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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?


Okay, if I missed cards in the training camp can I go back and get chests there or am I stuck in my current arena?

Tho, I'm level 7 and have been tooling around arena 4 for weeks and have yet to get skeleton army or lightning spell... so your mileage may vary lol


I think I'm done with this game. I made it to 1850 or so with level 7 commons, level 4 rares and level 2 epics. Tired of facing people with 8/6/4...That's basically a 20% advantage.


Noooo screw you stupid giant skeleton your death bomb always kills everything arrghhh.

Probably my least favorite card to play against. I really hate that they changed the timer to 3 seconds on the bomb. It now kills any ranged units that were fighting it as well. The only units that get off safe are ones placed behind it.


What is he purpose of trophies?

They are the game's rating system, and work fairly similarly to the Elo system. If you beat someone with higher trophies than you, you will gain a lot, if you lose to someone with lower trophies than you, you will lose a lot. Roughly speaking you gain 30 trophies for winning an even game. It is more or less what the game uses to matchmake.

The other thing they affect is your arena. There are eight arenas in the game, and you start in Arena 1. The arena you play in dictates a few things, like how much gold and how many cards you get from a chest, and it also dictates which cards you can get. In the first arena you can only win a handful of cards, but each arena unlocks new cards. You can see this all if you click on the arena symbol on the main screen, it will also tell you how many trophies you need to move to that arena. Careful once you do rise up - if you go 50 points below the threshold, you get demoted.

So ostensibly, trophies are how good you are as a player, but, remember that isn't just about skill, it's also about how leveled up your cards are, and how leveled up your towers are. You should expect to roughly be at Arena X when your king level and cards are at Level X + 1. Note that a common level X is roughly equal to a rare level X - 2 which is roughly equal to an epic level X - 4.

So, to get to Arena 5, you'd expect to need King Level 6, common cards at level 6, rares at level 4, and epics at level 2. A good player might be able to push up to Arena 6 with such a hand, a bad player might be struggling in Arena 4, but, generally, that's how it works.


At least six people in the theater before BVS playing this tonight.

I wound up dropping $20 into this a couple days ago, and I think it's the perfect amount for me. I still rely largely on the chest cooldowns since I only want to play a couple rounds a couple times a day anyway, and I just use gems to open up a chest if I want to play a round when I already have four. At the rate it's been going, this'll last me for as long as the game holds my attention.

I suggest getting gold with that cash instead. You'll quickly get to the point where your main limiting factor is gold. $20 will go a long way to keep your cards leveled, and leveling up cards is also the best way to level up your profile.


Last question lol. Do free chests scale with level? Like an arena behind or something?

They are based on the arena you are in, as is the Crown Chest. They have different drop rates to other types of chest though. I tend to find a lot of my best cards come from free chests.


Whoa. Usually I was able to basically ignore Valks when they approached a tower alone, but one just tore through a tower with the help of a single minion. Was their buff that significant, or did I just underestimate how much damage a lvl5 Valk can do? Sheesh.


Whoa. Usually I was able to basically ignore Valks when they approached a tower alone, but one just tore through a tower with the help of a single minion. Was their buff that significant, or did I just underestimate how much damage a lvl5 Valk can do? Sheesh.

10% increase to all stats I believe. They're really good now, I use them a lot. Nice tanks and great for dealing with Witches and big packs.


Hail to the KING baby
Whoa. Usually I was able to basically ignore Valks when they approached a tower alone, but one just tore through a tower with the help of a single minion. Was their buff that significant, or did I just underestimate how much damage a lvl5 Valk can do? Sheesh.

I used to play Valk but then when I ranked up ran into a bunch more flying creatures and she'd get shredded. It's nice she got buffed though.


I think eventually the game will need an unranked mode that will pair you up with players with the same level instead of arena rating. It would allow players to try out new decks without the worry of ratings loss.


I should have known to gather Valkyria cards when I first read of the buff. Fortunately, I started right after the patch hit when I had the chance to test her. She is tearing through the spam mobs and Barbarians for me pretty well.

