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Chrono Trigger DS: The |OT|

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Aru said:
Okay, thanks :)
It's a bit strange, they changed the name of some characters in the french version of the game.
Melchior = Bosch (is this some kind of ad for the brand of the same name ? :lol)
Epoch = Ibis
Slash = Soja (WTF ???)
Flea = Mayo (ahem...)
And the third general's name is Vinnie (can't remember his name in the US SNES version)

Has anyone seen the new ending that was made for the DS version ? The one that actually explains the link between CT and CC ? How is it (spoiler free please) ?
Slash, Flea and Ozzy were names made up for the characters by Ted Woosley when he translated the original CT that stuck. Akira Toryiama, who designed much of the characters from the original CT, has a history of theme-naming everything, although I don't know if he was responsible for the character names in CT.

In the original Japanese release, it wasn't "Ozzie, Slash and Flea," but "Soysau, Mayonnai, and Vinegar", obviously a condiment theme. This wouldn't have worked so well in English so they were given new names based on rock stars who were popular at the time, Slash (of GnR), Flea (of Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Ozzie (Osbourne).

The original Guru names were Gash, Hasch and Bosch. The American names are taken from the Three Kings of the Magi. No insight as to why they changed those three.

Jedeye Sniv

Bought this and started playing it this afternoon, having only played it once, emulated, years ago (I was a 12 year old English spod when this came out, so no importing for me). I've just been wrapping up Sonic Chronicles and I've gotta say, CT suffers a bit in comparison to a similar modern game. (disclaimer - I thought Sonic was pretty cool actually, and the fight mechanics were great, if a little over-played by the end of the game. I think if there were a lot more special moves this would be an awesome game).

The fight mechanics, while slighty improved over the original CT are still pretty cumbersome - when fighting multiple enemies it's tricky to figure out which button is which character without losing time looking for the little hand and the real-time turn-based nature of it means that I'm getting battered while thinking about my attacks. Also, I can't save outside of the world map (ie, in-game). Why?? It's 2009, this should be more than possible, and it's important on a portable console where you may need to switch off at a moments notice, like when your stop is approaching on the bus). The touch-screen implimentation is pretty weird too, moving about with the stylus is pretty un-natural on the map screen. Fighting and moving would be 100% IMO if the gameplay was on the touch screen with the traditional map/stats on top.

I'm still into playing the game though, don't get me wrong, but it was pretty jarring to come up against all of these weird tics in the first 2 hours of play, especially when in my first 2 hours with Sonic I was very impressed the the innovations (to me at least, I don't play loads of RPGs) in the mechanics.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think it's best to use the new interface, but the traditional controls, which thankfully this remake allows. Also, the game is quite generous in providing save spots "in-game," so saving isn't locked to only the world map. If you're concerned about getting smashed in combat while selecting your attacks, you can lower the battle speed or flip it to "wait" mode. Finally, if you're nowhere near a save spot or the world map, you can always close the DS lids to enable sleep mode. Assuming your battery is not down to it's last few %s, that'll suffice until you have an opportunity to finish up and save in a cleaner fashion.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Jedeye Sniv said:
Bought this and started playing it this afternoon, having only played it once, emulated, years ago (I was a 12 year old English spod when this came out, so no importing for me). I've just been wrapping up Sonic Chronicles and I've gotta say, CT suffers a bit in comparison to a similar modern game. (disclaimer - I thought Sonic was pretty cool actually, and the fight mechanics were great, if a little over-played by the end of the game. I think if there were a lot more special moves this would be an awesome game).

The fight mechanics, while slighty improved over the original CT are still pretty cumbersome - when fighting multiple enemies it's tricky to figure out which button is which character without losing time looking for the little hand and the real-time turn-based nature of it means that I'm getting battered while thinking about my attacks. Also, I can't save outside of the world map (ie, in-game). Why?? It's 2009, this should be more than possible, and it's important on a portable console where you may need to switch off at a moments notice, like when your stop is approaching on the bus). The touch-screen implimentation is pretty weird too, moving about with the stylus is pretty un-natural on the map screen. Fighting and moving would be 100% IMO if the gameplay was on the touch screen with the traditional map/stats on top.

I'm still into playing the game though, don't get me wrong, but it was pretty jarring to come up against all of these weird tics in the first 2 hours of play, especially when in my first 2 hours with Sonic I was very impressed the the innovations (to me at least, I don't play loads of RPGs) in the mechanics.
close the shell of the screen. Standby mode uses like no power.

It's not a touch screen game so I don't really know how that can upset you.


