This thread needs a new subtitle.
I said that right before the expansion came out!
Any suggestions? No need to keep it REM related.
This thread needs a new subtitle.
City states only play defensive really.
1. Is there some trick to putting fighters/bombers into a carrier? I couldn't seem to do it. Does it have to be really close or something?
2. What exactly is science? By the end I had like 1600 science per turn but from like 1300-1600 nothing changed. The turns to research something new never really changed. Is it just for making researching faster (fewer turns).
3. All my cities were set to default, is there some sort of strategy I should be employing with my cities?
4. All my cities pretty much built everything. Is there some rhyme or reason for not building all buildings? Should I be making certain cities only build certain things?
I bought God's and Kings after day 1 but haven't even tried it yet since I've been playing the same saved game this whole time. Is there anything I need to know going into it for my next game?
1. Is there some trick to putting fighters/bombers into a carrier? I couldn't seem to do it. Does it have to be really close or something?
2. What exactly is science? By the end I had like 1600 science per turn but from like 1300-1600 nothing changed. The turns to research something new never really changed. Is it just for making researching faster (fewer turns).
3. All my cities were set to default, is there some sort of strategy I should be employing with my cities?
4. All my cities pretty much built everything. Is there some rhyme or reason for not building all buildings? Should I be making certain cities only build certain things?
1. Is there some trick to putting fighters/bombers into a carrier? I couldn't seem to do it. Does it have to be really close or something?
2. What exactly is science? By the end I had like 1600 science per turn but from like 1300-1600 nothing changed. The turns to research something new never really changed. Is it just for making researching faster (fewer turns).
3. All my cities were set to default, is there some sort of strategy I should be employing with my cities?
4. All my cities pretty much built everything. Is there some rhyme or reason for not building all buildings? Should I be making certain cities only build certain things?
I was recently laid off, so I started playing this four days ago and already have 34 hours racked up. It's my first Civ game. My eyes are bloodshot and I haven't eaten a proper meal in days due to the "One more turn" syndrome, and before I know it it's always 3 AM.
I recently finished my second game. About 10 turns before I won my cultural victory that bastard Alexander launched a nuke on one of my cities, so I decided to take over absolutely everything (since it was just me and him at that point). I have so many cities now that this happens often:
I'm finding little annoyances with the game, like for example, how a city HAS to starve if it can't generate enough food for itself... there really should be some way to transport resources. I also don't really like the way the game is "won," or the fact there's really little to do afterwards. Do any of you guys keep playing past the end, or just up to a goal? I assume that on higher difficulties just beating the AI is what makes the game worth repeated playthroughs.
ok so i'm in my 3rd game and am finally playing the expansion God's and Kings. I'm on continents plus in a huge map with 10 civilizations and 20 city states. I wanted to try out the religion and stuff but i'm kind of lost.
I'm at around turn 200 and i've got one spy in each of my two main cities. They keep everyone in check as they are already special agents. I've got such a technological lead since i'm babylon that every time i send a spy out they say that I got nothing since i'm too far ahead.
Is there anything else I can do with my spies since i'm ahead of everyone technology-wise? What does sending them to a city state do?
and at around turn 200, i'm not really sure what the point of religion is anymore... I've got a great prophet and I just kind of send him around to other enemy cities to convert what little followers they have, but thats it. I have like 1800 faith and I dont need to buy missionaries or inquisiters because my cities are my religion and my spies are keeping it safe.
So what do I do with all my faith now? What do I do with religion? Whats the point of it now? I already enhanced my religion as far as i can i think. Whats the point of getting followers in other cities except to benifit the little religion benefit buffs? And what does pressure mean on the cities?
Religion just kind of seems like nothing after awhile. Is there something i'm missing?
Use spies to raise/lower the influence of your and others' relationship with city states and start a coup to remove someone as a city-state Ally. I mainly use them for guarding my own technology once I've built enough of a lead. Also, spies are great for cities you're attacking with indirect fire because they let you see cities that might be obstructed visually.
Once I've fully built up my religion and spread it sufficiently, I'll start hoarding faith points for late game Great Person purchases. Having a steady stream of Great Artists is awesome for a never ending Golden Age, or fields of Custom Houses from faith-purchased Great Merchants.
