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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?

Found a new tourney: Chizz boys #CPJR8Q password: chizz
13 h left and it is in India... so there's that.

Thanks SuperDowns, managed to snag a spot: the 1hr open tourneys are extremely hard to compete in with only 1 hour of playtime. One loss can send you to an unrecoverable lower position.
Yea forgot to mention that it was mostly full already! But for those who got in, good luck! I'm advancing fastish, lots of scrubs in here. =D



Yeah by the time I found it and put it in clan chat it had less than 16 mins left. Hard to do the 1 hours without heads up and have anyone in it. On the other hand, at least the 9 or 10 who were in there got cards regardless.
My 1st SMC was a GEM:)

23 RG ( See ya later)
310 Barbarians ( lvl 9 finally:)
118 Goblin Hut ( lvl 7 )
12 Balloon( i suck with them)
6 freeze (hum....)
5 wizard...okkkkk


Now I need to learn a deck around him...

He's a joy to play with!


user-friendly man-cashews
What's great about miner is that you don't really need to build around him. He's a great utility ground unit.

Enjoy shutting down elixir pumps !
So this whole 2 week reset really grinds my gears.

It is way too short of a season and the skeptic in me thinks they want to drag the Account level 10s, 11s with level 3 legendaries down so they mingle with the f2p crowd and force them to pay for legendary upgrades. It is really disheartening to see this. Man I wish this game was run by a less money-grubby Dev. It is SO well-designed but I think I could finally see myself be jaded by this.

Tourney play is the only really shining star of this game and the rewards are rotten garbage.



To me the reward is the gameplay. I don't really get caught up in the cards.

As for the two weeks, I honestly think it feels about right. The issue is the fact that there is no breakoff above us for these level 12 and 13 players. There should be another arena at 3500 or 3750 where they get dropped to when a season starts. Most of the level 10s and some 11s float between 3000-3500. And then the really good 10s and normal 11s are above 3500, so it would massage that problem a bit.

I also don't understand why they made Frozen Peak 2300 instead of 2500 and splitting the difference.
I uninstalled the game. Please remove me from the "NeoGAF" clan so I don't waste space.

Got stuck on Arena 3/4 at around 1k trophies for like 2 weeks before I realized that the pay to win dial in this game is turned way, way too far towards the evil side.

At least in Hearthstone, good play doesn't outright lose to higher leveled cards. "Welp, my arrows are too weak to kill his minion horde. oh well, guess I lose"


After playing this gems for a few months, it's pretty clear that the game is all about higher level cards. Whether you pay your way or endure through painful defeats is your choice.

Given the same skill levels of the players, card levels are only thing that matter in most cases.


After playing this gems for a few months, it's pretty clear that the game is all about higher level cards. Whether you pay your way or endure through painful defeats is your choice.

Given the same skill levels of the players, card levels are only thing that matter in most cases.

I'm pretty sure that gems was a typo, but a hilarious one because that is what the game is all about.

Also I've found skill levels to vary wildly. I'm lvl 10 and I've seen lvl 11s who I will wipe the floor with and lvl 9s who wipe the floor with me. All things equal, card levels make the difference, but skill and counters make a huge difference.


The scariest players I face are usually level 9's (I'm 10). They are either very good to be where they are, or on the flip side, have several 11 or even 12 cards and therefore are just staying in 9 as a status symbol kind of thing.


To me the reward is the gameplay. I don't really get caught up in the cards.

As for the two weeks, I honestly think it feels about right. The issue is the fact that there is no breakoff above us for these level 12 and 13 players. There should be another arena at 3500 or 3750 where they get dropped to when a season starts. Most of the level 10s and some 11s float between 3000-3500. And then the really good 10s and normal 11s are above 3500, so it would massage that problem a bit.

I also don't understand why they made Frozen Peak 2300 instead of 2500 and splitting the difference.

They will have to introduce more new cards and I guess those cards will be in a new arena around 2600 points.
I uninstalled the game...

Good game...but I was at 2.6k...so paying was the solution or staying there for too long unless I got Lucky.

I had a blast....ill play more PS4 instead.


I uninstalled the game...

Good game...but I was at 2.6k...so paying was the solution or staying there for too long unless I got Lucky.

I had a blast....ill play more PS4 instead.

Wow, you just got the miner. At least you stopped begore the frustrating 3000 poibts wall.


