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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?


GAF Royale (#Q8C9CY) has two open spots. 22k + donations a week. A good mix of North American and European folks.

If you are below 2400 trophies and want to join, leave us a message and we'll lower the requirement. We have to raise it because of the amount of invite spam we get from randoms.
The most I've been able to get is 11 wins. Can't remember my deck - I've been trying many different decks the last day or two. Currently trying a hog/miner deck. I love how I am matched up against players around my own cup level. Makes it much more interesting. The downside is that people are mostly using the same decks - giant/poison, trifecta, etc. I am hoping for some variation.
I'm running a miner/hog deck too and having a lot of fun with it. What does yours look like?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'm running a miner/hog deck too and having a lot of fun with it. What does yours look like?

Zap (debating removing this)
Mini Pekka
Fire Spirits
and I keep rotating the last spot - currently minion horde.

It's a lot of fun. I just keep attacking, not letting them build up steam. I have problems stopping giant pushes if they do get some room to build up a push. I'll usually just trade towers. Might put in another heavy hitter to deal with giants.

Ninja Dom

Exactly the same for me. My main deck is a big punishing deck using RG & Sparky. But in the three challenge tournaments I've played I just can't seem to get the deck to work. Crashing out of all three challenge tournaments by round 3. Even though the deck got me to almost 3400 on the ladder.
Exactly the same for me. My main deck is a big punishing deck using RG & Sparky. But in the three challenge tournaments I've played I just can't seem to get the deck to work. Crashing out of all three challenge tournaments by round 3. Even though the deck got me to almost 3400 on the ladder.

It has to do with the level scaling IMO. Sparky isn't that great unless he has a beefy deck to be able to counter/help him push. If you don't have a high level counter, it's harder~
RG is slightly below mediocre in tourneys so that's probably why. He was only good in ladder because of how tanky he was for a card that was so easy to upgrade.


I guess it's time to change up my current Royal Giant deck for tournaments. I guess I should work around my payfecta more (Ice Wiz, Princess and Miner). Any decent tournament deck with all the recent changes?
Zap (debating removing this)
Mini Pekka
Fire Spirits
and I keep rotating the last spot - currently minion horde.

It's a lot of fun. I just keep attacking, not letting them build up steam. I have problems stopping giant pushes if they do get some room to build up a push. I'll usually just trade towers. Might put in another heavy hitter to deal with giants.
Pretty similar to mine. I've got
Inferno Tower

I'm debating switching fireball out for poison.

I might try your deck though, seems relentless. Have you tried lumberjack in place of mini pekka? Just curious because I got him out of the shop yesterday.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Pretty similar to mine. I've got
Inferno Tower

I'm debating switching fireball out for poison.

I might try your deck though, seems relentless. Have you tried lumberjack in place of mini pekka? Just curious because I got him out of the shop yesterday.

Haven't tried it with lumberjack, but now that I think about it, I think I should. Need some more speed! The deck has been working really well though.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Well, you don't need the second prince if you are using poison. Pekka/prince/poison. Regardless, that's pretty hard to get set up.


I actually think every card except the skeleton one has a great chance of changing the meta. Lava hound decks will certainly be everywhere after the new dragon releases as people attempt decks with it and mega minion.

The skeleton one seems easily countered by poison which is already everywhere.

Ninja Dom

I'm really having a hard time since the update. I'm struggling to stay in Legendary when I was previously at the 3350 area comfortably. Plenty of Level 9's in the 3000 trophy range now.

I can't pinpoint what it is since one of my cards has even gotten stronger by levelling it up yesterday.
So this got me from 2800 to 3200:

Ice Wiz
Fire Spirits
Ice Spirit

But I capped out, so I switched up and got from 3200 to 3400 with this:

Ice Wiz
Fire Spirits
Ice Spirit

But with the most recent patch, I was hitting another wall. So I put Princess back in, and climbed to my all time high of 3712 today.


