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Chronicles of Riddick vs Star Wars Prequels

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I thought riddick was good Sci-fi fun. It had a better script better acting and a better plot when compared with the Star Wars prequels. The movie still unjustly bombed.

Fuck the Star Wars fans who claim to enjoy good sci-fi and yet missed this movie.

Cmon Pitch Black and CoR were way better than episode 1 and 2 and most likely episode 3 as well.

+1 CoR
Considering Episode's 1 and 2 were complete shit movies devoid of any life outside of the visuals, that's not neccessarily a difficult feat for Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick. Also, I'd find it interesting to see if anyone disagrees with you (us) who isn't a 15 year old Nintendo fan :p
im hoping for a good fanboy battle.

Episode 2 made like 400 million or something thats INSANE.

Next thing you know Catwoman will dethrone Gone with the Wind.
I fell asleep during Riddick, the only time I've ever fallen asleep in a movie theater.

Guess it's still better than the Star Wars prequels, though. Meh.
Catchpenny said:
I fell asleep during Riddick, the only time I've ever fallen asleep in a movie theater.

Guess it's still better than the Star Wars prequels, though. Meh.
Have you seen Pitch Black?
Yep, I liked Pitch Black. Riddick just bored me for whatever reason...the pacing in the beginning was blah, and anyone playing a Necromonger, a female or a starring action hero in this movie did a terrible job of acting. The plot didn't make much sense either, but falling asleep probably played a role in that. Had I gone in expecting a typical flashy action film, it might've been alright, but my expectations were higher for a followup to Pitch Black.

It's still better than the Star Wars prequels, though. Just about anything is! Well, maybe not the Matrix sequels...


I'd say yes to Pitch Black, but no to Chronicles of Riddick.

I don't think Episode 1 & 2 are great movies by any means, but there's still parts of them that I enjoy, whereas Chronicles of Riddick was below average for the most part and the editing for the action scenes weren't very well done (Crematoria comes to mind)


I loved Riddick. And it deserves better than what it got. At least it tried something different, and went in directions that weren't completely obvious and predictable.

COR, Kill Bill 2 and Dawn of the Dead were the best movies I saw this year. The best part is all 3 DVD's should have an assload of deleted material when they drop.


I saw Chronicles of Riddick, and it's definitely an entertaining title and performed way above my expectations (I thought it would be crap), but I liken it more to stuff like Stargate, where in it's own world it's a nice movie, but not something that has the lastability of The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones...

It's a fun movie the first time through, but the "coolness" factor, the only thing that really set it apart from other sci-fi movies (mr. "badass" Vin Diesel + use of bad words) seems like something that is going to wear thin...


I dunno, the battle scenes in Star Wars were better(and those are really the only redeeming quality of these movies), but Vin Diesel is a badder ass then Hayden will EVER be, even once he is Vader. Also, the chick from Riddick, Kiera or whatever...10 times hotter then natalie portman. That has to count for something.


This challenge is sort of like: "Sitting through timeshare seminar vs. Sitting through travel club seminar."

I guess what it comes down to for me is that I'll certainly see Ep 3 even though 1 and 2 have disappointed me, whereas I doubt I'd go to a Riddick sequel. But that's solely out of curiosity as a fan of the original trilogy, not out of appreciation for the prequel series.

On the plus side, my expectations are now so low that I'm much less likely to be disappointed.

Riddick was fucking lame. The only thing I'll give it credit for is the visuals. Other then that it was cheesy. ...and those goth aliens... my god. lol

Pitch Black however was great IMO.

evil ways

Both movies are utter shit when it comes to acting, script, and story but the Star Wars prequels at least has lightsabres, Jedis and the Clonetroopers, so it's automatically better than Riddick.

Riddick was just plain bad, it was like a crappy Sci-Fi channel original movie.
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