He's a joy to play with!

I uninstalled the game...

This was a quick transition.

They will have to introduce more new cards and I guess those cards will be in a new arena around 2600 points.

Yeah, I mean they can do that as well. I'd rather they add one above 3k somewhere than below, but adding cards above 3k can create it's own issues due to limited access if any of them happen to be good.

Outside of Ice Spirit, no one seems too impressed with the ones from Frozen Peak so far. And I still rarely see Ice Spirit. Seen Bowler one single time. Log 4 or 5 times, and Lumberjack twice. Feels like the turned up the legendary dial on Log. Lots of people seem to have gotten it as their first legendary.

Maximus P

Not played this in a long while but when i played today ive fought agaisnt nearly the same deck 10 times in a row?...

Every single one had hog,poison,giant,pump,goblins...

I dont mind because i won a few..but it would be nice if supercell threw some variation my way.


Yeah f2p players have a real problem with new cards since upgrading them to competitive levels is almost impossible. Sure I got a few bowlers but until lvl4 it's pretty much useless and I can't even experiment with it because I drop down in arenas.


i´m kind of stuck in arena 4 hovering around 1100 and 1300 at level 7.
so far i have just build my own deck - can anyone recommend an arena 4 deck so i can make some progress?


Well I've given up with sparky and swapped him out for Lvl 10 Royal giant. Seems to be a much harder task to kill the RG before he does damage, but sparky was a decent defence against giant/RG so we'll see how it goes


Just spent 50k gold to upgrade Royal giant to lvl 12, so im sure supercell will announce a nerf very soon.

It's crazy how much easier it is to lvl commons than rares. Getting a common to lvl 12 takes the same amount of cards as getting a rare to lvl 8 (after adjusting for 1 rare being worth 10 commons).


Have my spear goblins and knight ready to upgrade to lv10, and my giant to lv7, but out of funds. Is it worth buying gold? Would be 20000 to upgrade all three, and I only have 1,500 right now (just took a while saving up 8,000 to upgrade my barbs)


Have my spear goblins and knight ready to upgrade to lv10, and my giant to lv7, but out of funds. Is it worth buying gold? Would be 20000 to upgrade all three, and I only have 1,500 right now (just took a while saving up 8,000 to upgrade my barbs)

it's a question of how much you enjoy the game and whether it's okay for you to stay at the arena level that you're at.

If you're okay with not advancing to the next arena, then you should stay at your current card levels. I've always had a goal of playing at legendary arena so I've spent about $30 total just to level my deck and it has been worth it for my enjoyment of the game.

Just spent 50k gold to upgrade Royal giant to lvl 12, so im sure supercell will announce a nerf very soon.

I hear you on this, brother. I leveled my RG to 11 and as I'm hovering my finger to the upgrade button all I can think about is that this poor bastard is probably getting nerfed soon.


Zoukka how many different decks do you run? LOL, I swear I've seen you play 3 in this tournament in 3 straight games.


I started an alt from scratch on my tablet. Going full F2P - don't have a choice since I can't access Google Play on it.

It's hilarious seeing how bad people are at low levels. Literally completely unprepared for the most basic giant and support push. I absolutely cruised to maybe 800-900 cards with only totally unleveled, base cards that you have at the beginning, beating people 2-3 levels higher. Also I had no idea witch was an arena 1 card.

Also, it reminded me that the game is so much better without the BS legendaries like miner and (admittedly, given I'm a user) Princess. My other account generally hovers in the mid-3000s.


Gg hollomat, well played sir. That damn cannon misclick and shitty start ... I really shouldn't play in my phone.


Thanks. Thought you had me when I saw wizard and ice wizard. I run barbs, spear goblins and minion horse so those cards tear them apart.

There's nothing worse than a misclick. I've had quite a few losses after accidentally are owing my own tower.
Thanks. Thought you had me when I saw wizard and ice wizard. I run barbs, spear goblins and minion horse so those cards tear them apart.

There's nothing worse than a misclick. I've had quite a few losses after accidentally are owing my own tower.

Yea on the phone I can't quickly place a cannon or zap down without the swipe freaking out the game and dropping it in a weird place.


Yea on the phone I can't quickly place a cannon or zap down without the swipe freaking out the game and dropping it in a weird place.