So this got me from 2800 to 3200...
Oh my God, the only thing you could do to make this deck more poisonous to mine would be to include tombstone. Both spirits! Arrows and fireball! Witch! Far out.

I'm starting on my first challenge having never played in a tournament before. Man, it is ever nice to be playing people at my card level.
So a good Grand Challenge deck, taking into consideration the King Level reduction/max level for cards-

Mega Minion

The general strategy of this deck is overwhelming the opponent. Once 60 seconds hit, having 2 furnaces out is good for overwhelming a tower, for example. At level 7 for example, the level 9 fire spirits take 2 arrows to take down, meaning it takes 2 arrows to take one down, meaning even if a furnace is alone, always one spirit will hit an opposing tower.

Miner I keep for attacking high value targets. Being Princess or enemy Elixir. If it's the enemy Elixir, I like to cover it in poison as well-If they send something out to try and take out my miner, atleast it'll be killed(If it's something like skele or minions), or damaged and slowed. It's basically forcing the opponent to go 'I can counter his miner, but whatever I send out will be hurt, it might not be worth it.)

Valkyrie and Witch I keep around for countering pushes. Which for Giants, as the skeletons will add up in damage. Valkyrie for Hogs and packs of enemies(Goblins or Barbarians). If you have a furnace active, it'll help in anti-air and anti-pushers, as well as beef up that lane in general. Witch is also the go to for countering minions, or in worst case scenario, dropping a Poison.

Mega Minion serves as a Mini Pekka of the air. Can counter Giants or hogs. Can't be countered by zap, arrows, Princess's, or Fire Spirits. Can't be overwhelmed by ground units. He's a very, very strong, versatile card. His push is pretty great as well, the damage he does adds up. He rounds up my deck-I never using him to push directly, just keep him in hand to counter a push.

Hog is there to do a heavy push-Usually on the lane w/ the Furnace, or being covered by Poison. If for example, they send a Giant to your lane, and you counter it with a witch/mega minion, by the time they're dead, you can bust out a Hog who will be bolstered by Witch/Mega Minion. If you have the mana(Through elixir output or stocked up), you can cover their path with Poison.

It's a decent deck. Always gets me atleast 3 wins in Grand Challenge. usually overwhelms the opponent unless you fuck up yourself.


bought the MM to level 6 with that offer in the store (think everyone got it)

it's ok, needs another level.

Looking forward to inferno dragon, that thing will kick ass if you're lucky enough to get it.

Not really playing as much at the moment since my break, kind of waiting for the meta to change as i feel like i've hit a plateau with my current deck, so just messing around with stuff right now.


According to Reddit, the matchmaking in the challenges is also based on how well you've done in previous challenges. If you want to get easy matches in grand challenge, just play classic challenge first and lose a bit so you're net negative overall. Then go to grand challenge and clean up.


I wish they would just make the challenge matchmaking random and not based on some hidden MMR and trophy count. I was really excited for this mode, but the way the matchmaking works has killed it for me.

Ninja Dom

I got a new offer today. It was the "Congratulations for reaching Arena 7" offer, although I'm in Arena 9 and left Arena 7 weeks ago. I've already had and bought the Arena 9 offer.

£7.99 for an Arena 7 Super Magical Chest + 1200 Gems + 10,000 Gold.

Not as good as the Arena 9 offer which had a Legendary Chest. So I'm not buying it.

My verdict is still out on the Mega Minion, it hasn't posed too much of a problem from the times I've faced it. Even at Level 6.


I got a new offer today. It was the "Congratulations for reaching Arena 7" offer, although I'm in Arena 9 and left Arena 7 weeks ago. I've already had and bought the Arena 9 offer.

£7.99 for an Arena 7 Super Magical Chest + 1200 Gems + 10,000 Gold.

Not as good as the Arena 9 offer which had a Legendary Chest. So I'm not buying it.

My verdict is still out on the Mega Minion, it hasn't posed too much of a problem from the times I've faced it. Even at Level 6.