Any suggestion on how to survive a siege? Between 10-20 turns i get overwhemed with troops from the Siriam empire. Im using the Japanese, a very small empire just with 3 cities close to each other and not much of a military. I was playing a pacifist but i commit the kistake of building a road between an alied city state and myself. It pissed the guy off![]()
Im also in a weapons disadvantage. It seems i didn't invest in much military technologies. The bastard sends like 15 units at the same time. I subscribe a protection agreement with Mongolia before i get attacked but it doesn't help in any way.Defending from a siege is all about defensive maneuvers. I usually just have the city and a long range unit whittle the enemy down. Once the opponent is weak enough I send a melee unit in. Wars are a pain without proper planning because of how long it takes to create and mobilize an army.
They declared war but it didn-t made any difference. I don't know what to do know, since i just keep one save file. Also im pretty green with this game obviously so im taking baby steps here.Did Mongolia not declare war? Protection agreements aren't very good unless you're on the same continent as your ally. Restart from your last save? It may feel cheap, but if you're outnumbered, outclassed, and the war was started over something trivial then there's no shame in that.
They declared war but it didn-t made any difference. I don't know what to do know, since i just keep one save file. Also im pretty green with this game obviously so im taking baby steps here.
Anyway i'll see how it goes and report later. In the mean time siege resisting strategies are welcomed.![]()
Any suggestion on how to survive a siege? Between 10-20 turns i get overwhelmed with troops from the Siriam empire. Im using the Japanese, a very small empire just with 3 cities close to each other and not much of a military. I was playing a pacifist but i commit the kistake of building a road between an alied city state and myself. It pissed the guy off![]()
Any suggestion on how to survive a siege? Between 10-20 turns i get overwhelmed with troops from the Siriam empire. Im using the Japanese, a very small empire just with 3 cities close to each other and not much of a military. I was playing a pacifist but i commit the kistake of building a road between an alied city state and myself. It pissed the guy off![]()
So i see, you could say... make a comeback and take over everything, but the game won't recognize you as a winner.No, not really. It just let's you continue playing on that map. Sometimes I play a game until I run the whole world! But if I'm bored with the state of things I just start a fresh map.
So i see, you could say... make a comeback and take over everything, but the game won't recognize you as a winner.
I'm really getting my @ss kicked by the game.
So i see, you could say... make a comeback and take over everything, but the game won't recognize you as a winner.
I'm really getting my @ss kicked by the game.
Thanks, i'll try to check it out later.Civ Rev is fine. Hardcore players prefer the PC games, but the basic mechanics of Civ are there and still fun. Maybe rent before you buy?
Exactly. I think learning the game is part of the experience, but if you're still struggling don't hesitate to use the CivFanatics War Academy. It's got some very detailed explanations on the mechanics.
Sigh... I really want to play CiV again but considering the improvements added in G&K, i don't want to play without it. But neither do i want to pay 30 for it, it is just too much.
Hmm. 22.40 from a local video game store hmm...
Sigh... I really want to play CiV again but considering the improvements added in G&K, i don't want to play without it. But neither do i want to pay 30€ for it, it is just too much.
Hmm. 22.40€ from a local video game store hmm...
I'm waiting for the next big Steam sale to see if the expansion drops down a bit. I really want it now, but I've got plenty of other games for now. I can be patient. If I don't see a price drop before Christmas then I'll cave, lol.
Change list Civ V Balance Patch
Updated: November 1
- Mod Browser - The "Get Mods" button is now hidden if the user has disabled the steam overlay.
Civilizations and Traits
- Ottoman naval upkeep is now fixed. Save games that were started before the fix will not be corrected.
- German UA and Oligarchy social policy now work together correctly.
City States
- Mercantile CS now only get a unique luxury for their first city (and not the cities they conquer). Unique luxury is removed upon capture (players can no longer get it by taking over a CS). Unique luxury is given back upon liberation.
- Prevent double counting of resources when an improvement is gifted to a minor civ, then the minor civ techs up to activate the improvement.
- Research Agreement code was previously giving double-credit to research "overflows" (i.e. when you finished a tech and the extra research was being applied to the following tech). Now the credit toward a RA will be based on Science earned that turn.
- Corrected an issue that caused the AI to attempt coups too often, when chances of success were too low. Also implemented a new factor: Attempting a coup in a location where there is no defending spy (the current ally does not have a spy there) is >=2x as likely to work as it would if there was a spy there.
- Resurrecting a player will have both sides forget any denouncing that happened before resurrected.
- Don't treat player as a deal breaker just for going to war with a player again.
- Do not let a player earn the 2 free techs from the Rationalism Finisher twice. Also removed the +1 Science from Libraries from that finisher.
- If you intentionally starve your city by reassigning all your citizens to be unemployed, you won't end up with more citizens than you have population.
