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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?


Unconfirmed Member
So i just pulled a Lava Hound out of a free chest. Yes. A free chest. I know the odds and was just as shocked to see it. Trying to figure out a good deck to build around him. I'm stuck floating between 1800-2000 trophies for the past 2 months. I'm Rank 8.

The general strategy seems to be dragon / hound or loon / hound. Fireball or some zap spell to clear junk. The issue i'm having is this. I can get my hound AND my dragon onto an enemies tower but they don't do shit for damage. Barely taking the tower below 2k hit points (rank 8 / 9). However, whenever some turd uses the lava hound on me (same lvl) if it gets to my tower it destroys me in every way possible. This seems to be the most inconsistent card in the game that i've eve used.

Any tips or suggestions on effectively using the hound?

I don't have one, but I do have an Inferno Tower in my deck and I'll tell you that you'll probably lose every single game to somebody using it unless they're bad.

The real trick with it is trying to get the Lava Pups on a tower uncontested. If somebody has Arrows you'll have to bait them out with something, otherwise your entire push was worthless.


Yeah, I think I'm done with Tourneys until I get more decent legendaries, nothing but playing against people with Miner/Princess combo or with 3/4 legendaries in one deck, not fun at all tbh.


Yeah, I think I'm done with Tourneys until I get more decent legendaries, nothing but playing against people with Miner/Princess combo or with 3/4 legendaries in one deck, not fun at all tbh.

Even as someone with miner/ice wizard/princess they aren't too fun. I have level 11 commons, but my rares are only lvl 6 and my epics are lvl 3 so I still get out leveled.

But it's a lot of fun playing against other gaffers and seeing the strategies they use.

My bigger issue with the tournaments though, especially these long ones is that it doesn't come down to skill but how much you play. I was matched up twice against the guy who won the taco tournament and beat him twice. But he played a ton more games then me and won due to that. Once I hit 500 gems I'm planning on doing a GAF tournament that will last an hour. I'll announce it ahead of time too so anyone who wants to participate is able to. I'm around 440 gems now.


I've also considered doing one for an hour or two hours for GAF because, as you said, it's just down to amount of time played otherwise.

I enjoy it for the chance to play decks that I want to later try on the ladder, or to take a break from a ladder losing streak. I also enjoy that, for the most part, matchups are more even in card levels (and tower levels) for everyone. No more level 8's facing level 10's, and the like.

Doing it for an hour or two does worry me, though, because I really don't know how many people could participate. I'm not sure about the other GAF clans, but GAF Royale has players from all over the world so it would be super hard for us to have any significant turnout beyond like 10-12 people.

EDIT: I really wish you could do tournament rules. If I know other clanmates are playing, I try to run hogfecta instead of a deck with legendaries, for example. It would be nice if you could do something like put a 1 legendary limit on decks or what have you. I'd love to run a no legendary tournament, for example, but you're relying on people respecting your wishes with no way to enforce it which sucks.


Unconfirmed Member
I make Arena 8, but I only have Silver Chests lined up with one empty spot so I decide to go for one more win to try and get a Gold Chest and I end up losing three in a row, dropping back down to Arena 7, feels bad.

I did get two Arena 8 Silver Chests from matches before I was even in Arena 8 though, didn't even know that could happen.


Sidhe / PikPok
I make Arena 8, but I only have Silver Chests lined up with one empty spot so I decide to go for one more win to try and get a Gold Chest and I end up losing three in a row, dropping back down to Arena 7, feels bad.

I did get two Arena 8 Silver Chests from matches before I was even in Arena 8 though, didn't even know that could happen.

I was comfortably knocking on the door of Arena 8, then went up to Level 9, peaked at 2377 trophies, but then have spent most of the last few days back down in the 2000-2100 trophy range, occasionally clawing my way up to get cast back down :(

On the plus side, in my last few games I may have finally discovered an Inferno Tower strategy with my current deck, which comes down to sending tanks down both lanes simultaneously (I have knight, valk, and giant), with support from aerial or long range support across the river. Will see how that goes.


First time against someone with a furnace plus fire spirits. Right pita. My deck isn't set up well to handle large numbers of small units.


