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Civilization V Brave New World |OT| More than Content Tourism


World Congress with Alexander as an opponent fucking sucks.

then again i did hit industrial era techs in 1645 (dead)
It switches in a couple hundred years if you've got enough delegates.
You can always vote for someone than yourself too, since for me the AI always votes for themselves. For instance in one game I voted for Sweden since they had the 2nd most delegates and our combined votes overthrew Alexander.


Why o why did I try and go for a culture victory with The Ottomans. Even with his changes I still hate this bastard.

Worst civ. GG.


You can always vote for someone than yourself too, since for me the AI always votes for themselves. For instance in one game I voted for Sweden since they had the 2nd most delegates and our combined votes overthrew Alexander.

I tried to take the council away from the Shoshone by adding my 3 delegates to the Egyptian's 4 but still everyone else voted for themselves. Egypt and the Shoshone tied with 7 each and they kept it. I wish diplomacy could have been more granular. But I guess I'm gonna have EU4 for such things.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I tried to take the council away from the Shoshone by adding my 3 delegates to the Egyptian's 4 but still everyone else voted for themselves. Egypt and the Shoshone tied with 7 each and they kept it. I wish diplomacy could have been more granular. But I guess I'm gonna have EU4 for such things.

i THINK you can trade those votes, with a diplomat in the trade partner's capital.
Started my second game and after getting a religion bonus for discovering some ruins I realized I never even founded a religion in my first game. Whoops.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It switches in a couple hundred years if you've got enough delegates.
Eliminate the current host or wait for the next era to begin.

Ah crap, better bribe some of them CS then.

World Congress with Alexander as an opponent fucking sucks.

then again i did hit industrial era techs in 1645 (dead)

Any opponent Civ that relies heavily on CS will screw you regarding that. You have to be fast enough to get as many CS in your side.


I was on continents, isolated from everyone else and was being lazy about scouting (fuck). Now i can tell certain civs are thinking of trying to stunt on me (Carthage and Greece). This fucking asshole alexander embargoed CS too so now i have literally 13 gpt.

My only hope is to DoF Persia, sign defensive pacts, and maintain a defensive army. Or I could devour Persia I guess.
Man Darius is sooo awesome in BNW since you can concurrently produce Great Artists and Great Scientists at the same time. Go Freedom for the GG foreign legions and the golden age bonus and just go all Team America: World Police on their asses.

Three movement speed artillery is absurd when you beeline and oxford it. Scoot and shoot with those guns when everyone else has muskets and pikes is completely gross.
I forgot to mention, rapidly expanding in my new game (bumped up one difficulty level) and not having Manifest Destiny, holy crap was I battling unhappiness for a while. Not used tot hat at all.
Honor's pretty bad for domination, to be honest. Better to just crap out some cities with Liberty and make a clump of smaller but productive cities to churn out units if you're looking to wage war.

The Aztecs, due to the cumulative power of their UB (Floating Gardens) are generally better off as a Tradition opener. You want to stack that growth % as much as you can with them and build immense cities. You can go scout->jag as your first two builds in capital to get some culture from the barbs just fine.

edit: Doing some hard rethinking about some of my play today. I need to start stealing workers from the AI AND from a city state, it would help my builds greatly to do so.


Rodent Whores
edit: Doing some hard rethinking about some of my play today. I need to start stealing workers from the AI AND from a city state, it would help my builds greatly to do so.

My main motivation for stealing another civ's worker on Immortal or Deity isn't really for my usage, but to deny them the early worker. Those cheating bastards.
it really doesn't matter-they can build a new one in like 1-2 turns and they all have double work rate on higher difficulty levels. That's what makes Deity starts so "unfair"-they get up to high population levels blisteringly quick since they are always working developed tiles and get Civil Service on like turn 55.


Rodent Whores
it really doesn't matter-they can build a new one in like 1-2 turns and they all have double work rate on higher difficulty levels. That's what makes Deity starts so "unfair"-they get up to high population levels blisteringly quick since they are always working developed tiles and get Civil Service on like turn 55.

