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Chuck versus the NeoGAF - The Official Season 4 Thread - Mondays on NBC

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Totally dug the finale. Moved pretty well and wrapped up the Vivian mess well enough. I also liked the wedding scene because it was pretty short and simple. Seeing Morgan get the intersect was great too. It's not quite as good as past finales but I think it was still pretty damn good. I hope they can wrap up the final season well with the conspiracy they're leading on about.

Also, using Sacred Heart again!
A few more bits of info about next season:
EW.com said:

Chuck fans, I have to say: I’m proud of us. If there was ever a season to lobby hard for another season of Chuck, this was it. As you saw in the finale, the reset button has not only been pushed — it has been kung fu kicked. And while I covered much of what the finale’s big twist means for the show’s fifth and final season in my post-episode Q&A with Chris Fedak, many of you have been asking a few follow-up questions. So Fedak tackled two FAQs below just for y’all. (Does this man ever stop giving?)

FAQ 1: Will there be a Timothy Dalton-like villain in season 5 even though there are only 13 episodes?
Short as the final season may seem, we must remember that showrunners only planned on Dalton appearing up to episode 13 as Volkoff and managed to make him work past that point after getting the order for more episodes. So 13 episodes is plenty of time for a villain. The only problem? Topping themselves, says Fedak. “I would love to have a big baddie, but we’ll see how it works out. It’s hard to top Mr. Dalton,” he says.

FAQ 2: If ratings improve, is there a chance of getting more than 13?
Looks pretty set to me, I’m afraid.

FAQ 3: How is Chuck being the owner of the Buy More going to affect things?
Well, imagine owning the Buy More. Sound great? Didn’t think so. “He’s really going to have to deal with a lot of the trouble that they get into [on top of his spy work].


Thought this season lost it's way about midway through, but picked up again towards the end. Basically, any ep with Dalton was great.
Finally watched the Chuck finale yesterday. Man, that was not good at all. I'm glad the show got renewed because the last EP would've sucked. The episode was poorly executed, there was no flow, and not everyone was given time to shine. I also felt that the wedding bit was rushed, and the folks from the Buy More/Casey's daughter were given too little screen time - this was a potential SERIES finale right?

Also, if Hartley completely became Volkof when he fathered Vivian (seeing as Vivian's last name is Volkof), why does Vivian have a Winterbottom family name? It doesn't make any sense.

Lastly, WTF at the Morgan intersecting. That is the most stupid thing that has happened on Chuck.

One thing that got me curious though was that Deckert guy saying everything that has happened so far has been planned (Intersect, Fulcrum, Ring, Shaw, Agent X, etc). So who is behind everything?
General Beckman?

I hope they explore that in Season 5 but really, I think it's stupid that Morgan got intersected.


I just recently watched the finale, and that is saying a lot how i feel about the show right now. It should have endend at the hospital scene in this season.
The show just lost his magic, and Morgan getting the intersect is just stupid.
I hope they redeem themself in the last season, but i don't think they will. Such a shame, Chuck season 2 was one of the best things ever on tv.


Hydrogen Bluebird said:
Also, if Hartley completely became Volkof when he fathered Vivian (seeing as Vivian's last name is Volkof), why does Vivian have a Winterbottom family name? It doesn't make any sense.

Her mother, maybe? Or Volkof gave her a different name so his enemies wouldn't go after his kid. It's not a stretch.


Agreed... and for all we know the necklace could even said vivian on it. Even though he is volkoff hartley has got to be in there somewhere.


Hydrogen Bluebird said:
Also, if Hartley completely became Volkof when he fathered Vivian (seeing as Vivian's last name is Volkof), why does Vivian have a Winterbottom family name? It doesn't make any sense.
I always asumed that after X years undercover as Volkof some of his old self was comming through the insersect, especialy at emotional moments like the birth of a child, hence his idea to have her named Vivian
Just started a "Let's Watch" with my friend. One episode a night every night. And I gotta say, the show just lost the magic it had in the earlier seasons, and it had nothing to do with budget. Losing the stake and tension is a big part of it, but there's got to be more to it than that.

