Any people pro at attacking? I need tips on how to 3 star this base. I have included my army in the pics, the only difference is my queen will be level 7 by the time war starts. Also I'm researching balloons 6 and will have lava at later day but that's for then.
My clan has been having issues lately at war, I think it's because middle (th9s) are having hard time getting 3 starts on other th9, and th10s are rarely getting 3rd stars and helping but rather wasting attacks on strongest opponents where they sometimes get 1 or even 2 but most often 1 attack is wasted at least. And noone up there wants to change, they are "strongest" and must attack strongest people sigh, so it's hard to try new things.
Strongest attacks at TH9 are GoLavaLoon, GoHog and LoGoWiPe.
That base is a TH9 variation of the Dragonflower, a popular TH10 base design.
LoGoWiPe is difficult with this one.
In theory you break through to middle and hope that you get all the air defense so your back end loons can do the rest. But since the air defenses in this base are pretty spread out this is going to be hard.
GoLavaLoon would go like this:
Send golem and king and queen (few wizards to creat funnel) to kill enemy queen, enemy clancastle and at least one air defense. You will probably need a jumpspell, too.
Then 3 lavas for all the remaining air defenses and spread loons(maxed of course, don't try it with lv. 5 loons) nicely around the base.
This would easily crush this base but your heros are a bit low. With high level heros you'd easily take out queen, cc-troops and two air defenses, but your heros will have a hard time even getting one air defense and with 3 air defenses remaining your loon drop needs to be spot on.
Without any experience this is going to be hard, too.
A few weeks ago penta lava loon would've worked, too. But since the patch the lava pups aren't targeting the queen as agressively anymore, so the queen would probably end up taking out all your loons.
GoHog is similar to GoLavaLoon:
Kill the queen and clancastle with a golem and your heros(and few wiz), then send in the hogs. Heal placement important.
But this base has places for double giant bombs(hogs dead instantly) and your hogs are only lv. 4. One certain bomb place is in the compartment where the king is.(maybe you'll even be able to pop these bombs with you killsquad for the queen.) Where the other bombs are is hard to say. Looks like the only other place where two giant bombs fit is right next to the king compartment where the xbow is. But it doesn't make much sense to have two double giant bombs right next to each other. Everything else are places for single giant bombs, if you're quick with your heal spells you can deal with them.
Maybe if someone attacks this base first and you know the bomb places you can work around them, but without knowing bomb places its risky. A skilled hogger could maybe go surgical on this base so only a few of your hogs die because of double giant bombs, but you'd need lv. 5 hogs and a lot of experience for that.
Sooo, easy three star would be GoLavaLoon with high level heros, but with your heros its difficult, not impossible but difficult, especially with no experience.
Thing is when GoLavaLoon goes south you end up with zero stars or one star, same for GoHog.
LoGoWipe on the other hand gets you 2 stars easily, but the 3rd star is very hard.
If someone can donate a maxed golem you can try your luck with GoLavaLoon, it probably won't work but you have to start practising it at some point anyways.
If you want to play it safe go for LoGoWipe, should be two stars, maybe with a lot of luck 3 stars.
But its not the ideal strategy here, that would be GoLavaLoon with high level heros.
Go in from the top left side.
2 golems, both for the middle compartment on the top left side, 2 wallbreakers. Don't place them behind the golems or the will get fucked by a mortar.
Spread wizard behind the golems, when the outside buildings are gone place pekkas(2). The enemy clancastle should pull your troops into the townhall compartment, so don't use a jumpspell for that. Make sure there are enough wizard behind the pekkas because pekkas take ages to kill cc-troops. Also they should be under rage at this point. Open up the three central compartments with a jump spell. Place jump spell on enemy clancastle for that. Keep your troops under rage and heal in the middle(bring 2 rage, 1 jump, 1 heal) and hope that they'll take out all the air defenses.
Once the air defenses are down start with your back end loons. You don't need to wait till both are down, as soon as one side is down place the loons there, 2 for each remaining defense. The earlier you place them the better, because as long as the archer and wizard towers are still targeting your troops in the middle the loons will have a good time. But don't place them when air defense is still standing because then loons will have a bad time.
If this doesn't work out you'll have at least two stars.
If GoHog and GoLavaLoon don't work out you'll end up with zero or one star.
Here is a site where they collect tutorials on how to beat certain popular bases:
The TH10 dragonflower is amoung them, check it out maybe.