Every little bit helps, though. Perhaps it is more to do with them consequently getting pissed and focusing their production on war instead, as they send their troops off to die in my lands. Bwahahahahaha.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
edit: Doing some hard rethinking about some of my play today. I need to start stealing workers from the AI AND from a city state, it would help my builds greatly to do so.

My main motivation for stealing another civ's worker on Immortal or Deity isn't really for my usage, but to deny them the early worker. Those cheating bastards.

See, I never do any of that. I always steer clear of war early on so I can get my cities settled and get a good foundation going first. I don't think I've ever stolen a worker from any other civ, other than in very late game wars. And if I free other civ's workers from barbarians I usually return them for the diplomacy bonus, especially if it's a city state. Maybe I need to try being more aggressive very early on, break out of my "peaceful nature" playstyle.


research labs before 1900


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Honor's pretty bad for domination, to be honest. Better to just crap out some cities with Liberty and make a clump of smaller but productive cities to churn out units if you're looking to wage war.

The Aztecs, due to the cumulative power of their UB (Floating Gardens) are generally better off as a Tradition opener. You want to stack that growth % as much as you can with them and build immense cities. You can go scout->jag as your first two builds in capital to get some culture from the barbs just fine.

edit: Doing some hard rethinking about some of my play today. I need to start stealing workers from the AI AND from a city state, it would help my builds greatly to do so.

So Honor (and by extension, pre-BNW Order) sucks even if going for a militaristic civ huh?


the payoffs just arent that good. If they actually strengthened your units a little more, or perhaps gave you better ways to deal with unhappiness, the tree would be great.... But it's just a waste.
research labs before 1900

Oxford'ing Plastic REALLY speeds this up btw if you are trying to turbo out science.

I really dislike Honor and have honestly never played a G&K on 7/8 where there were not better choices to spend policy points, even for Militaristic civs. What it comes down to is that melee units are not what you build attack forces out of , ranged units are. And ranged units are uber on defense.

The AI can throw away melee units to trade with your units but you cannot do that on higher Civ difficulties.


Oxford'ing Plastic REALLY speeds this up btw if you are trying to turbo out science.

I really dislike Honor and have honestly never played a G&K on 7/8 where there were not better choices to spend policy points, even for Militaristic civs. What it comes down to is that melee units are not what you build attack forces out of , ranged units are. And ranged units are uber on defense.

The AI can throw away melee units to trade with your units but you cannot do that on higher Civ difficulties.
I like Honour for domination, but only when you're able to buy lots of policies. If anything, I think it got better with BNW and it's great for Poland and Germany, for instance.
Sure, Discipline and Professional army suck, but being able to see barbarians and get culture for every barbarian killed is great early on, it means you fill the policy trees earlier and you can protect your trade routes. I also like getting generals faster and buying them with faith, and the free one making a citadel could grant you an extra luxury resource before the neighbours can reach it. +1 happiness, +2 culture per city and +50% xp don't hurt either.

Also, Honor is probably the only policy that makes Autocracy a viable choice IMO, but maybe it's because I like to play as Bismarck even if I know he's on the weak side.


how do you guys do that that fast?
I agressively expanded and teched in a beeline to national college. Im using the sShoshone. I have great library and Oxford as well. I have religion set up o give me science from conversion. It helps that Im playing continents, dominated my only local rivals the byzantines, and Im playing on prince. I couldnt recreate this on king or immortal.
Also, Honor is probably the only policy that makes Autocracy a viable choice IMO, but maybe it's because I like to play as Bismarck even if I know he's on the weak side.

Autocracy is plenty viable via a Liberty/Commerce/Autocracy or Tradition/Commerce/Autocracy pattern (assuming land, and not water, maps, where Exploration or Patronage might be better). You don't need the gold from Honor for Autocracy if you supplement it with better policies elsewhere (and it's not hard to find better policies) and use puppet cash to snowball, annexing the good cities. The tree is just too focused on melee units. Only if you literally plan on going full war constantly the minute you get a sufficient mass of composite bows does it pay off via range/logistics upgrades for your archers.

