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Christopher Lee and Heather announced as EQII voices + Frogloks (56k no)


Gold Member
Press release:

They are voicing Lucan D'Lere and Antonia Bayle (the two "main" characters). There are tons of other major actors they are keeping under wraps for now.

Frogloks aren't playable in EQII at launch. Players have to "unlock" them. That's just a fancy way of saying the race won't be finished in time for launch:








Tag of Excellence
Yeah I've seen these pictures posted up a while ago actually. Althought I never heard about the Frogloks being available near launch, nice to hear.

Manabyte: I know that's why I said near launch. Well assuming that this unlocking thing is actually implemented at launch instead of this being a cheap way of holding off an actual Froglok race until it's ready.


Gold Member
TekunoRobby said:
Yeah I've seen these pictures posted up a while ago actually. Althought I never heard about the Frogloks being available near launch, nice to hear.

They aren't, players have to find the way to "unlock" them. You won't be able to play as a Froglok at launch.


If they're going to hire so many well-known actors, why not hire a few decent artists too?

Art design? Character design?


We need the voices of famous actors.


Hrm, looks about the same as the EQ Froglok model, only with bump-mapping and more polys. Frogloks rule.


Kiriku said:
If they're going to hire so many well-known actors, why not hire a few decent artists too?

Art design? Character design?


We need the voices of famous actors.

It's easier to provide lunch money to actors than it is to kidnap Koreans from the local art center and keep them from running away


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Christopher Lee thing is way cool.

About the Frogloks... I'm not crazy about them. =/ The deisgn of the EQ1 frogloks had more charm somehow.

Here is my old frog for comparison:


It's a subtle difference to be sure, but it's just not the same. I'm picky because I'm a Froglok Fanboy. :eek:


But I'm going to be playing WoW anyway so it doesn't really matter :)


Great Wasabi Man said:
A bit OT...but I've been playing SWG (SWG>COH btw) and I keep reading coments about Lucas Arts taking over...whats that about?

It means they are tired of Betaing EQ2 ideas in SWG and EQ1 so they are going to cut SWG loose. Hopfully it will be a better game in Lucas Arts hands.


Great Wasabi Man said:
A bit OT...but I've been playing SWG (SWG>COH btw) and I keep reading coments about Lucas Arts taking over...whats that about?

Yo dude, how is SWG... gimme some impressions. Only thing I ever hear about it is hate from people who were burnt on it in the beginning.
It's pretty cool, improved much since the beta. Only things I don't like is mucho lag and some really wierd bugs. Not as much of a grind as CoH, there's a lot of things I haven't done yet like trying to be a jedi (which I heard is off and not much fun), or participating in the galatic Civil war, or even left Tatoween.

One thing that hooked me over CoH, or FF11 is the community...people actually like helping other players...odd. In CoH you ask for help leveling and your labled a cheater (I asked how power leveling worked and was labeld a cheater and was told to be lying about being curious), ask for money and you get a lecture...SWG I was wierded out that people were offering to pay you to train you in skills. As much as I thought it would be boring sometimes out of combat xp gaiming is pretty fun.

I did find that the Player Run economy is sometimes good sometimes not so good. Like I was on one server had no problem buying a vehicle and composite armor for a decent price. Made a differnt character to try other things on another server, got xp easier but vehicles and composite armor is way more expesive (6000 vs 20000) The game so far is VERY soloable.

CoH was my first long stretch in an MMORPG, so I'm not sure how SWG stacks against everquest or how FF11 is now with the new expansion, but it beats the shit out of CoH.

Funny thing was when on CoH people constantly said that SWG sucked, it was the worst MMORPG yet thier whish lists were filled with things that are already in SWG. 2 more reasons for that aside form the listed above, no XP debt...still not used to it. Also no people bitching constantly how other people play or how other people look.

I'm not one for writng impressions...hope it helps a little

Oh and Jump to Lightspeed is pretty kick ass


Great Wasabi Man said:
It's pretty cool, improved much since the beta. Only things I don't like is mucho lag and some really wierd bugs. Not as much of a grind as CoH, there's a lot of things I haven't done yet like trying to be a jedi (which I heard is off and not much fun), or participating in the galatic Civil war, or even left Tatoween.

One thing that hooked me over CoH, or FF11 is the community...people actually like helping other players...odd. In CoH you ask for help leveling and your labled a cheater (I asked how power leveling worked and was labeld a cheater and was told to be lying about being curious), ask for money and you get a lecture...SWG I was wierded out that people were offering to pay you to train you in skills. As much as I thought it would be boring sometimes out of combat xp gaiming is pretty fun.

I did find that the Player Run economy is sometimes good sometimes not so good. Like I was on one server had no problem buying a vehicle and composite armor for a decent price. Made a differnt character to try other things on another server, got xp easier but vehicles and composite armor is way more expesive (6000 vs 20000) The game so far is VERY soloable.

CoH was my first long stretch in an MMORPG, so I'm not sure how SWG stacks against everquest or how FF11 is now with the new expansion, but it beats the shit out of CoH.

Funny thing was when on CoH people constantly said that SWG sucked, it was the worst MMORPG yet thier whish lists were filled with things that are already in SWG. 2 more reasons for that aside form the listed above, no XP debt...still not used to it. Also no people bitching constantly how other people play or how other people look.

I'm not one for writng impressions...hope it helps a little

Oh and Jump to Lightspeed is pretty kick ass

Nice thanks. You are playing JtL? The beta? Any impressions from that? I may jump on this game for a few weeks and see what it's like.

BTW, I just quit CoH not too long ago... It's insane how empty the world is now, it's like everyone just quit. I did a world search of who is looking for a group and the only person that came up was me. The trainer spots were empty, the subway terminal was empty... crazy shit. I bet they will be cutting servers soon.
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