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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?


Re: new players The biggest GAF clans are full now but the 50 person "Neogaf" clan (the only one spelled that way specifically) will boot a couple inactives this week and post here when there's some open. Just giving some time for those busy with the holiday to get active again (even though this was the best weekend ever to be active!)
Started a couple days ago and am at arena 4. Seems like a fun game thusfar, anything special I should be doing while advancing? I'm assuming if I dislike cards I shouldn't bother to level them unless it's cheap and/or I NEED the xp.

Why isn't this thread in community?

I wouldn't bother upgrading cards unless I want to use them in ladder. Card levels are adjusted for challenges and tourneys anyway.

Tourney level decks easily gets you to Arena 10.


Started a couple days ago and am at arena 4. Seems like a fun game thusfar, anything special I should be doing while advancing? I'm assuming if I dislike cards I shouldn't bother to level them unless it's cheap and/or I NEED the xp.

Why isn't this thread in community?

Just started this a week ago, been playing it relentlessly. So. much. fun. Just got to Arena 5, so making some progress. Would love to join the GAF-clan if there's any room for me!

I reinstalled after a long time away yesterday - playing casually and trying not to let this grip me as hard as it did the first go-around, but I'd love a clan invite when available! I found several GAF clans but unsure which one is active/prone to more casual pacing. I think my ID is 2VV9P8P00

Playing with notifications off is much more amenable to not letting this take over all of my free time!

Ok so the "Neogaf" (Clan tag #V8CGRR) just booted out four people who've been inactive for a month if any of you want to join! I dropped out trophy requirement down to 1k for a couple days for you guys. Edit: actually, bumped the trophy req to 1600 cuz the spam requests to join were so bad.


Ok so the "Neogaf" (Clan tag #V8CGRR) just booted out four people who've been inactive for a month if any of you want to join! I dropped out trophy requirement down to 1k for a couple days for you guys. Edit: actually, bumped the trophy req to 1600 cuz the spam requests to join were so bad.

FYI, your tag is #Y8CGRR ;)

If any new player does not get a spot at Neogaf, feel free to join Gaf (#QYYQCQ, you have to search with it including the hashtag).
The clan is closed right now due to the spam of join requests so please post here and tell us when you want to join so we can open up the clan at that time.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Man the meta is so stale right now. Every deck seems to be EB and/or GY. Kinda hating EB for that reason. But I'm part of the problem :)


I don't see much graveyard on ladder in the 4500-4700 range, but ebarbs are everywhere. As is MM and ice golem. Still seeing a fair amount of RG too, and of course a bunch of hogs.


As long as hut decks don't become meta, I'm happy. Right now it's at the opposite of the meta, so my deck feels very safe from nerfs.

This is what I've been running to climb, not sure how my comp is. I'm currently running barb hut/gob hot/skarmy/giant/witch/arrows/fireball/spear gobs and it has been serving me pretty well, been climbing consistently and almost always am facing higher leveled opponents now that I have arena 6 unlocked. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them, I've been fairly successful baiting out aoes then dropping hut supported skarmys but I'm not sure how long that'll be a viable strat. Aerial units are an issue, especially baby dragon, but no counter unit I've subbed in has been worth the loss in power I receive in other matchups.

I know it was mentioned that I should be cautious about spending my gold, but I'm not sure how I'd level otherwise. As a level 5 I've been facing opponents up to level 9 and the pure difference in tower strengths can be staggering, especially given my build.
Hey could I get the last slot invite into the NeoGAF clan I'm pistonsledge #2LQ00RQGY, just started and I'm at 506 trophies, lvl 3. Starting to get the hang of it.

I've won about 75% of my battles so far, it doesn't seem to keep track of that outside of battles won though, so that's fine.
This is what I've been running to climb, not sure how my comp is. I'm currently running barb hut/gob hot/skarmy/giant/witch/arrows/fireball/spear gobs and it has been serving me pretty well, been climbing consistently and almost always am facing higher leveled opponents now that I have arena 6 unlocked. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them, I've been fairly successful baiting out aoes then dropping hut supported skarmys but I'm not sure how long that'll be a viable strat. Aerial units are an issue, especially baby dragon, but no counter unit I've subbed in has been worth the loss in power I receive in other matchups.

I know it was mentioned that I should be cautious about spending my gold, but I'm not sure how I'd level otherwise. As a level 5 I've been facing opponents up to level 9 and the pure difference in tower strengths can be staggering, especially given my build.

The problem with that deck is that it will absolutely get demolished by aerial decks. A witch just isn't enough to take down a Balloon, and your spear gobs will get zapped to death. Fireball/Poison will also wreck your deck.

I'm currently at 4000. I've got two versions of a hut decks, but I use the same 4 cards: Barb Hut, Goblin Hut, Ice Wizard, Musketeer.