Once a week you will get an offer from a random arena below your current arena. These offers will keep appearing until you've bought them all. Each arena offer is a one time purchase, and if you buy the offer for that arena you won't see that offer again, but you'll continue to see offers you haven't purchased yet.

I have the arena 8 offer today. I'm waiting until the other two legendaries come out before I buy it. Probably won't buy any of the offers from the below arenas though since they don't come with the 100k gold.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
According to Reddit, the matchmaking in the challenges is also based on how well you've done in previous challenges. If you want to get easy matches in grand challenge, just play classic challenge first and lose a bit so you're net negative overall. Then go to grand challenge and clean up.


I wish they would just make the challenge matchmaking random and not based on some hidden MMR and trophy count. I was really excited for this mode, but the way the matchmaking works has killed it for me.

I saw that, not sure it's true. I'm looking through my game log, and I got 10 wins in a tournament against 3300+ opponents. In the next tournament I started, I'm matched against a bunch of 2000 cup (with some below 2000) opponents. Not sure what's up. I guess it can't hurt to try.


According to Reddit, the matchmaking in the challenges is also based on how well you've done in previous challenges. If you want to get easy matches in grand challenge, just play classic challenge first and lose a bit so you're net negative overall. Then go to grand challenge and clean up.


I wish they would just make the challenge matchmaking random and not based on some hidden MMR and trophy count. I was really excited for this mode, but the way the matchmaking works has killed it for me.

I don't think this is legit. There's as many people in there saying it's bogus as there are saying it's true. Probably more so, honestly. Not sure why it would kill it for you either way. It still allows you to be in a constant tournament, as well as test a variety of decks without harming your actual ladder count. When you play a tournament, you face people who range from 2200 to 4000 or whatever, generally. In my experience it's the dudes with lower trophy count who typically do the best in tournaments (and often with homebrew decks), so even taking into consideration that you might face "lesser competition" based on trophy count, I'm not even sure that is entirely accurate due to the way card leveling works and how it holds people back who might otherwise be far higher.

My experience has been most everyone I face is right around my real trophy range. I literally went 1-3 in the first two due to the deck I was running being directly countered (faced Lava Hound all day that first day), and ran a few gimmick decks to 4-3 and 6-3 a few times, and nothing seems to be much different on subsequent runs in either mode.


What Chest is the Arena 8 offer?


Arena 1: NO PACK!

Arena 2: Giant Chest, 80 Gems, 1000 Gold £0.80

Arena 3: Giant Chest, 80 Gems, 1000 Gold £0.80 (Same as Arena 2)

Arena 4: £0.80 90 Gems, Magical Chest, 1000 gold /u/whereyouattho

Arena 5: £3.99 Super Magical Chest (Arena 5) + 500 Gems Credit: My friend irl

Arena 6: £3.99 Magical Chest, 500 Gems, 10,000 Gold /u/Sorpl3x

Arena 7: £7.99 SMC, 1200 Gems, 10,000 gold /u/smallclanVT

Arena 8: £7.99 Magical Chest (Arena 8) 1200 Gems 100,000 Gold Credit: Myself

Arena 9 Legendary Chest 1200 Gems 100,000 Gold. Credit: Everyone on reddit who posted it


Agreed, it looks like what I posted from Reddit about the challenge MMR probably isn't true.

There definitely is a matchmaking based on trophy count. My frustration with challenge mode is that I assumed (incorrectly) that I'd have a chance at being matched up against anyone playing challenge mode so while I'd have a few tough matches against opponents in the high 3000s and 4000s I'd also have some super easy matches against opponents in the low 2000s.

Instead every match is against the first set of opponents, and every single match (I've only played 16 total) has been a challenge (fitting for the mode).

Overall though I think it'll be a good mode since my deck for the ladder doesn't work at all at tourney levels so I'll be forced to come up with a new deck to learn. Before jumping back in though I'm planning on lvling the epics I'll use (guards and bowler) to tourney lvls.