Feeling like I got a good balance in my deck again after some changes. Sucks though that I bought 2 epic cards to level them and now they are moved out of my deck :/
Good spam decks can still hit me quite bad though.

Also, I get the complaints about the matchmaking feeling being not totally random. After going up pretty easily I hit some rough patches where really nothing I did was good enough. It just felt a bit off.


X-Bow needs to fucking die. In no way should it have enough range to take out a tower from their side of the field or fire that rapidly.
Pretty fun game in the lower levels. The 4 chest system makes no sense at all. For me it kills any motivation to play the game for more than 20-30 minutes a day. I'll probably bail on this soon but I'll give it another shot after they figure out a better system than that.
I'm lv.6 now, relatively new(250/1000) and close to breaking into the 2000 trophies range. (1930 right now)
I mostly face lv. 7 players, occasionally lv. 8 players, very rarely other lv. 6 players.

My strategy is very passive that high up. I start slowly to check out the enemies troops, when I see that have a big troop advantage over me I play defensivly and go for the draw, especially when they have high level tanks.
When I see that their troops are only a little higher than mine I play defensively until the elixir doubles and then go for a push against one tower.

Thats the best way for me to go up in trophies.
My deck:
Bomb tower(4), arrows(6), Barbs(7), skelleton army(1), goblin hut(4), giant(4), minion horde(7), baby dragon(2)

Thats a good alround deck. I can counter princes and hogs with the skelleton army or the barbs. I can counter loons with minion horde. I can counter spawner decks with the bomb tower.
And my pushes mainly consist of the minion horde behind a baby dragon or a giant. I always have to keep in mine when the enemy player their last arrows or fireball.

X-Bow needs to fucking die. In no way should it have enough range to take out a tower from their side of the field or fire that rapidly.

I think it would be good if the dmg decreased with range. So when its hitting a crown tower is only makes very little dmg(like half of the tower during its lifetime)
Well, it has a 5 second deploy time and the DPS is pretty pitiful. Means you get 5 elix to counter it with a Giant, Minion Horde, Hog or Lightning/Rocket if you have another extra elixir.
Started playing this game yesterday and after going 15-1 I just reached Arena 2 and Level 3. Game is incredibly fun. I've not touched a mobile game in a very long time but happened to stumble across this one on Twitch and thought I would give it a shot. Can see myself playing this for quite some time.

Absolutely love the quick games, very easy to pick up, play 1 or 2 games and put down again. To me the F2P system seems extremely fair, but I do understand that any kind of leader board goal probably requires investing some coin, thankfully that's not me.

Got my first Magical Chest on my 10th win, waiting for it to unlock now. I am tempted to use gems to speed up the unlock but I think I will stick to my current plan of just converting gems to gold.

Maximus P

The matchmaking on this game seems strange. I was up to 1800 trophies yesterday and today I've just lost around 20 matches without reply as the game seems to be matching me against level 8 players constantly....even in the 1300 trophies range.

I think I'm going to put the game down for a while as the fun seems to turning to frustration.


Really there seems to be no point in playing when you're full of chests. For me it's always about 20 wins and 20 losses, went quickly to a bit over 1400 trophys and now I'm back at 1150.

Also almost 3 weeks of daily playing and still no baby dragon.


For real though, I feel like my deck is at a huge disadvantage without a baby dragon lol.

Also, thanks to whoever made the new neogaf clan.


What's the ideal deck in terms of elixir cost? My current deck is 2/2/3/3/4/4/5/5
- Goblins lvl3
- Spear Goblins lvl3
- Knight lvl3
- Archers lvl3
- Skeleton Army lvl1
- Baby Dragon lvl1
- Giant lvl2
- Witch lvl2

I feel like my deck sucks, the rest of the cards in my collection all cost 4 or 5 elixirs, I'm not sure going into a match with an all-expensive deck is a good idea.