Hail to the KING baby
the real-time stuff made the game more tense for me. like i had to really think and adjust on the fly. i left the speed on default b/c of that


Mejilan said:
CT is probably one of the most grind-less RPGs ever. Proper application of equipment and tech strategies can easily make up for lower levels. On that note, the max level in this game is 99 or 100 (I forget), but you can easily beat the game at 1/3 of that. Lower if you're REALLY good.

Yeah, only some boss are tough in fact.
Lavos (under level 40), Giga Gaia (without the proper skills) and the twin golems.
You don't need to grind in terms of levels, but more in terms of skills IMO.

Swordian said:
You can't fight Lavos in 65,000,000 BC. The Black Omen only appears in 12,000 BC and all the times after that. You also can't enter the Black Omen in 2300 AD.

Here is the list of ending conditions: Clicky

Most of these are only possible in NG+ because you need the special warp to Lavos that becomes available at the Millennial Fair and you need to be a high enough level to win.

Yeah you're right about -65 000 000 BC, it's logical (since the Black Omen appears in 12000 BC and onwards as you say). But I didn't know about 2300 AD. Is there some kind of barrier ?


Loto said:
IIRC The doors don't open. Besides the damage has already been done. No point to go in.

Well, you could save the few survivors of the 2300 age and go on with that :lol.


SabinFigaro said:
If I remember correctly, Queen Zeal appears at the doors and laughs at your pitiful efforts, since Lavos has already ruined the world.

I'll go check right now.
I'm finishing all the events that I heard about from the sage of time before fighting Lavos.


Yeah, I just checked and he was right.
I didn't save after seeing the scene, in case it affects the game somehow (but I doubt it).


I just finished the game, got the normal ending. Lavos was almost a joke o_O (I was too strong, I did all the sub quests, but no grinding).

Some questions about the other endings. Which ones are worth to see ?
I want to see ending 13 at least, because it "explains" the link between CT and CC.
I read the requirements but I don't understand something: Do I have to restart the game on NG+
and play until I fight against Lavos in the Undersea Palace
or can I just
finish the Dimensional Vortex and beat the Dream Devourer in my current save


Running off of Custom Firmware
You can go ahead and do the extra content now. It's not locked to a NG+.
I think I wound up getting 5 or 6 endings on my initial run-through, including the new ending #13. I'll get the rest in a year or when I hit up a NG+.


Mejilan said:
You can go ahead and do the extra content now. It's not locked to a NG+.
I think I wound up getting 5 or 6 endings on my initial run-through, including the new ending #13. I'll get the rest in a year or when I hit up a NG+.

I rented the game, so I won't keep it for a long time.
I think I'll just clear the last quest, see the 13# ending and send the game back.
I don't mind the other endings, I consider ending 1# as the true ending and I don't really want to play the game again.

Since endings other than 13# don't require any quest to be completed and the boss is the same, I'll just watch them on Youtube.
I'm guessing the endings from Ending 3 onward is in "chronological order" in terms of how early you beat the final boss? If so, I'll have to do another NG+ to get the 2 endings I accidentally skipped...

Also, the ending log notes for Ending 8 is wrong:
it says to face Lavos after restoring the Masamune but I just returned to the End of Time with the Dreamstone but haven't seen Melchoir yet


Just picked this up yesterday,
up to the part after the factory and when you first get your magic powers in the end of time
. This is the first time Iv ever played Chrono Trigger and im kicking myself because I didnt play it earlier.. so far its awesome! if i didnt know the game is more than a decade old i could easily mistake it for a new 2009 DS release.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Quick Chrono Cross question for you folks. As long as I have all 3 of my current party members equipped with Forget-Me-Nots, it doesn't matter who gets the kill, as far as adding to Sprigg's Dopplegang abilities, correct? And Sprigg doesn't even need to be in the party, right?



Mejilan said:
Quick Chrono Cross question for you folks. As long as I have all 3 of my current party members equipped with Forget-Me-Nots, it doesn't matter who gets the kill, as far as adding to Sprigg's Dopplegang abilities, correct? And Sprigg doesn't even need to be in the party, right?


I'm pretty sure that's correct, but my my memory is a bit hazy as I haven't played the game since 2003.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Awesome, thanks. Just wanted to confirm before I fight the WightKnight, which I think is a one-of type monster...


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
In case people missed the other thread, but here's m0dus' magnificent rendition on one of the most brilliant scenes of the game:

Death Peak
Okay, so I'm at the final point where all the side quests are opened... my team is approx lv44. I had a go at the bucket-Lavos warp, but got pwned instantly. What level should I be? He was doing like 800 damage a hit. Can you actually get more than 999HP?

I've done the Forest side quest, Robo's factory, Ozzies Fort and the haunted mansion... the black omen looked scary so I avoided that. Should I be looking for Toma's treasure? Will it make much difference?


