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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?


Sidhe / PikPok
I've got three rares @ level 7 (giant, musk and EC) and getting them level 8 is an absolute chore

I'm trying to level my Giant to 8 which is tough given a few other people in my clan are trying to do the same :)


I am stucked on arena 5 (1500 ~1600). I am level 5.
I´d like some advice on my deck (I want to use Pekka)

- Pekka lvl2
- wizard lvl4
- Witch lvl1
- Barbarians lvl6
- Arrows lvl6
- Fireball lvl4
- Spear Giblins lvl6
- Rage lvl1

Any tips or change on that deck?

You don't really have anything there that is an effective tank, so my guess is you are building up decent sized pushes only to get stopped short of the tower and getting the push wiped out, wasting the rage which you probably just dropped?

As you have fireball, arrows, and spear goblins, I'd probably swap out the Wizard for a Giant. A push with a Giant backed by a Witch or Spear Goblins can be pretty effective.


You are seriously deluded if you believe this is true, I can't decide if you're trolling or just self obsessed and believe that the game somehow revolves around you

Did I say it revolves around me or did I say I think the matchmaking is rigged for everyone around the 3000 mark? Heck, so many people on reddit posted about hitting the wall just right there and everyone seems to get the same old tilts.

You can call tinfoil hat as much as you want but no one knows exactly how the matchmaking mechanics really work. Also having a dev trying to get as much money out of people as possible isn't unrealistic.

Maybe you will experience it too when you will get close to legendary arena.
But cool that you have to get personal. Guess I was wrong about you.


I think ultimately changing the "floor" where a reset happens to 4000 trophies is a good thing, but...

I do worry that we'll see even more people quit due to burn out in the 3000-3999 range now unless they introduce a new arena or something of that sort. As I said in a recent post, it takes 16.6 days worth of requests to level just one card from 11 to 12...with no "grind" to get back to 3400 or 3500 or wherever you normally sit, you're basically just gonna stay at your ceiling for trophies unless you hit a losing streak or intentionally lose back down. Not sure that's going to be great for the game's longevity if you can't progress in a meaninful way for half a month at a time.

It's even worse than that. Once you do spend half a month to lvl that card, unless it's the core card of your deck (hog, giant, Royal giant) you won't move at all.

Lvling barbs, spear goblins, wizard, goblins one lvl won't make much of a difference at all. I just lvled barbs from 11 to 12. They last slightly longer and kill hog or RG a little faster. But not enough to make a measurable difference in trophies.

I've got three rares @ level 7 (giant, musk and EC) and getting them level 8 is an absolute chore

It takes just as many cards (given to 10 to 1 commons to rares) or requests to get a rare to lvl 8 as to get a common to lvl 12. Given that lvl 12 commons are supposed to be equivalent to lvl 10 rares it doesn't make any sense to me. It still takes a lot more gold to lvl the common but the fact it takes the same number of cards seems odd and is one of the biggest reasons RG was everywhere pre nerf.


Sidhe / PikPok
Did I say it revolves around me or did I say I think the matchmaking is rigged for everyone around the 3000 mark? Heck, so many people on reddit posted about hitting the wall just right there and everyone seems to get the same old tilts.

Isn't this, intentional or not, just a symptom of the tournament trophy reset? With everybody above 3000 trophies getting crushed down to that mark, you'll be matched with both very skilled and powerful players who would otherwise be a lot higher. Plus with so many players sitting at or around the same mark, the math might not work out very well for getting over the hump.

You might find there is less of a wall at 3000 now the reset now only resets down to 4000.


I'm having a bit of a quandary with this game.

I've put a total of $30 towards the game and that has allowed me to have my entire card collection at 10 (common) / 7 (rare) / 3 (epic) / 1 (legendary).

I believe that after you have your deck at 11/8/4/2 you just have to put money towards the game if you want to go higher. It just gets exponentially more expensive at that range to upgrade, not to mention Legendary card purchases.

So my question is, especially to players who've only dropped a few bucks and F2P players, do you expect to progress your deck higher, or do you play the game with the mindset that above-mentioned card levels is the highest you'll get?


I'm having a bit of a quandary with this game.