I've been using that trash bowler poison deck that is super defensive. In tournament mode you can just stall the game forever and win by chipping with poison and miner if you can't get anything else through. I think GuyFive/midshipman was the first person I saw using it, but it's also in the top 20 on the actual ladder as well.

The main thing I've noticed in challenge mode is that it still seems to be matchmaking for matchups as much as anything, which is good or bad depending on which side of that matchup you land on. I know it's unproven and possibly incorrect, but it has always felt like you face certain decks when you play certain decks. I've ran 4 different decks in challenge mode and have faced completely different competition 3 of those 4 runs beyond the normal Giant/Poison spam which is inevitable. In my first two runs, for example, I played my ladder deck and a tombstone deck I run that are both very susceptible to air...and I hit Lava Hound 3 times in a row in one of those runs. It was GG before I could even get going.

All in all, the cheap buy in for the mode (and the arena offers helping you acquire some gems + gold) is great and I think it's a nice addition, maybe the best one yet.

What they did to tournament mode, though? RIP IMO.


Does anyone else seem to be getting a lot less mega minions than they should?

Previously when a new common or rare was released it was all I'd see in chests until it got to the lvl of my other cards. However this is not the case and I've literally only gotten 2 mega minions so far (the second one came over 24 hours after the first).

I think they may have removed chests giving you cards you have less of now so they can push the 150 gem 100 card offers.


Zap (debating removing this)
Mini Pekka
Fire Spirits
and I keep rotating the last spot - currently minion horde.

It's a lot of fun. I just keep attacking, not letting them build up steam. I have problems stopping giant pushes if they do get some room to build up a push. I'll usually just trade towers. Might put in another heavy hitter to deal with giants.

I ran

Inferno tower
Hog rider
Minions (now mega minion)
Spear gobs

I would wait until I elixir advantage and then just wreck with Miner and spear goblins

I hadn't really been playing with any frequency until I got the miner and then had a nice steady string of wins that put me at about 2400.

...then I ran into 3 level 10 matches in a row and the next 2 was dudes with sparkies.

I've now descended into madness (and ranking) just messing around with deck combos, this game will be a hard sell for newcomers as even down in arena 7 almost everyone has legendaries or cards for arena's above
Does anyone else seem to be getting a lot less mega minions than they should?

Previously when a new common or rare was released it was all I'd see in chests until it got to the lvl of my other cards. However this is not the case and I've literally only gotten 2 mega minions so far (the second one came over 24 hours after the first).

I think they may have removed chests giving you cards you have less of now so they can push the 150 gem 100 card offers.

I was thinking this as well. At the same time tho, I dont remember getting an abundance of Furnaces compared to regular commons.

Maybe the system is only in place for commons?


user-friendly man-cashews
Does anyone else seem to be getting a lot less mega minions than they should?

Previously when a new common or rare was released it was all I'd see in chests until it got to the lvl of my other cards. However this is not the case and I've literally only gotten 2 mega minions so far (the second one came over 24 hours after the first).

I think they may have removed chests giving you cards you have less of now so they can push the 150 gem 100 card offers.
Gotta remember that MM is a rare, you're getting way less of those than commons. When the last content update came I remember getting ice spirits in almost every chest and not so many furnaces. You'll always get at least a couple of different commons per chest but most of the times only one rare. RNG is a fickle mistress.

EDIT : In other news, as a Lava Hound player, I can't wait for Inferno Dragon. Getting my mits on this bad boy ASAP.


Sidhe / PikPok
Yes! Finally made it to the Legendary Arena as a lvl 9, no IAP, and no Epics or Legendaries in my deck.

I shall enjoy this moment before I am cast back down to 8.
Challenge Mode is definitely not based on trophy Count. As a low a9, high a8 i get constantly matched with people with a much higher trophy Count, even with people well into 4k+. I still like it to Test decks though, it's cheap enough.