Do all the sidequests. The equipment you get from it is incredible. The Black Omen has a ton of great stuff, but
it does take you to Lavos automatically
. Also, level up your guys to 50+. When I fought Lavos he was barely doing any damage to me. I was kinda disappointed that he was so easy considering he made such a big hulabaloo after he crashed to earth.
Yeah, the sidequests are pretty much a given if you want to be adequately prepared for Lavos. I also recommend doing the Lost Sanctum at this point if you haven't already, as there's some pretty fantastic equipment available (if you have the patience). Save the Black Omen for the end, because as Forkball mentioned, you'll fight Lavos at the end.
Android18a said:
Okay, so I'm at the final point where all the side quests are opened... my team is approx lv44. I had a go at the bucket-Lavos warp, but got pwned instantly. What level should I be? He was doing like 800 damage a hit. Can you actually get more than 999HP?

I've done the Forest side quest, Robo's factory, Ozzies Fort and the haunted mansion... the black omen looked scary so I avoided that. Should I be looking for Toma's treasure? Will it make much difference?
My guys were around level 50 and I pushed Lavos over. Go do the sidequests, by the time you're finished you should be more than ready for the big spikey guy.


Man, I'm glad I didn't start the game again to see the 11 other endings. I watched them on Youtube and most of them suck. Totally not worth the requirements !

Ending 1# is the best.
Ending 13# is OK, but just to see
the Dream Devourer. It doesn't add anything to the story.

The anime cut scenes add more to the story than the new ending.
I was surprised that Guardia kingdom falled five years later :eek:
Chrono and Marle got married too :D

The new dungeons are made of existing assets, totally low budget bonuses.
But eh, they add a few more hours of gameplay !

Jedeye Sniv

Like this game waaaaay more now that I've put a bunch of time into it. The initial combat/interface niggles have worn off and I'm finding the story to be surprisingly deep for an old game. The combat is pretty fun too, I think it makes the fights more exciting.

At the moment though I'm stuck on a fight with this Magus dude. I have no Ether left and my team gets FHUTA'd within the first minute. Is there another way of restoring magic points? At this point I'm so deep into the castle that I don;t think I can turn back and go buy some equipment (that and you can rarely buy ether it seems). What gives? The fiendlords keep has been so ridiculously combat focused so far, it's a bit unfair having yeat another boss at the end, when all I really need is a rest.


Hail to the KING baby
Jedeye Sniv said:
Like this game waaaaay more now that I've put a bunch of time into it. The initial combat/interface niggles have worn off and I'm finding the story to be surprisingly deep for an old game. The combat is pretty fun too, I think it makes the fights more exciting.

At the moment though I'm stuck on a fight with this Magus dude. I have no Ether left and my team gets FHUTA'd within the first minute. Is there another way of restoring magic points? At this point I'm so deep into the castle that I don;t think I can turn back and go buy some equipment (that and you can rarely buy ether it seems). What gives? The fiendlords keep has been so ridiculously combat focused so far, it's a bit unfair having yeat another boss at the end, when all I really need is a rest.
Buy Shelter and use it at a save point. Restores all your stats.

Jedeye Sniv

AstroLad said:
Buy Shelter and use it at a save point. Restores all your stats.

Yeah, I have a load of shelters, but it doesn't help the fact that I have no more mid-ether or mid-potions left, which is making the fight harder than it should be. I guess it was probably a save point just before Magus - there were two twinkles, I stepped on the transporter one and went to see him, whereas I should have saved (wasted my entire lunch break on that too!). 2 more goes then I give up.


Running off of Custom Firmware
MoxManiac said:
Man, the
Lost Sanctum
bonus dungeon is so mindnumbingly dull. I hope the other bonus dungeon is better.

Technically, there are three more, and yes, they're much better.

Jedeye Sniv

Ha, beat Magus, he was a tough little bitch but my strategy prevailed! Froggy was my secret weapon, although balancing out his healing power with his masamune strikes was a little tricky, but it's what kept it from being a walkover i guess. Fun though, this game does have some surprisingly awesome fights in it. How much left do I have on this playthough?

As an aside, it's a little disappointing not to see many first-time playthrough impressions of the game. I guess lots of people had played it, but reading CT threads or reviews seem full of nostalgia rather than players freaking out at how awesome the game is. Not that this is a bad thing mind, I guess it's why it's such a replayed game, but it's a bit lonely here during my CT cherry popping :lol


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
depward said:
OK, that is ridiculously awesome.
Most memorable scene in the game. Does anyone know of a good online poster place? I used Snapfish before but they're not that great to be honest. Maybe even somewhere that can put that on canvas...