I've put a total of $30 towards the game and that has allowed me to have my entire card collection at 10 (common) / 7 (rare) / 3 (epic) / 1 (legendary).

I believe that after you have your deck at 11/8/4/2 you just have to put money towards the game if you want to go higher. It just gets exponentially more expensive at that range to upgrade, not to mention Legendary card purchases.

So my question is, especially to players who've only dropped a few bucks and F2P players, do you expect to progress your deck higher, or do you play the game with the mindset that above-mentioned card levels is the highest you'll get?
You're right, once you get there it's practically end games, I'm not too far off that now.
Just hoping for legendaries then I guess


I'd say you're right on progression, as we discussed above. 11/8/4/2 is about the best you can expect if you spend a little bit/are F2P and super patient/lucky.

It's really just about how much you dig the game. If you're truly sitting on every card in that range, you have a whole lot of options to play with any given day. You can troll TV Royale or the leaderboard or reddit and see a deck you like and give it a spin and try to tweak it to your liking.

I'm not sure this kind of wall being such a burnout is something they planned for. I think they new it was a fun game and early months proved that to them, but they set the bar too high and too out of reach to the point where most people will just put it down and go on to the next title once they hit their wall. A revamp of tournaments would do wonders for this...but we don't really know how much they are going to alter tournaments in their next changes. We know they are unhappy with it currently, but that could mean literally anything.


I'm having a bit of a quandary with this game.

I've put a total of $30 towards the game and that has allowed me to have my entire card collection at 10 (common) / 7 (rare) / 3 (epic) / 1 (legendary).

I believe that after you have your deck at 11/8/4/2 you just have to put money towards the game if you want to go higher. It just gets exponentially more expensive at that range to upgrade, not to mention Legendary card purchases.

So my question is, especially to players who've only dropped a few bucks and F2P players, do you expect to progress your deck higher, or do you play the game with the mindset that above-mentioned card levels is the highest you'll get?

I've only put in $20 to buy some gold for legendary cards. Apart from that I haven't put in anything and I've gotten two cards to lvl 12 (RG and barbarians).

Once you get to this lvl, you should focus on lvling your commons. It takes as much cards to get a common to 12 as it does to get a rare to lvl 8, so it's definitely doable free to play it just takes a bunch of requests. As long as you're donating as much as you can everyday, you should have the gold for the upgrade by the time you've requested enough (around 17.5 days in legendary arena).

It takes 400 cards to get a rare to lvl 9 and 800 cards to get a rare to lvl 10, so you can lvl those but it will take a while (1 month and 2 month of nonstop requests respectively).

Now that I've gotten those cards to lvl 12, my focus is on getting every card in my deck to tournament lvl and all my rares to lvl 8 so that I'm able to change up my deck when I want. It's not worth putting money into the game at this lvl as chests are weighted towards cards you have less of. So if I want my RG to get to 13, it's probably better to just request him for a month since I'd have to open a ton of super magicals to even get 1 RG.


Now that I've gotten those cards to lvl 12, my focus is on getting every card in my deck to tournament lvl and all my rares to lvl 8 so that I'm able to change up my deck when I want. It's not worth putting money into the game at this lvl as chests are weighted towards cards you have less of. So if I want my RG to get to 13, it's probably better to just request him for a month since I'd have to open a ton of super magicals to even get 1 RG.

I think that's a wise strategy.

One thing I did want to mention, however, is that if you or anyone else is wanting to level commons and rares and is planning on spending money to do so, you should be buying Giant Chests, not Super Magical Chests. In Legendary Arena, you can purchase 9.38 Giant Chests for every Super Magical. Each Giant Chest has 304 cards (often 1 epic, 29-31 of a single rare, and then commons), while a Super Magical has 684 cards (22 of which are epic, 136 rares, and great chance at legendary).

For one Super Magical Chest of 684 cards you can get 2,736 commons and rares by just purchasing a bunch of Giant Chests.
My ultimate goal was reaching Legendary Arena as F2P. Now it's done...and I know I cannot progress much.

I could upgrade commons to lvl 10-11 etc...for what 100-200 trophys more? Not worth it...