I don't have a tablet so I play exclusively on the phone. Fortunately I'm used to it, but it definitely gets annoying anytime the swipe messes up.
Do you guys buy epics from the shop?

I thought I'd just save my gold for commons, rares and upgrades but epics aren't arriving fast enough. 3000+ trophies, dont have anything else to spend gold on. I started buying an epic I want whenever it's on the store, then 5 each common and rare.


I had only ever played on the phone until a few weeks back. Playing on the iPad and then going back to the phone feels strange, but I think I still like it best.

As for epics, I've bought a couple odds and ends when I needed 1 or 2 more but in general I don't use them (outside of poison). Just too hard to level. I will buy commons I need though.


Do you guys buy epics from the shop?

I thought I'd just save my gold for commons, rares and upgrades but epics aren't arriving fast enough. 3000+ trophies, dont have anything else to spend gold on. I started buying an epic I want whenever it's on the store, then 5 each common and rare.

I buy 1 epic occasionally, but mostly don't bother. I buy about 5 commons every day, and a rare or epic if I use it in my deck. I really want level 4 guards


I never buy epics. It's just a waste of gold. It takes 10 to get to lvl 4, so you need it to be in the shop 10 times and still spend 20k for it. With around 17 epics, it's going to be a long time before you'll see it in the shop again.

I always buy 3 commons and 2 rares a day even if they're cards I never use. The commons and rares you get from chests are always the ones you have the least of, so by buying 2 tombstones from the shop, that's 2 less tombstones I'll get from chests. The 3rd rare costs 60 gold, and you only get 50 gold from donating rares, so you're basically paying 10 gold for the 10 xp. Only time it's worth it to buy 3 or more rares is for a card you use in your deck.

As far as gold goes I'd recommend just saving it up. I always have a chest going, get a crown chest every day, donate around 200 cards a day, only level the cards I use in my deck and I still never have enough gold. Once your cards get higher lvl it takes so much gold. Getting commons to 11 takes 20,000 gold and getting them to 12 takes 50,000.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Do you guys buy epics from the shop?

I thought I'd just save my gold for commons, rares and upgrades but epics aren't arriving fast enough. 3000+ trophies, dont have anything else to spend gold on. I started buying an epic I want whenever it's on the store, then 5 each common and rare.
I will buy a specific epic. Like recently anytime I saw a baby dragon I would buy one. Money isn't much an issue for me at rank 9 because it takes so long to get enough units to upgrade anyway I can save when I get close.

Helped me get my dragon to level 4.


Is there a reliable ressource for this? I can't really believe it and would guess it is random what you receive.

I'm not sure if supercell has officially said anything about it, but you can see it whenever new cards released. After the new update I'm sure you seemed to get ice spirits more than any other common. And in the last update I'm sure you seemed to get fire spirits more than any other common and furnace more than any other rare.

All of my common cards are level 9, except for 3, which are level 11 or 12 (Royal giant, barbarians, spear goblins), which I've requested for an entire month to get them to the higher level. I haven't received a single Royal giant, barbarian or spear goblin from a chest that entire month.

Epics and legendaries do seem truly random though.

Edit: Here's a link to a Reddit thread discussing it.



I'm not sure if supercell has officially said anything about it, but you can see it whenever new cards released. After the new update I'm sure you seemed to get ice spirits more than any other common. And in the last update I'm sure you seemed to get fire spirits more than any other common and furnace more than any other rare.

All of my common cards are level 9, except for 3, which are level 11 or 12 (Royal giant, barbarians, spear goblins), which I've requested for an entire month to get them to the higher level. I haven't received a single Royal giant, barbarian or spear goblin from a chest that entire month.

Epics and legendaries do seem truly random though.

Edit: Here's a link to a Reddit thread discussing it.


That was a good read, thx. And there are good explanations beside the "receive cards until there are nearly same level" Now i suggest, that it is way more complex and maybe there is even a special mechanism for the time when new cards are released.
And it seemed like everybode agreed, that it only counts for rares and commons.


Finally got to 500 gems. I'm planning on doing a tourney this Saturday, July 30th at 2pm EST. I'll post the tourney info (name and pass) on here that morning at least an hour in advance.

The reason I'm doing it Saturday and not today is it'll be a one hour tournament. These long tourneys have been fine but I think it'll be a lot of fun to have a GAF tourney where the winner isn't simply who played the most games, but who played the best.
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