Any who wants to can join us! We're only on s1e2 tonight.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Disappointed they only get 13 episodes with the new rogue team theme of the show. I think they should have gone that route last season.


Nitpick much? Everything doesn't have to be black or white.... it could be shades of gray. You don't know how much of Hartley influenced Volkoff. Regardless of if the intersect tookover and he became Volkoff... it's still one brain and Hartley is still in said brain even if Volkoff was the dominating personality.


The Vivian thing could easily mean that his old personality was coming through the Intersect on a sub-conscious level. I'm pretty sure he didn't mention his grandmother until after he was de-intersected too.
Plinko said:
Disappointed they only get 13 episodes with the new rogue team theme of the show. I think they should have gone that route last season.

I am so happy they got 13, it should make the last season exciting, without feeling padded out. I still think 20+ episodes of any TV Show is overkill these days.

There has been very few shows with 20+ episodes that have had a consistently great season. Early Lost had terrible episodes. I personally loved Deep Space 9, but 26 episode seasons made some of those story arcs drag so damn bad. 24 was forced into 24 episode seasons, and had to magic up all kinds of craziness to keep things interesting in the back half of nearly every season. 22 episodes almost killed Fringe for its first 2 seasons, and the third season, even though it was great, could have been better if it cut some of the slack.

Many of the shows on cable networks - the ones with 13 episode seasons - are far more memorable in the long run. It is not just because they exist on cable, it is because they can usually tell a for more concise story.

Maybe it is because I am used to UK TV, but I never look at 13 as a bad thing. In fact, even less than that cannot be considered bad as long as the creators/writers are mad aware of it from the very start.

Season 1 of BBC's Luther has 6 60minute episodes, and was fantastic. It is coming back with 2 2hour episodes, and looks like it will be equally great. Sherlock had 3 90 minute episodes, and was great too. Doctor Who has a 13 episode run last season, which was good, and looks to be building up to something great this season - even though they are working with a new episode layout. IT crowd a much loved show, even though it only aired 24 episodes over the course of 4 seasons.


love on your sleeve
Arjen said:
I just recently watched the finale, and that is saying a lot how i feel about the show right now. It should have endend at the hospital scene in this season.
The show just lost his magic, and Morgan getting the intersect is just stupid.
I hope they redeem themself in the last season, but i don't think they will. Such a shame, Chuck season 2 was one of the best things ever on tv.
Completely agree with this post.

Still haven't watched the finale or the episode before that. Just settled for reading the spoilers.
Chuck music is ready. I sent out a couple of pm's this morning to a few people, but I don't have time to spam a lot of you like I usually do. (Work is busy right now.) If you're a regular poster and you want a copy, just send me a message and I'll get back to you when I have time. Enjoy the music.
I got my g/f into this show and she's pretty much in love with it. We're on Season 2 (Whoo-hoo)..I think the last episode we watched was Chuck vs. The Third Dimension.
BankaiZaraki said:
I got my g/f into this show and she's pretty much in love with it. We're on Season 2 (Whoo-hoo)..I think the last episode we watched was Chuck vs. The Third Dimension.

Maybe u should skip the first half of season 3 lol, but enjoy the rest of season 2, IMO one of the greatest seasons of any tv show ever!


I know some of you guys have been really down on Chuck this past year or two, but damn... when the next 13 episodes are over, I think I'm really gonna miss these guys.

I think if they're going to go out, they should truly jump over a shark on the way, and bring Scott Bakula back from the dead.


PhoncipleBone said:
Zachary Levi seems to be doing fine for himself, and I don't think Yvonne will have any trouble landing something soon after the show ends.

She landed Miranda's VO in ME2, so I'd expect her to be in ME3 with more VO work down the road.

On the other hand, it was kind of freaky how they modeled Miranda to look almost exactly like her. WTF?


SRG01 said:
She landed Miranda's VO in ME2, so I'd expect her to be in ME3 with more VO work down the road.

On the other hand, it was kind of freaky how they modeled Miranda to look almost exactly like her. WTF?