- Fix Found Religion screen so you can't find out about civs you haven't met by mousing over the religion icons.
- Correct "Peace Loving" belief so it doesn't negate other happiness benefits from religion.
- Rebuild religious pressure in case it was corrupted in older save games.
- Clarify Interfaith Dialog so it mentions that Prophets earn you science too (not just missionaries).
- Removed notifications that appear at the beginning of the Fall of Rome and Mongol scenarios about lacking the proper strategic resources.
- Dutch now will build farms before polders are available.
- Do not allow Carthaginian units to spawn on mountains.
- Do not allow Carthaginian Workers to end turns on mountains.
- AI will now build more workboats and will improve oil plots in the water.
- Automated workers that don't have anything to do will not consume all their movement.
- Allow rush built units to trigger the operation they were built for to proceed into Gather Units phase.
- Fixed an issue where automated workers evaluated danger incorrectly and consequently behaved incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where citizen management focus on Production (and possibly others) could lead to starvation.
- Clicking on an unemployed citizen to set them back to work does not "unlock" locked citizen assignment.
- The logic to recommend Artist improvement placement now does not count plots where improvements can't be placed, e.g. oases.
- Add additional sanity checks for deceptive attacks. Previously, if an AI was choosing to deceptively attack, they would not check to determine if it was a good idea or not the moment before launching, which could result in dumb attacks.
- Fix unit de-selection so the mini-map indicator clears.
- Better Next Unit selection. Previously, the camera would jump great distances to select the next unit that needs orders, when a closer unit was available.
- Unit cycling improvement: when a unit is promoted, do NOT cycle immediately off that unit.
- Change minimum area size for all naval units to 10 (from 20). That allows them to be built in the same cities as harbors, seaports (and great admirals) -- i.e. on any body of water not considered to be a "lake"
- Fix advanced promotions for melee naval ships.
- Restore missing Cover 2 promotion entries so it is available to units again.
- Fix a hang if a (melee) unit advanced across the world wrap seam after a combat.
- Correct Great Admiral AI placement bug that prevented it from selecting a valid coastal city of yours.
- Unit list now re-sorts itself correctly when a unit is promoted.
- Subs are no longer visible (all the time) in Hot Seat mode.
- Don't give GG points from Barbarian ranged attacks.
- Helicopters now take damage when ending their turn over mountains.
- Interception promotions now help the right unit (had previously been reversed).
- Evasion promotion helps the right unit (had previously been reversed).
- Two top-of-screen messages added to explain what is going on with intercepts (one for if the attacking air unit is eliminated, and another if he is just damaged).
- Fixed a unit movement issue that broke melee attacking from more than one hex away.
- Janissary heals 50 instead of 100 when killing enemy units.
- Supply promotion now heals 15 HP outside friendly territory; matching text (was 25 HP).
- Added a check to make sure that after a city is disbanded (ex. razed), the units remaining on the plot are allowed to be there. If not (ex. naval units), then they are moved to the nearest valid plot.
- Fix for barbarians that would not move the turn after they spawned.
- Have Great Engineer pick both the wonder and the city it needs to be built in (the bug was that the AI could repeatedly try to build a wonder in a city that it couldn't).
- Make sure Caravels and Destroyers always have the Withdraw before Melee promotion, even if you don't own DLC02.
- Barbarians should now spawn in their camp if it is empty of combat units instead of beside it.
- Many performance improvements, particularly in the renderer.
- Pathfinder fixes and optimization.
Text Bugs
- Fixed several text bugs.
- Fixed rare crashes that could occur depending on hardware.
- Only the alive civilization capitals are tested for majority religion in "We are family" achievement.
- Added missing Polish Dawn of Man audio.
- Advisors: Messages concerning your people being unhappy/livid now display correctly (a bug was causing this to fire at the wrong time).
- Economic Overview: Don't list diplomacy values as an expense and an income at the same time.
- Fix auto-scrolling between turns. If a user was scrolling when a turn ended, or when combat ended, it would occasionally get stuck and continue scrolling.
- Fix unit de-selection so the mini-map indicator clears.
- Reduced Happiness a bit from Mercantile City States. You no longer get +1 bonus happiness going from Friends to Allies (since you already get the luxuries then). And eliminated the +1 Happiness entering Industrial era.
- Ballistics now requires Railroads. This will force the AI to get railroads before getting too deep in the tree.
- Pillaging tiles now awards +25 hit points to the pillaging unit.
