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Civilization V Brave New World |OT| More than Content Tourism


Definitely good to know. I usually traded away strategic resources because I didn't need them for buildings or units, but I assumed it would lower my happiness if I started trading away my luxury items. My only prior experience is Civ Revolution and I didn't care for Civ IV because it was so micro intensive.


Playing my first game of Civ and I have no idea what I should be doing or if I'm doing well. There's just so much going on. Ugh.

spend more time in the city screen. try to understand it. also understand what the special buildings do. it'll help you to generate great people.
Yes. Having 1 tile of gold with a mine on it counts the same as having 5 tiles of it mined in terms of your happiness. That's why multiple copies of the same luxury are useful early game, you can sell one off for basically 'free money' because you still get the tile bonuses from it even when you sell it, and have another copy for the happiness boost.

I also trade extras for other luxury resources that I don't have with other civs, 1 for 1. The AI doesn't usually end up with extras to spare early on, but every once in a while it becomes pretty viable in the late game to do this a bit for a bunch of extra happiness.


You get happiness for the first copy of a luxury you own. After that they do nothing, so it is in your interest to sell all but one copy (and acquire no more than one copy for ones you do not have access to via controlled tiles).

Which is why luxuries tend to spawn in clusters. 3 spice tiles here, 2 wine tiles there etc. The game is designed for you to trade with other civs.

I did make the mistake you mentioned earlier on a multiplayer game, where I kept a puppet state surrounded by farms instead of trade posts. It grew so big it was generating crazy unhappiness.


Hell yes! Was able to win my poor start Indonesian game, sent the spaceship off with Korea having theirs half-completed. It looked like larger and scarier nations were contemplating turning on me in the final stages of the game, but my compulsive defensive pacting of most nations in the game scared them away from it (that and my xcoms and defenses). Probably going to bump up the difficulty again, King is at long last starting to get too easy.


Won today as Arabia. Had a rough start (I mean, sure, I got Petra on a desert and about 3 gold mines on my starting city, but I lost National College), and Assyria was always ahead of me in points. I thought I could hold them off with my growth, but turns out they annihilated Ethiopia and expanded to take about 2/3 of my continent. I used that opportunity to go on war with them, taking over each of their cities and bringing Ethiopia back to life (which earned me quite a good rep with the other civs). By the end of the war they lost their capital, were left with one single city and I controlled most of the continent. After that it was pretty much me going for a cultural victory.

Also, the X-COM squad and Giant Death Robot descriptions are hilarious!


The back of the Chinese is finally broken. It was a long war, a costly war, a war that led to -9 happiness, but it was worth it. I have integrated the Americas. I think I have every single available luxury I may ever need. And the streamlining I did for my economy means I just crossed +200 gold per turn. Immediately after the war. Now to see if I can find a way to get the Iroquois and the Shoshone to go after each other.

Time for a question. The Chinese are in shambles. They have a couple of medium sized cities totally surrounded by my allied city states and my empire. Is it better to eradicate them completely or should I keep them alive? I haven't checked late game diplomacy much.


Whenever I start a CIV game I always feel like I must be missing something and am doing something wrong. 17 turns before I get a worker.Not knowing which research to pick and why. Using my warriors as a poor man's scout on the map...


With those times you did the right thing (as China) and went for Machinery before Civil Service or Education. You WILL need to double back ASAP to get Civil Service and Education up-they are the most important two techs of the post-expansion period

Forgive my ignorance, but why is Civil Service so important? I can understand Education, as science is everything in this game and it's important to start pumping out great scientists as soon as possible, not to mention making jungle tiles useful, but Civil Service? Is it just that it allows greater growth for river cities, and greater growth equals greater science? Is it the Pikeman, a fairly powerful unit that doesn't require any resources to build? Or what?
Forgive my ignorance, but why is Civil Service so important? I can understand Education, as science is everything in this game and it's important to start pumping out great scientists as soon as possible, not to mention making jungle tiles useful, but Civil Service? Is it just that it allows greater growth for river cities, and greater growth equals greater science? Is it the Pikeman, a fairly powerful unit that doesn't require any resources to build? Or what?

Yes, that is the main reason, however, chichen itza is a damn good wonder.


Whenever I start a CIV game I always feel like I must be missing something and am doing something wrong. 17 turns before I get a worker.Not knowing which research to pick and why. Using my warriors as a poor man's scout on the map...

I usually go for the tech that allows me to get my first luxury resource. This usually takes some turns so either start on your worker or build a monument if you want to expand your borders quickly and get some social policies.

