Getting a 3 star at TH8 is not easy... at least not for me. Dragon pathing has to work out perfectly or else you're getting 2 stars at best. I'm getting close to max TH8 and I still get 1 star attacks against other TH8s pretty often with mass Drags.
How are you attacking?
Dragloon isn't that hard. Zap one air defense, funnel your dragons correctly so they reach the remaining two ADs as fast as possible and place donated max loons behind them(they can reach the air defenses even faster, time them so that they are still behind the dragons when the air defenses start targeting the dragons)
Comes down to experience I guess. But the warclans have moved on from TH8 for a reason. Everyone was 3-starring TH8 everytime and the attack strategies aren't very variable.
You have Dragloon, that works on any base.
And you have Hogs, works on any base, too, if you know how to avoid double-bomb spots. Lv. 4 hogs annihilate TH8 defenses.
Problem is most people move on to the next townhall level before maxing out their troops and learning the attack strategies properly.
At TH8 thats already a problem. Most TH8s never attack with lv. 4 hogs because they move on to TH9 before they have lv. 4 hogs.
But at TH9 this get even worse, only very few TH9 actually have the patience to max out their heros(lv. 30) and walls because even when you're super active that takes well over a year without gems.
But you can't expect to do well in clan wars when you don't max out your base and troops. It may take a while, but you need that time practicing anyways. Getting two war attacks every other day means that it'll take months to get your strategies down.
How to deploy your loons in a GoLavaLoon attack, or how to deploy hogs surgically isn't something you can pick up from a few youtube videos. It takes practice, months of practice.
Now war clans will move on from TH9 because it has become too easy. They were already 3 starring all TH9s, match up between war clans were always decided by who got more 3 stars on TH10, because 3 stars on every TH9 were a give.
And now 3-starring has become even easier.
But the war community is very small. Most clans will continue to bring lame gowipe attacks or hilariously bad executed hybrid attacks they saw on youtube(not that thats a bad thing, trying good attacks and failing is still infinitely better than doing gowipe) and they will continue to have a hard time 3-starring bases.
My clan has over 100 war wins and we rarely are matched( I think war wins have an influence on matchmaking) with other clans who know what they are actually doing. The last time I saw a well executed hybrid attack against us was probably 10 or 15 wars ago.
And I have yet to see a queenwalk by any of our enemies, even though queenwalks are the most powerful attack strategy you have at TH9.