Jedeye Sniv said:
As an aside, it's a little disappointing not to see many first-time playthrough impressions of the game. I guess lots of people had played it, but reading CT threads or reviews seem full of nostalgia rather than players freaking out at how awesome the game is. Not that this is a bad thing mind, I guess it's why it's such a replayed game, but it's a bit lonely here during my CT cherry popping

If I could erase my memory and start again I would. Sorry.


MoxManiac said:
Man, the
Lost Sanctum
bonus dungeon is so mindnumbingly dull. I hope the other bonus dungeon is better.

It's totally different, but not much better IMO.
The other dungeon is divided into 3 parts. Each part is made of reused rooms (it's really a copy/paste) of other dungeons (in the first half) and the second half is a new dungeon reusing various assets from the game. Each vortex ends with a battle against Chrono, Marle or Lucca (+ Dalton in one of them).


I am playing through this for the first time. I beat the Factory Ruins and was able to advance. I took a hiatus from this game and have since gone back to the factory ruins exploring. I went in to the ruins again and found that I never did the right path (the one where you get
). I am wondering how it is possible to have "beaten" this level without knowing that code.

Did I somehow get lucky?


I never played the "side quest" stuff and to be honest. Its fantastic.

Absolutely loved
The Forrest quest. The reunion was so touching

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Lost to the Twin Golems last night, but will try again tonight on the way home from work.

Fuck me for clicking m0dus's new picture. I never got that far in CT before. I don't really know what's going on but still :(


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
jon bones said:
Lost to the Twin Golems last night, but will try again tonight on the way home from work.

Fuck me for clicking m0dus's new picture. I never got that far in CT before. I don't really know what's going on but still :(

I did say DEATH PEAK on it. Sorry about spoiling it. :lol

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Can't believe everyone said the Golem Sisters were supposed to be tough... once I realized I could
put those bitches to sleep, I just hit them with Lightning II -> Water II -> Hypnowave -> repeat
. Pwnt.

How close am I to the end of the game? I have a feeling things are coming to a head here...


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
jon bones said:
Can't believe everyone said the Golem Sisters were supposed to be tough... once I realized I could
put those bitches to sleep, I just hit them with Lightning II -> Water II -> Hypnowave -> repeat
. Pwnt.

How close am I to the end of the game? I have a feeling things are coming to a head here...

First time fighting the Golem Twins? 50-60%.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Climbing Death Peak now... what a brilliantly paced jRPG. Why can't they make games like this anymore? Awesome story, charming characters and grind-free gameplay that wraps itself up under 20 hours (I'm 16 hrs in and despite BorkBork's post, I'm sure I'm closer to 90% donethan 60% done).

Haven't done any of the sidequests, is it possible to beat the main game and continue playing to do all the sidequests? Or should I do them before I beat the last boss?


jon bones said:
Climbing Death Peak now... what a brilliantly paced jRPG. Why can't they make games like this anymore? Awesome story, charming characters and grind-free gameplay that wraps itself up under 20 hours (I'm 16 hrs in and despite BorkBork's post, I'm sure I'm closer to 90% donethan 60% done).

Haven't done any of the sidequests, is it possible to beat the main game and continue playing to do all the sidequests? Or should I do them before I beat the last boss?

If you're under level 50, you should do them because the last boss will be pretty though under that level IMO. And all quests besides the 2 new ones add some elements to the story.

Jedeye Sniv

jon bones said:
Climbing Death Peak now... what a brilliantly paced jRPG. Why can't they make games like this anymore? Awesome story, charming characters and grind-free gameplay that wraps itself up under 20 hours (I'm 16 hrs in and despite BorkBork's post, I'm sure I'm closer to 90% donethan 60% done).

Haven't done any of the sidequests, is it possible to beat the main game and continue playing to do all the sidequests? Or should I do them before I beat the last boss?

I just did Death Peak for the first time today too, it was great stuff. I never thought I'd care this much about an old 2d rpg but the story is really sucking me in. I just got loads of hints on where to go next from the old dude at the end of time, but my head is a bit spun from all the choices. Future first I think, my Robo could use a little levelling as well.

One thing I like is that you unlock combos and the like depending on the makeup of your team. it always has me wondering how this section would play with another team with other techs, so I guess it's doing it's job pretty good. Don't want this to end!

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Aru said:
If you're under level 50, you should do them because the last boss will be pretty though under that level IMO. And all quests besides the 2 new ones add some elements to the story.

Ah, OK looks like there is still quite a bit in this game then.

Good thing, too! Can't believe I never got this far back in the day...


jon bones said:
Ah, OK looks like there is still quite a bit in this game then.

Good thing, too! Can't believe I never got this far back in the day...

I can't remember exactly, but I think my level was around 50 when I finished all the possible subquests before fighting Lavos. Then, after finishing the last level (the dimensional vortex), I think I was around level 60 (and that's good enough for the ultimate boss).
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