Use your warrior as a scout until you have a worker, no point defending your cities if the barbarians have nothing to plunder. Try to meet nearby city states for early gold or faith and find ruins for bonuses as well. Once you get a worker return your warrior to your city and build a scout if you want to do more exploring.

I'm not a Civ Pro so take my advice at your own risk haha.


Time for a question. The Chinese are in shambles. They have a couple of medium sized cities totally surrounded by my allied city states and my empire. Is it better to eradicate them completely or should I keep them alive? I haven't checked late game diplomacy much.

I'd keep them alive. A weak empire you can push around or befriend. Oh, and the AI will hate you more if you wipe them out IIRC. If they become a nuisance you can always finish the deal later.


Does Tourism get you anything other than victory? Eg does just a moderate amount of tourism do anything if it's not enough to win a cultural victory? I feel like diplo, science and domination all have benefits from pursuing them even if you don't win that way.
Forgive my ignorance, but why is Civil Service so important? I can understand Education, as science is everything in this game and it's important to start pumping out great scientists as soon as possible, not to mention making jungle tiles useful, but Civil Service? Is it just that it allows greater growth for river cities, and greater growth equals greater science? Is it the Pikeman, a fairly powerful unit that doesn't require any resources to build? Or what?

Civil Service = free food. It is usually the difference between 10 surplus food/turn vs. 15 food/turn on a size 10 or so city. It's less important if you are a coastal empire and don't have lakes/rivers, of course, but you still need it for the most important tech in the game in Education ( the gap closer between a player and the huge headstart the AI gets).
Does Tourism get you anything other than victory? Eg does just a moderate amount of tourism do anything if it's not enough to win a cultural victory? I feel like diplo, science and domination all have benefits from pursuing them even if you don't win that way.

Maybe for being dominant, but as it stands I don't think so. I thought getting 100% would basically give me those civ's delegates or something, but nope.


Does Tourism get you anything other than victory? Eg does just a moderate amount of tourism do anything if it's not enough to win a cultural victory? I feel like diplo, science and domination all have benefits from pursuing them even if you don't win that way.

Since you generate it as a side effect from a lot of cultural activities, it's just kind of there as you shore up your defence. I wouldn't bother with hotels and stuff though unless you're specifically going for cultural victory
Does Tourism get you anything other than victory? Eg does just a moderate amount of tourism do anything if it's not enough to win a cultural victory? I feel like diplo, science and domination all have benefits from pursuing them even if you don't win that way.

It keeps other civilizations from influencing you when you have a different ideology, but that's about it.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Does Tourism get you anything other than victory? Eg does just a moderate amount of tourism do anything if it's not enough to win a cultural victory? I feel like diplo, science and domination all have benefits from pursuing them even if you don't win that way.

If the civilizations you have a good tourism rating on do not share your ideology, they'll take happiness penalties.
At >100%, they're practically unbearable, even for "Lulz i've got 50+ happiness" deity AI.


Rodent Whores
Just tried out the Jesuit Education trick with Siam, along with the free Wats with Legalism trick.

Dang, lol. Went from 50 ish science to over 100 in a single turn.


Well my game with China is going great. I was able to knock the French out early and gain a massive resource and tech lead. I don't think ill get a domination win though. I got kind of sidetracked building stuff lol. Thats always my problem with strategy games is that I usually get preoccupied with city building and avoid combat. The chinese uu was pretty awesome for sieging cities though, I didn't even need siege units to take Paris.


Well my game with China is going great. I was able to knock the French out early and gain a massive resource and tech lead. I don't think ill get a domination win though. I got kind of sidetracked building stuff lol. Thats always my problem with strategy games is that I usually get preoccupied with city building and avoid combat. The chinese uu was pretty awesome for sieging cities though, I didn't even need siege units to take Paris.

Well, think about it like this: building stuff is fun, but letting someone else build stuff and then taking it from them is almost as fun.
I love the last few turns of a domination win when you surround the last capital with a giant army and take your time bleeding it dry

Battleships and subs are so OP when your enemies haven't finished upgrading from frigates and ironclads lol


Well my game with China is going great. I was able to knock the French out early and gain a massive resource and tech lead. I don't think ill get a domination win though. I got kind of sidetracked building stuff lol. Thats always my problem with strategy games is that I usually get preoccupied with city building and avoid combat. The chinese uu was pretty awesome for sieging cities though, I didn't even need siege units to take Paris.

China is beast mode. Free attack twice promotion on ranged is crazy, and their double great general combat bonus is nothing to scuff at.

Well, think about it like this: building stuff is fun, but letting someone else build stuff and then taking it from them is almost as fun.