Maybe honor is better at slower game speeds than normal, but I don't play at those speeds due to the amount of time it takes to finish a game.


- Expand to 3 cities (tradition) or 3-4 cities (liberty). Stop and build out libraries ASAP. Buy them if you have to. If Tradition, hard build the National College in your capitol. Else if Liberty, use the "free' great person to rush build it.
- DO NOT STOP AT GO DO NOT COLLECT 200 gold tech straight to Education.
- In the meantime get Theology early and build Gardens if you can. National Epic if you are Tradition in captial.
- Build Universities ASAP. Run two specialists. If that kills your growth, go on food focus for a while and ship more food in via caravans/cargo.
- Every great scientist gets settled in the capital area where you build the National College.
- Choose Rationalism as soon as you can. Head down the right side of the tree first. Get the Porcelian Tower. Make friends and aggressively sign RAs. Tech straight for Scientific Theory unless you are food light, if so then tech to Fertilizer first and track back to Scientific Theory. Grow your cities at the expense of trade income if you have to. You want +15 food surplus in capital and at least 10 in the other major cities. Aqueducts are a must ASAP and are relatively cheap to rush buy.
- Build public schools, run more specialists. Settle all scientists produced until you get to around 20 turns until the tech before Plastics completes.
- Time the completion of Oxford on the same turn that the last tech before Plastics is complete. Use that as your free tech.
- Build or buy Research Labs everywhere. Roll around in science. Run more specialists.

When doing this it is actually easier to play nice and try to keep neighbors at bay. What you will need to blunt an AI attack depends on terrain you expect them to approach.


I agressively expanded and teched in a beeline to national college. Im using the sShoshone. I have great library and Oxford as well. I have religion set up o give me science from conversion. It helps that Im playing continents, dominated my only local rivals the byzantines, and Im playing on prince. I couldnt recreate this on king or immortal.

this is what i don't do. i set the Parthenon based on my surrounding terrain.

in my latest game byzantine is my neighbor, she was spamming me with her missionaries. had to declare war, kept it up until Dynamite. that sweet artillery and it's 3 tile range.


Late game, yes, you pay that much. I tend to delete all but a couple of workers after the railroads are built out.

I see, thanks.

One small thing as well, if you build a railroad over the road, does it cancel the 1gold per turn for the road or it stacks?
I guess if you remove the road first it takes longer and it gets rid of improvement tiles too.

I'm not sure if it's my laptop melting or because it's the mac edition or me not noticing due to lots of cities but I could swear it hiccups with the order/purchase screen sometimes - in that it lets you buy the same units over and over and takes your money for it. Doesn't usually happen but I remember feeling like it did about 2 or 3 times in the huuuugeee game I played, my first game and I'm pretty new to it despite having put in loads of hours already but I could haven wrong of course.

I also had to switch it to the strategic view to save my laptop from overheating and slowing to a slide-show, ran a lot smoother like that.
I read on a different board that only happened after G&K.

Will probably try bootcamp or something like that.
this is what i don't do. i set the Parthenon based on my surrounding terrain.

in my latest game byzantine is my neighbor, she was spamming me with her missionaries. had to declare war, kept it up until Dynamite. that sweet artillery and it's 3 tile range.

Pantheon selections for me come down to :

terrrain based faith > food/population help > culture . So I think you are doing it right.

I really don't like Messenger of the Gods (the science one) that much at all except MAYBE in a spammy Mayan game, but I don't like the "ICS" style of play in general since you just run out of good room really fast.

One small thing as well, if you build a railroad over the road, does it cancel the 1gold per turn for the road or it stacks?
I guess if you remove the road first it takes longer and it gets rid of improvement tiles too.

Replaces the road, but costs 2 gold/tile upkeep vs. 1 gold/tile upkeep. Still worth it for the hammers and mobility.

BTW, if you guys haven't been playing domination games with airports at the endgame, check it out. They are wonderful for moving units to other continents.