Challenge Mode is definitely not based on trophy Count. As a low a9, high a8 i get constantly matched with people with a much higher trophy Count, even with people well into 4k+. I still like it to Test decks though, it's cheap enough.

In Hearthstone they match you with people with equal amounts of wins.

Ninja Dom

Yes! Finally made it to the Legendary Arena as a lvl 9, no IAP, and no Epics or Legendaries in my deck.

I shall enjoy this moment before I am cast back down to 8.

Ah it's a shame that they upped the Legendary Season reset to 4000 trophies. Because the season ends on Sunday and you could stop playing now and earn some Legendary Trophies. But now you have to be above 4000 at the end of the season to earn Legendary Trophies.


Gotta remember that MM is a rare, you're getting way less of those than commons. When the last content update came I remember getting ice spirits in almost every chest and not so many furnaces. You'll always get at least a couple of different commons per chest but most of the times only one rare. RNG is a fickle mistress.

EDIT : In other news, as a Lava Hound player, I can't wait for Inferno Dragon. Getting my mits on this bad boy ASAP.

I was getting furnaces left and right when they came out. With commons and rares the game used to work to balance them out so that your cards would all be close to the same lvl. Supercell even confirmed this.

I've got a feeling once the mega minion offer is gone from the shop he'll show up more regularly.

Edit: Here's the link where Supercell confirms it:

Q: What determines the cards you get in a chest, is it randomised luck, or some sort of system?
A: 'For the most part it is luck. Though the system does try to keep your cards all around the same level. For example, you may have noticed when a new card comes out, you tend to find it in just about every chest. This is the system trying to catch it up to your other cards.'


Challenge Mode is definitely not based on trophy Count. As a low a9, high a8 i get constantly matched with people with a much higher trophy Count, even with people well into 4k+. I still like it to Test decks though, it's cheap enough.

I believe it's based on highest trophy count. So because you've been in arena 9 you're matched with other arena 9 players. Ask someone who's in arena 7 or even arena 6 what the trophy lvls of their opppnents are. It certainly won't be 4000+. I'm sure it's also based on matching you against someone else with the same record in challenge mode, however even though there's people with 1800 trophies playing challenge, if you're in arena 9 they'll never match against you even if you both are 4-0.


Challenge Mode is definitely not based on trophy Count. As a low a9, high a8 i get constantly matched with people with a much higher trophy Count, even with people well into 4k+. I still like it to Test decks though, it's cheap enough.

Challenge mode matches you with people who have the same record as you do within the challenge.

I.e if you have won 5 games, you will match against someone who has won 5 games, if you have won 5 lost 2, you will be matched against someone who has won 5 lost 2.

This is according to chief pat on youtube.


Okay, RNGesus must love me or something. Yesterday I got Giant chest and then this happened today in 2 matches I played:

Waiting for new legendaries to be released tho.


Okay, RNGesus must love me or something. Yesterday I got Giant chest and then this happened today in 2 matches I played:

Waiting for new legendaries to be released tho.

It's part of a cycle. I've seen numerous reports on Reddit saying the exact same thing, giant chest shortly followed by legendary chest shortly followed by epic chest. There's been too many people getting that exact same chest order for it to be random chance.


I believe it's based on highest trophy count. So because you've been in arena 9 you're matched with other arena 9 players. Ask someone who's in arena 7 or even arena 6 what the trophy lvls of their opppnents are. It certainly won't be 4000+. I'm sure it's also based on matching you against someone else with the same record in challenge mode, however even though there's people with 1800 trophies playing challenge, if you're in arena 9 they'll never match against you even if you both are 4-0.

Yesterday I played a match against a person with ~3.4-3.6k trophies ... I was 2.2k. The matchmaker is a little too quick for my tastes.
Thanks for clearing it up, makes sense although it does suck that you get matched with clearly better players if you are on the receiving end of it.
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