Deck 1: Giant Skeleton, Arrows, Guards, Cannon (offense oriented)
Deck 2: Barbs, Lumberjack, Fireball, Zap/Log (defense oriented)

The usual tactic I do is to focus on gaining elixir advantage in the first ~90 seconds. Huts are essentially like Elixir Pumps, except that that instead of creating elixir, it creates a steady pressure. Barb Hut is placed in front of the castle (1 tile spaced vertically), Goblin Hut on the lower left/right of the tower. With 30-60 seconds left, you can start stopping hut placements and focus on your win condition cards.

Playing against:
Hogs: Use Cannon/Barb Hut/Barb/LJ/Guard + Support
Aerial decks: Ice Wiz + Musket will demolish them. Zap/Arrow Lava Pups. Use Barb Hut to distract Lavahounds. For non-Lava decks, you can start with Goblin Hut.
Lightning Decks: Bad matchup. Make sure 2 huts can't be hit by 1 lightning. What I do is to place a Goblin Hut as distraction on one lane, then put all my eggs to the other lane. People tend to ignore a Goblin Hut pressuring a lane by itself because spears deals 50 damage, but this adds up to 650 damage per hut. This is more than a Rocket.
Rocket Decks: You can place the Barb Hut in a way that they can't rocket both hut and tower. Once you get a feel for his deck and you built up enough elixir advantage, you can be ballsy and place huts next to the river.
Golem Decks: Freaking easy. Barb Hut will take care of a Golem on its own. Kill the support with other cards.
Graveyard/Goblin Barrel/Miner: You can use Guards/LJ/Barb/Cannon/Musketeer/Log/Arrows/Zap.
Royal Guard decks: Barb Hut can tank a Royal Guard, but you really want Ice Wiz to support it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I hate fighting hut decks. I think the reason why is because all you have to do is put down huts and that's it. That's the entire offense/strategy. Everything else is used to defend. Given the advantage defenders have, in many metas it's an effective strategy. As soon as I see one hut go down, I just attack the other tower, especially if they use a barb hut. Depending on my deck, it can be almost impossible to defend a 10 elixir push with only 3 elixir, especially once I see your entire deck. Maybe poison will make a return one of these days. Too bad it was nerfed into oblivion.


This is probably the least amount of fun I've had with this game since it came out. I'm not sure what was worse, the Royal Giant or Elite Barbarian meta. Up until the most recent buffs/nerfs, everything felt balanced. Now, not so much. At this point it feels like Fireball, The Log, Zap, Elite Barbarians are the standard 4 cards everyone is using with a random assortment of 4 cards matched with them. Hopefully the new cards coming will help to shake things up along with some adjustments to current cards.

My play style just does not work in this meta so I'm struggling to find fun decks to play. I like to play smartly aggressive, but any type of aggressive moves get punished severely by opponents dropping Elite Barbarians in the opposite lane. I know aggressive play isn't the best way to play generally, but I enjoy putting opponents on their heels and get them out of their card rotation. To me, the best defense in this game is an aggressive offense. Now it is play defense then attack when your opponent screws up.

I'm playing a deck that feels like death by 1000 paper cuts to play. It's working, but not fun to play at all. It's Ice Golem, Zap, Mega Minion, Miner, Skeleton Army, Furnace, Poison, Elite Barbarians.

Yes, I also realize I posted a deck last week that praised Elite Barbarians, but that was before everyone caught on how good they were post-update. :p

Evo X

I just started playing a few days ago since my nephew showed me the game. Are there any openings in a GAF clan?

My tag is DemonFang343 #2QLVPR29U. I'm a level 4 with 653 trophies currently.


FYI, your tag is #Y8CGRR ;)

If any new player does not get a spot at Neogaf, feel free to join Gaf (#QYYQCQ, you have to search with it including the hashtag).
The clan is closed right now due to the spam of join requests so please post here and tell us when you want to join so we can open up the clan at that time.

Whoops, thanks :) hard to read their weird font on a phone. We're all filled up now at any rate!

Ninja Dom

Hey, leave the Royal Giant alone.

It's not changes to the Royal Giant that made him popular (his last change was a nerf in August) but it's the appearance and changes of other cards that have made him popular.


I just started playing a few days ago since my nephew showed me the game. Are there any openings in a GAF clan?

My tag is DemonFang343 #2QLVPR29U. I'm a level 4 with 653 trophies currently.

You can join GAF too. Send a request to GAF with the # from my previous post. I'll open it for you now.

Edit: Sorry, we just filled up. I'll let you know when a space opens.
This is probably the least amount of fun I've had with this game since it came out. I'm not sure what was worse, the Royal Giant or Elite Barbarian meta. Up until the most recent buffs/nerfs, everything felt balanced. Now, not so much. At this point it feels like Fireball, The Log, Zap, Elite Barbarians are the standard 4 cards everyone is using with a random assortment of 4 cards matched with them. Hopefully the new cards coming will help to shake things up along with some adjustments to current cards.