- Tweaks to culture border growth:
o Should get coastal resource tiles a bit sooner.
o Should mildly steer towards tiles that are near unclaimed resources.
o Should get resource tiles in rings 4 and 5 a bit sooner.
- Austrian UA balance changes:
o Increase the cost of a City-State by at least the amount of gold you will get from scrapping their units.
o Must be ally for 5 turns before you can undergo a diplomatic marriage with a City-State.
o "Yoink!" achievement is now: "As Austria, acquire a City-State with 15 or more units through Diplomatic Marriage."
- Pilgrimage belief now gives +2 Faith per foreign city following this religion.
- Follower and Pantheon beliefs provide Local Happiness; Founder beliefs provide Global Happiness
- Faith output per city is now listed in the economic overview - general information panel. Note: Faith output per city is hidden if religion is disabled.
- AI: Buy Missionaries in city with Great Mosque as TOP priority (even over Holy City if different).
- Tall/Wide Religion Balance Change: Add Grand Temple (National Wonder).
Diplomacy & Espionage
- New peace deals. Now 9 AI levels instead of the previous 5 (so one new level added between each of the earlier ones). Peace levels are now:
o 0: White Peace (give up nothing)
o 1: Armistice (1/2 gold, 1/2 of max GPT)
o 2: Settlement (all gold, max GPT)
o 3: Back-down (all luxuries, all gold, max GPT, open borders)
o 4: Submission (all resources, all gold, max GPT, open borders)
o 5: Surrender (one city)
o 6: Cession (1/4 city value, 1/2 gold)
o 7: Capitulation (1/3 city value, all gold)
o 8: Unconditional Surrender (all but capital, all gold)
- Peace deal code now prioritizes both cities that are close to winner's capital AND cities that were originally built by winning player (previously it was distance only).
- Reduced espionage notification spam. Will only be notified of election and coup activities if you have met them and (have a spy in the city or are friends with them or have a relationship with them that is above the resting point.)
- Added ability to liberate cities that are not owned by their founders or originally owned by the player. The player will receive a diplomacy bonus with the liberated player for liberating up to three cities. This liberation is not part of the "recalled to life" resurrection of a once annihilated civ. This functionality only runs if the city liberated is owned by a player that is alive. There are two ways to lose the diplomatic liberation bonus are:
1. Declare war on someone you have liberated cities for. You have to be the first player declaring war. This does not count defensive pacts or someone you liberated declaring war on you.
2. Capturing a city from someone you liberated. This case comes into play if A liberated a city of C's, then A & B have a defensive pact, C declares war on A & B, then A captures a city of C's. C will forget that A liberated any of their cities.
- The AI will now liberate cities and resurrect players. There are notifications when the AI resurrects players and cities. An AI will resurrect another (non-human) player when they are trying to win a diplomatic victory. An AI will return a city if the original owner of the city has a defensive pact with the player and they are both at war with the previous owner of the city, or, the AI and the original owner have a declaration of friendship and the AI is going for a diplomatic victory.
- Diplomacy: Peace treaty duration scales with game speed.
o Quick: 10 turns
o Normal: 10 turns
o Epic: 15 turns
o Marathon: 30 turns
- Diplomacy: Declaration of Friendships/Denouncements now scale with game speed.
o Quick: 50
o Normal: 50
o Epic: 75
o Marathon: 150
- Changed diplomatic globals:
o The opinion thresholds (unforgivable/enemy/competitor/favorable/friend/ally) have been pushed farther apart. They were initally 50/30/10, now 80/40/15.
o Diplomatic intrigue bonuses have been lowered by 1/2, from 20 to 10.
o "Asked Stop Spying" penalty dropped from 20 to 10.
o There are a number of changes to the duration of city-state interaction penalties, greatly reducing their duration.
- Diplomacy overview improvements. Now displays "your open borders/embassy", "their open borders/embassy", "shared open borders/embassy"
- With making deals, AIs will notify you when they're not willing to give enough on their side to make the deal work. This addresses some issues where you ask an AI to propose a deal and they say "we can't make a deal" and then you propose a lop-sided deal and they accept it. They will say "we aren't willing to give you enough to make this a fair trade."
- Other civs won't warn about expansion unless the player has founded a city in the last 10 turns.
- "We attacked your protected City-State" statements are now triggered by damage done (ex. killing a unit) rather than simply being at war. As a result, the statement should no longer be triggered by a quick succession of DoWs (such as those done automatically by a CS changing allies).
- The AI will no longer ask other players to join in a war when they are already involved in at least one.