I'd say it's even more fun to prevent somebody else from building stuff while you build your own. Just going to war to raid somebody's trade routes and pillage their improvements is a good way to lock up their economy and get some quick cash for yourself, and often they'll give up a bunch more of their shit just to get left alone!


Is there literally any reason to never take 'tithe' if you're founding a religion? It's still seems completely broken, perhaps a little less so now that everyone can make mad bucks with trade routes.
Just finished up a Diplomatic victory as Brazil on King. Started off with a jungle start but spawned next to some stone. Lots of citrus around the area (all the citrus as it would turn out). The only two players on the continent were Attila and Gandhi. At first I was scared that Attila might declare against me, but he went against Gandhi, after which they were apparently engaged in a perpetual war until the end of the game. Ended up settling 3 cities, one of them which could work Sri Prada.

Unfortunately I couldn't get Chichen Itza or the Forbidden Palace, but I used a GE to get Leaning Tower of Pisa and then used the GE from that to get Globe Theater. I also managed to get both Porcelain Tower and Taj Mahal just by straight up building them. I didn't really care about getting to found World Congress as I was also looking to get the Dark Horse achievement.

Eventually I managed to get a tech lead that got bigger and bigger and I was able to get all the wonders I wanted. Ideology wise, almost everybody went Order and Autocracy while I and Venice went Freedom. Thankfully the King AI has no idea how to produce tourism so all that did was make them massively unhappy. The greatest sufferer of this was the Shoshone, who overexpanded and were at -46 happiness. City after city revolted to Persia. They didn't even change ideology until I managed to vote through Freedom as World Ideology.

I tried to do the eternal carnival but sort of messed up. I should have waited until the Freedom tenet that makes Golden ages longer. At the end of the game, I beelined Satellites and got Hubble with a GE. Used the GS's along with Oxford and the Rationalism finisher to get me to UN. I then moved all my spies to capitals and got myself voted World Leader with a comfortable 44 votes (needed 36).


Whenever I start a CIV game I always feel like I must be missing something and am doing something wrong. 17 turns before I get a worker.Not knowing which research to pick and why. Using my warriors as a poor man's scout on the map...
You want to take a good look at the tiles that surround your city. You will initially want to research the tech that will get you your closest nearby resource. Make sure to check the type of tile it is as well, because you need different techs for marsh, forest and jungle.

You will want to 99% of the time build a scout first. Keep your warrior within 8 tiles of your city at all times in case of a barbarian wandering near your city.

Now one of the things you will learn is that you don't have to rush a worker out. Take a look at how long your research will take to learn the tech to improve the tile you want and try and line it up for when the worker will come out.

Now if you have multiple varying resource tiles around you, click on your city and go into city view. You will then see according to the purple hexagon where your city will next expand to. If it shows more than one, you can influence which of those tiles it will expand to buy researching the tech which confers to the tile resource.
New to 4x games, on my first game, and I think I made the mistake of treating the AI like a dumb computer last night.

The world hates me because I took over a few city-states. Didn't trust the Incan guy so I kept spying on him and twice uncovered him plotting against someone who denounced me. Finally get a heads up that he's making his move on someone so I follow his frigates with mine til I find him amassing an army to attack the Netherlands.

Hoping to get a chance to redeem myself and save the Netherlands when he declares (and also use that opportunity to cripple my only threat) I park a few frigates and battleships right next to the channel between him and the Netherlands to strike when he makes his move.

Only it never comes. I watched him move a few troops onto the other continent, but shortly thereafter he pulled them. I then spend 10 turns waiting for him to commit and he doesn't. Finally I just attack him because the forces I built to help cripple him had amassed and had nothing better to do.


How're ya'll fitting religion into your games?

I pretty much only play on Emperor, and if my random leader doesn't have a faith based unique ability/building, or I don't luck into having a faith generating natural wonder nearby, I'll generally just ignore religion all together as I have so many other things to focus on getting up and running in the early game. I've yet to go Piety in Brave New World, which kind of bums me out because there's some new stuff in there, but it just doesn't seem to hold a candle to the tried and true tradition and liberty starts.


I have been doing pretty well on prince and was thinking about moving up to king. Is there a huge bump in difficulty?

I just did this last night and I noticed right away that the AI seems to be a little ahead in stuff like finishing wonders, having workers and settlers faster, etc. Doesn't seem like it will be too much of a problem to catch up though.


I usually go for the tech that allows me to get my first luxury resource. This usually takes some turns so either start on your worker or build a monument if you want to expand your borders quickly and get some social policies.