What's the ideal deck in terms of elixir cost? My current deck is 2/2/3/3/4/4/5/5
- Goblins lvl3
- Spear Goblins lvl3
- Knight lvl3
- Archers lvl3
- Skeleton Army lvl1
- Baby Dragon lvl1
- Giant lvl2
- Witch lvl2

I feel like my deck sucks, the rest of the cards in my collection all cost 4 or 5 elixirs, I'm not sure going into a match with an all-expensive deck is a good idea.

There is no ideal really. You definitely do want to have some cheap units, but having one or two really expensive ones can work very well. You just never want to be in a position where you're being attacked and can't spawn anything.

I feel like you've quite a bit of redundancy in your deck. I'd get rid of one of the archers or spear goblins, as they are extremely similar cards. I'd also probably get rid of skeleton army. I suppose that you use it to deal with Princes and Giants, but these can often be killed quite efficiently with other cheaper and/or more versatile combinations. As a starting point, you can almost kill a prince with some well placed/timed goblins (2 elixir) or skeletons (1 elixir). Put the goblins towards the middle, away from your tower, and they'll distract the prince, do some decent damage to it, and slow him down so he takes a lot more damage from your tower/towers. For 2 elixir you can more or less beat a Prince, add a ranged unit to the mix and you'll beat him and have something alive at the end.

I'd try and have something in your deck to punish your opponent's mistakes. The Prince and Goblin Barrel are excellent for this. They're great for damaging an undefended tower when their push fails. I'd also vouch for both the Bomber and the Musketeer. The Musketeer is great for laying down a lot of damage on single units, including the Baby Dragon and Witch. If she actually gets to a tower, she will wipe hundreds of points off its health surprisingly quickly. The Bomber will trash most group-enemies, often making for great trades. He can wipe out an entire skeleton army, or a group of barbarians, without taking a single hit, which gives you a significant Elixir advantage.

If you can continually make the right choices about which unit to use to fight what's coming at you, you should eventually be able to overload them with a Giant added into the mix.


There is no ideal really. You definitely do want to have some cheap units, but having one or two really expensive ones can work very well. You just never want to be in a position where you're being attacked and can't spawn anything.

I feel like you've quite a bit of redundancy in your deck. I'd get rid of one of the archers or spear goblins, as they are extremely similar cards. I'd also probably get rid of skeleton army. I suppose that you use it to deal with Princes and Giants, but these can often be killed quite efficiently with other cheaper and/or more versatile combinations. As a starting point, you can almost kill a prince with some well placed/timed goblins (2 elixir) or skeletons (1 elixir). Put the goblins towards the middle, away from your tower, and they'll distract the prince, do some decent damage to it, and slow him down so he takes a lot more damage from your tower/towers. For 2 elixir you can more or less beat a Prince, add a ranged unit to the mix and you'll beat him and have something alive at the end.

I'd try and have something in your deck to punish your opponent's mistakes. The Prince and Goblin Barrel are excellent for this. They're great for damaging an undefended tower when their push fails. I'd also vouch for both the Bomber and the Musketeer. The Musketeer is great for laying down a lot of damage on single units, including the Baby Dragon and Witch. If she actually gets to a tower, she will wipe hundreds of points off its health surprisingly quickly. The Bomber will trash most group-enemies, often making for great trades. He can wipe out an entire skeleton army, or a group of barbarians, without taking a single hit, which gives you a significant Elixir advantage.

If you can continually make the right choices about which unit to use to fight what's coming at you, you should eventually be able to overload them with a Giant added into the mix.

Thanks, I've been experimenting a little, & I've found out that having a cheap-heavy deck is giving me better results (Skeleton, Goblin, Spear Goblin), they're great in the first half of the game.

The skeleton army work well when behind a Giant and a Witch when making a huge push at the end, although I get your point that they're practically useless at the beginning when you don't have enough elixir to have a couple of tanks in front of them.

Right now I have 2 cards that are quite useless, the Archer and Dragon Baby, I haven't even used them since I started winning with the new deck.


