Huh, I really wonder if going into the season if Schwartz and Fedak assumed this would be the last episode with no chance of a back season. Because even compared to last year this felt much more like a series finale.
While I disagree with Schwartz that the last 10 minutes were the best Chuck ever (that belongs to the Mr. Roboto wedding scene, and probably several more that I can't think of off the top of my head) the episode itself was really great.
- Glad they immediately resolved Chuck thinking Sarah might have really gone rogue. Although it does make me wonder why they bothered with it in the first place, as it was incredibly stupid.
- What exactly was that spider thing supposed to be a reference to? I saw Dr. Who mentioned on SA, but haven't seen enough of that to get the reference if so.
- Chuck and Morgan kidnapping and interrogating the UCI professors was hilarious. Especially when the first thing out of both of their mouths were asking if they were in a bathroom. Bonus points for Morgan finding him through an online Settlers of Catan league.
- All of the Morgan scenes on the boat were great. He really is probably the best character on the show this season. His ability to get past any fear he has in able to do completely insane things is pretty amazing. Especially in contrast to Chuck from season one.
- I liked the Orion references, although it makes me wish they could still have Bakula on the show.
- I am glad they kept Volkoff alive. He is easily the best villain they have had on the show, blowing past Chevy Chase. My hope is since last year they manage to turn Shaw from a completely shitty character into a pretty good villain in the back half of the season, this year they will be able to turn Volkoff from a great character to the god-emperor of all villains. I will admit that might be setting my expectations a bit high.
- I see other people seemed to enjoy it, but once again I can't say I enjoyed the Jeffster part. Well, seeing them dragged away from the police was pretty good.
- While two weeks ago I said I just don't care about the proposal storyline (and that is still true), I will say they framed that scene in about the best way that they could. Although it felt oddly reminiscent of the Jim/Pam proposal from The Office.
But all and all a really great episode. Off the top of my head, probably my second favorite this season behind "Phase Three." I'm really looking forward to seeing where they go from here, because already next week's episode looks fantastic.