At the moment i'm lvling up all my rare to LVL 7 so I can have ton of fun in friendly + tourney with different decks.

I loved finishing 5th in a tourney with Mortar ...was way way more fun than pushing for trophys.


Hopefully the tournament changes they hinted at are for the better for regular tournament access and less expensive.


Honestly I wouldn't be shocked. I hope not as well, particularly the legendary and rare changes would cripple many decks if that's what they did. 10 commons you can get F2P. 5 epics...most of the ones people use frequently (Guards and Poison) will still work as 4's and it's not like there are ton of epics used. Rares at 8, though, would be a gut punch. And a lot of folks are lucky to even have one of a legendary, let alone two if F2P.

Ninja Dom

Phew, after a complete mess up at the weekend and dropping down to around 2620, I'm back up into Legendary Arena.

So what do you all reckon? Do you prefer Lumberjack or Mini Pekka?

EDIT: FFS, and like that I lose 7 games in a row. Every fucking time I get so far the losing streak comes.


Lumberjack hasn't dominated yet like people expected. It's still good though. Which is better probably depends more on your deck than anything. They are mostly interchangeable though.
If any1 want my account. PM me ill give you my access...its on a random gmail anyway

2.7k trophy with Miner on it.

I reached Legendary Arena and that was my ultimate goal...so ill go play Something else no.


Lumberjack hasn't dominated yet like people expected. It's still good though. Which is better probably depends more on your deck than anything. They are mostly interchangeable though.

I use him all the time now. Awesome and fun card. Fast enough he can beat counters if too slow. Can't be left alone or he will nearly level a tower alone. Depending on who rolls in there with him you can turn games around insanely quickly if they get raged. Dying early = no problem because he can rage units at the bridge like princess that always catches people off guard

Ninja Dom

I don't have an LJ but I'd love to try him out in place of my Mini Pekka. Still use him defensively but those counterattack S can turn around so quickly.


GAF Royale (#Q8C9CY) again has one spot open if anyone wants to join. We're very active and hover around ~20k donations each week.

The trophy level is set to 2000 minimum so if you are below that level, leave a message here and we can lower it so you can request an invite.
You might regret that dude!

Yeah. I need help. Suggest me a new deck guys:)

Minions lvl 10
Hog lvl 7
Mini-p lvl 7...

fill the other 4 holes for me PLZ!!!!

all commons are lvl 9.... Spear Gob close to lvl 10...( got 400 in 2 days:()
all Rare are 6.5 except Giant and Fireball that I won't be using)

lvl 4 Epic: Freeze
3: Prince-Witch-Poison-xbow-baloon-giant skellly


If you're just hovering in the 3k range and want something fun to play. Basically a spam zap bait deck:

Mini Pekka
Ice Spirit
Fire Spirits
Minion Horde

I climb to about 3250 with this on my alt (and have gotten it to 3600 on my main) but my alt has level 10 commons so that helps.

It has the added bonus of being all commons except Mini P and Miner so leveling it is much more...palatable.
If you're just hovering in the 3k range and want something fun to play. Basically a spam zap bait deck:

Mini Pekka
Ice Spirit
Fire Spirits
Minion Horde

I climb to about 3250 with this on my alt (and have gotten it to 3600 on my main) but my alt has level 10 commons so that helps.

It has the added bonus of being all commons except Mini P and Miner so leveling it is much more...palatable.

How do you defend vs Giant + Wizard etc? That deck sound interesting...i'll give it a go .


Can't even tell you the last time I saw a Giant + Wizard in Legendary Arena. If I saw one I'd put Miner on the Wiz and Mini P or other spam on the giant, or push the opposite lane. Usually they end up cycling the wiz out trying to defend elsewhere with it. Wizard does hurt, though. Thankfully, like Bomber, he's not all that common.

The decks that really hurt this one are the ones running three spells. You don't see em a lot, but when they are packing any three of Fireball/Arrows/Zap/Log it's a rough time.

I enjoy the deck because you're constantly doing something and applying pressure and/or counter attacking. It's a good time. I found it on the ladder a while back, someone in the top 20 or 30 was running it the season before this one that just ended.
So many lame people just hopping between clans and posting "hai gaiz ne tourney?". Too obvious that they'd just jump back to the original clan once they get a pw.