It looks like there was an unintentional stealth buff to the miner with the last maintenance. His deploy time decreased from 1 sec to 0.7 sec.

It was unintentional though and supercell will reverse it with the next balance changes. But considering the last balance changes were only 10 days ago, who knows when that will be.

Edit: Commish, you keep changing up your deck. After our last match when you used poison (which wrecks my deck), I was ready for it to wreck me again when I saw I was matched up against you. To my surprise (and joy) you didn't have it this time.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Good lord GAF, I think 100% of the GAF members in this tournament just drop nonstop RG, haha. Sheesh.


Any food tourneys been invaded yet today?

I somehow backed into a tie for first place in the Waffle tourney, though for some reason I got the second place chest. Man the rewards for placing is tourneys is absolute garbage.


Any food tourneys been invaded yet today?

I somehow backed into a tie for first place in the Waffle tourney, though for some reason I got the second place chest. Man the rewards for placing is tourneys is absolute garbage.

Can't figure out the passwords for any of the burger or pizza tourneys. I tried burger *and* pizza but no joy. Devilishly clever those chaps


Bam found a new tourney: killerdragon password killer

Nice. It's a 3 day one so it'll be a long one.

I always wonder what the people who set up the tournaments in the first place think. I'm pretty sure you can change the password mid tournament if you want.

Edit: The person who created the tournament is in arena 3. I've got a feeling he won't be finishing too high in the tournament.
Yea I just guessed the password. But 2 thoughts, it is a super long one also the guys are very low rank. Maybe I should just find another.


Looks like they opened the tournament up to everyone and removed the password.

With 2 days and 23 hours to go quite a few people are already above 200 trophies. People really want those 30 cards!

I think tournaments are a great way to try new decks and have fun with the game outside the ladder structure, but if you're in them for cards, they're terrible for that.


Are we still doing clans? And can't we have a tourney just for gaffers? I haven't checked out the game much since the big update but is slowly coming back. Opening all of my chests frequently.
Are we still doing clans? And can't we have a tourney just for gaffers? I haven't checked out the game much since the big update but is slowly coming back. Opening all of my chests frequently.
We can... You paying?

Neogaf #8GUV99C is always looking for active clan members!

I just thought that there is a lot of lurkers that spread the word about the killer tourney, but it makes sense that they opened it up. See if you can find a shorter one... Lots of work for very small payoffs here.


Few strong words about state of CR from Chief Pat.


agreed with his points.

Tournament mode is making me realize how huge the disadvantage it is when a player doesn't have legendary cards. They're just way too strong in tournament mode. I have two of them and most games aren't very close if my opponent doesn't have any. There's quite a number of games where players just give up in the middle of competitive games because an Ice Wiz stops a big attack. I've finished in top 10 of every tournament that I've entered and I've rarely seen decks that didn't use legendaries at the top.


Unconfirmed Member
The only one I really have problems with is Sparky, it's basically a guaranteed win for the other person against me, but that's because my deck lacks a proper counter.

I do have a Miner myself, and most people don't know how to deal with it properly.

I'll say if someone is using a Miner against you, it will always be the weakest thing they send to attack your tower, so focus on whatever they send with it first.


Sidhe / PikPok
The only one I really have problems with is Sparky, it's basically a guaranteed win for the other person against me, but that's because my deck lacks a proper counter.

I find minions are an easy and cheap counter for it, and also useful for mopping up stray valks and mini pekkas heading for your tower.

If you do an immediate counter push on the opposite lane than they drop the sparky on, they they'll either have to respond leaving the sparky exposed, or you'll get a lot of damage in on their tower.
I find minions are an easy and cheap counter for it, and also useful for mopping up stray valks and mini pekkas heading for your tower.

If you do an immediate counter push on the opposite lane than they drop the sparky on, they they'll either have to respond leaving the sparky exposed, or you'll get a lot of damage in on their tower.
As a Sparky user that also carries Wizard and Fire Spirits, I loooove when someone tries to counter it with minions. :)

Totally right about pushing the other lane though. Other thing I'll say is that I think zap should be in pretty much every deck. Such a useful card in general and makes it much easier to deal with Sparky in particular.