My play style just does not work in this meta so I'm struggling to find fun decks to play. I like to play smartly aggressive, but any type of aggressive moves get punished severely by opponents dropping Elite Barbarians in the opposite lane. I know aggressive play isn't the best way to play generally, but I enjoy putting opponents on their heels and get them out of their card rotation. To me, the best defense in this game is an aggressive offense. Now it is play defense then attack when your opponent screws up.

I'm playing a deck that feels like death by 1000 paper cuts to play. It's working, but not fun to play at all. It's Ice Golem, Zap, Mega Minion, Miner, Skeleton Army, Furnace, Poison, Elite Barbarians.

Yes, I also realize I posted a deck last week that praised Elite Barbarians, but that was before everyone caught on how good they were post-update. :p

Yeah it feels like you need skeleton army and praying to god they dont gave zap/log to counter elite barbarians.

Like, regular barbarians kinda work as a counter, but theyll end up damaged/dead. Goblins dont reeally stop elite barbarians. Theyre deffo broken. You need either skele army or regular barbarians to properly counter them and it sucks.


I just started playing a few days ago since my nephew showed me the game. Are there any openings in a GAF clan?

My tag is DemonFang343 #2QLVPR29U. I'm a level 4 with 653 trophies currently.

You can join GAF too. Send a request to GAF with the # from my previous post. I'll open it for you now.

Edit: Sorry, we just filled up. I'll let you know when a space opens.

Actually, there is still a spot open. We still had an inactive account in the clan. I just opened the clan for you, GAF (#QYYQCQ). In the message say you're from Neogaf.

EDIT: We had to close the clan again, the spam of join requests got too much. Please tell us when you want to join and we will open it up again.


My favorite way of playing against EB is to drop skarmy on the middle and pull them near center. Then I'll drop an ice wiz on opposite lane to further pull them. My tower takes no damage if I do this. Skarmy almost always gets zapped, so I look at it as 8 elixir vs. 6. It's worth it to play two cards against EB because of how powerful it is.


Sidhe / PikPok
My favorite way of playing against EB is to drop skarmy on the middle and pull them near center. Then I'll drop an ice wiz on opposite lane to further pull them. My tower takes no damage if I do this. Skarmy almost always gets zapped, so I look at it as 8 elixir vs. 6. It's worth it to play two cards against EB because of how powerful it is.

That's the problem as I see it. You have to spend more than 6 elixir to avoid any tower damage, and those troops will get pretty beaten up.

Seriously, 90% of the decks I've played against in the past few days have EBs now. I'm holding my own in the win ratio, but its tiresome playing the same hog/eb/ice golem combo over and over.

Hoping for a health debuff at least in the next balancing pass. I'll be shocked if they don't get any debuff.

Evo X

Actually, there is still a spot open. We still had an inactive account in the clan. I just opened the clan for you, GAF (#QYYQCQ). In the message say you're from Neogaf.

EDIT: We had to close the clan again, the spam of join requests got too much. Please tell us when you want to join and we will open it up again.

I will be ready to join in about 9 hours from this post. I will check the thread then. Thanks.


Any pay to win players here to share an advice? If I'd want to drop, let's say 10 bucks to this game. What is the smartest way to do it? How I get best value and should I level up or be at certain arena before doing so?


Any pay to win players here to share an advice? If I'd want to drop, let's say 10 bucks to this game. What is the smartest way to do it? How I get best value and should I level up or be at certain arena before doing so?

The packs from arena 10 and arena 8 (probably arena 9 too when it's released in two weeks) offer the most value. For $10, you get 100k gold, a bunch of gems, and a nice chest.

The $20 holiday pack is also a great deal for those gems. You should use the gems for legendary chests when they are in shop and challenges. Simply buying chests or gold directly from the shop with gems is a waste compared to challenges (assuming you can get at least 2 wins on average).


The packs from arena 10 and arena 8 (probably arena 9 too when it's released in two weeks) offer the most value. For $10, you get 100k gold, a bunch of gems, and a nice chest.

The $20 holiday pack is also a great deal for those gems. You should use the gems for legendary chests when they are in shop and challenges. Simply buying chests or gold directly from the shop with gems is a waste compared to challenges (assuming you can get at least 2 wins on average).

All right, thank you very much!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Agreed, I think spending on challenges is really the best return (assuming you get a few wins). I'd honestly spend the $20 and get the holiday bundle if you are going to spend any money at all. It's a good deal, as far as these things go.