Autocracy is plenty viable via a Liberty/Commerce/Autocracy or Tradition/Commerce/Autocracy pattern (assuming land, and not water, maps, where Exploration or Patronage might be better). You don't need the gold from Honor for Autocracy if you supplement it with better policies elsewhere (and it's not hard to find better policies) and use puppet cash to snowball, annexing the good cities. The tree is just too focused on melee units. Only if you literally plan on going full war constantly the minute you get a sufficient mass of composite bows does it pay off via range/logistics upgrades for your archers.

Maybe honor is better at slower game speeds than normal, but I don't play at those speeds due to the amount of time it takes to finish a game.
Interesting, I used to play with Tradition/Commerce/Autocracy. Now with the ideologies and influence, Autocracy looks the weakest to me, even though I'm still using it. It has some pretty shitty tenets, and most leaders seem biased towards Order and Freedom. The discontent has a heavy price, and Autocracy has nothing to help against influence.

By the way, I still don't understand how "Futurism" works. How long does it last after the great person is born?


this is what i don't do. i set the Parthenon based on my surrounding terrain.

in my latest game byzantine is my neighbor, she was spamming me with her missionaries. had to declare war, kept it up until Dynamite. that sweet artillery and it's 3 tile range.
I picked Goddess of Love for my pantheon cause I was expecting huge ass cities, but if I was smarter I would have gone with Sacred Path. I guess its time to give out terrain based faith.


So I just got this and it's so addictive. I feel like I'm playing too randomly with my turns and choosing what to research/produce etc. Is there any sort of strategy that'll help me grasp the mechanics and I guess "streamline" my approach to the game whilst I get used to it?

Also, when is it a good time to go to war with an opposing Civ? Thanks for any advice.


Rodent Whores
I guess its time to give out terrain based faith.

Usually this is the thing to go to since your religion is much easier to establish and become dominant the earlier you get it started. That accumulated faith also help in the late game as well once you can buy great people with it.
Interesting, I used to play with Tradition/Commerce/Autocracy. Now with the ideologies and influence, Autocracy looks the weakest to me, even though I'm still using it. It has some pretty shitty tenets, and most leaders seem biased towards Order and Freedom. The discontent has a heavy price, and Autocracy has nothing to help against influence.

Autocracy is the weakest in a vacuum. It does have some extremely strong synergies with rush buys if you have the spare culture during the midgame to grab Mercantlism. If you're a small empire looking to win via using a big army though, Autocracy is the way to go (as it was before BNW). I found that I could pretty easily "beat" happiness through puppets building castles/arsenals/miltary bases on their own and just controlling mercantile city states. When I needed a boost I just build or bought experience buildings for the +2 happy.


So I just got this and it's so addictive. I feel like I'm playing too randomly with my turns and choosing what to research/produce etc. Is there any sort of strategy that'll help me grasp the mechanics and I guess "streamline" my approach to the game whilst I get used to it?

Also, when is it a good time to go to war with an opposing Civ? Thanks for any advice.

i go to war when i've dynamite. have couple of horseman with +1 sight and use the artillery.

edit :
Usually this is the thing to go to since your religion is much easier to establish and become dominant the earlier you get it started. That accumulated faith also help in the late game as well once you can buy great people with it.

engineers and scientists :D


Just finished a culture game with Brazil. They are ridiculously strong for culture generation, and I was surprised that Rio was a lvl 40 city by the end of the game. I think by the end I had about 25 turns of golden age left and it just snowballed from there.


Just finished a great game. I didn't really play well, although Domination on turn 250 on Emperor is pretty good for me, but it was very intense because I was in a pretty terrible situation at one point.

I played as the Chinese and had a solid start. Went with Tradition and built just two cities (the second of which had some desert tiles so I went for Folklore and Petra, although it wasn't as amazingly effective as it was in other games I had), then I went for the National College and straight to Cho Ko Nus (Chinese unique crossbowmen that can fire twice in the same turn). Using this amazing unit I was able to clear my continent from Ethiopia and Korea who didn't really put up a fight and were really nice to me before so I felt kinda bad eliminating them both. After having the continent to myself rather quickly, I had the problem of my happiness always hovering around zero.

