All you lucky players with your Legenderies.
I cannot figure out a strategy against Sparky players. I get fucked. I don't know what to do. I don't use Minions.
All you lucky players with your Legenderies.
I cannot figure out a strategy against Sparky players. I get fucked. I don't know what to do. I don't use Minions.
If you are using it on offense, sure, but in his deck it is defensive unit. Don't really see a point in using it for him tbh.
Lava hound showed up in my shop
I think the the only legendary I would want to buy is miner
I pulled an Ice Wiz from a free chest recently and the one thing that I wasn't aware before using it was how good it is at making Hog rider and RG a lot less effective. His slow debuff is just absurd and can shut down huge attacks by itself. There's no way this card should cost 3 elixir imo.
I'm starting to see more Lava Hound being used, but it is not worth the purchase unless you just want to unlock all cards. It is a card that has a lot of risk / reward; and I just don't see air decks doing well in the current meta (at least in Legendary arena). My deck is fairly weak against air so I just go aggressive with a ground attack right away when I see LH/Balloon. Most people with that combo don't have many ground troops. Since that combo is fairly slow, and with limited ground defense, you can usually beat them to the punch anyway.
Miner is fantastic, definitely would recommend. It seems to be the rising star card in the last week that people are talking more about. It is just too useful for chipping away at towers, taking out Elixir Collectors, or serving as a quick tank for troops.
I would say current Legendary ranking is:
1) Ice Wizard
2) Miner (I almost put this #1, but IW has better overall usage)
3) Princess (Very good card, but a lot of people can counter her fairly easily these days.)
A very distant 4/5....
4) Sparky
5) Lava Hound
I don't know about Arena 6 but 5 and 4 is nearly all now
Hog rider!
Hog rider!
Hog rider!
I literally have to keep elixir and barbarians in hand, or cycle through shrapnel to get to them, for the whole time.
Dropped 500+ trophies in a day (with plenty of breaks in between). Same deck, same play-style throughout. Complete garbage
If I may ask what levels are you fighting with? This is the first season I got in leg, im lvl 9 with 9 commons and 6 rares, 3200+ is an uphill battle against 11 commons 8+ rares. I have though both the Icewiz and the princess, which pushed me from 2.6k to where I am nowGoing to wrap up the season at 3874 trophies. I've been making steady progress the last two seasons. Hit 3015 2 seasons ago, then 3500 last season. I could probably make a push higher today, but I'm content with making baby steps.
Plus, I'm a bit tired of going against the Royal Giant in nearly every battle. Basically whenever I see an Elixir Collector being played I know what is about to happen, so at least it is predictable. It is fun to bait out an Elixir Collector at the start with Goblins/Spear Goblins (most opponents think you're just throwing away 2 elixir to get to the next card), then turn it into a full onslaught with Mini Pekka / Miner charging down the lane. This usually will take a tower, or nearly take it since they can't defend well. At that point it makes Royal Giant defense much easier since you can just throw everything at it.
If I may ask what levels are you fighting with? This is the first season I got in leg, im lvl 9 with 9 commons and 6 rares, 3200+ is an uphill battle against 11 commons 8+ rares. I have though both the Icewiz and the princess, which pushed me from 2.6k to where I am now
So I switched to this deck and my win rate is just above 50%. I'm sitting around 2500 trophies.
That's it!!!
I'm done!!
Fuck this piece of shit cunt's game!!
Rage deleted. I'm not having it. Dropping from 2000 to 1700 trophies. From Royal Arena back to Spell Valley in 2 hours!!
Cunt's game! 😡😡😡
That's it!!!
I'm done!!
Fuck this piece of shit cunt's game!!
Rage deleted. I'm not having it. Dropping from 2000 to 1700 trophies. From Royal Arena back to Spell Valley in 2 hours!!
Cunt's game! 😡😡😡
That's it!!!
I'm done!!
Fuck this piece of shit cunt's game!!
Rage deleted. I'm not having it. Dropping from 2000 to 1700 trophies. From Royal Arena back to Spell Valley in 2 hours!!
Cunt's game! 😡😡😡
That's it!!!
I'm done!!
Fuck this piece of shit cunt's game!!
Rage deleted. I'm not having it. Dropping from 2000 to 1700 trophies. From Royal Arena back to Spell Valley in 2 hours!!
Cunt's game! 😡😡😡
2)Matchmaking. Check out the reviews on the playstore, there are hundreds of people reporting that the game will be fine and then suddenly they go on a huge loss or win streak. I personally dropped from 2800 trophies to 1900 with the same deck and tactics as ive always used. Some claim its psychological, some claim that youre shooting above your weight and the loss streaks are just putting you back where you belong. I think its happening to so many people that im inclined to belive that Supercell has something in place. 80% of the people i faced used hog/freeze/zapp, so i changed my deck to a anti hogg deck (cannons, zapp, low costing troops etc) and hardly came across any hogs.
There is something going on with matchmaking. I tried switching decks out of desperation, and tried the balloon and giant, and suddenly I was getting tons of inferno tower decks against me. Pretty sure it isn't just matching trophy level, it's matching to opponents with good counter cards (in both directions obviously)
That's it!!!
I'm done!!
Fuck this piece of shit cunt's game!!
Rage deleted. I'm not having it. Dropping from 2000 to 1700 trophies. From Royal Arena back to Spell Valley in 2 hours!!
Cunt's game! ������
2)Matchmaking. Check out the reviews on the playstore, there are hundreds of people reporting that the game will be fine and then suddenly they go on a huge loss or win streak..
I can rage at games sometimes but I don't know what it is about this game that keeps me calm.Rage quitters are hilarious. Just take a break if you're on a losing streak. No need to get mad about it
Nothing I love more than the matchmaker putting me up against someone 2 levels lower than me. I develop that bloodthirst. I can feel it in my bones. The free-est of trophies await me. Then they have the card for card perfect counter for my deck and wipe their ass with me in record time.
Well if they have Ice Wizard and Lava Hound that explains why they have a lower level than you at the same tier trophy wise.Exactly this right here.
You face a lower level than you...yet they got Ice Wizard AND Larva Hound and completely fuck you up.
Fuck. To rub it in from last night I just wanted to get 100 more trophies to start working my way back to where I was. 30 games later and I'm literally where I started off. I seem to lose lots of trophies and only win a few, so 3 wins and two losses is just treading water.
I need a few days off. If I uninstall will it keep my stats when I reinstall it later on?
Nothing I love more than the matchmaker putting me up against someone 2 levels lower than me. I develop that bloodthirst. I can feel it in my bones. The free-est of trophies await me. Then they have the card for card perfect counter for my deck and wipe their ass with me in record time.
There's a lot more people in legendary now. 2 weeks ago I finished at 3150 trophies and was rank 87,000. This season I finished st 3200 trophies and was rank 102,000.
My 3884 trophies were good for #5,026. I'd be curious what the curve looks like for trophies / rank in legendary. I'm guessing the majority of people fall in the 3000 - 3400 range and you climb in rank much quicker past that point. They should publish a report/graph after each season, would be interesting to see.