Can anyone explain the option for zone a certain area? How you can make an area "logging" or "mining"? It seems like this would take up a lot of real estate early on in the game. I've only unlocked the ability to buy 2 other zones in my area so i'm not that far along.
Also, why am I not able to upgrade the bi-directional 2 lane road up to a 4 lane road? If I demolish that road and put in a 4 lane road it will destroy all the houses and business that run along side it. Will I lose progress doing that? I assume my population would drop?
It almost seems like you need to use the higher capacity roads right off the bat but it's expensive.
Secondly, is it me or do Fire Stations barely cover any territory? I feel like in my relatively tiny town I need 5-6 fire stations just to cover most of the roads.
Thirdly, What are you people doing for Trash? I can't use any of the advanced trash handling buildings yet and the Landfill also has a distance marker, which means I have to trash up another part of my town by putting in a second landfill NOT right next to the original one.
Fourth and last comment. I've gotten to 5k population but it seems to refuse to grow. I have no "desired zones", my education levels are fine, low crime. The only thing I can tell is that traffic getting INTO my zone from the main highway is backed up really bad. In order to take care of that I have to do the road re-do that I mentioned at the top of this post.
You can create a district over an area with a particular natural resource, and then specify the respective industry type for that region. Then, when you zone industrial there, you'll get buildings specific to that industry, like timber mills or farms.
I think that's just the way it is, unfortunately.
Fire Station coverage shouldn't be that bad, as long as your road design is okay. Seems like they can usually make it to burning buildings on time even if it doesn't look like there's perfect coverage.
You can put landfills right next to each other. The ring indicator shows the pollution area. Usually garbage trucks have quite a good coverage area as well, so I just stick mine by the industrial area to begin with, and then add more landfills/incinerators as I progress, either in the same area or shoved off on side roads if it's by a residential area.
Yes, but you'll unlock the bigger fire house later and it covers a bigger area with more fire trucks. You can also set the "Smoke detector" policy which will cut down on fires.
That policy is pretty expensive. Is it actually worth it? I had it turned on for a little bit, but it took me from something like $6000 weekly profit down to barely breaking even. I guess maybe I could have turned off a fire station or something to compensate...