Sidhe / PikPok
As a Sparky user that also carries Wizard and Fire Spirits, I loooove when someone tries to counter it with minions. :)

That's a great support unit. In that instance I'd consider dropping a giant to draw fire from both then get a cheap unit in there to attack. That doesn't leave me with an advantage, but it stunts an attack usually at least.

I think the problem with how most people play it that I have come across is that they consider dropping it an inevitable win. That probably comes from where I am at in the leaderboard where a lot of people either don't know how to counter it because they haven't faced it much and have only acquired it recently. They take their eye off what is happening elsewhere on the map, or don't support it with the right units to keep sparky moving forward.

Devastating in the right hands, but one of the harder legendary cards to play right in my opinion.
That's a great support unit. In that instance I'd consider dropping a giant to draw fire from both then get a cheap unit in there to attack. That doesn't leave me with an advantage, but it stunts an attack usually at least.

I think the problem with how most people play it that I have come across is that they consider dropping it an inevitable win. That probably comes from where I am at in the leaderboard where a lot of people either don't know how to counter it because they haven't faced it much and have only acquired it recently. They take their eye off what is happening elsewhere on the map, or don't support it with the right units to keep sparky moving forward.

Devastating in the right hands, but one of the harder legendary cards to play right in my opinion.
Very true. I got it (out of a free chest!) pretty much right after it was introduced and shot up in trophies while people were figuring out how to counter it, then came crashing down once people wised up ha ha. So for a while I was hovering a few hundred trophies below my record and just recently climbed past it when I started using it less haphazardly.


Quit this game recently. Was at about 2350 trophies and climbing. Gameplay got stale and legendaries were plain unfair (I had none). The recent updates have been ridiculous with so many OP legendaries added to the game and barely any commons or rares. Many of the legendaries don't even feel special enough (from a design standpoint) to be a legendary, unlike the Ice Wiz and Princess.
I've no idea how I won a few matches with a joke spooky deck.
Witch, Skeleton, Skeleton Army, Giant Skeleton, Balloon, Bomber, Guards, Tombstone.


Collectively, how many GAF people are active?

Active as in donating at least.

GAF Royale is where I am and the donations are really good. Very good clan overall as far as attitude.
Its currently at max but theres always culling of inactives so more spots always open up.

I'm currently hosting a mostly dead tourney


Hopefully we can get gaffers in there and have some fun tonight!
GAF Royale is where I am and the donations are really good. Very good clan overall as far as attitude.
Its currently at max but theres always culling of inactives so more spots always open up.

I'm currently hosting a mostly dead tourney


Hopefully we can get gaffers in there and have some fun tonight!

The premier GAF clan 'GAF Royale' has cleared out open spots. #Q8C9CY. Mention your username in the request.

Currently sitting at 12000 donations for the week. Everyone is very active and friendly. Come on in.


GAF Royale (#Q8C9CY) just did a donation cleanup and now has 5 spots available.

The clan is pretty active and we are averaging about 11,000 to 12,000 donations per week now.

If you want to join, send a request and put your GAF name in the request to be accepted. We have a good number of elders who can approve it at almost any time of day.

EDIT: LOL, you beat me Guy.

EDITx2: Whoever Dream is in the NeoGAF clan, shoutout to you. I straight lucked my way into both of those wins in that tournament by the skin of my teeth. Please don't queue into me again thanks :p


GAF Royale is where I am and the donations are really good. Very good clan overall as far as attitude.
Its currently at max but theres always culling of inactives so more spots always open up.

I'm currently hosting a mostly dead tourney


Hopefully we can get gaffers in there and have some fun tonight!

Mostly dead is an understatement, I've been trying to get a match for over 20 minutes and nothing.
I don't mind. I got Zagara today as last pick on Garden of Terror. Despite never taking Terror, I did double the siege damage of anyone else in the game. It was glorious.


Disbanding my clan. Fun while it lasted but most members quit playing. Anyone have spots open on an active clan that donates? I donate constantly.
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