Not a fan of X-Bow, either. It simply must be dealt with and it costs a lot to kill it. I agree, range should not allow it to hit a tower from their side, it's annoying as hell.


X-bow is just so overrated imo. It's decent if you know your opponent spent all his or her elixir on a push, but it's really easy to deal with if you play patiently. The fact that you have to place it slightly below river makes it easy to kill it with even cheaper units without worrying about it being reinforced by a crown tower. Not saying X-bow is terrible, but there's just so many ways to take it down.


Xbow is easy to deal with. Easier than a well timed prince or hog. If you can't deal with the xbow, you let your opponent get too far ahead in elixir.


Sunday morning cuts have been executed on the original NeoGAF clan and removed three non-donators. So we briefly have some spots open.

Priority will be given to those who include their forum account name.

EDIT: Openings are gone.
There is no ideal really. You definitely do want to have some cheap units, but having one or two really expensive ones can work very well. You just never want to be in a position where you're being attacked and can't spawn anything.

I feel like you've quite a bit of redundancy in your deck. I'd get rid of one of the archers or spear goblins, as they are extremely similar cards. I'd also probably get rid of skeleton army. I suppose that you use it to deal with Princes and Giants, but these can often be killed quite efficiently with other cheaper and/or more versatile combinations. As a starting point, you can almost kill a prince with some well placed/timed goblins (2 elixir) or skeletons (1 elixir). Put the goblins towards the middle, away from your tower, and they'll distract the prince, do some decent damage to it, and slow him down so he takes a lot more damage from your tower/towers. For 2 elixir you can more or less beat a Prince, add a ranged unit to the mix and you'll beat him and have something alive at the end.

Just wanted to thank you for this bit of advice. Added skeletons back into my deck and they've done wonders for me.


So I'm at the level where I'm running into xbows, and I don't think I wanna play this game anymore. The nerf wasn't enough.


Any sage advice for my deck? I feel like I get to ~800, then hit a losing streak all the way back down to mid 600s. Maybe I'm just bad, but normally I start with a giant or Hut and see how they respond.



Yeah, I could use some advice too. Here is my deck. I feel like I should replace the skeleton bomber maybe with goblin spears? Or minions

-giant Skeleton
- mini pekka


So I'm at the level where I'm running into xbows, and I don't think I wanna play this game anymore. The nerf wasn't enough.

The xbow really isn't that common, which suggests it's not especially good, and definitely counterable. It does very little damage - maybe less than every other card in the game.

A level two Xbow has 935 health and does 73 damage per second for six elixir
A level two baby dragon has 880 health and does 61 damage per second for four elixir

So if you can get the baby dragon to tank the xbow, you're going to soak up its damage for a long time. You're still two elixir up on your opponent, so that should be enough to finish the xbow off. Now obviously, in reality it's never that simple, but, if you've got anything tanky you should be able to cope with Xbows fairly easily, unless you end up at a significant elixir disadvantage, in which case you're screwed regardless of what they use. If you're really struggling, a hog is a good option. Four elixir, enough health to survive an Xbow for ages, and quick enough and strong enough to do smash it to bits.
The xbow really isn't that common, which suggests it's not especially good, and definitely counterable. It does very little damage - maybe less than every other card in the game.

A level two Xbow has 935 health and does 73 damage per second for six elixir
A level two baby dragon has 880 health and does 61 damage per second for four elixir

So if you can get the baby dragon to tank the xbow, you're going to soak up its damage for a long time. You're still two elixir up on your opponent, so that should be enough to finish the xbow off. Now obviously, in reality it's never that simple, but, if you've got anything tanky you should be able to cope with Xbows fairly easily, unless you end up at a significant elixir disadvantage, in which case you're screwed regardless of what they use. If you're really struggling, a hog is a good option. Four elixir, enough health to survive an Xbow for ages, and quick enough and strong enough to do smash it to bits.

At least in higher arenas I love when someone uses the XBow. They place it. I place minions. The XBow is completely gone before it even gets up and I am one elixir up without taking any damage. Really any flying unit rocks those.
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