- Unit Balance Changes:
o Drop Ironclad to 45 combat strength (from 50).
o Remove +33% vs. Cities from Battleships.
o Drop Gatling Guns to 30 Combat and Ranged Strength.
o Make sure Air Ambush 2 and Air Targeting 2 work for fighters and bombers.
o Carriers now get naval melee promotions instead of naval ranged.
o Prize Ships Balance Change: 50% chance of converting ships with equal intrinsic combat strengths. Scales up and down (between 28% and 80%) based on relative intrinsic combat strengths of the two ships. Conversion chance if you do sink the opponent is shown in blue text on combat preview window.
o AI attackers will now pillage.
- Promotion balance change: make the +200% vs. Cities promotion go away on upgrade.
- Promotions: Push back Air Logistics promotion for Fighters and Bombers so it requires Bombardment 3 (not 2) or Air Siege 3 (not 2).
- If the AI is able to build the UN, but would not win based on the current vote breakdown, have the AI refrain from constructing it unless conditions change.
- AI adjustments to Wonder build priorities.
- Tactical AI Improvement: Spend more gold on defense. AI will now spend gold at their cities where tactical dominance is EVEN (before it had to be enemy-dominated). AI will now also spend money on naval and air units for defense in such cites (before it was only land units and defensive buildings).
- Changes to AI settling:
o Expand the ring search.
o Flatten the value of rings a bit so that tiles in the further rings are worth a bit more.
o Make the default preferred spacing further for players not going for extreme expansion.
o Lower the value of tiles a bit so that the AI is a bit pickier about settlements.
o AI will try to reclaim lost settlers and builders.
o AI will no longer wait forever for a settler escort.
o Minor tweak to settlement location.
o More aggressive offshore expansion.
- Do not give priority to bonus resources in rings 4 and 5 when deciding next tile to grow towards.
- Tweak to AI settle to reduce bonus of tiles in rings 4 and 5 if already owned.
- Small change to make Haile Selassie less keen to expand wide.
- AI will now consider annexing cities it has conquered.
- The AI will not consider annexing if it is trying to win a culture victory or their empire is currently unhappy.
- Increased happiness flavor for circus to match Colosseum.
- Tactical/Homeland AI Improvement: Do not heal if under enemy ranged fire (that is making you lose more HP per turn than you can heal).
- Allow AI to capture civilians more than 4 hexes from their cities.
- Have AI build its units for sneak attack at a slightly higher priority if at high difficulty levels.
- Have AI weight Biology a bit stronger especially if liking tanks and airplanes (unlocks oil).
- AI tweaks to help coastal based civs:
o Change to settlement (cities beyond the first also prefer coast).
o Buildings that help coastal Civs have flavors adjusted (they didn't take some rules changes into account).
o Do not force high Naval civs to build a large navy (15+ ships) in the first 100 turns.
o Make Dido deceptive (as historical).
- Tweaks to allow cities to make better use of extra tiles from previous change:
o On average on extra worker or two will be built.
o Slightly less prioritization of connecting up luxuries (still the highest priority).
o Allow one tile islands to be settled (if they have a resource on them).
o Slightly more prioritization of production tiles.
o Builders will emphasize the capital so that it will always be a nicely developed city.
- City Governor AI:
o Prevent focused city AIs from starving as much.
o Make a wonder that has already been started in this city a higher priority.
o Lower the value of food for the governor when you have a large surplus.
- UI
- Add in a UI overlay that shows which AI is processing its turn.
- In the detailed view of a mod in the mods browser, additional required mods will display their title if it has been provided instead of the ID of the mod.
- Add an Exit to Main Menu button to the player change screen in Hotseat.
- Added "Restart Game" option to game menu. This option lets you restart the game and generate a new map using your current pregame settings. It's only available at Turn 0.
- Advanced settings are now persisted across multiple single player games.
o NOTE: This feature can be disabled by setting "PersistAdvancedSettings = 0" in Config.ini
- The top panel now displays the month of the year if the game speed is so slow that it actually matters.
- Messages about a player losing their capital and regaining it are now included in the replay log.
- Messages about a player being resurrected are now included in the replay log.
- Fixed an issue causing the replay graphs to be corrupted when a player was resurrected.
- Display currently active mods in the single player screen.
- Add a separate graphics option for enabling/disabling the GPU texture decode.
- Fractal added to the map short list and random map types.
- Garrison ring properly disappears when unit moves out of city.
