For me SH3 is a amazing game and If only look a cutscenes is a great plot movie too


I feel that Silent Hill has potential for being a great movie. Hope they can deliver this time.


He did the first silent hill movie which I think is one of the best video game movies ever made and I feel like he really caught the essence of the game , so I have hope he can do it again
Is he the director? Than I'm in.
Silent Hill is easily the best video game movie that isn't a CGI movie.


Sounds like this will be a true adaptation of SH 1

SH movie is adaptation of SH1. They just changed main guy for mother instead of father.
SH2 covered SH3 though it wasn't that good movie.
So this movie will probably cover SH2.

Imho SH2 would require someone like Lynch to do it right or someone wilth balls to went off from traditional cinema storyboards.

Visually, only

IT was an adaptation. It is not like 99% people even know what SH1 was all about. Twin Perfect made like 10 videos on how everyone missunderstands story of SH games and they are right. If fans and developers who make those games can't get grasp on story then what people coming to movie for 1,5 hour film can accomplish ?

It was right choice to adapt story. Imho piramidhead was only shitty part about it.
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The japanese Fatal Frame movie is great, i liked a lot.

There's a Dario Argento vibe on it, i recommend!
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