I embarked a unit across the ocean to meet the rest of the world. The other continent was populated by India, Egypt and France. Napoleon was as always aggressive and weak at the same time. Gandhi had huge cities with tons of wonders and pretty much no army (which I noted). Egypt was the leader both in score and tech and as always had a ton of wonders in the capital.

I wanted to take advantage of the Cho Ko Nus while they were still relevant so I almost immediately (after reaching acceptable levels of happiness) sent my entire army to the other side of the world to take out India. Crossbows sail very slowly so it took a while but once I was there the Cho Ko Nus managed to snag one of Gandhi's coastal cities. I then marched on Delhi, but annoyingly he built the Great Wall so it slowed me down considerably and I lost quite a few units taking it. After making peace with Gandhi (leaving him with one or two cities) I thought I might try to recover a bit and then take out France and Egypt with later tech. However I realized that while I lost a significant part of my army against India both France and Egypt have eclipsed me militarily and were already using muskets. I decided that my only chance was to use the unique unit to the fullest so I built a ton of Cho Ko Nus and kept them around Delhi next to the French border. I then declared war, hoping that Napoleon who had a bigger army would take the bait and fight me (stupidly, like the AI does) inside my own territory with the Great Wall. Of course he did not disappoint, and I killed wave after wave of Muskets, Crossbows and Knights, all while getting my units promoted. I had to take Lyons because it was on the road to Paris, so I did that. By this point, naturally everyone in the game hated me (except some City States which I took care to keep allied) and I couldn't really trade for luxuries. Taking India's huge cities as well as Lyons tanked my happiness to -10. At the same time, Ramesses decided (correctly) this was the time to attack me. I had it coming and I also got a warning from a Spy a turn before but I was now in a problem. The deals with Egypt being cancelled meant that I now had -16 happiness. Also, Egypt managed to snag a couple of city states on my home continent which also declared war on me.

So I was now fighting in four fronts: Egypt's sizable (though ineffectively managed) invasion force composed of Muskets and Knights while I still had Cho Ko Nus, France which I still needed to take the capital from, City States on my own continent which had very little army at this point, and rebels created by the terrible unhappiness in my empire.

At this point I thought I would probably lose the game because of taking too many cities and not handling happiness correctly. I kept playing this rather hopeless situation just for the heck of it, but then I thought of something: the World Fair (which I suggested and everyone was as usual on board for) was about 60% complete, and I had put by far the most hammers into it (while the others were building an army evidently). I was also a couple of turns away from getting another Social Policy, and I was 3/5 on the Commerce tree. I had an idea of timing winning the prize for the World Fair (free social policy) after getting another social policy through culture, so I could quickly get the Commerce finisher and get a ton of happiness. To do that I had to hold on for around 7 turns with starvation and a war on four fronts (against Riflemen now, still using Cho Ko Nus). I played really carefully to lure Egypt into my own borders and kill them in home territory. At the same time I marched forward to Paris. In my home continent, I rushed several defenders and narrowly avoided a City State taking one of my undefended cities. I also managed to keep the rebels (three separate waves) under control, although they pillaged a ton of resources and killed units and workers.

I won the World Fair and got the Commerce finisher, immediately raising my happiness to +6. Egypt saw that the tide was beginning to turn and agreed to an honorable peace. A turn or two afterwards I captured Paris and made peace with Napoleon. At that point winning was a given. I went straight for Factories and bought three of them so I could get Order first and grab the Tenets that would solve my happiness problem for good. Napoleon and Ramesses who hated my guts used the World Congress to screw me over by banning luxuries that only I had, but luckily I didn't need too much happiness at that point to get rid of Egypt.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I always pick Desert Folklore even if I don't start on a city with desert, because I know I'll settle in one eventually (dat Petra)
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