- Resource icon stacking. At lower resolutions, the resource icons clip into the date display along the top. We now hide the part of the list that clips if its too long, and instead, the player can mouse-over the list to see all the resources.
- Better timing for pop-ups (finding ruins, etc.).
- Auto unit selection improvements:
o On load, only cycle to the next unit if the currently selected unit is not ready for selection.
o Swap the direction that the CycleRight and CycleLeft buttons move the selection in the cycle list.
o When closing the city screen. Re-select the last unit that was selected.
o If the player has auto-unit-cycling off, don't auto-select the unit that is blocking the end turn.
- Further refinement to pop-up reordering. Pop-ups should now "feel" correct each turn (in the right order, at the right time).
- Don't prompt the player when removing fallout. Just do it. The prompt incorrectly referred to the action as removing an improvement.
- Switch a number of Great Merchants to Great Admirals. Add Great General: Hannibal and Great Merchant: Jakob Fugger.
- Optimized overlay system (culture borders, etc.). This system is now making half the draw calls that it did before.
- Flavored all the civs for anti-air and air-carrier.
- Add a combat weapon parameter that allows for a projectile that is not going to do any damage to have a "miss" radius. The helps spread out projectiles when there are a lot of attackers, but only one or two targets.
- Modding: Fix the hard-coded length of the promotions boolean array.
- Modding: Provide a way for Lua to query if the UI is in "Touch Screen" mode UI.IsTouchScreenEnabled().
- Many performance optimizations specifically targeted to Ultrabooks with Intel Core processors with HD Graphics.
- New launcher button for Windows 8 Intel touch-enabled version.
- Touch/Gesture Support:
o New gesture menu button on main menu, and when you bring up the main menu in-game.
o New sliders to control zoom and momentum speed in Options menu.
o Single finger tap for all UI buttons.
o Single finger drag for scroll bars or two fingers together swiping to scroll menus by gesture.
o Single-finger touch and drag to see tool-tips (terrain, UI, etc.).
o Pinch and expand finger for camera zoom.
o Two fingers dragging together moves map.
o Three finger tap is escape (from other menus, or to bring up Main Menu).
o Unit Control:
+ Single-finger tap to select unit, and then drag to issue a movement order, or...
+ Double-tap to enter movement mode.
+ Once in movement mode, single-tap on destination to issue an order, or touch and drag to preview movement path.
Touch/Gesture Support:
o New gesture menu button on main menu, and when you bring up the main menu in-game.
o New sliders to control zoom and momentum speed in Options menu.
o Single finger tap for all UI buttons.
o Single finger drag for scroll bars or two fingers together swiping to scroll menus by gesture.
o Single-finger touch and drag to see tool-tips (terrain, UI, etc.).
o Pinch and expand finger for camera zoom.
o Two fingers dragging together moves map.
o Three finger tap is escape (from other menus, or to bring up Main Menu).
o Unit Control:
+ Single-finger tap to select unit, and then drag to issue a movement order, or...
+ Double-tap to enter movement mode.
+ Once in movement mode, single-tap on destination to issue an order, or touch and drag to preview movement path.
FUCK YEAH AT THESE! Time to start up a new game!
- Fix auto-scrolling between turns. If a user was scrolling when a turn ended, or when combat ended, it would occasionally get stuck and continue scrolling.
What these games need the most is a "remind them who the asshole is" diplomacy option.
Like, when a neighboring country just decides to hate me for no fucking reason, attacked one of my cities in the past but now we're almost-cool, yet has killed a naval unit for no reason and captured a worker who was working in my own land, and then I have the AUDACITY to station military units along the border, he shouldn't get off free and easy complaining about it as if I were planning to attack.
Don't forget having real reasons to hate you before actually hating you.I think Civilization can be more fun with something similar to numerical Reputation parameter on EU3 visible to player. This way we could determine how much we are hated.
Don't forget having real reasons to hate you before actually hating you.
Don't forget having real reasons to hate you before actually hating you.
For what it's worth, a friend has been playing Fallen Enchantress, and believes it has a more credible take on diplomacy than Civ. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
I don't care for the reputation system, because it artificially and arbitrarily constrains conquest, and not all nations are going to view all actions in the same way. A universal system doesn't make much sense, and I thought I heard they're getting rid of it for EU4. The good thing about the system, on the other hand, is that it's transparent and at least attempts to model the player's reputation in the world, which a lot of games don't try to do. They just need to rework it significantly.I think Civilization can be more fun with something similar to numerical Reputation parameter on EU3 visible to player. This way we could determine how much we are hated.