Hopefully one of Supercell's tourney changes is that people who leave a clan get put on a tournament cooldown the same way they get put on a donation cooldown.
Hopefully one of Supercell's tourney changes is that people who leave a clan get put on a tournament cooldown the same way they get put on a donation cooldown.

It would help, but not totally. They can take a bullet for the clan and give them the pw without being able to join.

Just put a cool down on clan hopping.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Lots of complaining about the Bowler. Didn't even realize he was that good after the buff. I'll have to give him a shot in my giant deck.

I've been trying out a giant + Pekka + baby dragon deck, and I found out that (a) people seem to have a hard time defending Pekka in the current meta if you also use poison and (b) Pekka takes about 20 seconds to materialize after you place him. He really does wreck Giants though. That's fun.

Finally, someone must have posted a lava hound video because I've fought lava hounds in all my fights today except one.


So many Lava Hounds in my games too.

Pekka + Poison really roughs up two of the decks I was playing around with. Like I can stymie them, but never can do anything offensive cause by the time I defend the first one + it's sidekicks they've got enough for another before I have enough elixir to push on my own.


The past ten games I've played around the 3300 trophy range I've seen a log in one game, but not a single miner or lumberjack. Tons of Giants though.

Not sure if this is an anomaly or if miner is actually on its way out of the meta. I sure hope it is!


just stuck guards in my deck and got 2 wins, a draw and a loss, they're pretty interesting and seem good value for 3 elixir


The past ten games I've played around the 3300 trophy range I've seen a log in one game, but not a single miner or lumberjack. Tons of Giants though.

Not sure if this is an anomaly or if miner is actually on its way out of the meta. I sure hope it is!

Yeah, my few games on my main above 3K I've definitely seen less miners. Still, your friendly reminder:
fuck miner


I have seen less miners post patch. I've seen more lumberjacks than prior to the patch, but not nearly as many as I expected.

It's been Giant and Lava Hound about 50% of the time and trifecta the other 50%. I've never seen so many trifecta decks at that level.
The past ten games I've played around the 3300 trophy range I've seen a log in one game, but not a single miner or lumberjack. Tons of Giants though.

Not sure if this is an anomaly or if miner is actually on its way out of the meta. I sure hope it is!

My ladder deck has all 3.

Miner ice wizard lumberjack log stab goblins guards furnace zap it's brought me to 3600 before I quit for the season. You can get insane value from log.


Currently level 8, Arena 8 with 9/6/3 cards. What is a good way to spend 20 bucks? Feel like I should put some money in sice I have played so much.


Currently level 8, Arena 8 with 9/6/3 cards. What is a good way to spend 20 bucks? Feel like I should put some money in sice I have played so much.

Buy yourself a nice dinner.

But seriously there isn't a good way to spend $20 in this game. If you really really want to spend money wait til you get to arena 9 and buy a legendary.

All the chests are not worth it and will you give you cards you don't use at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Buy yourself a nice dinner.

But seriously there isn't a good way to spend $20 in this game. If you really really want to spend money wait til you get to arena 9 and buy a legendary.

All the chests are not worth it and will you give you cards you don't use at all.

Any gold you buy won't go very far either. Not even sure you'd be able to upgrade a complete deck to tournament levels for $20 considering all of the cards you'd have to buy on top of the gold it takes.

Ninja Dom

The past ten games I've played around the 3300 trophy range I've seen a log in one game, but not a single miner or lumberjack. Tons of Giants though.

Not sure if this is an anomaly or if miner is actually on its way out of the meta. I sure hope it is!

Last 30 games.... 27 Giants...this game is beyong broken ...

That Card is way too tanky and hit way tooooo hard...

absolute joke

Your match ups are based on the deck you're using. That's what I believe. Changing your deck changed the type of player you're matched against.


Your match ups are based on the deck you're using. That's what I believe. Changing your deck changed the type of player you're matched against.

Hey watch out, you don't want to be called delusional and self-obsessed.

One of my alts has been playing against 80% wizards, the decks hard counter, yesterday. I could not believe it myself.
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