Use your warrior as a scout until you have a worker, no point defending your cities if the barbarians have nothing to plunder. Try to meet nearby city states for early gold or faith and find ruins for bonuses as well. Once you get a worker return your warrior to your city and build a scout if you want to do more exploring.

I'm not a Civ Pro so take my advice at your own risk haha.

this is what i do always. always a sucker for the early happiness.

won my first game. science victory. if i waited a bit longer cultural victory was up for grab. 2 of Montezuma's city revolted and joined me. poor guys was war with stronger Attila and i didn't have any interest in him, yet he's loosing his cities :D


The ai seems pretty advantageous. On two separate occasions I have noticed they will declare war on you as soon as you get entrenched fighting another empire and have minimal military presence in your cities. They also seem to back down whenever you fortify a position. Good stuff and makes the game more interesting.


The ai seems pretty advantageous. On two separate occasions I have noticed they will declare war on you as soon as you get entrenched fighting another empire and have minimal military presence in your cities. They also seem to back down whenever you fortify a position. Good stuff and makes the game more interesting.

Yeah, I almost always make sure to have a couple of units outside of my territory so I can spot when a neighbor decides to send a massive army my way with the idea of declaring war once it arrives. Since my scouts normally give me enough of a heads up that a war is coming, I'm able to reposition my troops to best defend against the attack, and more times than not the AI notices my increased defense and retreats without ever actually declaring war. It's pretty cool to see that war isn't always inevitable, and can actually be avoided at the very last minute by simply showing the AI some muscle.


You can also dissuade them from war by signing last-minute defensive pacts. I might not have won my last game had different AI nations not warned me that I had neighbors plotting my downfall, was all the push I needed to organize another group pact and put them off the scent.
kinda miss playing on babby mode and coasting

I tend to enjoy games with non-top tier Civs at a level of difficultly below normal for me (Immortal instead of Deity). It's really hard to extract a unique and cool win with an interestingly themed but overall underpowered Civ like Byzantium (for example) on Deity without just doing a "safe" victory by the numbers.

edit: Still working on the Civ reviews for BNW-I have two articles I am writing not Civ related and a podcast to cut over the next couple of days, so my time is somewhat short atm. They will get done though.


Rodent Whores
It's really hard to extract a unique and cool win with an interestingly themed but overall underpowered Civ like Byzantium (for example) on Deity without just doing a "safe" victory by the numbers.

Agreed on Byzantium. I tried them the first time on Deity, but by the time I founded a religion, all the good stuff had been taken for my extra belief. At that point I said, what's the point?, and restarted on emperor in order to try out some neato religious combos.

I did try it again on Deity again later, but this time I rerolled until I got a nice desert start, lucked out on Desert Folklore, and got a religion up quickly enough so that I could get both Religious Texts and Itinerant Preachers because fuck everyone else's religion. I didn't even have to bother sending any missionaries or prophets out at all, lmao. (Pangaea map).


Neo Member
Last time I played the game before 1.5 year , did they nerf the late game units and made it harder to capture cities or is it me . I remember the helicopter being too powerful and guided missiles doing lots of damage .

Also you guys weren't kidding about Babylon , I just won a game on king difficulty with science victory on turn 290 with every CIV trying to make research agreement with me , I was so ahead in science that I could have build any wonder I wanted without worrying about the AI .
Dear George Washington

You are a great patriot and one of the founding fathers of nation that went on to build one of the most impressive empires of all time.

However, if you could participate in a single-just one even!- game of mine and not feed one of the early aggressive civs I would very much appreciate it.



Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Dear George Washington

You are a great patriot and one of the founding fathers of nation that went on to build one of the most impressive empires of all time.

However, if you could participate in a single-just one even!- game of mine and not feed one of the early aggressive civs I would very much appreciate it.


I'll add my signature.

Really, it's pretty impressive how Washington ends up being feed for nearly anyone.
Last time I played the game before 1.5 year , did they nerf the late game units and made it harder to capture cities or is it me . I remember the helicopter being too powerful and guided missiles doing lots of damage .

Also you guys weren't kidding about Babylon , I just won a game on king difficulty with science victory on turn 290 with every CIV trying to make research agreement with me , I was so ahead in science that I could have build any wonder I wanted without worrying about the AI .

Helicopters...good? I honestly never touch them because the lancer is just so useless. And by the late game you have rocket artillery and tanks, which makes conquering cities much easier.
Mongolia is an awesome Civ. Just finished a quick little domination victory, duel sized map with an extra civ, and I spent all game terrorizing and pillaging the other civs with horsemen and Keshiks. Easily won by 1450AD, could have been even quicker if i didn't have so much fun roaming around being a dick.
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