GAF, I need help.. got interested in the game again after not playing for a while and been trying to climb the ladder, up until A6 when it seems my crappy self made deck just doesn't cut it

I've been using Skeleton Army (2), Prince (2), Spear Goblins (8), Archers (7), Tesla (7), Musketeer (5), Giant (5), Zap (8)

Would appreciate any suggestions on how to improve on this


Sidhe / PikPok
GAF, I need help.. got interested in the game again after not playing for a while and been trying to climb the ladder, up until A6 when it seems my crappy self made deck just doesn't cut it

I've been using Skeleton Army (2), Prince (2), Spear Goblins (8), Archers (7), Tesla (7), Musketeer (5), Giant (5), Zap (8)

Would appreciate any suggestions on how to improve on this

Spear goblins and archers and musketeer seem overkill for ground based ranged/air defense. I'd replace the archers with minions.

What are you using the tesla for? Pulling hog/giants/any push? You might be better off with the slightly cheaper cannon.


Spear goblins and archers and musketeer seem overkill for ground based ranged/air defense. I'd replace the archers with minions.

What are you using the tesla for? Pulling hog/giants/any push? You might be better off with the slightly cheaper cannon.

Defence and distraction yes, since it hides I thought it'd live a bit longer than the cannon.

Minions or minion horde?


Sidhe / PikPok
Defence and distraction yes, since it hides I thought it'd live a bit longer than the cannon.

Minions or minion horde?

Minions. Cheap, can attack air or ground, and forces out an air based attack.

Be careful to place away from your goblin spears to avoid a zap or arrows getting them both.

Going with the slightly cheaper cannon will let you cycle your deck faster without much noticeable negative impact on your ability to distract.


Oof, if someone rushes you with Elite Barbs and Fire Spirits and you don't have the elixir ready immediately, you're gonna have a bad time.


Any tips for a newbie? What to spend my couns on upgrading etc?

Am I right in thinking that each battle is against a real human in real time?

Any tips is appreciated. Thanks


Any tips for a newbie? What to spend my couns on upgrading etc?

Am I right in thinking that each battle is against a real human in real time?

Any tips is appreciated. Thanks

Don't worry too much about what to upgrade in the beginning because your deck will change anyway.

Try to figure out what play style you like by trying out new decks and watching TV royale. If you know your play style, you can start planning your deck. Many of the cards you will need for your play style are not available in the lower arenas.

And yes, as soon as you are in arena 1, every opponent is a real human.
Any tips for a newbie? What to spend my couns on upgrading etc?

Am I right in thinking that each battle is against a real human in real time?

Any tips is appreciated. Thanks

As a new player, I'd be careful about overusing coins on upgrades, unless you intend on using the cards. You'll run out of gold fast if you upgrade everything immediately. Join a clan (even if it's a random one) for donating and requesting cards. It's one of the best ways to earn more gold and experience. I personally use coins to purchase 3 of the common cards, and 3 of the rare cards for donation daily, when the shop updates.

Save your gems for future use. Don't use them to open chests early, just be patient. The gems can be used for tournaments, which is my favorite part of the game because it scales the cards down to an equal playing field against pay to win people. If you do decide to spend money to support the game, wait for the "sales," as they have the best value.

If you are easily angered, immediately turn off emotes at the start every match. I find them all to be obnoxious.


Any tips for a newbie? What to spend my couns on upgrading etc?

Am I right in thinking that each battle is against a real human in real time?

Any tips is appreciated. Thanks

Just to add on to the above two posts which cover pretty much everything:

The key to doing well in a match is positive elixir trades. To do this, you should try to learn which cards counter which. There are a ton of these guides in the Clash Royale Reddit. Here's a good one to help you get through the early cards you'll encounter (you'll need an updated guide later on as new cards have been added since this was made): https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyal...h_royale_strategy_102_how_to_playcounterplay/

Your climb will likely be frustrating. You'll play a LOT of matches were no matter how good your mechanics are, you will lose because your enemy has much higher level cards than you...

But just keep in mind the matchmaking algorithm is built to keep you near a 50% win ratio, so if you lose a bunch, take a break and when you come back you'll likely go on a win streak (provided you don't try a completely new deck/play style you are unfamiliar with and that's why you lose :p).
So I'm a few days in (Arena 3) and I guess this game has kept my attention thus far. I haven't yet switched in any cards from Arenas 2 or 3 because they aren't as leveled and I seem to be doing alright without the funky stuff.

Everyone seems to be in a clan but me, though. I'm willing to whale a bit if I'm having fun and apparently some IAP takes you really far in this game?


Clan "Neogaf" tag #Y8CGRR has an opening now. Trophy minimum set to 2400 to avoid spam clan join requests now - sorry! Feel free fo join if you can (include Neogaf handle in join request),
I don't think there's an option for me to request to join, maybe it's because I'm not at the required trophies.

I just made it to Arena 4 so maybe I'll get there eventually. Not sure what a lot of the stuff is (card "donations", clan chests, etc.).
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