I don't know, I wasn't exactly complaining.
SRG01 said:
She landed Miranda's VO in ME2, so I'd expect her to be in ME3 with more VO work down the road.

On the other hand, it was kind of freaky how they modeled Miranda to look almost exactly like her. WTF?

The people who chose not to bang her in ME2 are crazy!


I'm pretty sure Yvonne will get some new roles. She's already had a couple... not much, but she's been busy with Chuck anyway.


Man, I can't believe how bummed people are at the finale of the show. I was grinning ear to ear during the whole final few minutes.

The notion of the group being completely on their own with practically unlimited funds to do whatever they want with little to no limitation, and having Morgan fumble around much more clumsily than Chuck with the intersect? There's gonna be a hell of a lot of entertainment for these last 13 episodes!
dLMN8R said:
Man, I can't believe how bummed people are at the finale of the show. I was grinning ear to ear during the whole final few minutes.

The notion of the group being completely on their own with practically unlimited funds to do whatever they want with little to no limitation, and having Morgan fumble around much more clumsily than Chuck with the intersect? There's gonna be a hell of a lot of entertainment for these last 13 episodes!

That's not the point. When Chuck was fumbling around we were invested. The show was Genuine, with a capital G. Now it's basically the writers saying to themselves, "you know what would be funny? Make Morgan the intersect!!"

Go back and watch the first season. Think about the emotional core of the show, what made it so endearing to us. And then think about why so many people are bummed out.


Well that's, like, your opinion man.

I personally don't think the feeling of the show has changed much at all...and yes, I have recently gone back to season 1 for a re-watch.

I don't think they made Morgan the intersect because they thought it would be "funny", I think it'll be awesome in the exact same way when Chuck got the 2.0.
dLMN8R said:
I don't think they made Morgan the intersect because they thought it would be "funny", I think it'll be awesome in the exact same way when Chuck got the 2.0.

I hope this forces Chuck to train and become a spy without needing the intersect. Knowing this show, they're just going to find a way to immediately give it back to him though.


WascallyWabbit said:
The people who chose not to bang her in ME2 are crazy!

Female Shepard is Best Shepard. /OT

Anyhow, I thought Yvonne had some other movie/TV thing going on, and hence why her hair was brown in some of those other pics?

Tkawsome said:
I hope this forces Chuck to train and become a spy without needing the intersect. Knowing this show, they're just going to find a way to immediately give it back to him though.

Noooo they need to keep the Intersect off of Chuck. He's too dependent on it now and the show is entirely formulaic on it.


SRG01 said:
Anyhow, I thought Yvonne had some other movie/TV thing going on, and hence why her hair was brown in some of those other pics?

She actually has a couple movies she's going to be in, one with Jason Statham and the other with Seth Rogen.
Just a reminder that music is up in case anyone wants it. Just hit me with a pm.
Cornballer said:
Chuck music is ready. I sent out a couple of pm's this morning to a few people, but I don't have time to spam a lot of you like I usually do. (Work is busy right now.) If you're a regular poster and you want a copy, just send me a message and I'll get back to you when I have time. Enjoy the music.

Also, it's going to be weird having Chuck on Fridays instead of Mondays in the Fall.
- Scott Bakula mentions that he'd like to return to Chuck if possible:
But the one lady Bakula perhaps most hopes to share scenes on TV with next is Terminator toughie Linda Hamilton, who plays his (shall we say estranged?) wife on NBC’s Chuck.“Oh my gosh, I’d love to — that’d be a blast!” he says of possibly working with Hamilton, who joined the spy comedy just as Bakula’s Stephen J. Bartowski was (seemingly?) killed off. “Somebody told me that in [last month's season] finale they intimate that I’m going to be back. But… we don’t know anything!”


Cornballer said:
Just a reminder that music is up in case anyone wants it. Just hit me with a pm.

Also, it's going to be weird having Chuck on Fridays instead of Mondays in the Fall.

Fridays will be awesome with Chuck at 8, Fringe at 9, and Goldrush Alaska at 10. =)
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